path: root/src
diff options
authorJoshua Haberman <>2011-07-15 12:05:43 -0700
committerJoshua Haberman <>2011-07-15 12:05:43 -0700
commit10265aa56b22ac4f04e7ba08330138e4507534e4 (patch)
treee821c85219a10b4ee3df715ab774465fdf87cf1d /src
parent6a1f3a66939308668ab8dce0d195afec16e02af9 (diff)
Directory restructure.
Includes are now via upb/foo.h. Files specific to the protobuf format are now in upb/pb (the core library is concerned with message definitions, handlers, and byte streams, but knows nothing about any particular serializationf format).
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
33 files changed, 0 insertions, 8538 deletions
diff --git a/src/descriptor.proto b/src/descriptor.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 233f879..0000000
--- a/src/descriptor.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Author: (Kenton Varda)
-// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
-// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
-// The messages in this file describe the definitions found in .proto files.
-// A valid .proto file can be translated directly to a FileDescriptorProto
-// without any other information (e.g. without reading its imports).
-package google.protobuf;
-option java_package = "";
-option java_outer_classname = "DescriptorProtos";
-// descriptor.proto must be optimized for speed because reflection-based
-// algorithms don't work during bootstrapping.
-option optimize_for = SPEED;
-// The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing the .proto
-// files it parses.
-message FileDescriptorSet {
- repeated FileDescriptorProto file = 1;
-// Describes a complete .proto file.
-message FileDescriptorProto {
- optional string name = 1; // file name, relative to root of source tree
- optional string package = 2; // e.g. "foo", "", etc.
- // Names of files imported by this file.
- repeated string dependency = 3;
- // All top-level definitions in this file.
- repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
- repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;
- repeated ServiceDescriptorProto service = 6;
- repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;
- optional FileOptions options = 8;
- // This field contains optional information about the original source code.
- // You may safely remove this entire field whithout harming runtime
- // functionality of the descriptors -- the information is needed only by
- // development tools.
- optional SourceCodeInfo source_code_info = 9;
-// Describes a message type.
-message DescriptorProto {
- optional string name = 1;
- repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
- repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;
- repeated DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;
- repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;
- message ExtensionRange {
- optional int32 start = 1;
- optional int32 end = 2;
- }
- repeated ExtensionRange extension_range = 5;
- optional MessageOptions options = 7;
-// Describes a field within a message.
-message FieldDescriptorProto {
- enum Type {
- // 0 is reserved for errors.
- // Order is weird for historical reasons.
- TYPE_INT64 = 3; // Not ZigZag encoded. Negative numbers
- // take 10 bytes. Use TYPE_SINT64 if negative
- // values are likely.
- TYPE_UINT64 = 4;
- TYPE_INT32 = 5; // Not ZigZag encoded. Negative numbers
- // take 10 bytes. Use TYPE_SINT32 if negative
- // values are likely.
- TYPE_FIXED64 = 6;
- TYPE_FIXED32 = 7;
- TYPE_BOOL = 8;
- TYPE_GROUP = 10; // Tag-delimited aggregate.
- TYPE_MESSAGE = 11; // Length-delimited aggregate.
- // New in version 2.
- TYPE_BYTES = 12;
- TYPE_UINT32 = 13;
- TYPE_ENUM = 14;
- TYPE_SFIXED32 = 15;
- TYPE_SFIXED64 = 16;
- TYPE_SINT32 = 17; // Uses ZigZag encoding.
- TYPE_SINT64 = 18; // Uses ZigZag encoding.
- };
- enum Label {
- // 0 is reserved for errors
- // TODO(sanjay): Should we add LABEL_MAP?
- };
- optional string name = 1;
- optional int32 number = 3;
- optional Label label = 4;
- // If type_name is set, this need not be set. If both this and type_name
- // are set, this must be either TYPE_ENUM or TYPE_MESSAGE.
- optional Type type = 5;
- // For message and enum types, this is the name of the type. If the name
- // starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified. Otherwise, C++-like scoping
- // rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this
- // message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root
- // namespace).
- optional string type_name = 6;
- // For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended. It is
- // resolved in the same manner as type_name.
- optional string extendee = 2;
- // For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.
- // For booleans, "true" or "false".
- // For strings, contains the default text contents (not escaped in any way).
- // For bytes, contains the C escaped value. All bytes >= 128 are escaped.
- // TODO(kenton): Base-64 encode?
- optional string default_value = 7;
- optional FieldOptions options = 8;
-// Describes an enum type.
-message EnumDescriptorProto {
- optional string name = 1;
- repeated EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;
- optional EnumOptions options = 3;
-// Describes a value within an enum.
-message EnumValueDescriptorProto {
- optional string name = 1;
- optional int32 number = 2;
- optional EnumValueOptions options = 3;
-// Describes a service.
-message ServiceDescriptorProto {
- optional string name = 1;
- repeated MethodDescriptorProto method = 2;
- optional ServiceOptions options = 3;
-// Describes a method of a service.
-message MethodDescriptorProto {
- optional string name = 1;
- // Input and output type names. These are resolved in the same way as
- // FieldDescriptorProto.type_name, but must refer to a message type.
- optional string input_type = 2;
- optional string output_type = 3;
- optional MethodOptions options = 4;
-// ===================================================================
-// Options
-// Each of the definitions above may have "options" attached. These are
-// just annotations which may cause code to be generated slightly differently
-// or may contain hints for code that manipulates protocol messages.
-// Clients may define custom options as extensions of the *Options messages.
-// These extensions may not yet be known at parsing time, so the parser cannot
-// store the values in them. Instead it stores them in a field in the *Options
-// message called uninterpreted_option. This field must have the same name
-// across all *Options messages. We then use this field to populate the
-// extensions when we build a descriptor, at which point all protos have been
-// parsed and so all extensions are known.
-// Extension numbers for custom options may be chosen as follows:
-// * For options which will only be used within a single application or
-// organization, or for experimental options, use field numbers 50000
-// through 99999. It is up to you to ensure that you do not use the
-// same number for multiple options.
-// * For options which will be published and used publicly by multiple
-// independent entities, e-mail to reserve extension
-// numbers. Simply tell me how many you need and I'll send you back a
-// set of numbers to use -- there's no need to explain how you intend to
-// use them. If this turns out to be popular, a web service will be set up
-// to automatically assign option numbers.
-message FileOptions {
- // Sets the Java package where classes generated from this .proto will be
- // placed. By default, the proto package is used, but this is often
- // inappropriate because proto packages do not normally start with backwards
- // domain names.
- optional string java_package = 1;
- // If set, all the classes from the .proto file are wrapped in a single
- // outer class with the given name. This applies to both Proto1
- // (equivalent to the old "--one_java_file" option) and Proto2 (where
- // a .proto always translates to a single class, but you may want to
- // explicitly choose the class name).
- optional string java_outer_classname = 8;
- // If set true, then the Java code generator will generate a separate .java
- // file for each top-level message, enum, and service defined in the .proto
- // file. Thus, these types will *not* be nested inside the outer class
- // named by java_outer_classname. However, the outer class will still be
- // generated to contain the file's getDescriptor() method as well as any
- // top-level extensions defined in the file.
- optional bool java_multiple_files = 10 [default=false];
- // If set true, then the Java code generator will generate equals() and
- // hashCode() methods for all messages defined in the .proto file. This is
- // purely a speed optimization, as the AbstractMessage base class includes
- // reflection-based implementations of these methods.
- optional bool java_generate_equals_and_hash = 20 [default=false];
- // Generated classes can be optimized for speed or code size.
- enum OptimizeMode {
- SPEED = 1; // Generate complete code for parsing, serialization,
- // etc.
- CODE_SIZE = 2; // Use ReflectionOps to implement these methods.
- LITE_RUNTIME = 3; // Generate code using MessageLite and the lite runtime.
- }
- optional OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default=SPEED];
- // Should generic services be generated in each language? "Generic" services
- // are not specific to any particular RPC system. They are generated by the
- // main code generators in each language (without additional plugins).
- // Generic services were the only kind of service generation supported by
- // early versions of proto2.
- //
- // Generic services are now considered deprecated in favor of using plugins
- // that generate code specific to your particular RPC system. Therefore,
- // these default to false. Old code which depends on generic services should
- // explicitly set them to true.
- optional bool cc_generic_services = 16 [default=false];
- optional bool java_generic_services = 17 [default=false];
- optional bool py_generic_services = 18 [default=false];
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message MessageOptions {
- // Set true to use the old proto1 MessageSet wire format for extensions.
- // This is provided for backwards-compatibility with the MessageSet wire
- // format. You should not use this for any other reason: It's less
- // efficient, has fewer features, and is more complicated.
- //
- // The message must be defined exactly as follows:
- // message Foo {
- // option message_set_wire_format = true;
- // extensions 4 to max;
- // }
- // Note that the message cannot have any defined fields; MessageSets only
- // have extensions.
- //
- // All extensions of your type must be singular messages; e.g. they cannot
- // be int32s, enums, or repeated messages.
- //
- // Because this is an option, the above two restrictions are not enforced by
- // the protocol compiler.
- optional bool message_set_wire_format = 1 [default=false];
- // Disables the generation of the standard "descriptor()" accessor, which can
- // conflict with a field of the same name. This is meant to make migration
- // from proto1 easier; new code should avoid fields named "descriptor".
- optional bool no_standard_descriptor_accessor = 2 [default=false];
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message FieldOptions {
- // The ctype option instructs the C++ code generator to use a different
- // representation of the field than it normally would. See the specific
- // options below. This option is not yet implemented in the open source
- // release -- sorry, we'll try to include it in a future version!
- optional CType ctype = 1 [default = STRING];
- enum CType {
- // Default mode.
- STRING = 0;
- CORD = 1;
- }
- // The packed option can be enabled for repeated primitive fields to enable
- // a more efficient representation on the wire. Rather than repeatedly
- // writing the tag and type for each element, the entire array is encoded as
- // a single length-delimited blob.
- optional bool packed = 2;
- // Is this field deprecated?
- // Depending on the target platform, this can emit Deprecated annotations
- // for accessors, or it will be completely ignored; in the very least, this
- // is a formalization for deprecating fields.
- optional bool deprecated = 3 [default=false];
- // For "map" fields, the name of the field in the enclosed type that
- // is the key for this map. For example, suppose we have:
- // message Item {
- // required string name = 1;
- // required string value = 2;
- // }
- // message Config {
- // repeated Item items = 1 [experimental_map_key="name"];
- // }
- // In this situation, the map key for Item will be set to "name".
- // TODO: Fully-implement this, then remove the "experimental_" prefix.
- optional string experimental_map_key = 9;
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message EnumOptions {
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message EnumValueOptions {
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message ServiceOptions {
- // Note: Field numbers 1 through 32 are reserved for Google's internal RPC
- // framework. We apologize for hoarding these numbers to ourselves, but
- // we were already using them long before we decided to release Protocol
- // Buffers.
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-message MethodOptions {
- // Note: Field numbers 1 through 32 are reserved for Google's internal RPC
- // framework. We apologize for hoarding these numbers to ourselves, but
- // we were already using them long before we decided to release Protocol
- // Buffers.
- // The parser stores options it doesn't recognize here. See above.
- repeated UninterpretedOption uninterpreted_option = 999;
- // Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
- extensions 1000 to max;
-// A message representing a option the parser does not recognize. This only
-// appears in options protos created by the compiler::Parser class.
-// DescriptorPool resolves these when building Descriptor objects. Therefore,
-// options protos in descriptor objects (e.g. returned by Descriptor::options(),
-// or produced by Descriptor::CopyTo()) will never have UninterpretedOptions
-// in them.
-message UninterpretedOption {
- // The name of the uninterpreted option. Each string represents a segment in
- // a dot-separated name. is_extension is true iff a segment represents an
- // extension (denoted with parentheses in options specs in .proto files).
- // E.g.,{ ["foo", false], ["bar.baz", true], ["qux", false] } represents
- // "foo.(bar.baz).qux".
- message NamePart {
- required string name_part = 1;
- required bool is_extension = 2;
- }
- repeated NamePart name = 2;
- // The value of the uninterpreted option, in whatever type the tokenizer
- // identified it as during parsing. Exactly one of these should be set.
- optional string identifier_value = 3;
- optional uint64 positive_int_value = 4;
- optional int64 negative_int_value = 5;
- optional double double_value = 6;
- optional bytes string_value = 7;
- optional string aggregate_value = 8;
-// ===================================================================
-// Optional source code info
-// Encapsulates information about the original source file from which a
-// FileDescriptorProto was generated.
-message SourceCodeInfo {
- // A Location identifies a piece of source code in a .proto file which
- // corresponds to a particular definition. This information is intended
- // to be useful to IDEs, code indexers, documentation generators, and similar
- // tools.
- //
- // For example, say we have a file like:
- // message Foo {
- // optional string foo = 1;
- // }
- // Let's look at just the field definition:
- // optional string foo = 1;
- // ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^
- // a bc de f ghi
- // We have the following locations:
- // span path represents
- // [a,i) [ 4, 0, 2, 0 ] The whole field definition.
- // [a,b) [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 4 ] The label (optional).
- // [c,d) [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 5 ] The type (string).
- // [e,f) [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 ] The name (foo).
- // [g,h) [ 4, 0, 2, 0, 3 ] The number (1).
- //
- // Notes:
- // - A location may refer to a repeated field itself (i.e. not to any
- // particular index within it). This is used whenever a set of elements are
- // logically enclosed in a single code segment. For example, an entire
- // extend block (possibly containing multiple extension definitions) will
- // have an outer location whose path refers to the "extensions" repeated
- // field without an index.
- // - Multiple locations may have the same path. This happens when a single
- // logical declaration is spread out across multiple places. The most
- // obvious example is the "extend" block again -- there may be multiple
- // extend blocks in the same scope, each of which will have the same path.
- // - A location's span is not always a subset of its parent's span. For
- // example, the "extendee" of an extension declaration appears at the
- // beginning of the "extend" block and is shared by all extensions within
- // the block.
- // - Just because a location's span is a subset of some other location's span
- // does not mean that it is a descendent. For example, a "group" defines
- // both a type and a field in a single declaration. Thus, the locations
- // corresponding to the type and field and their components will overlap.
- // - Code which tries to interpret locations should probably be designed to
- // ignore those that it doesn't understand, as more types of locations could
- // be recorded in the future.
- repeated Location location = 1;
- message Location {
- // Identifies which part of the FileDescriptorProto was defined at this
- // location.
- //
- // Each element is a field number or an index. They form a path from
- // the root FileDescriptorProto to the place where the definition. For
- // example, this path:
- // [ 4, 3, 2, 7, 1 ]
- // refers to:
- // file.message_type(3) // 4, 3
- // .field(7) // 2, 7
- // .name() // 1
- // This is because FileDescriptorProto.message_type has field number 4:
- // repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
- // and DescriptorProto.field has field number 2:
- // repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
- // and has field number 1:
- // optional string name = 1;
- //
- // Thus, the above path gives the location of a field name. If we removed
- // the last element:
- // [ 4, 3, 2, 7 ]
- // this path refers to the whole field declaration (from the beginning
- // of the label to the terminating semicolon).
- repeated int32 path = 1 [packed=true];
- // Always has exactly three or four elements: start line, start column,
- // end line (optional, otherwise assumed same as start line), end column.
- // These are packed into a single field for efficiency. Note that line
- // and column numbers are zero-based -- typically you will want to add
- // 1 to each before displaying to a user.
- repeated int32 span = 2 [packed=true];
- // TODO(kenton): Record comments appearing before and after the
- // declaration.
- }
diff --git a/src/descriptor_const.h b/src/descriptor_const.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 228c95a..0000000
--- a/src/descriptor_const.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler). Do not edit. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Enums. */
-typedef enum google_protobuf_FieldOptions_CType {
-} google_protobuf_FieldOptions_CType;
-typedef enum google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_Type {
-} google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_Type;
-typedef enum google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_Label {
-} google_protobuf_FieldDescriptorProto_Label;
-typedef enum google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode {
-} google_protobuf_FileOptions_OptimizeMode;
-/* Constants for field names and numbers. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/jit_debug_elf_file.s b/src/jit_debug_elf_file.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b74630..0000000
--- a/src/jit_debug_elf_file.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- .file "JIT mcode"
- .text
- .globl upb_jit_compiled_decoder
- .size upb_jit_compiled_decoder, 0x321
- .type upb_jit_compiled_decoder STT_FUNC
- .space 0x321
diff --git a/src/upb.c b/src/upb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3ea18..0000000
--- a/src/upb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "descriptor_const.h"
-#include "upb.h"
-#include "upb_bytestream.h"
-#define alignof(t) offsetof(struct { char c; t x; }, x)
-#define TYPE_INFO(wire_type, ctype, inmemory_type) \
- {alignof(ctype), sizeof(ctype), wire_type, UPB_TYPE(inmemory_type), #ctype},
-const upb_type_info upb_types[] = {
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-upb_value UPB_NO_VALUE = {{0}};
-upb_value UPB_NO_VALUE = {{0}, -1};
-void upb_status_init(upb_status *status) {
- status->buf = NULL;
- upb_status_clear(status);
-void upb_status_uninit(upb_status *status) {
- free(status->buf);
-void upb_status_setf(upb_status *s, enum upb_status_code code,
- const char *msg, ...) {
- s->code = code;
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, msg);
- upb_vrprintf(&s->buf, &s->bufsize, 0, msg, args);
- va_end(args);
- s->str = s->buf;
-void upb_status_copy(upb_status *to, upb_status *from) {
- to->code = from->code;
- if (from->str) {
- if (to->bufsize < from->bufsize) {
- to->bufsize = from->bufsize;
- to->buf = realloc(to->buf, to->bufsize);
- to->str = to->buf;
- }
- memcpy(to->str, from->str, from->bufsize);
- } else {
- to->str = NULL;
- }
-void upb_status_clear(upb_status *status) {
- status->code = UPB_OK;
- status->str = NULL;
-void upb_status_print(upb_status *status, FILE *f) {
- if(status->str) {
- fprintf(f, "code: %d, msg: %s\n", status->code, status->str);
- } else {
- fprintf(f, "code: %d, no msg\n", status->code);
- }
-void upb_status_fromerrno(upb_status *status) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "%s", strerror(errno));
-int upb_vrprintf(char **buf, size_t *size, size_t ofs,
- const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- // Try once without reallocating. We have to va_copy because we might have
- // to call vsnprintf again.
- uint32_t len = *size - ofs;
- va_list args_copy;
- va_copy(args_copy, args);
- uint32_t true_len = vsnprintf(*buf + ofs, len, fmt, args_copy);
- va_end(args_copy);
- // Resize to be the correct size.
- if (true_len >= len) {
- // Need to print again, because some characters were truncated. vsnprintf
- // will not write the entire string unless you give it space to store the
- // NULL terminator also.
- while (*size < (ofs + true_len + 1)) *size = UPB_MAX(*size * 2, 2);
- char *newbuf = realloc(*buf, *size);
- if (!newbuf) return -1;
- vsnprintf(newbuf + ofs, true_len + 1, fmt, args);
- *buf = newbuf;
- }
- return true_len;
diff --git a/src/upb.h b/src/upb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b15340e..0000000
--- a/src/upb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * This file contains shared definitions that are widely used across upb.
- */
-#ifndef UPB_H_
-#define UPB_H_
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h> // only for size_t.
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "descriptor_const.h"
-#include "upb_atomic.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// inline if possible, emit standalone code if required.
-#ifndef INLINE
-#define INLINE static inline
-#define UPB_MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define UPB_MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define UPB_INDEX(base, i, m) (void*)((char*)(base) + ((i)*(m)))
-INLINE void nop_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { (void)fmt; }
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-#define DEBUGPRINTF nop_printf
-#define DEBUGPRINTF printf
-// Rounds val up to the next multiple of align.
-INLINE size_t upb_align_up(size_t val, size_t align) {
- return val % align == 0 ? val : val + align - (val % align);
-// The maximum that any submessages can be nested. Matches proto2's limit.
-// At the moment this specifies the size of several statically-sized arrays
-// and therefore setting it high will cause more memory to be used. Will
-// be replaced by a runtime-configurable limit and dynamically-resizing arrays.
-// TODO: make this a runtime-settable property of upb_handlers.
-#define UPB_MAX_NESTING 64
-// The maximum number of fields that any one .proto type can have. Note that
-// this is very different than the max field number. It is hard to imagine a
-// scenario where more than 2k fields (each with its own name and field number)
-// makes sense. The .proto file to describe it would be 2000 lines long and
-// contain 2000 unique names.
-// With this limit we can store a has-bit offset in 8 bits (2**8 * 8 = 2048)
-// and we can store a value offset in 16 bits, since the maximum message
-// size is 16,640 bytes (2**8 has-bits + 2048 * 8-byte value). Note that
-// strings and arrays are not counted in this, only the *pointer* to them is.
-// An individual string or array is unaffected by this 16k byte limit.
-#define UPB_MAX_FIELDS (2048)
-// Nested type names are separated by periods.
-// The longest chain that mutually-recursive types are allowed to form. For
-// example, this is a type cycle of length 2:
-// message A {
-// B b = 1;
-// }
-// message B {
-// A a = 1;
-// }
-// The maximum depth that the type graph can have. Note that this setting does
-// not automatically constrain UPB_MAX_NESTING, because type cycles allow for
-// unlimited nesting if we do not limit it. Many algorithms in upb call
-// recursive functions that traverse the type graph, so we must limit this to
-// avoid blowing the C stack.
-#define UPB_MAX_TYPE_DEPTH 64
-/* Fundamental types and type constants. **************************************/
-// A list of types as they are encoded on-the-wire.
-enum upb_wire_type {
-// Type of a field as defined in a .proto file. eg. string, int32, etc. The
-// integers that represent this are defined by descriptor.proto. Note that
-// descriptor.proto reserves "0" for errors, and we use it to represent
-// exceptional circumstances.
-typedef uint8_t upb_fieldtype_t;
-// For referencing the type constants tersely.
-// Info for a given field type.
-typedef struct {
- uint8_t align;
- uint8_t size;
- uint8_t native_wire_type;
- uint8_t inmemory_type; // For example, INT32, SINT32, and SFIXED32 -> INT32
- char *ctype;
-} upb_type_info;
-// A static array of info about all of the field types, indexed by type number.
-extern const upb_type_info upb_types[];
-/* upb_value ******************************************************************/
-struct _upb_strref;
-struct _upb_fielddef;
-// Special constants for the upb_value.type field. These must not conflict
-// with any members of FieldDescriptorProto.Type.
-// A single .proto value. The owner must have an out-of-band way of knowing
-// the type, so that it knows which union member to use.
-typedef struct {
- union {
- uint64_t uint64;
- double _double;
- float _float;
- int32_t int32;
- int64_t int64;
- uint32_t uint32;
- bool _bool;
- struct _upb_strref *strref;
- struct _upb_fielddef *fielddef;
- void *_void;
- } val;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- // In debug mode we carry the value type around also so we can check accesses
- // to be sure the right member is being read.
- char type;
-} upb_value;
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-#define SET_TYPE(dest, val)
-#define SET_TYPE(dest, val) dest = val
-#define UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(name, membername, ctype, proto_type) \
- INLINE ctype upb_value_get ## name(upb_value val) { \
- assert(val.type == proto_type); \
- return val.val.membername; \
- } \
- INLINE void upb_value_set ## name(upb_value *val, ctype cval) { \
- SET_TYPE(val->type, proto_type); \
- val->val.membername = cval; \
- }
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(double, _double, double, UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(float, _float, float, UPB_TYPE(FLOAT));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(int32, int32, int32_t, UPB_TYPE(INT32));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(int64, int64, int64_t, UPB_TYPE(INT64));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(uint32, uint32, uint32_t, UPB_TYPE(UINT32));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(uint64, uint64, uint64_t, UPB_TYPE(UINT64));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(bool, _bool, bool, UPB_TYPE(BOOL));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(strref, strref, struct _upb_strref*, UPB_TYPE(STRING));
-UPB_VALUE_ACCESSORS(fielddef, fielddef, struct _upb_fielddef*, UPB_VALUETYPE_FIELDDEF);
-extern upb_value UPB_NO_VALUE;
-/* upb_status *****************************************************************/
-// Status codes used as a return value. Codes >0 are not fatal and can be
-// resumed.
-enum upb_status_code {
- // The operation completed successfully.
- UPB_OK = 0,
- // The bytesrc is at EOF and all data was read successfully.
- UPB_EOF = 1,
- // A read or write from a streaming src/sink could not be completed right now.
- // An unrecoverable error occurred.
- UPB_ERROR = -1,
-// TODO: consider adding error space and code, to let ie. errno be stored
-// as a proper code, or application-specific error codes.
-typedef struct {
- char code;
- char *str; // NULL when no message is present. NULL-terminated.
- char *buf; // Owned by the status.
- size_t bufsize;
-} upb_status;
-void upb_status_init(upb_status *status);
-void upb_status_uninit(upb_status *status);
-INLINE bool upb_ok(upb_status *status) { return status->code == UPB_OK; }
-INLINE bool upb_iseof(upb_status *status) { return status->code == UPB_EOF; }
-void upb_status_fromerrno(upb_status *status);
-void upb_status_print(upb_status *status, FILE *f);
-void upb_status_clear(upb_status *status);
-void upb_status_setf(upb_status *status, enum upb_status_code code,
- const char *fmt, ...);
-void upb_status_copy(upb_status *to, upb_status *from);
-// Like vaprintf, but uses *buf (which can be NULL) as a starting point and
-// reallocates it only if the new value will not fit. "size" is updated to
-// reflect the allocated size of the buffer. Returns false on memory alloc
-// failure.
-int upb_vrprintf(char **buf, size_t *size, size_t ofs,
- const char *fmt, va_list args);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_atomic.h b/src/upb_atomic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53501b5..0000000
--- a/src/upb_atomic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * Only a very small part of upb is thread-safe. Notably, individual
- * messages, arrays, and strings are *not* thread safe for mutating.
- * However, we do make message *metadata* such as upb_msgdef and
- * upb_context thread-safe, and their ownership is tracked via atomic
- * refcounting. This header implements the small number of atomic
- * primitives required to support this. The primitives we implement
- * are:
- *
- * - a reader/writer lock (wrappers around platform-provided mutexes).
- * - an atomic refcount.
- */
-#ifndef UPB_ATOMIC_H_
-#define UPB_ATOMIC_H_
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* inline if possible, emit standalone code if required. */
-#ifndef INLINE
-#define INLINE static inline
-// Until this stuff is actually working, make thread-unsafe the default.
-/* Non-thread-safe implementations. ******************************************/
-typedef struct {
- int v;
-} upb_atomic_t;
-#define UPB_ATOMIC_INIT(x) {x}
-INLINE void upb_atomic_init(upb_atomic_t *a, int val) { a->v = val; }
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_ref(upb_atomic_t *a) { return a->v++ == 0; }
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_unref(upb_atomic_t *a) { return --a->v == 0; }
-INLINE int upb_atomic_read(upb_atomic_t *a) { return a->v; }
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_add(upb_atomic_t *a, int val) {
- a->v += val;
- return a->v == 0;
-/* Atomic refcount ************************************************************/
-/* Already defined above. */
-#elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || __GNUC__ > 4
-/* GCC includes atomic primitives. */
-typedef struct {
- volatile int v;
-} upb_atomic_t;
-INLINE void upb_atomic_init(upb_atomic_t *a, int val) {
- a->v = val;
- __sync_synchronize(); /* Ensure the initialized value is visible. */
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_ref(upb_atomic_t *a) {
- return __sync_fetch_and_add(&a->v, 1) == 0;
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_add(upb_atomic_t *a, int n) {
- return __sync_add_and_fetch(&a->v, n) == 0;
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_unref(upb_atomic_t *a) {
- return __sync_sub_and_fetch(&a->v, 1) == 0;
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_read(upb_atomic_t *a) {
- return __sync_fetch_and_add(&a->v, 0);
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-/* Windows defines atomic increment/decrement. */
-#include <Windows.h>
-typedef struct {
- volatile LONG val;
-} upb_atomic_t;
-INLINE void upb_atomic_init(upb_atomic_t *a, int val) {
- InterlockedExchange(&a->val, val);
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_ref(upb_atomic_t *a) {
- return InterlockedIncrement(&a->val) == 1;
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_unref(upb_atomic_t *a) {
- return InterlockedDecrement(&a->val) == 0;
-#error Atomic primitives not defined for your platform/CPU. \
- Implement them or compile with UPB_THREAD_UNSAFE.
-INLINE bool upb_atomic_only(upb_atomic_t *a) {
- return upb_atomic_read(a) == 1;
-/* Reader/Writer lock. ********************************************************/
-typedef struct {
-} upb_rwlock_t;
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_init(upb_rwlock_t *l) { (void)l; }
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_destroy(upb_rwlock_t *l) { (void)l; }
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_rdlock(upb_rwlock_t *l) { (void)l; }
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_wrlock(upb_rwlock_t *l) { (void)l; }
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_unlock(upb_rwlock_t *l) { (void)l; }
-#elif defined(UPB_USE_PTHREADS)
-#include <pthread.h>
-typedef struct {
- pthread_rwlock_t lock;
-} upb_rwlock_t;
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_init(upb_rwlock_t *l) {
- /* TODO: check return value. */
- pthread_rwlock_init(&l->lock, NULL);
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_destroy(upb_rwlock_t *l) {
- /* TODO: check return value. */
- pthread_rwlock_destroy(&l->lock);
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_rdlock(upb_rwlock_t *l) {
- /* TODO: check return value. */
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&l->lock);
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_wrlock(upb_rwlock_t *l) {
- /* TODO: check return value. */
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&l->lock);
-INLINE void upb_rwlock_unlock(upb_rwlock_t *l) {
- /* TODO: check return value. */
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&l->lock);
-#error Reader/writer lock is not defined for your platform/CPU. \
- Implement it or compile with UPB_THREAD_UNSAFE.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_ATOMIC_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_bytestream.h b/src/upb_bytestream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 836abb0..0000000
--- a/src/upb_bytestream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * This file contains upb_bytesrc and upb_bytesink, which are abstractions of
- * stdio (fread()/fwrite()/etc) that provide useful buffering/sharing
- * semantics. They are virtual base classes so concrete implementations
- * can get the data from a fd, a string, a cord, etc.
- *
- * Byte streams are NOT thread-safe! (Like f{read,write}_unlocked())
- */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "upb.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* upb_bytesrc ****************************************************************/
-// A upb_bytesrc allows the consumer of a stream of bytes to obtain buffers as
-// they become available, and to preserve some trailing amount of data.
-typedef size_t upb_bytesrc_fetch_func(void*, uint64_t, upb_status*);
-typedef void upb_bytesrc_read_func(void*, uint64_t, size_t, char*);
-typedef const char *upb_bytesrc_getptr_func(void*, uint64_t, size_t*);
-typedef void upb_bytesrc_refregion_func(void*, uint64_t, size_t);
-typedef void upb_bytesrc_ref_func(void*);
-typedef struct _upb_bytesrc_vtbl {
- upb_bytesrc_fetch_func *fetch;
- upb_bytesrc_read_func *read;
- upb_bytesrc_getptr_func *getptr;
- upb_bytesrc_refregion_func *refregion;
- upb_bytesrc_refregion_func *unrefregion;
- upb_bytesrc_ref_func *ref;
- upb_bytesrc_ref_func *unref;
-} upb_bytesrc_vtbl;
-typedef struct {
- upb_bytesrc_vtbl *vtbl;
-} upb_bytesrc;
-INLINE void upb_bytesrc_init(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_bytesrc_vtbl *vtbl) {
- src->vtbl = vtbl;
-// Fetches at least minlen bytes starting at ofs, returning the actual number
-// of bytes fetched (or 0 on error: see "s" for details). Gives caller a ref
-// on the fetched region. It is safe to re-fetch existing regions but only if
-// they are ref'd. "ofs" may not greater than the end of the region that was
-// previously fetched.
-INLINE size_t upb_bytesrc_fetch(upb_bytesrc *src, uint64_t ofs, upb_status *s) {
- return src->vtbl->fetch(src, ofs, s);
-// Copies "len" bytes of data from offset src_ofs to "dst", which must be at
-// least "len" bytes long. The caller must own a ref on the given region.
-INLINE void upb_bytesrc_read(upb_bytesrc *src, uint64_t src_ofs, size_t len,
- char *dst) {
- src->vtbl->read(src, src_ofs, len, dst);
-// Returns a pointer to the bytesrc's internal buffer, returning how much data
-// was actually returned (which may be less than "len" if the given region is
-// not contiguous). The caller must own refs on the entire region from [ofs,
-// ofs+len]. The returned buffer is valid for as long as the region remains
-// ref'd.
-// TODO: is "len" really required here?
-INLINE const char *upb_bytesrc_getptr(upb_bytesrc *src, uint64_t ofs,
- size_t *len) {
- return src->vtbl->getptr(src, ofs, len);
-// Gives the caller a ref on the given region. The caller must know that the
-// given region is already ref'd.
-INLINE void upb_bytesrc_refregion(upb_bytesrc *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t len) {
- src->vtbl->refregion(src, ofs, len);
-// Releases a ref on the given region, which the caller must have previously
-// ref'd.
-INLINE void upb_bytesrc_unrefregion(upb_bytesrc *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t len) {
- src->vtbl->unrefregion(src, ofs, len);
-// Attempts to ref the bytesrc itself, returning false if this bytesrc is
-// not ref-able.
-INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_tryref(upb_bytesrc *src) {
- if (src->vtbl->ref) {
- src->vtbl->ref(src);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-// Unref's the bytesrc itself. May only be called when upb_bytesrc_tryref()
-// has previously returned true.
-INLINE void upb_bytesrc_unref(upb_bytesrc *src) {
- assert(src->vtbl->unref);
- src->vtbl->unref(src);
-/* upb_strref *****************************************************************/
-// The structure we pass for a string.
-typedef struct _upb_strref {
- // Pointer to the string data. NULL if the string spans multiple input
- // buffers (in which case upb_bytesrc_getptr() must be called to obtain
- // the actual pointers).
- const char *ptr;
- // Bytesrc from which this string data comes. This is only guaranteed to be
- // alive from inside the callback; however if the handler knows more about
- // its type and how to prolong its life, it may do so.
- upb_bytesrc *bytesrc;
- // Offset in the bytesrc that represents the beginning of this string.
- uint32_t stream_offset;
- // Length of the string.
- uint32_t len;
- // Possibly add optional members here like start_line, start_column, etc.
-} upb_strref;
-// Copies the contents of the strref into a newly-allocated, NULL-terminated
-// string.
-INLINE char *upb_strref_dup(struct _upb_strref *r) {
- char *ret = (char*)malloc(r->len + 1);
- upb_bytesrc_read(r->bytesrc, r->stream_offset, r->len, ret);
- ret[r->len] = '\0';
- return ret;
-/* upb_bytesink ***************************************************************/
-typedef bool upb_bytesink_write_func(void*, const char*, size_t, upb_status*);
-typedef int32_t upb_bytesink_vprintf_func(
- void*, upb_status*, const char *fmt, va_list args);
-typedef struct {
- upb_bytesink_write_func *write;
- upb_bytesink_vprintf_func *vprintf;
-} upb_bytesink_vtbl;
-typedef struct {
- upb_bytesink_vtbl *vtbl;
-} upb_bytesink;
-INLINE void upb_bytesink_init(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_bytesink_vtbl *vtbl) {
- sink->vtbl = vtbl;
-INLINE bool upb_bytesink_write(upb_bytesink *sink, const char *buf, size_t len,
- upb_status *s) {
- return sink->vtbl->write(sink, buf, len, s);
-INLINE bool upb_bytesink_writestr(upb_bytesink *sink, const char *str,
- upb_status *s) {
- return upb_bytesink_write(sink, str, strlen(str), s);
-// Returns the number of bytes written or -1 on error.
-INLINE int32_t upb_bytesink_printf(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_status *status,
- const char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- uint32_t ret = sink->vtbl->vprintf(sink, status, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- return ret;
-// OPT: add getappendbuf()
-// OPT: add writefrombytesrc()
-// TODO: add flush()
-/* upb_cbuf *******************************************************************/
-// A circular buffer implementation for bytesrcs that do internal buffering.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_decoder.c b/src/upb_decoder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fed48af..0000000
--- a/src/upb_decoder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "bswap.h"
-#include "upb_bytestream.h"
-#include "upb_decoder.h"
-#include "upb_varint.h"
-#include "upb_msg.h"
-// Used for frames that have no specific end offset: groups, repeated primitive
-// fields inside groups, and the top-level message.
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
-#define Dst_DECL upb_decoder *d
-#define Dst_REF (d->dynasm)
-#define Dst (d)
-#include "dynasm/dasm_proto.h"
-#include "upb_decoder_x86.h"
-// It's unfortunate that we have to micro-manage the compiler this way,
-// especially since this tuning is necessarily specific to one hardware
-// configuration. But emperically on a Core i7, performance increases 30-50%
-// with these annotations. Every instance where these appear, gcc 4.2.1 made
-// the wrong decision and degraded performance in benchmarks.
-#define FORCEINLINE static __attribute__((always_inline))
-#define NOINLINE static __attribute__((noinline))
-static void upb_decoder_exit(upb_decoder *d) { siglongjmp(d->exitjmp, 1); }
-static void upb_decoder_exit2(void *_d) {
- upb_decoder *d = _d;
- upb_decoder_exit(d);
-static void upb_decoder_abort(upb_decoder *d, const char *msg) {
- upb_status_setf(d->status, UPB_ERROR, msg);
- upb_decoder_exit(d);
-/* Decoding/Buffering of wire types *******************************************/
-static size_t upb_decoder_bufleft(upb_decoder *d) { return d->end - d->ptr; }
-static void upb_decoder_advance(upb_decoder *d, size_t len) {
- assert((size_t)(d->end - d->ptr) >= len);
- d->ptr += len;
-size_t upb_decoder_offset(upb_decoder *d) {
- size_t offset = d->bufstart_ofs;
- if (d->ptr) offset += (d->ptr - d->buf);
- return offset;
-static void upb_decoder_setmsgend(upb_decoder *d) {
- upb_dispatcher_frame *f = d->;
- size_t delimlen = f->end_ofs - d->bufstart_ofs;
- size_t buflen = d->end - d->buf;
- if (f->end_ofs != UINT64_MAX && delimlen <= buflen) {
- d->delim_end = (uintptr_t)(d->buf + delimlen);
- } else {
- // Buffers must not run up against the end of memory.
- assert((uintptr_t)d->end < UINTPTR_MAX);
- d->delim_end = UINTPTR_MAX;
- }
-// Pulls the next buffer from the bytesrc. Should be called only when the
-// current buffer is completely empty.
-static bool upb_trypullbuf(upb_decoder *d) {
- assert(upb_decoder_bufleft(d) == 0);
- if (d->bufend_ofs == d->refend_ofs) {
- d->refend_ofs += upb_bytesrc_fetch(d->bytesrc, d->refend_ofs, d->status);
- if (!upb_ok(d->status)) {
- d->ptr = NULL;
- d->end = NULL;
- if (upb_iseof(d->status)) return false;
- upb_decoder_exit(d);
- }
- }
- d->bufstart_ofs = d->bufend_ofs;
- size_t len;
- d->buf = upb_bytesrc_getptr(d->bytesrc, d->bufstart_ofs, &len);
- assert(len > 0);
- d->bufend_ofs = d->bufstart_ofs + len;
- d->ptr = d->buf;
- d->end = d->buf + len;
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
- d->jit_end = d->end - 20;
- upb_decoder_setmsgend(d);
- return true;
-static void upb_pullbuf(upb_decoder *d) {
- if (!upb_trypullbuf(d)) upb_decoder_abort(d, "Unexpected EOF");
-void upb_decoder_commit(upb_decoder *d) {
- d->completed_ptr = d->ptr;
- if (d->refstart_ofs < d->bufstart_ofs) {
- // Drop our ref on the previous buf's region.
- upb_bytesrc_refregion(d->bytesrc, d->bufstart_ofs, d->refend_ofs);
- upb_bytesrc_unrefregion(d->bytesrc, d->refstart_ofs, d->refend_ofs);
- d->refstart_ofs = d->bufstart_ofs;
- }
-NOINLINE uint64_t upb_decode_varint_slow(upb_decoder *d) {
- uint8_t byte = 0x80;
- uint64_t u64 = 0;
- int bitpos;
- const char *ptr = d->ptr;
- for(bitpos = 0; bitpos < 70 && (byte & 0x80); bitpos += 7) {
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) == 0) {
- upb_pullbuf(d);
- ptr = d->ptr;
- }
- u64 |= ((uint64_t)(byte = *ptr++) & 0x7F) << bitpos;
- }
- if(bitpos == 70 && (byte & 0x80)) upb_decoder_abort(d, "Unterminated varint");
- return u64;
-// For tags and delimited lengths, which must be <=32bit and are usually small.
-FORCEINLINE uint32_t upb_decode_varint32(upb_decoder *d) {
- const char *p = d->ptr;
- uint32_t ret;
- uint64_t u64;
- // Nearly all will be either 1 byte (1-16) or 2 bytes (17-2048).
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) < 2) goto slow; // unlikely.
- ret = *p & 0x7f;
- if ((*(p++) & 0x80) == 0) goto done; // predictable if fields are in order
- ret |= (*p & 0x7f) << 7;
- if ((*(p++) & 0x80) == 0) goto done; // likely
- u64 = upb_decode_varint_slow(d);
- if (u64 > 0xffffffff) upb_decoder_abort(d, "Unterminated 32-bit varint");
- ret = (uint32_t)u64;
- p = d->ptr; // Turn the next line into a nop.
- upb_decoder_advance(d, p - d->ptr);
- return ret;
-FORCEINLINE bool upb_trydecode_varint32(upb_decoder *d, uint32_t *val) {
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) == 0) {
- // Check for our two normal end-of-message conditions.
- if (d->bufend_ofs == d->end_ofs) return false;
- if (!upb_trypullbuf(d)) return false;
- }
- *val = upb_decode_varint32(d);
- return true;
-FORCEINLINE uint64_t upb_decode_varint(upb_decoder *d) {
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) >= 10) {
- // Fast case.
- upb_decoderet r = upb_vdecode_fast(d->ptr);
- if (r.p == NULL) upb_decoder_abort(d, "Unterminated varint");
- upb_decoder_advance(d, r.p - d->ptr);
- return r.val;
- } else if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) > 0) {
- // Intermediate case -- worth it?
- char tmpbuf[10];
- memset(tmpbuf, 0x80, 10);
- memcpy(tmpbuf, d->ptr, upb_decoder_bufleft(d));
- upb_decoderet r = upb_vdecode_fast(tmpbuf);
- if (r.p != NULL) {
- upb_decoder_advance(d, r.p - tmpbuf);
- return r.val;
- }
- }
- // Slow case -- varint spans buffer seam.
- return upb_decode_varint_slow(d);
-FORCEINLINE void upb_decode_fixed(upb_decoder *d, char *buf, size_t bytes) {
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) >= bytes) {
- // Fast case.
- memcpy(buf, d->ptr, bytes);
- upb_decoder_advance(d, bytes);
- } else {
- // Slow case.
- size_t read = 0;
- while (read < bytes) {
- size_t avail = upb_decoder_bufleft(d);
- memcpy(buf + read, d->ptr, avail);
- upb_decoder_advance(d, avail);
- read += avail;
- }
- }
-FORCEINLINE uint32_t upb_decode_fixed32(upb_decoder *d) {
- uint32_t u32;
- upb_decode_fixed(d, (char*)&u32, sizeof(uint32_t));
- return le32toh(u32);
-FORCEINLINE uint64_t upb_decode_fixed64(upb_decoder *d) {
- uint64_t u64;
- upb_decode_fixed(d, (char*)&u64, sizeof(uint64_t));
- return le64toh(u64);
-INLINE upb_strref *upb_decode_string(upb_decoder *d) {
- uint32_t strlen = upb_decode_varint32(d);
- d->strref.stream_offset = upb_decoder_offset(d);
- d->strref.len = strlen;
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) == 0) upb_pullbuf(d);
- if (upb_decoder_bufleft(d) >= strlen) {
- // Fast case.
- d->strref.ptr = d->ptr;
- upb_decoder_advance(d, strlen);
- } else {
- // Slow case.
- while (1) {
- size_t consume = UPB_MIN(upb_decoder_bufleft(d), strlen);
- upb_decoder_advance(d, consume);
- strlen -= consume;
- if (strlen == 0) break;
- upb_pullbuf(d);
- }
- }
- return &d->strref;
-INLINE void upb_push(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f, uint32_t end) {
- upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(&d->dispatcher, f)->end_ofs = end;
- upb_decoder_setmsgend(d);
-/* Decoding of .proto types ***************************************************/
-// Technically, we are losing data if we see a 32-bit varint that is not
-// properly sign-extended. We could detect this and error about the data loss,
-// but proto2 does not do this, so we pass.
-#define T(type, wt, valtype, convfunc) \
- INLINE void upb_decode_ ## type(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) { \
- upb_value val; \
- upb_value_set ## valtype(&val, (convfunc)(upb_decode_ ## wt(d))); \
- upb_dispatch_value(&d->dispatcher, f, val); \
- } \
-static double upb_asdouble(uint64_t n) { double d; memcpy(&d, &n, 8); return d; }
-static float upb_asfloat(uint32_t n) { float f; memcpy(&f, &n, 4); return f; }
-static int32_t upb_zzdec_32(uint32_t n) { return (n >> 1) ^ -(int32_t)(n & 1); }
-static int64_t upb_zzdec_64(uint64_t n) { return (n >> 1) ^ -(int64_t)(n & 1); }
-T(INT32, varint, int32, int32_t)
-T(INT64, varint, int64, int64_t)
-T(UINT32, varint, uint32, uint32_t)
-T(UINT64, varint, uint64, uint64_t)
-T(FIXED32, fixed32, uint32, uint32_t)
-T(FIXED64, fixed64, uint64, uint64_t)
-T(SFIXED32, fixed32, int32, int32_t)
-T(SFIXED64, fixed64, int64, int64_t)
-T(BOOL, varint, bool, bool)
-T(ENUM, varint, int32, int32_t)
-T(DOUBLE, fixed64, double, upb_asdouble)
-T(FLOAT, fixed32, float, upb_asfloat)
-T(SINT32, varint, int32, upb_zzdec_32)
-T(SINT64, varint, int64, upb_zzdec_64)
-T(STRING, string, strref, upb_strref*)
-static void upb_decode_GROUP(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
- upb_push(d, f, UPB_NONDELIMITED);
-static void upb_endgroup(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
- (void)f;
- upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(&d->dispatcher);
- upb_decoder_setmsgend(d);
-static void upb_decode_MESSAGE(upb_decoder *d, upb_fhandlers *f) {
- upb_push(d, f, upb_decode_varint32(d) + (d->ptr - d->buf));
-/* The main decoding loop *****************************************************/
-static void upb_decoder_checkdelim(upb_decoder *d) {
- while ((uintptr_t)d->ptr >= d->delim_end) {
- if ((uintptr_t)d->ptr > d->delim_end)
- upb_decoder_abort(d, "Bad submessage end");
- if (d->>is_sequence) {
- upb_dispatch_endseq(&d->dispatcher);
- } else {
- upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(&d->dispatcher);
- }
- upb_decoder_setmsgend(d);
- }
-static void upb_decoder_enterjit(upb_decoder *d) {
- (void)d;
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
- if (d->jit_code && d-> == d->dispatcher.stack && d->ptr < d->jit_end) {
- // Decodes as many fields as possible, updating d->ptr appropriately,
- // before falling through to the slow(er) path.
- void (*upb_jit_decode)(upb_decoder *d) = (void*)d->jit_code;
- upb_jit_decode(d);
- }
-INLINE upb_fhandlers *upb_decode_tag(upb_decoder *d) {
- while (1) {
- uint32_t tag;
- if (!upb_trydecode_varint32(d, &tag)) return NULL;
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_dispatcher_lookup(&d->dispatcher, tag);
- // There are no explicit "startseq" or "endseq" markers in protobuf
- // streams, so we have to infer them by noticing when a repeated field
- // starts or ends.
- if (d->>is_sequence && d->>f != f) {
- upb_dispatch_endseq(&d->dispatcher);
- upb_decoder_setmsgend(d);
- }
- if (f && f->repeated && d->>f != f) {
- // TODO: support packed.
- assert(upb_issubmsgtype(f->type) || upb_isstringtype(f->type) ||
- (tag & 0x7) != UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED);
- uint32_t end = d->>end_ofs;
- upb_dispatch_startseq(&d->dispatcher, f)->end_ofs = end;
- upb_decoder_setmsgend(d);
- }
- if (f) return f;
- // Unknown field.
- switch (tag & 0x7) {
- case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT: upb_decode_varint(d); break;
- case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT: upb_decoder_advance(d, 4); break;
- case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT: upb_decoder_advance(d, 8); break;
- upb_decoder_advance(d, upb_decode_varint32(d)); break;
- default:
- upb_decoder_abort(d, "Invavlid wire type");
- }
- // TODO: deliver to unknown field callback.
- upb_decoder_commit(d);
- upb_decoder_checkdelim(d);
- }
-void upb_decoder_onexit(upb_decoder *d) {
- if (d->>is_sequence) upb_dispatch_endseq(&d->dispatcher);
- if (d->status->code == UPB_EOF && upb_dispatcher_stackempty(&d->dispatcher)) {
- // Normal end-of-file.
- upb_status_clear(d->status);
- upb_dispatch_endmsg(&d->dispatcher, d->status);
- } else {
- if (d->status->code == UPB_EOF)
- upb_status_setf(d->status, UPB_ERROR, "Input ended mid-submessage.");
- }
-void upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *d, upb_status *status) {
- if (sigsetjmp(d->exitjmp, 0)) {
- upb_decoder_onexit(d);
- return;
- }
- d->status = status;
- upb_dispatch_startmsg(&d->dispatcher);
- while(1) { // Main loop: executed once per tag/field pair.
- upb_decoder_checkdelim(d);
- upb_decoder_enterjit(d);
- // if (!d->>is_packed)
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_decode_tag(d);
- if (!f) upb_decoder_exit2(d);
- f->decode(d, f);
- upb_decoder_commit(d);
- }
-static void upb_decoder_skip(void *_d, upb_dispatcher_frame *top,
- upb_dispatcher_frame *bottom) {
- (void)top;
- (void)bottom;
- (void)_d;
-#if 0
- upb_decoder *d = _d;
- // TODO
- if (bottom->end_offset == UPB_NONDELIMITED) {
- // TODO: support skipping groups.
- abort();
- }
- d->ptr = d->buf.ptr + bottom->end_offset;
-void upb_decoder_initforhandlers(upb_decoder *d, upb_handlers *handlers) {
- upb_dispatcher_init(
- &d->dispatcher, handlers, upb_decoder_skip, upb_decoder_exit2, d);
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
- d->jit_code = NULL;
- if (d->dispatcher.handlers->should_jit) upb_decoder_makejit(d);
- // Set function pointers for each field's decode function.
- for (int i = 0; i < handlers->msgs_len; i++) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = handlers->msgs[i];
- for(upb_inttable_iter i = upb_inttable_begin(&m->fieldtab); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(&m->fieldtab, i)) {
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_inttable_iter_value(i);
- switch (f->type) {
- case UPB_TYPE(INT32): f->decode = &upb_decode_INT32; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(INT64): f->decode = &upb_decode_INT64; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT32): f->decode = &upb_decode_UINT32; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT64): f->decode = &upb_decode_UINT64; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): f->decode = &upb_decode_FIXED32; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): f->decode = &upb_decode_FIXED64; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): f->decode = &upb_decode_SFIXED32; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64): f->decode = &upb_decode_SFIXED64; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): f->decode = &upb_decode_BOOL; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(ENUM): f->decode = &upb_decode_ENUM; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE): f->decode = &upb_decode_DOUBLE; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(FLOAT): f->decode = &upb_decode_FLOAT; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT32): f->decode = &upb_decode_SINT32; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): f->decode = &upb_decode_SINT64; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(STRING): f->decode = &upb_decode_STRING; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): f->decode = &upb_decode_STRING; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(GROUP): f->decode = &upb_decode_GROUP; break;
- case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): f->decode = &upb_decode_MESSAGE; break;
- case UPB_TYPE_ENDGROUP: f->decode = &upb_endgroup; break;
- }
- }
- }
-void upb_decoder_initformsgdef(upb_decoder *d, upb_msgdef *m) {
- upb_handlers *h = upb_handlers_new();
- upb_accessors_reghandlers(h, m);
- upb_decoder_initforhandlers(d, h);
- upb_handlers_unref(h);
-void upb_decoder_reset(upb_decoder *d, upb_bytesrc *bytesrc, uint64_t start_ofs,
- uint64_t end_ofs, void *closure) {
- upb_dispatcher_frame *f = upb_dispatcher_reset(&d->dispatcher, closure);
- f->end_ofs = end_ofs;
- d->end_ofs = end_ofs;
- d->refstart_ofs = start_ofs;
- d->refend_ofs = start_ofs;
- d->bufstart_ofs = start_ofs;
- d->bufend_ofs = start_ofs;
- d->bytesrc = bytesrc;
- d->buf = NULL;
- d->ptr = NULL;
- d->end = NULL; // Force a buffer pull.
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
- d->jit_end = NULL;
- d->delim_end = UINTPTR_MAX; // But don't let end-of-message get triggered.
- d->strref.bytesrc = bytesrc;
-void upb_decoder_uninit(upb_decoder *d) {
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
- if (d->dispatcher.handlers->should_jit) upb_decoder_freejit(d);
- upb_dispatcher_uninit(&d->dispatcher);
diff --git a/src/upb_decoder.h b/src/upb_decoder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a813bf..0000000
--- a/src/upb_decoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * upb_decoder implements a high performance, streaming decoder for protobuf
- * data that works by implementing upb_src and getting its data from a
- * upb_bytesrc.
- *
- * The decoder does not currently support non-blocking I/O, in the sense that
- * if the bytesrc returns UPB_STATUS_TRYAGAIN it is not possible to resume the
- * decoder when data becomes available again. Support for this could be added,
- * but it would add complexity and perhaps cost efficiency also.
- */
-#ifndef UPB_DECODER_H_
-#define UPB_DECODER_H_
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "upb_handlers.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* upb_decoder *****************************************************************/
-struct dasm_State;
-typedef struct _upb_decoder {
- upb_bytesrc *bytesrc; // Source of our serialized data.
- upb_dispatcher dispatcher; // Dispatcher to which we push parsed data.
- upb_status *status; // Where we will store any errors that occur.
- upb_strref strref; // For passing string data to callbacks.
- // Offsets for the region we currently have ref'd.
- uint64_t refstart_ofs, refend_ofs;
- // Current buffer and its stream offset.
- const char *buf, *ptr, *end;
- uint64_t bufstart_ofs, bufend_ofs;
- // Stream offset for the end of the top-level message, if any.
- uint64_t end_ofs;
- // Buf offset as of which we've delivered calbacks; needed for rollback on
- // UPB_TRYAGAIN (or in the future, UPB_SUSPEND).
- const char *completed_ptr;
- // End of the delimited region, relative to ptr, or UINTPTR_MAX if not in
- // this buf.
- uintptr_t delim_end;
-#ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64
- // For JIT, which doesn't do bounds checks in the middle of parsing a field.
- const char *jit_end, *effective_end; // == MIN(jit_end, submsg_end)
- // JIT-generated machine code (else NULL).
- char *jit_code;
- size_t jit_size;
- char *debug_info;
- struct dasm_State *dynasm;
- sigjmp_buf exitjmp;
-} upb_decoder;
-// Initializes/uninitializes a decoder for calling into the given handlers
-// or to write into the given msgdef, given its accessors). Takes a ref
-// on the handlers or msgdef.
-void upb_decoder_initforhandlers(upb_decoder *d, upb_handlers *h);
-// Equivalent to:
-// upb_accessors_reghandlers(m, h);
-// upb_decoder_initforhandlers(d, h);
-// except possibly more efficient, by using cached state in the msgdef.
-void upb_decoder_initformsgdef(upb_decoder *d, upb_msgdef *m);
-void upb_decoder_uninit(upb_decoder *d);
-// Resets the internal state of an already-allocated decoder. This puts it in a
-// state where it has not seen any data, and expects the next data to be from
-// the beginning of a new protobuf. Parsers must be reset before they can be
-// used. A decoder can be reset multiple times.
-// Pass UINT64_MAX for end_ofs to indicate a non-delimited top-level message.
-void upb_decoder_reset(upb_decoder *d, upb_bytesrc *src, uint64_t start_ofs,
- uint64_t end_ofs, void *closure);
-void upb_decoder_decode(upb_decoder *d, upb_status *status);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_DECODER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_decoder_x86.dasc b/src/upb_decoder_x86.dasc
deleted file mode 100644
index 800b099..0000000
--- a/src/upb_decoder_x86.dasc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-|// upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
-|// Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
-|// Author: Josh Haberman <>
-|// JIT compiler for upb_decoder on x86. Given a upb_handlers object,
-|// generates code specialized to parsing the specific message and
-|// calling specific handlers.
-#define UPB_NONE -1
-#define UPB_MULTIPLE -2
-#define UPB_TOPLEVEL_ONE -3
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include "dynasm/dasm_proto.h"
-#include "dynasm/dasm_x86.h"
-// We map into the low 32 bits when we can, but if this is not available
-// (like on OS X) we take what we can get. It's not required for correctness,
-// it's just a performance thing that makes it more likely that our jumps
-// can be rel32 (i.e. within 32-bits of our pc) instead of the longer
-// sequence required for other jumps (see callp).
-#ifndef MAP_32BIT
-#define MAP_32BIT 0
-// To debug JIT-ted code with GDB we need to tell GDB about the JIT-ted code
-// at runtime. GDB 7.x+ has defined an interface for doing this, and these
-// structure/function defintions are copied out of gdb/jit.h
-// We need to give GDB an ELF file at runtime describing the symbols we have
-// generated. To avoid implementing the ELF format, we generate an ELF file
-// at compile-time and compile it in as a character string. We can replace
-// a few key constants (address of JIT-ted function and its size) by looking
-// for a few magic numbers and doing a dumb string replacement.
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-#include "jit_debug_elf_file.h"
-typedef enum
-} jit_actions_t;
-typedef struct gdb_jit_entry {
- struct gdb_jit_entry *next_entry;
- struct gdb_jit_entry *prev_entry;
- const char *symfile_addr;
- uint64_t symfile_size;
-} gdb_jit_entry;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t version;
- uint32_t action_flag;
- gdb_jit_entry *relevant_entry;
- gdb_jit_entry *first_entry;
-} gdb_jit_descriptor;
-gdb_jit_descriptor __jit_debug_descriptor = {1, GDB_JIT_NOACTION, NULL, NULL};
-void __attribute__((noinline)) __jit_debug_register_code() { __asm__ __volatile__(""); }
-void upb_reg_jit_gdb(upb_decoder *d) {
- // Create debug info.
- size_t elf_len = src_jit_debug_elf_file_o_len;
- d->debug_info = malloc(elf_len);
- memcpy(d->debug_info, src_jit_debug_elf_file_o, elf_len);
- uint64_t *p = (void*)d->debug_info;
- for (; (void*)(p+1) <= (void*)d->debug_info + elf_len; ++p) {
- if (*p == 0x12345678) { *p = (uintptr_t)d->jit_code; }
- if (*p == 0x321) { *p = d->jit_size; }
- }
- // Register the JIT-ted code with GDB.
- gdb_jit_entry *e = malloc(sizeof(gdb_jit_entry));
- e->next_entry = __jit_debug_descriptor.first_entry;
- e->prev_entry = NULL;
- if (e->next_entry) e->next_entry->prev_entry = e;
- e->symfile_addr = d->debug_info;
- e->symfile_size = elf_len;
- __jit_debug_descriptor.first_entry = e;
- __jit_debug_descriptor.relevant_entry = e;
- __jit_debug_descriptor.action_flag = GDB_JIT_REGISTER;
- __jit_debug_register_code();
-void upb_reg_jit_gdb(upb_decoder *d) {
- (void)d;
-|.arch x64
-|.actionlist upb_jit_actionlist
-|.globals UPB_JIT_GLOBAL_
-|.globalnames upb_jit_globalnames
-|// Calling conventions.
-|.define ARG1_64, rdi
-|.define ARG2_8, sil
-|.define ARG2_32, esi
-|.define ARG2_64, rsi
-|.define ARG3_8, dl
-|.define ARG3_32, edx
-|.define ARG3_64, rdx
-|// Register allocation / type map.
-|// ALL of the code in this file uses these register allocations.
-|// When we "call" within this file, we do not use regular calling
-|// conventions, but of course when calling to user callbacks we must.
-|.define PTR, rbx
-|.define CLOSURE, r12
-|.type FRAME, upb_dispatcher_frame, r13
-|.type STRREF, upb_strref, r14
-|.type DECODER, upb_decoder, r15
-|.macro callp, addr
-|| if ((uintptr_t)addr < 0xffffffff) {
- | call &addr
-|| } else {
- | mov64 rax, (uintptr_t)addr
- | call rax
-|| }
-|// Checks PTR for end-of-buffer.
-|.macro check_eob, m
-| cmp PTR, DECODER->effective_end
-|| if (m->is_group) {
- | jae ->exit_jit
-|| } else {
- | jae =>m->jit_endofbuf_pclabel
-|| }
-|// Decodes varint from [PTR + offset] -> ARG3.
-|// Saves new pointer as rax.
-|.macro decode_loaded_varint, offset
-| // Check for <=2 bytes inline, otherwise jump to 2-10 byte decoder.
-| lea rax, [PTR + offset + 1]
-| mov ARG3_32, ecx
-| and ARG3_32, 0x7f
-| test cl, cl
-| jns >9
-| lea rax, [PTR + offset + 2]
-| movzx esi, ch
-| and esi, 0x7f
-| shl esi, 7
-| or ARG3_32, esi
-| test cx, cx
-| jns >9
-| mov ARG1_64, rax
-| mov ARG2_32, ARG3_32
-| callp upb_vdecode_max8_fast
-| test rax, rax
-| jz ->exit_jit // >10-byte varint.
-|.macro decode_varint, offset
-| mov ecx, dword [PTR + offset]
-| decode_loaded_varint offset
-| mov PTR, rax
-|// Decode the tag -> edx.
-|// Could specialize this by avoiding the value masking: could just key the
-|// table on the raw (length-masked) varint to save 3-4 cycles of latency.
-|// Currently only support tables where all entries are in the array part.
-|.macro dyndispatch, m
-| decode_loaded_varint, 0
-| mov ecx, edx
-| shr ecx, 3
-| and edx, 0x7
-| cmp ecx, m->max_field_number // Bounds-check the field.
-| ja ->exit_jit // In the future; could be unknown label
-|| if ((uintptr_t)m->tablearray < 0xffffffff) {
-| mov rax, qword [rcx*8 + m->tablearray] // TODO: support hybrid array/hash tables.
-|| } else {
-| mov64 rax, (uintptr_t)m->tablearray
-| mov rax, qword [rax + rcx*8]
-|| }
-| jmp rax // Dispatch: unpredictable jump.
-|// Push a stack frame (not the CPU stack, the upb_decoder stack).
-|.macro pushframe, f, closure_, end_offset_, is_sequence_
-| lea rax, [FRAME + sizeof(upb_dispatcher_frame)] // rax for shorter addressing.
-| cmp rax, qword DECODER->dispatcher.limit
-| jae ->exit_jit // Frame stack overflow.
-| mov qword FRAME:rax->f, f
-| mov qword FRAME:rax->closure, closure_
-| mov dword FRAME:rax->end_ofs, end_offset_
-| mov byte FRAME:rax->is_sequence, is_sequence_
-| mov CLOSURE, rdx
-| mov DECODER->, rax
-| mov FRAME, rax
-|.macro popframe
-| sub FRAME, sizeof(upb_dispatcher_frame)
-| setmsgend m
-| mov CLOSURE, FRAME->closure
-|.macro setmsgend, m
-| mov rsi, DECODER->jit_end
-|| if (m->is_group) {
-| mov64 rax, 0xffffffffffffffff
-| mov qword DECODER->delim_end, rax
-| mov DECODER->effective_end, rsi
-|| } else {
-| // Could store a correctly-biased version in the frame, at the cost of
-| // a larger stack.
-| mov eax, dword FRAME->end_ofs
-| add rax, qword DECODER->buf
-| mov DECODER->delim_end, rax // delim_end = d->buf + f->end_ofs
-| cmp rax, rsi
-| jb >8
-| mov rax, rsi // effective_end = min(d->delim_end, d->jit_end)
-| mov DECODER->effective_end, rax
-|| }
-|// rax contains the tag, compare it against "tag", but since it is a varint
-|// we must only compare as many bytes as actually have data.
-|.macro checktag, tag
-|| switch (upb_value_size(tag)) {
-|| case 1:
-| cmp cl, tag
-|| break;
-|| case 2:
-| cmp cx, tag
-|| break;
-|| case 3:
-| and ecx, 0xffffff // 3 bytes
-| cmp rcx, tag
-|| case 4:
-| cmp ecx, tag
-|| break;
-|| case 5:
-| mov64 rdx, 0xffffffffff // 5 bytes
-| and rcx, rdx
-| cmp rcx, tag
-|| break;
-|| default: abort();
-|| }
-|// TODO: optimize for 0 (xor) and 32-bits.
-|.macro loadfval, f
-|| if (f->fval.val.uint64 == 0) {
-| xor ARG2_32, ARG2_32
-|| } else if (f->fval.val.uint64 < 0xffffffff) {
-| mov ARG2_32, f->fval.val.uint64
-|| } else {
-| mov64 ARG2_64, f->fval.val.uint64
-|| }
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "upb_varint.h"
-// PTR should point to the beginning of the tag.
-static void upb_decoder_jit_field(upb_decoder *d, uint32_t tag, uint32_t next_tag,
- upb_mhandlers *m,
- upb_fhandlers *f, upb_fhandlers *next_f) {
- int tag_size = upb_value_size(tag);
- // PC-label for the dispatch table.
- // We check the wire type (which must be loaded in edx) because the
- // table is keyed on field number, not type.
- |=>f->jit_pclabel:
- | cmp edx, (tag & 0x7)
- | jne ->exit_jit // In the future: could be an unknown field or packed.
- |=>f->jit_pclabel_notypecheck:
- if (f->repeated) {
- if (f->startseq) {
- | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
- | loadfval f
- | callp f->startseq
- } else {
- | mov rdx, CLOSURE
- }
- | mov esi, FRAME->end_ofs
- | pushframe f, rdx, esi, true
- }
- |1: // Label for repeating this field.
- // Decode the value into arg 3 for the callback.
- switch (f->type) {
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64):
- | mov ARG3_64, qword [PTR + tag_size]
- | add PTR, 8 + tag_size
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32):
- | mov ARG3_32, dword [PTR + tag_size]
- | add PTR, 4 + tag_size
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE(BOOL):
- // Can't assume it's one byte long, because bool must be wire-compatible
- // with all of the varint integer types.
- | decode_varint tag_size
- | test ARG3_64, ARG3_64
- | setne ARG3_8 // Other bytes left with val, should be ok.
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE(INT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(INT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(ENUM):
- | decode_varint tag_size
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT64):
- // 64-bit zig-zag decoding.
- | decode_varint tag_size
- | mov rax, ARG3_64
- | shr ARG3_64, 1
- | and rax, 1
- | neg rax
- | xor ARG3_64, rax
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT32):
- // 32-bit zig-zag decoding.
- | decode_varint tag_size
- | mov eax, ARG3_32
- | shr ARG3_32, 1
- | and eax, 1
- | neg eax
- | xor ARG3_32, eax
- break;
- // We only handle the case where the entire string is in our current
- // buf, which sidesteps any security problems. The C path has more
- // robust checks.
- | decode_varint tag_size
- | mov STRREF->len, ARG3_32
- | mov STRREF->ptr, PTR
- | mov rax, PTR
- | sub rax, DECODER->buf
- | add eax, DECODER->bufstart_ofs // = d->ptr - d->buf + d->bufstart_ofs
- | mov STRREF->stream_offset, eax
- | add PTR, ARG3_64
- | mov ARG3_64, STRREF
- | cmp PTR, DECODER->effective_end
- | ja ->exit_jit // Can't deliver, whole string not in buf.
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE_ENDGROUP: // A pseudo-type.
- | add PTR, tag_size
- | mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
- | jmp =>m->jit_endofmsg_pclabel
- return;
- // Will dispatch callbacks and call submessage in a second.
- | decode_varint tag_size
- break;
- | add PTR, tag_size
- break;
- default: abort();
- }
- // Commit our work by advancing ptr.
- // (If in the future we wanted to support a UPB_SUSPEND_AGAIN that
- // suspends the decoder and redelivers the value later, we would
- // need to adjust this to happen perhaps after the callback ran).
- | mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
- // Load closure and fval into arg registers.
- | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
- | loadfval f
- // Call callbacks.
- if (upb_issubmsgtype(f->type)) {
- // Call startsubmsg handler (if any).
- if (f->startsubmsg) {
- // upb_sflow_t startsubmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval)
- | mov r12d, ARG3_32
- | callp f->startsubmsg
- } else {
- | mov rdx, CLOSURE
- | mov r12d, ARG3_32
- }
- if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) {
- | mov rsi, PTR
- | sub rsi, DECODER->buf
- | add esi, r12d // = (d->ptr - d->buf) + delim_len
- } else {
- assert(f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP));
- }
- | pushframe f, rdx, esi, false
- upb_mhandlers *sub_m = upb_fhandlers_getsubmsg(f);
- if (sub_m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel != UPB_MULTIPLE) {
- | jmp =>sub_m->jit_startmsg_pclabel;
- } else {
- | call =>sub_m->jit_startmsg_pclabel;
- }
- |=>f->jit_submsg_done_pclabel:
- | popframe
- // Call endsubmsg handler (if any).
- if (f->endsubmsg) {
- // upb_flow_t endsubmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval);
- | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
- | loadfval f
- | callp f->endsubmsg
- }
- } else {
- | callp f->value
- }
- // Epilogue: load next tag, check for repeated field.
- | check_eob m
- | mov rcx, qword [PTR]
- if (f->repeated) {
- | checktag tag
- | je <1
- | popframe
- if (f->endseq) {
- | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
- | loadfval f
- | callp f->endseq
- }
- }
- if (next_tag != 0) {
- | checktag next_tag
- | je =>next_f->jit_pclabel_notypecheck
- }
- // Fall back to dynamic dispatch. Replicate the dispatch
- // here so we can learn what fields generally follow others.
- | dyndispatch m
- |1:
-static int upb_compare_uint32(const void *a, const void *b) {
- // TODO: always put ENDGROUP at the end.
- return *(uint32_t*)a - *(uint32_t*)b;
-static void upb_decoder_jit_msg(upb_decoder *d, upb_mhandlers *m) {
- |=>m->jit_startmsg_pclabel:
- // Call startmsg handler (if any):
- if (m->startmsg) {
- // upb_flow_t startmsg(void *closure);
- | mov ARG1_64, FRAME->closure
- | callp m->startmsg
- }
- | setmsgend m
- | check_eob m
- | mov ecx, dword [PTR]
- | dyndispatch m
- // --------- New code section (does not fall through) ------------------------
- // Emit code for parsing each field (dynamic dispatch contains pointers to
- // all of these).
- // Create an ordering over the fields (inttable ordering is undefined).
- int num_keys = upb_inttable_count(&m->fieldtab);
- uint32_t *keys = malloc(num_keys * sizeof(*keys));
- int idx = 0;
- for(upb_inttable_iter i = upb_inttable_begin(&m->fieldtab); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(&m->fieldtab, i)) {
- keys[idx++] = upb_inttable_iter_key(i);
- }
- qsort(keys, num_keys, sizeof(uint32_t), &upb_compare_uint32);
- upb_fhandlers *last_f = NULL;
- uint32_t last_tag = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
- uint32_t key = keys[i];
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_inttable_lookup(&m->fieldtab, key);
- uint32_t tag = upb_vencode32(key);
- if (last_f) upb_decoder_jit_field(d, last_tag, tag, m, last_f, f);
- last_tag = tag;
- last_f = f;
- }
- upb_decoder_jit_field(d, last_tag, 0, m, last_f, NULL);
- free(keys);
- // --------- New code section (does not fall through) ------------------------
- // End-of-buf / end-of-message.
- if (!m->is_group) {
- // This case doesn't exist for groups, because there eob really means
- // eob, so that case just exits the jit directly.
- |=>m->jit_endofbuf_pclabel:
- | cmp PTR, DECODER->delim_end
- | jb ->exit_jit // We are at eob, but not end-of-submsg.
- }
- |=>m->jit_endofmsg_pclabel:
- // We are at end-of-submsg: call endmsg handler (if any):
- if (m->endmsg) {
- // void endmsg(void *closure, upb_status *status) {
- | mov ARG1_64, FRAME->closure
- | lea ARG2_64, DECODER->dispatcher.status
- | callp m->endmsg
- }
- if (m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel == UPB_MULTIPLE) {
- | ret
- } else if (m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel == UPB_TOPLEVEL_ONE) {
- | jmp ->exit_jit
- } else {
- | jmp =>m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel
- }
-static const char *dbgfmt =
- "JIT encountered unknown field! wt=%d, fn=%d\n";
-static void upb_decoder_jit(upb_decoder *d) {
- | push rbp
- | mov rbp, rsp
- | push r15
- | push r14
- | push r13
- | push r12
- | push rbx
- | mov DECODER, ARG1_64
- | mov FRAME, DECODER:ARG1_64->
- | lea STRREF, DECODER:ARG1_64->strref
- | mov CLOSURE, FRAME->closure
- | mov PTR, DECODER->ptr
- upb_handlers *h = d->dispatcher.handlers;
- if (h->msgs[0]->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel == UPB_MULTIPLE) {
- | call =>h->msgs[0]->jit_startmsg_pclabel
- | jmp ->exit_jit
- }
- // TODO: push return addresses for re-entry (will be necessary for multiple
- // buffer support).
- for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++) upb_decoder_jit_msg(d, h->msgs[i]);
- |->exit_jit:
- | pop rbx
- | pop r12
- | pop r13
- | pop r14
- | pop r15
- | leave
- | ret
- |=>0:
- | mov rdi, stderr
- | mov rsi, dbgfmt
- | callp fprintf
- | callp abort
-void upb_decoder_jit_assignfieldlabs(upb_fhandlers *f,
- uint32_t *pclabel_count) {
- f->jit_pclabel = (*pclabel_count)++;
- f->jit_pclabel_notypecheck = (*pclabel_count)++;
- f->jit_submsg_done_pclabel = (*pclabel_count)++;
-void upb_decoder_jit_assignmsglabs(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t *pclabel_count) {
- m->jit_startmsg_pclabel = (*pclabel_count)++;
- m->jit_endofbuf_pclabel = (*pclabel_count)++;
- m->jit_endofmsg_pclabel = (*pclabel_count)++;
- m->jit_unknownfield_pclabel = (*pclabel_count)++;
- m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel = UPB_NONE;
- m->max_field_number = 0;
- upb_inttable_iter i;
- for(i = upb_inttable_begin(&m->fieldtab); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(&m->fieldtab, i)) {
- uint32_t key = upb_inttable_iter_key(i);
- m->max_field_number = UPB_MAX(m->max_field_number, key);
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_inttable_iter_value(i);
- upb_decoder_jit_assignfieldlabs(f, pclabel_count);
- }
- // XXX: Won't work for large field numbers; will need to use a upb_table.
- m->tablearray = malloc((m->max_field_number + 1) * sizeof(void*));
-// Second pass: for messages that have only one parent, link them to the field
-// from which they are called.
-void upb_decoder_jit_assignmsglabs2(upb_mhandlers *m) {
- upb_inttable_iter i;
- for(i = upb_inttable_begin(&m->fieldtab); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(&m->fieldtab, i)) {
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_inttable_iter_value(i);
- if (upb_issubmsgtype(f->type)) {
- upb_mhandlers *sub_m = upb_fhandlers_getsubmsg(f);
- if (sub_m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel == UPB_NONE) {
- sub_m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel = f->jit_submsg_done_pclabel;
- } else {
- sub_m->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel = UPB_MULTIPLE;
- }
- }
- }
-void upb_decoder_makejit(upb_decoder *d) {
- d->debug_info = NULL;
- // Assign pclabels.
- uint32_t pclabel_count = 1;
- upb_handlers *h = d->dispatcher.handlers;
- for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++)
- upb_decoder_jit_assignmsglabs(h->msgs[i], &pclabel_count);
- for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++)
- upb_decoder_jit_assignmsglabs2(h->msgs[i]);
- if (h->msgs[0]->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel == UPB_NONE) {
- h->msgs[0]->jit_parent_field_done_pclabel = UPB_TOPLEVEL_ONE;
- }
- void **globals = malloc(UPB_JIT_GLOBAL__MAX * sizeof(*globals));
- dasm_init(d, 1);
- dasm_setupglobal(d, globals, UPB_JIT_GLOBAL__MAX);
- dasm_growpc(d, pclabel_count);
- dasm_setup(d, upb_jit_actionlist);
- upb_decoder_jit(d);
- dasm_link(d, &d->jit_size);
- d->jit_code = mmap(NULL, d->jit_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- upb_reg_jit_gdb(d);
- dasm_encode(d, d->jit_code);
- // Create dispatch tables.
- for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = h->msgs[i];
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j <= m->max_field_number; j++) {
- upb_fhandlers *f = NULL;
- for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
- f = upb_inttable_lookup(&m->fieldtab, (j << 3) | k);
- if (f) break;
- }
- if (f) {
- m->tablearray[j] = d->jit_code + dasm_getpclabel(d, f->jit_pclabel);
- } else {
- // Don't handle unknown fields yet.
- m->tablearray[j] = d->jit_code + dasm_getpclabel(d, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- dasm_free(d);
- free(globals);
- mprotect(d->jit_code, d->jit_size, PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ);
- FILE *f = fopen("/tmp/machine-code", "wb");
- fwrite(d->jit_code, d->jit_size, 1, f);
- fclose(f);
-void upb_decoder_freejit(upb_decoder *d) {
- munmap(d->jit_code, d->jit_size);
- free(d->debug_info);
- // TODO: unregister
diff --git a/src/upb_def.c b/src/upb_def.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd80b1..0000000
--- a/src/upb_def.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "upb_def.h"
-#define alignof(t) offsetof(struct { char c; t x; }, x)
-void upb_deflist_init(upb_deflist *l) {
- l->size = 8;
- l->defs = malloc(l->size * sizeof(void*));
- l->len = 0;
-void upb_deflist_uninit(upb_deflist *l) {
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < l->len; i++) upb_def_unref(l->defs[i]);
- free(l->defs);
-void upb_deflist_push(upb_deflist *l, upb_def *d) {
- if(l->len == l->size) {
- l->size *= 2;
- l->defs = realloc(l->defs, l->size * sizeof(void*));
- }
- l->defs[l->len++] = d;
-/* upb_def ********************************************************************/
-static void upb_msgdef_free(upb_msgdef *m);
-static void upb_enumdef_free(upb_enumdef *e);
-static void upb_unresolveddef_free(struct _upb_unresolveddef *u);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-static bool upb_def_ismutable(upb_def *def) { return def->symtab == NULL; }
-static void upb_def_free(upb_def *def) {
- switch (def->type) {
- case UPB_DEF_MSG: upb_msgdef_free(upb_downcast_msgdef(def)); break;
- case UPB_DEF_ENUM: upb_enumdef_free(upb_downcast_enumdef(def)); break;
- upb_unresolveddef_free(upb_downcast_unresolveddef(def)); break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
-upb_def *upb_def_dup(upb_def *def) {
- switch (def->type) {
- case UPB_DEF_MSG: return UPB_UPCAST(upb_msgdef_dup(upb_downcast_msgdef(def)));
- case UPB_DEF_ENUM: return UPB_UPCAST(upb_enumdef_dup(upb_downcast_enumdef(def)));
- default: assert(false); return NULL;
- }
-// Prior to being in a symtab, the def's refcount controls the lifetime of the
-// def itself. If the refcount falls to zero, the def is deleted. Once the
-// def belongs to a symtab, the def is owned by the symtab and its refcount
-// determines whether the def owns a ref on the symtab or not.
-void upb_def_ref(upb_def *def) {
- if (upb_atomic_ref(&def->refcount) && def->symtab)
- upb_symtab_ref(def->symtab);
-static void upb_def_movetosymtab(upb_def *d, upb_symtab *s) {
- assert(upb_atomic_read(&d->refcount) > 0);
- d->symtab = s;
- if (!upb_atomic_unref(&d->refcount)) upb_symtab_ref(s);
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(d);
- if (m) upb_inttable_compact(&m->itof);
-void upb_def_unref(upb_def *def) {
- if (!def) return;
- if (upb_atomic_unref(&def->refcount)) {
- if (def->symtab) {
- upb_symtab_unref(def->symtab);
- // Def might be deleted now.
- } else {
- upb_def_free(def);
- }
- }
-static void upb_def_init(upb_def *def, upb_deftype_t type) {
- def->type = type;
- def->fqname = NULL;
- def->symtab = NULL;
- upb_atomic_init(&def->refcount, 1);
-static void upb_def_uninit(upb_def *def) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "Freeing def: %p\n", def);
- free(def->fqname);
-/* upb_unresolveddef **********************************************************/
-// Unresolved defs are used as temporary placeholders for a def whose name has
-// not been resolved yet. During the name resolution step, all unresolved defs
-// are replaced with pointers to the actual def being referenced.
-typedef struct _upb_unresolveddef {
- upb_def base;
- // The target type name. This may or may not be fully qualified. It is
- // tempting to want to use base.fqname for this, but that will be qualified
- // which is inappropriate for a name we still have to resolve.
- char *name;
-} upb_unresolveddef;
-// Is passed a ref on the string.
-static upb_unresolveddef *upb_unresolveddef_new(const char *str) {
- upb_unresolveddef *def = malloc(sizeof(*def));
- upb_def_init(&def->base, UPB_DEF_UNRESOLVED);
- def->name = strdup(str);
- return def;
-static void upb_unresolveddef_free(struct _upb_unresolveddef *def) {
- free(def->name);
- upb_def_uninit(&def->base);
- free(def);
-/* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/
-upb_enumdef *upb_enumdef_new() {
- upb_enumdef *e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
- upb_def_init(&e->base, UPB_DEF_ENUM);
- upb_strtable_init(&e->ntoi, 0, sizeof(upb_ntoi_ent));
- upb_inttable_init(&e->iton, 0, sizeof(upb_iton_ent));
- return e;
-static void upb_enumdef_free(upb_enumdef *e) {
- upb_enum_iter i;
- for(i = upb_enum_begin(e); !upb_enum_done(i); i = upb_enum_next(e, i)) {
- // Frees the ref taken when the string was parsed.
- free(upb_enum_iter_name(i));
- }
- upb_strtable_free(&e->ntoi);
- upb_inttable_free(&e->iton);
- upb_def_uninit(&e->base);
- free(e);
-upb_enumdef *upb_enumdef_dup(upb_enumdef *e) {
- upb_enumdef *new_e = upb_enumdef_new();
- upb_enum_iter i;
- for(i = upb_enum_begin(e); !upb_enum_done(i); i = upb_enum_next(e, i)) {
- assert(upb_enumdef_addval(new_e, upb_enum_iter_name(i),
- upb_enum_iter_number(i)));
- }
- return new_e;
-bool upb_enumdef_addval(upb_enumdef *e, char *name, int32_t num) {
- if (upb_enumdef_iton(e, num) || upb_enumdef_ntoi(e, name, NULL))
- return false;
- upb_strtable_insert(&e->ntoi, name, &num);
- upb_inttable_insert(&e->iton, num, strdup(name));
- return true;
-void upb_enumdef_setdefault(upb_enumdef *e, int32_t val) {
- assert(upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(e)));
- e->defaultval = val;
-upb_enum_iter upb_enum_begin(upb_enumdef *e) {
- // We could iterate over either table here; the choice is arbitrary.
- return upb_inttable_begin(&e->iton);
-upb_enum_iter upb_enum_next(upb_enumdef *e, upb_enum_iter iter) {
- return upb_inttable_next(&e->iton, iter);
-const char *upb_enumdef_iton(upb_enumdef *def, int32_t num) {
- upb_iton_ent *e = upb_inttable_fastlookup(&def->iton, num, sizeof(*e));
- return e ? e->str : NULL;
-bool upb_enumdef_ntoil(upb_enumdef *def, char *name, size_t len, int32_t *num) {
- upb_ntoi_ent *e = upb_strtable_lookupl(&def->ntoi, name, len);
- if (!e) return false;
- if (num) *num = e->value;
- return true;
-bool upb_enumdef_ntoi(upb_enumdef *e, char *name, int32_t *num) {
- return upb_enumdef_ntoil(e, name, strlen(name), num);
-/* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/
-upb_fielddef *upb_fielddef_new() {
- upb_fielddef *f = malloc(sizeof(*f));
- f->msgdef = NULL;
- f->def = NULL;
- upb_atomic_init(&f->refcount, 1);
- f->finalized = false;
- f->type = 0;
- f->label = UPB_LABEL(OPTIONAL);
- f->hasbit = 0;
- f->offset = 0;
- f->number = 0; // not a valid field number.
- f->name = NULL;
- f->accessor = NULL;
- upb_value_setfielddef(&f->fval, f);
- return f;
-static void upb_fielddef_free(upb_fielddef *f) {
- if (upb_isstring(f)) {
- free(upb_value_getptr(f->defaultval));
- }
- free(f->name);
- free(f);
-void upb_fielddef_ref(upb_fielddef *f) {
- // TODO.
- (void)f;
-void upb_fielddef_unref(upb_fielddef *f) {
- // TODO.
- (void)f;
- if (!f) return;
- if (upb_atomic_unref(&f->refcount)) {
- if (f->msgdef) {
- upb_msgdef_unref(f->msgdef);
- // fielddef might be deleted now.
- } else {
- upb_fielddef_free(f);
- }
- }
-upb_fielddef *upb_fielddef_dup(upb_fielddef *f) {
- upb_fielddef *newf = upb_fielddef_new();
- newf->msgdef = f->msgdef;
- newf->type = f->type;
- newf->label = f->label;
- newf->number = f->number;
- newf->name = f->name;
- upb_fielddef_settypename(newf, f->def->fqname);
- return f;
-static bool upb_fielddef_resolve(upb_fielddef *f, upb_def *def, upb_status *s) {
- assert(upb_dyncast_unresolveddef(f->def));
- upb_def_unref(f->def);
- f->def = def;
- if (f->type == UPB_TYPE(ENUM)) {
- // Resolve the enum's default from a string to an integer.
- char *str = upb_value_getptr(f->defaultval);
- assert(str); // Should point to either a real default or the empty string.
- upb_enumdef *e = upb_downcast_enumdef(f->def);
- int32_t val = 0;
- if (str[0] == '\0') {
- upb_value_setint32(&f->defaultval, e->defaultval);
- } else {
- bool success = upb_enumdef_ntoi(e, str, &val);
- free(str);
- if (!success) {
- upb_status_setf(s, UPB_ERROR, "Default enum value (%s) is not a "
- "member of the enum", str);
- return false;
- }
- upb_value_setint32(&f->defaultval, val);
- }
- }
- return true;
-void upb_fielddef_setnumber(upb_fielddef *f, int32_t number) {
- assert(f->msgdef == NULL);
- f->number = number;
-void upb_fielddef_setname(upb_fielddef *f, const char *name) {
- assert(f->msgdef == NULL);
- f->name = strdup(name);
-void upb_fielddef_settype(upb_fielddef *f, uint8_t type) {
- assert(!f->finalized);
- f->type = type;
-void upb_fielddef_setlabel(upb_fielddef *f, uint8_t label) {
- assert(!f->finalized);
- f->label = label;
-void upb_fielddef_setdefault(upb_fielddef *f, upb_value value) {
- assert(!f->finalized);
- // TODO: string ownership?
- f->defaultval = value;
-void upb_fielddef_setfval(upb_fielddef *f, upb_value fval) {
- assert(!f->finalized);
- // TODO: string ownership?
- f->fval = fval;
-void upb_fielddef_setaccessor(upb_fielddef *f, struct _upb_accessor_vtbl *vtbl) {
- assert(!f->finalized);
- f->accessor = vtbl;
-void upb_fielddef_settypename(upb_fielddef *f, const char *name) {
- upb_def_unref(f->def);
- f->def = UPB_UPCAST(upb_unresolveddef_new(name));
-// Returns an ordering of fields based on:
-// 1. value size (small to large).
-// 2. field number.
-static int upb_fielddef_cmpval(const void *_f1, const void *_f2) {
- upb_fielddef *f1 = *(void**)_f1;
- upb_fielddef *f2 = *(void**)_f2;
- size_t size1 = upb_types[f1->type].size;
- size_t size2 = upb_types[f2->type].size;
- if (size1 != size2) return size1 - size2;
- // Otherwise return in number order.
- return f1->number - f2->number;
-// Returns an ordering of all fields based on:
-// 1. required/optional (required fields first).
-// 2. field number
-static int upb_fielddef_cmphasbit(const void *_f1, const void *_f2) {
- upb_fielddef *f1 = *(void**)_f1;
- upb_fielddef *f2 = *(void**)_f2;
- size_t req1 = f1->label == UPB_LABEL(REQUIRED);
- size_t req2 = f2->label == UPB_LABEL(REQUIRED);
- if (req1 != req2) return req1 - req2;
- // Otherwise return in number order.
- return f1->number - f2->number;
-/* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/
-upb_msgdef *upb_msgdef_new() {
- upb_msgdef *m = malloc(sizeof(*m));
- upb_def_init(&m->base, UPB_DEF_MSG);
- upb_inttable_init(&m->itof, 4, sizeof(upb_itof_ent));
- upb_strtable_init(&m->ntof, 4, sizeof(upb_ntof_ent));
- m->size = 0;
- m->hasbit_bytes = 0;
- m->extension_start = 0;
- m->extension_end = 0;
- return m;
-static void upb_msgdef_free(upb_msgdef *m) {
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i))
- upb_fielddef_free(upb_msg_iter_field(i));
- upb_strtable_free(&m->ntof);
- upb_inttable_free(&m->itof);
- upb_def_uninit(&m->base);
- free(m);
-upb_msgdef *upb_msgdef_dup(upb_msgdef *m) {
- upb_msgdef *newm = upb_msgdef_new();
- newm->size = m->size;
- newm->hasbit_bytes = m->hasbit_bytes;
- newm->extension_start = m->extension_start;
- newm->extension_end = m->extension_end;
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i))
- upb_msgdef_addfield(newm, upb_fielddef_dup(upb_msg_iter_field(i)));
- return newm;
-void upb_msgdef_setsize(upb_msgdef *m, uint16_t size) {
- assert(upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(m)));
- m->size = size;
-void upb_msgdef_sethasbit_bytes(upb_msgdef *m, uint16_t bytes) {
- assert(upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(m)));
- m->hasbit_bytes = bytes;
-void upb_msgdef_setextension_start(upb_msgdef *m, uint32_t start) {
- assert(upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(m)));
- m->extension_start = start;
-void upb_msgdef_setextension_end(upb_msgdef *m, uint32_t end) {
- assert(upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(m)));
- m->extension_end = end;
-bool upb_msgdef_addfield(upb_msgdef *m, upb_fielddef *f) {
- assert(upb_atomic_read(&f->refcount) > 0);
- if (!upb_atomic_unref(&f->refcount)) upb_msgdef_ref(m);
- if (upb_msgdef_itof(m, f->number) || upb_msgdef_ntof(m, f->name)) {
- upb_fielddef_unref(f);
- return false;
- }
- assert(f->msgdef == NULL);
- f->msgdef = m;
- upb_itof_ent itof_ent = {0, f};
- upb_inttable_insert(&m->itof, f->number, &itof_ent);
- upb_strtable_insert(&m->ntof, f->name, &f);
- return true;
-static int upb_div_round_up(int numerator, int denominator) {
- /* cf. */
- return numerator > 0 ? (numerator - 1) / denominator + 1 : 0;
-void upb_msgdef_layout(upb_msgdef *m) {
- // Create an ordering over the fields, but only include fields with accessors.
- upb_fielddef **sorted_fields =
- malloc(sizeof(upb_fielddef*) * upb_msgdef_numfields(m));
- int n = 0;
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for (i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- if (f->accessor) sorted_fields[n++] = f;
- }
- m->hasbit_bytes = upb_div_round_up(n, 8);
- m->size = m->hasbit_bytes; // + header_size?
- // Assign hasbits.
- qsort(sorted_fields, n, sizeof(*sorted_fields), upb_fielddef_cmphasbit);
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- upb_fielddef *f = sorted_fields[i];
- f->hasbit = i;
- }
- // Assign value offsets.
- qsort(sorted_fields, n, sizeof(*sorted_fields), upb_fielddef_cmpval);
- size_t max_align = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- upb_fielddef *f = sorted_fields[i];
- const upb_type_info *type_info = &upb_types[f->type];
- size_t size = type_info->size;
- size_t align = type_info->align;
- if (upb_isseq(f)) {
- size = sizeof(void*);
- align = alignof(void*);
- }
- // General alignment rules are: each member must be at an address that is a
- // multiple of that type's alignment. Also, the size of the structure as a
- // whole must be a multiple of the greatest alignment of any member.
- f->offset = upb_align_up(m->size, align);
- m->size = f->offset + size;
- max_align = UPB_MAX(max_align, align);
- }
- if (max_align > 0) m->size = upb_align_up(m->size, max_align);
- free(sorted_fields);
-upb_msg_iter upb_msg_begin(upb_msgdef *m) {
- return upb_inttable_begin(&m->itof);
-upb_msg_iter upb_msg_next(upb_msgdef *m, upb_msg_iter iter) {
- return upb_inttable_next(&m->itof, iter);
-/* upb_symtabtxn **************************************************************/
-typedef struct {
- upb_def *def;
-} upb_symtab_ent;
-void upb_symtabtxn_init(upb_symtabtxn *t) {
- upb_strtable_init(&t->deftab, 16, sizeof(upb_symtab_ent));
-void upb_symtabtxn_uninit(upb_symtabtxn *txn) {
- upb_strtable *t = &txn->deftab;
- upb_strtable_iter i;
- for(upb_strtable_begin(&i, t); !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
- const upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
- free(e->def);
- }
- upb_strtable_free(t);
-bool upb_symtabtxn_add(upb_symtabtxn *t, upb_def *def) {
- // TODO: check if already present.
- upb_symtab_ent e = {def};
- //fprintf(stderr, "txn Inserting: %p, ent: %p\n", e.def, &e);
- upb_strtable_insert(&t->deftab, def->fqname, &e);
- return true;
-#if 0
- // We need to free all defs from "tmptab."
- upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock);
- for(upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_begin(&tmptab); e;
- e = upb_strtable_next(&tmptab, &e->e)) {
- upb_def_unref(e->def);
- }
- upb_strtable_free(&tmptab);
- return false;
-// Given a symbol and the base symbol inside which it is defined, find the
-// symbol's definition in t.
-static upb_symtab_ent *upb_resolve(upb_strtable *t,
- const char *base, const char *sym) {
- if(strlen(sym) == 0) return NULL;
- if(sym[0] == UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR) {
- // Symbols starting with '.' are absolute, so we do a single lookup.
- // Slice to omit the leading '.'
- return upb_strtable_lookup(t, sym + 1);
- } else {
- // Remove components from base until we find an entry or run out.
- // TODO: This branch is totally broken, but currently not used.
- (void)base;
- assert(false);
- return NULL;
- }
-void upb_symtabtxn_begin(upb_symtabtxn_iter *i, upb_symtabtxn *t) {
- upb_strtable_begin(i, &t->deftab);
-void upb_symtabtxn_next(upb_symtabtxn_iter *i) { upb_strtable_next(i); }
-bool upb_symtabtxn_done(upb_symtabtxn_iter *i) { return upb_strtable_done(i); }
-upb_def *upb_symtabtxn_iter_def(upb_symtabtxn_iter *i) {
- const upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_iter_value(i);
- return e->def;
-/* upb_symtab public interface ************************************************/
-static void _upb_symtab_free(upb_strtable *t) {
- upb_strtable_iter i;
- upb_strtable_begin(&i, t);
- for (; !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
- const upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
- assert(upb_atomic_read(&e->def->refcount) == 0);
- upb_def_free(e->def);
- }
- upb_strtable_free(t);
-static void upb_symtab_free(upb_symtab *s) {
- _upb_symtab_free(&s->symtab);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->olddefs.len; i++) {
- upb_def *d = s->olddefs.defs[i];
- assert(upb_atomic_read(&d->refcount) == 0);
- upb_def_free(d);
- }
- upb_rwlock_destroy(&s->lock);
- upb_deflist_uninit(&s->olddefs);
- free(s);
-void upb_symtab_unref(upb_symtab *s) {
- if(s && upb_atomic_unref(&s->refcount)) {
- upb_symtab_free(s);
- }
-upb_symtab *upb_symtab_new() {
- upb_symtab *s = malloc(sizeof(*s));
- upb_atomic_init(&s->refcount, 1);
- upb_rwlock_init(&s->lock);
- upb_strtable_init(&s->symtab, 16, sizeof(upb_symtab_ent));
- upb_deflist_init(&s->olddefs);
- return s;
-upb_def **upb_symtab_getdefs(upb_symtab *s, int *count, upb_deftype_t type) {
- upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock);
- int total = upb_strtable_count(&s->symtab);
- // We may only use part of this, depending on how many symbols are of the
- // correct type.
- upb_def **defs = malloc(sizeof(*defs) * total);
- upb_strtable_iter iter;
- upb_strtable_begin(&iter, &s->symtab);
- int i = 0;
- for(; !upb_strtable_done(&iter); upb_strtable_next(&iter)) {
- const upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_iter_value(&iter);
- upb_def *def = e->def;
- assert(def);
- if(type == UPB_DEF_ANY || def->type == type)
- defs[i++] = def;
- }
- upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock);
- *count = i;
- for(i = 0; i < *count; i++) upb_def_ref(defs[i]);
- return defs;
-upb_def *upb_symtab_lookup(upb_symtab *s, const char *sym) {
- upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock);
- upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_lookup(&s->symtab, sym);
- upb_def *ret = NULL;
- if(e) {
- ret = e->def;
- upb_def_ref(ret);
- }
- upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock);
- return ret;
-upb_def *upb_symtab_resolve(upb_symtab *s, const char *base, const char *sym) {
- upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock);
- upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_resolve(&s->symtab, base, sym);
- upb_def *ret = NULL;
- if(e) {
- ret = e->def;
- upb_def_ref(ret);
- }
- upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock);
- return ret;
-bool upb_symtab_dfs(upb_def *def, upb_def **open_defs, int n,
- upb_symtabtxn *txn) {
- // This linear search makes the DFS O(n^2) in the length of the paths.
- // Could make this O(n) with a hash table, but n is small.
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (def == open_defs[i]) return false;
- }
- bool needcopy = false;
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(def);
- if (m) {
- upb_msg_iter i;
- open_defs[n++] = def;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- if (!upb_hasdef(f)) continue;
- needcopy |= upb_symtab_dfs(f->def, open_defs, n, txn);
- }
- }
- bool replacing = (upb_strtable_lookup(&txn->deftab, m->base.fqname) != NULL);
- if (needcopy && !replacing) {
- upb_symtab_ent e = {upb_def_dup(def)};
- //fprintf(stderr, "Replacing def: %p\n", e.def);
- upb_strtable_insert(&txn->deftab, def->fqname, &e);
- replacing = true;
- }
- return replacing;
-bool upb_symtab_commit(upb_symtab *s, upb_symtabtxn *txn, upb_status *status) {
- upb_rwlock_wrlock(&s->lock);
- // All existing defs that can reach defs that are being replaced must
- // themselves be replaced with versions that will point to the new defs.
- // Do a DFS -- any path that finds a new def must replace all ancestors.
- upb_strtable *symtab = &s->symtab;
- upb_strtable_iter i;
- upb_strtable_begin(&i, symtab);
- for(; !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
- upb_def *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_DEPTH];
- const upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
- upb_symtab_dfs(e->def, open_defs, 0, txn);
- }
- // Resolve all refs.
- upb_strtable *txntab = &txn->deftab;
- upb_strtable_begin(&i, txntab);
- for(; !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
- const upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(e->def);
- if(!m) continue;
- // Type names are resolved relative to the message in which they appear.
- const char *base = m->base.fqname;
- upb_msg_iter j;
- for(j = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(j); j = upb_msg_next(m, j)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(j);
- if(!upb_hasdef(f)) continue; // No resolving necessary.
- const char *name = upb_downcast_unresolveddef(f->def)->name;
- // Resolve from either the txntab (pending adds) or symtab (existing
- // defs). If both exist, prefer the pending add, because it will be
- // overwriting the existing def.
- upb_symtab_ent *found;
- if(!(found = upb_resolve(txntab, base, name)) &&
- !(found = upb_resolve(symtab, base, name))) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "could not resolve symbol '%s' "
- "in context '%s'", name, base);
- return false;
- }
- // Check the type of the found def.
- upb_fieldtype_t expected = upb_issubmsg(f) ? UPB_DEF_MSG : UPB_DEF_ENUM;
- //fprintf(stderr, "found: %p\n", found);
- //fprintf(stderr, "found->def: %p\n", found->def);
- //fprintf(stderr, "found->def->type: %d\n", found->def->type);
- if(found->def->type != expected) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Unexpected type");
- return false;
- }
- if (!upb_fielddef_resolve(f, found->def, status)) return false;
- }
- }
- // The defs in the transaction have been vetted, and can be moved to the
- // symtab without causing errors.
- upb_strtable_begin(&i, txntab);
- for(; !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
- const upb_symtab_ent *tmptab_e = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
- upb_def_movetosymtab(tmptab_e->def, s);
- upb_symtab_ent *symtab_e =
- upb_strtable_lookup(&s->symtab, tmptab_e->def->fqname);
- if(symtab_e) {
- upb_deflist_push(&s->olddefs, symtab_e->def);
- symtab_e->def = tmptab_e->def;
- } else {
- //fprintf(stderr, "Inserting def: %p\n", tmptab_e->def);
- upb_strtable_insert(&s->symtab, tmptab_e->def->fqname, tmptab_e);
- }
- }
- upb_strtable_clear(txntab);
- upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock);
- upb_symtab_gc(s);
- return true;
-void upb_symtab_gc(upb_symtab *s) {
- (void)s;
- // TODO.
diff --git a/src/upb_def.h b/src/upb_def.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f5009..0000000
--- a/src/upb_def.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * Provides a mechanism for creating and linking proto definitions.
- * These form the protobuf schema, and are used extensively throughout upb:
- * - upb_msgdef: describes a "message" construct.
- * - upb_fielddef: describes a message field.
- * - upb_enumdef: describes an enum.
- * (TODO: definitions of services).
- *
- * These defs are mutable (and not thread-safe) when first created.
- * Once they are added to a defbuilder (and later its symtab) they become
- * immutable.
- */
-#ifndef UPB_DEF_H_
-#define UPB_DEF_H_
-#include "upb_atomic.h"
-#include "upb_table.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct _upb_symtab;
-typedef struct _upb_symtab upb_symtab;
-// All the different kind of defs we support. These correspond 1:1 with
-// declarations in a .proto file.
-typedef enum {
- UPB_DEF_MSG = 1,
- UPB_DEF_SERVICE, // Not yet implemented.
- UPB_DEF_ANY = -1, // Wildcard for upb_symtab_get*()
- UPB_DEF_UNRESOLVED = 99, // Internal-only.
-} upb_deftype_t;
-/* upb_def: base class for defs **********************************************/
-typedef struct {
- char *fqname; // Fully qualified.
- upb_symtab *symtab; // Def is mutable iff symtab == NULL.
- upb_atomic_t refcount; // Owns a ref on symtab iff (symtab && refcount > 0).
- upb_deftype_t type;
-} upb_def;
-// Call to ref/unref a def. Can be used at any time, but is not thread-safe
-// until the def is in a symtab. While a def is in a symtab, everything
-// reachable from that def (the symtab and all defs in the symtab) are
-// guaranteed to be alive.
-void upb_def_ref(upb_def *def);
-void upb_def_unref(upb_def *def);
-upb_def *upb_def_dup(upb_def *def);
-#define UPB_UPCAST(ptr) (&(ptr)->base)
-/* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/
-// A upb_fielddef describes a single field in a message. It isn't a full def
-// in the sense that it derives from upb_def. It cannot stand on its own; it
-// must be part of a upb_msgdef. It is also reference-counted.
-typedef struct _upb_fielddef {
- struct _upb_msgdef *msgdef;
- upb_def *def; // if upb_hasdef(f)
- upb_atomic_t refcount;
- bool finalized;
- // The following fields may be modified until the def is finalized.
- uint8_t type; // Use UPB_TYPE() constants.
- uint8_t label; // Use UPB_LABEL() constants.
- int16_t hasbit;
- uint16_t offset;
- int32_t number;
- char *name;
- upb_value defaultval; // Only meaningful for non-repeated scalars and strings.
- upb_value fval;
- struct _upb_accessor_vtbl *accessor;
-} upb_fielddef;
-upb_fielddef *upb_fielddef_new();
-void upb_fielddef_ref(upb_fielddef *f);
-void upb_fielddef_unref(upb_fielddef *f);
-upb_fielddef *upb_fielddef_dup(upb_fielddef *f);
-// Read accessors. May be called any time.
-INLINE uint8_t upb_fielddef_type(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->type; }
-INLINE uint8_t upb_fielddef_label(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->label; }
-INLINE int32_t upb_fielddef_number(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->number; }
-INLINE char *upb_fielddef_name(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->name; }
-INLINE upb_value upb_fielddef_default(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->defaultval; }
-INLINE upb_value upb_fielddef_fval(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->fval; }
-INLINE bool upb_fielddef_finalized(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->finalized; }
-INLINE struct _upb_msgdef *upb_fielddef_msgdef(upb_fielddef *f) {
- return f->msgdef;
-INLINE struct _upb_accessor_vtbl *upb_fielddef_accessor(upb_fielddef *f) {
- return f->accessor;
-// Only meaningful once the def is in a symtab (returns NULL otherwise, or for
-// a fielddef where !upb_hassubdef(f)).
-upb_def *upb_fielddef_subdef(upb_fielddef *f);
-// NULL until the fielddef has been added to a msgdef.
-// Write accessors. "Number" and "name" must be set before the fielddef is
-// added to a msgdef. For the moment we do not allow these to be set once
-// the fielddef is added to a msgdef -- this could be relaxed in the future.
-void upb_fielddef_setnumber(upb_fielddef *f, int32_t number);
-void upb_fielddef_setname(upb_fielddef *f, const char *name);
-// These writers may be called at any time prior to being put in a symtab.
-void upb_fielddef_settype(upb_fielddef *f, uint8_t type);
-void upb_fielddef_setlabel(upb_fielddef *f, uint8_t label);
-void upb_fielddef_setdefault(upb_fielddef *f, upb_value value);
-void upb_fielddef_setfval(upb_fielddef *f, upb_value fval);
-void upb_fielddef_setaccessor(upb_fielddef *f, struct _upb_accessor_vtbl *vtbl);
-// The name of the message or enum this field is referring to. Must be found
-// at name resolution time (when the symtabtxn is committed to the symtab).
-void upb_fielddef_settypename(upb_fielddef *f, const char *name);
-// A variety of tests about the type of a field.
-INLINE bool upb_issubmsgtype(upb_fieldtype_t type) {
- return type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP) || type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE);
-INLINE bool upb_isstringtype(upb_fieldtype_t type) {
- return type == UPB_TYPE(STRING) || type == UPB_TYPE(BYTES);
-INLINE bool upb_isprimitivetype(upb_fieldtype_t type) {
- return !upb_issubmsgtype(type) && !upb_isstringtype(type);
-INLINE bool upb_issubmsg(upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_issubmsgtype(f->type); }
-INLINE bool upb_isstring(upb_fielddef *f) { return upb_isstringtype(f->type); }
-INLINE bool upb_isseq(upb_fielddef *f) { return f->label == UPB_LABEL(REPEATED); }
-// Does the type of this field imply that it should contain an associated def?
-INLINE bool upb_hasdef(upb_fielddef *f) {
- return upb_issubmsg(f) || f->type == UPB_TYPE(ENUM);
-/* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/
-// Structure that describes a single .proto message type.
-typedef struct _upb_msgdef {
- upb_def base;
- // Tables for looking up fields by number and name.
- upb_inttable itof; // int to field
- upb_strtable ntof; // name to field
- // The following fields may be modified until finalized.
- uint16_t size;
- uint8_t hasbit_bytes;
- // The range of tag numbers used to store extensions.
- uint32_t extension_start;
- uint32_t extension_end;
-} upb_msgdef;
-// Hash table entries for looking up fields by name or number.
-typedef struct {
- bool junk;
- upb_fielddef *f;
-} upb_itof_ent;
-typedef struct {
- upb_strtable_entry e;
- upb_fielddef *f;
-} upb_ntof_ent;
-upb_msgdef *upb_msgdef_new();
-INLINE void upb_msgdef_unref(upb_msgdef *md) { upb_def_unref(UPB_UPCAST(md)); }
-INLINE void upb_msgdef_ref(upb_msgdef *md) { upb_def_ref(UPB_UPCAST(md)); }
-// Returns a new msgdef that is a copy of the given msgdef (and a copy of all
-// the fields) but with any references to submessages broken and replaced with
-// just the name of the submessage. This can be put back into another symtab
-// and the names will be re-resolved in the new context.
-upb_msgdef *upb_msgdef_dup(upb_msgdef *m);
-// Read accessors. May be called at any time.
-INLINE uint16_t upb_msgdef_size(upb_msgdef *m) { return m->size; }
-INLINE uint8_t upb_msgdef_hasbit_bytes(upb_msgdef *m) {
- return m->hasbit_bytes;
-INLINE uint32_t upb_msgdef_extension_start(upb_msgdef *m) {
- return m->extension_start;
-INLINE uint32_t upb_msgdef_extension_end(upb_msgdef *m) {
- return m->extension_end;
-// Write accessors. May only be called before the msgdef is in a symtab.
-void upb_msgdef_setsize(upb_msgdef *m, uint16_t size);
-void upb_msgdef_sethasbit_bytes(upb_msgdef *m, uint16_t bytes);
-void upb_msgdef_setextension_start(upb_msgdef *m, uint32_t start);
-void upb_msgdef_setextension_end(upb_msgdef *m, uint32_t end);
-// Adds a fielddef to a msgdef, and passes a ref on the field to the msgdef.
-// May only be done before the msgdef is in a symtab. The fielddef's name and
-// number must be set, and the message may not already contain any field with
-// this name or number -- if it does, the fielddef is unref'd and false is
-// returned. The fielddef may not already belong to another message.
-bool upb_msgdef_addfield(upb_msgdef *m, upb_fielddef *f);
-// Sets the layout of all fields according to default rules:
-// 1. Hasbits for required fields come first, then optional fields.
-// 2. Values are laid out in a way that respects alignment rules.
-// 3. The order is chosen to minimize memory usage.
-// This should only be called once all fielddefs have been added.
-// TODO: will likely want the ability to exclude strings/submessages/arrays.
-// TODO: will likely want the ability to define a header size.
-void upb_msgdef_layout(upb_msgdef *m);
-// Looks up a field by name or number. While these are written to be as fast
-// as possible, it will still be faster to cache the results of this lookup if
-// possible. These return NULL if no such field is found.
-INLINE upb_fielddef *upb_msgdef_itof(upb_msgdef *m, uint32_t i) {
- upb_itof_ent *e = (upb_itof_ent*)
- upb_inttable_fastlookup(&m->itof, i, sizeof(upb_itof_ent));
- return e ? e->f : NULL;
-INLINE upb_fielddef *upb_msgdef_ntof(upb_msgdef *m, char *name) {
- upb_ntof_ent *e = (upb_ntof_ent*)upb_strtable_lookup(&m->ntof, name);
- return e ? e->f : NULL;
-INLINE int upb_msgdef_numfields(upb_msgdef *m) {
- return upb_strtable_count(&m->ntof);
-// Iteration over fields. The order is undefined.
-// Iterators are invalidated when a field is added or removed.
-// upb_msg_iter i;
-// for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) {
-// upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
-// // ...
-// }
-typedef upb_inttable_iter upb_msg_iter;
-upb_msg_iter upb_msg_begin(upb_msgdef *m);
-upb_msg_iter upb_msg_next(upb_msgdef *m, upb_msg_iter iter);
-INLINE bool upb_msg_done(upb_msg_iter iter) { return upb_inttable_done(iter); }
-// Iterator accessor.
-INLINE upb_fielddef *upb_msg_iter_field(upb_msg_iter iter) {
- upb_itof_ent *ent = (upb_itof_ent*)upb_inttable_iter_value(iter);
- return ent->f;
-/* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/
-typedef struct _upb_enumdef {
- upb_def base;
- upb_strtable ntoi;
- upb_inttable iton;
- int32_t defaultval;
-} upb_enumdef;
-typedef struct {
- upb_strtable_entry e;
- uint32_t value;
-} upb_ntoi_ent;
-typedef struct {
- bool junk;
- char *str;
-} upb_iton_ent;
-upb_enumdef *upb_enumdef_new();
-INLINE void upb_enumdef_ref(upb_enumdef *e) { upb_def_ref(UPB_UPCAST(e)); }
-INLINE void upb_enumdef_unref(upb_enumdef *e) { upb_def_unref(UPB_UPCAST(e)); }
-upb_enumdef *upb_enumdef_dup(upb_enumdef *e);
-INLINE int32_t upb_enumdef_default(upb_enumdef *e) { return e->defaultval; }
-// May only be set before the enumdef is in a symtab.
-void upb_enumdef_setdefault(upb_enumdef *e, int32_t val);
-// Adds a value to the enumdef. Requires that no existing val has this
-// name or number (returns false and does not add if there is). May only
-// be called before the enumdef is in a symtab.
-bool upb_enumdef_addval(upb_enumdef *e, char *name, int32_t num);
-// Lookups from name to integer and vice-versa.
-bool upb_enumdef_ntoil(upb_enumdef *e, char *name, size_t len, int32_t *num);
-bool upb_enumdef_ntoi(upb_enumdef *e, char *name, int32_t *num);
-// Caller does not own the returned string.
-const char *upb_enumdef_iton(upb_enumdef *e, int32_t num);
-// Iteration over name/value pairs. The order is undefined.
-// Adding an enum val invalidates any iterators.
-// upb_enum_iter i;
-// for(i = upb_enum_begin(e); !upb_enum_done(i); i = upb_enum_next(e, i)) {
-// // ...
-// }
-typedef upb_inttable_iter upb_enum_iter;
-upb_enum_iter upb_enum_begin(upb_enumdef *e);
-upb_enum_iter upb_enum_next(upb_enumdef *e, upb_enum_iter iter);
-INLINE bool upb_enum_done(upb_enum_iter iter) { return upb_inttable_done(iter); }
-// Iterator accessors.
-INLINE char *upb_enum_iter_name(upb_enum_iter iter) {
- upb_iton_ent *e = (upb_iton_ent*)upb_inttable_iter_value(iter);
- return e->str;
-INLINE int32_t upb_enum_iter_number(upb_enum_iter iter) {
- return upb_inttable_iter_key(iter);
-/* upb_symtabtxn **************************************************************/
-// A symbol table transaction is a map of defs that can be added to a symtab
-// in one single atomic operation that either succeeds or fails. Mutable defs
-// can be added to this map (and perhaps removed, in the future).
-// A symtabtxn is not thread-safe.
-typedef struct {
- upb_strtable deftab;
-} upb_symtabtxn;
-void upb_symtabtxn_init(upb_symtabtxn *t);
-void upb_symtabtxn_uninit(upb_symtabtxn *t);
-// Adds a def to the symtab. Caller passes a ref on the def to the symtabtxn.
-// The def's name must be set and there must not be any existing defs in the
-// symtabtxn with this name, otherwise false will be returned and no operation
-// will be performed (and the ref on the def will be released).
-bool upb_symtabtxn_add(upb_symtabtxn *t, upb_def *def);
-// Gets the def (if any) that is associated with this name in the symtab.
-// Caller does *not* inherit a ref on the def.
-upb_def *upb_symtabtxn_get(upb_symtabtxn *t, char *name);
-// Iterate over the defs that are part of the transaction.
-// The order is undefined.
-// The iterator is invalidated by upb_symtabtxn_add().
-// upb_symtabtxn_iter i;
-// for(i = upb_symtabtxn_begin(t); !upb_symtabtxn_done(t);
-// i = upb_symtabtxn_next(t, i)) {
-// upb_def *def = upb_symtabtxn_iter_def(i);
-// }
-typedef upb_strtable_iter upb_symtabtxn_iter;
-void upb_symtabtxn_begin(upb_symtabtxn_iter* i, upb_symtabtxn *t);
-void upb_symtabtxn_next(upb_symtabtxn_iter *i);
-bool upb_symtabtxn_done(upb_symtabtxn_iter *i);
-upb_def *upb_symtabtxn_iter_def(upb_symtabtxn_iter *iter);
-/* upb_symtab *****************************************************************/
-// A SymbolTable is where upb_defs live. It is empty when first constructed.
-// Clients add definitions to the symtab (or replace existing definitions) by
-// using a upb_symtab_commit() or calling upb_symtab_add().
-// upb_deflist: A little dynamic array for storing a growing list of upb_defs.
-typedef struct {
- upb_def **defs;
- uint32_t len;
- uint32_t size;
-} upb_deflist;
-void upb_deflist_init(upb_deflist *l);
-void upb_deflist_uninit(upb_deflist *l);
-void upb_deflist_push(upb_deflist *l, upb_def *d);
-struct _upb_symtab {
- upb_atomic_t refcount;
- upb_rwlock_t lock; // Protects all members except the refcount.
- upb_strtable symtab; // The symbol table.
- upb_deflist olddefs;
-upb_symtab *upb_symtab_new(void);
-INLINE void upb_symtab_ref(upb_symtab *s) { upb_atomic_ref(&s->refcount); }
-void upb_symtab_unref(upb_symtab *s);
-// Resolves the given symbol using the rules described in descriptor.proto,
-// namely:
-// If the name starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified. Otherwise, C++-like
-// scoping rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types
-// within this message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the
-// root namespace).
-// If a def is found, the caller owns one ref on the returned def. Otherwise
-// returns NULL.
-// TODO: make return const
-upb_def *upb_symtab_resolve(upb_symtab *s, const char *base, const char *sym);
-// Find an entry in the symbol table with this exact name. If a def is found,
-// the caller owns one ref on the returned def. Otherwise returns NULL.
-// TODO: make return const
-upb_def *upb_symtab_lookup(upb_symtab *s, const char *sym);
-// Gets an array of pointers to all currently active defs in this symtab. The
-// caller owns the returned array (which is of length *count) as well as a ref
-// to each symbol inside. If type is UPB_DEF_ANY then defs of all types are
-// returned, otherwise only defs of the required type are returned.
-// TODO: make return const
-upb_def **upb_symtab_getdefs(upb_symtab *s, int *n, upb_deftype_t type);
-// Adds a single upb_def into the symtab. A ref on the def is passed to the
-// symtab. If any references cannot be resolved, false is returned and the
-// symtab is unchanged. The error (if any) is saved to status if non-NULL.
-bool upb_symtab_add(upb_symtab *s, upb_def *d, upb_status *status);
-// Adds the set of defs contained in the transaction to the symtab, clearing
-// the txn. The entire operation either succeeds or fails. If the operation
-// fails, the symtab is unchanged, false is returned, and status indicates
-// the error.
-bool upb_symtab_commit(upb_symtab *s, upb_symtabtxn *t, upb_status *status);
-// Frees defs that are no longer active in the symtab and are no longer
-// reachable. Such defs are not freed when they are replaced in the symtab
-// if they are still reachable from defs that are still referenced.
-void upb_symtab_gc(upb_symtab *s);
-/* upb_def casts **************************************************************/
-// Dynamic casts, for determining if a def is of a particular type at runtime.
-#define UPB_DYNAMIC_CAST_DEF(lower, upper) \
- struct _upb_ ## lower; /* Forward-declare. */ \
- INLINE struct _upb_ ## lower *upb_dyncast_ ## lower(upb_def *def) { \
- if(def->type != UPB_DEF_ ## upper) return NULL; \
- return (struct _upb_ ## lower*)def; \
- }
-// Downcasts, for when some wants to assert that a def is of a particular type.
-// These are only checked if we are building debug.
-#define UPB_DOWNCAST_DEF(lower, upper) \
- struct _upb_ ## lower; /* Forward-declare. */ \
- INLINE struct _upb_ ## lower *upb_downcast_ ## lower(upb_def *def) { \
- assert(def->type == UPB_DEF_ ## upper); \
- return (struct _upb_ ## lower*)def; \
- }
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_DEF_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_descriptor.c b/src/upb_descriptor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f70f1ba..0000000
--- a/src/upb_descriptor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_descriptor.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "upb_def.h"
-// Returns a newly allocated string that joins input strings together, for example:
-// join("Foo.Bar", "Baz") -> "Foo.Bar.Baz"
-// join("", "Baz") -> "Baz"
-// Caller owns a ref on the returned string. */
-static char *upb_join(char *base, char *name) {
- if (!base || strlen(base) == 0) {
- return strdup(name);
- } else {
- char *ret = malloc(strlen(base) + strlen(name) + 2);
- ret[0] = '\0';
- strcat(ret, base);
- strcat(ret, ".");
- strcat(ret, name);
- return ret;
- }
-/* upb_descreader ************************************************************/
-// A upb_descreader builds a list of defs by handling a parse of a protobuf in
-// the format defined in descriptor.proto. The output of a upb_descreader is
-// a upb_symtabtxn.
-static upb_def *upb_deflist_last(upb_deflist *l) {
- return l->defs[l->len-1];
-// Qualify the defname for all defs starting with offset "start" with "str".
-static void upb_deflist_qualify(upb_deflist *l, char *str, int32_t start) {
- for(uint32_t i = start; i < l->len; i++) {
- upb_def *def = l->defs[i];
- char *name = def->fqname;
- def->fqname = upb_join(str, name);
- free(name);
- }
-// Forward declares for top-level file descriptors.
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_msgdef_register_DescriptorProto(upb_handlers *h);
-static upb_mhandlers * upb_enumdef_register_EnumDescriptorProto(upb_handlers *h);
-void upb_descreader_init(upb_descreader *r, upb_symtabtxn *txn) {
- upb_deflist_init(&r->defs);
- upb_status_init(&r->status);
- r->txn = txn;
- r->stack_len = 0;
- r->name = NULL;
- r->default_string = NULL;
-void upb_descreader_uninit(upb_descreader *r) {
- free(r->name);
- upb_status_uninit(&r->status);
- upb_deflist_uninit(&r->defs);
- free(r->default_string);
- while (r->stack_len > 0) {
- upb_descreader_frame *f = &r->stack[--r->stack_len];
- free(f->name);
- }
-static upb_msgdef *upb_descreader_top(upb_descreader *r) {
- if (r->stack_len <= 1) return NULL;
- int index = r->stack[r->stack_len-1].start - 1;
- assert(index >= 0);
- return upb_downcast_msgdef(r->defs.defs[index]);
-static upb_def *upb_descreader_last(upb_descreader *r) {
- return upb_deflist_last(&r->defs);
-// Start/end handlers for FileDescriptorProto and DescriptorProto (the two
-// entities that have names and can contain sub-definitions.
-void upb_descreader_startcontainer(upb_descreader *r) {
- upb_descreader_frame *f = &r->stack[r->stack_len++];
- f->start = r->defs.len;
- f->name = NULL;
-void upb_descreader_endcontainer(upb_descreader *r) {
- upb_descreader_frame *f = &r->stack[--r->stack_len];
- upb_deflist_qualify(&r->defs, f->name, f->start);
- free(f->name);
- f->name = NULL;
-void upb_descreader_setscopename(upb_descreader *r, char *str) {
- upb_descreader_frame *f = &r->stack[r->stack_len-1];
- free(f->name);
- f->name = str;
-// Handlers for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.
-static upb_flow_t upb_descreader_FileDescriptorProto_startmsg(void *_r) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_descreader_startcontainer(r);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static void upb_descreader_FileDescriptorProto_endmsg(void *_r,
- upb_status *status) {
- (void)status;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_descreader_endcontainer(r);
-static upb_flow_t upb_descreader_FileDescriptorProto_package(void *_r,
- upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_descreader_setscopename(r, upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val)));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_descreader_register_FileDescriptorProto(
- upb_handlers *h) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mhandlers_setstartmsg(m, &upb_descreader_FileDescriptorProto_startmsg);
- upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(m, &upb_descreader_FileDescriptorProto_endmsg);
- upb_fhandlers *f =
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, FNUM(PACKAGE), FTYPE(PACKAGE), false);
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue(f, &upb_descreader_FileDescriptorProto_package);
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(m, FNUM(MESSAGE_TYPE), FTYPE(MESSAGE_TYPE), true,
- upb_msgdef_register_DescriptorProto(h));
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(m, FNUM(ENUM_TYPE), FTYPE(ENUM_TYPE), true,
- upb_enumdef_register_EnumDescriptorProto(h));
- // TODO: services, extensions
- return m;
-#undef FNUM
-#undef FTYPE
-// Handlers for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet.
-static void upb_descreader_FileDescriptorSet_onendmsg(void *_r,
- upb_status *status) {
- // Move all defs (which are now guaranteed to be fully-qualified) to the txn.
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- if (upb_ok(status)) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r->defs.len; i++) {
- // TODO: check return for duplicate def.
- upb_symtabtxn_add(r->txn, r->defs.defs[i]);
- }
- r->defs.len = 0;
- }
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_descreader_register_FileDescriptorSet(upb_handlers *h) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(m, upb_descreader_FileDescriptorSet_onendmsg);
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(m, FNUM(FILE), FTYPE(FILE), true,
- upb_descreader_register_FileDescriptorProto(h));
- return m;
-#undef FNUM
-#undef FTYPE
-upb_mhandlers *upb_descreader_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h) {
- h->should_jit = false;
- return upb_descreader_register_FileDescriptorSet(h);
-// google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.
-static upb_flow_t upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_startmsg(void *_r) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- r->saw_number = false;
- r->saw_name = false;
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_name(void *_r,
- upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- free(r->name);
- r->name = upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val));
- r->saw_name = true;
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_number(void *_r,
- upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- r->number = upb_value_getint32(val);
- r->saw_number = true;
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static void upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_endmsg(void *_r,
- upb_status *status) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- if(!r->saw_number || !r->saw_name) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Enum value missing name or number.");
- return;
- }
- upb_enumdef *e = upb_downcast_enumdef(upb_descreader_last(r));
- if (upb_inttable_count(&e->iton) == 0) {
- // The default value of an enum (in the absence of an explicit default) is
- // its first listed value.
- upb_enumdef_setdefault(e, r->number);
- }
- upb_enumdef_addval(e, r->name, r->number);
- free(r->name);
- r->name = NULL;
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_enumdef_register_EnumValueDescriptorProto(
- upb_handlers *h) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mhandlers_setstartmsg(m, &upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_startmsg);
- upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(m, &upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_endmsg);
- upb_fhandlers *f;
- f = upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, FNUM(NAME), FTYPE(NAME), false);
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue(f, &upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_name);
- f = upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, FNUM(NUMBER), FTYPE(NUMBER), false);
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue(f, &upb_enumdef_EnumValueDescriptorProto_number);
- return m;
-#undef FNUM
-#undef FTYPE
-// google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.
-static upb_flow_t upb_enumdef_EnumDescriptorProto_startmsg(void *_r) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_deflist_push(&r->defs, UPB_UPCAST(upb_enumdef_new()));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static void upb_enumdef_EnumDescriptorProto_endmsg(void *_r, upb_status *status) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_enumdef *e = upb_downcast_enumdef(upb_descreader_last(r));
- if (upb_descreader_last((upb_descreader*)_r)->fqname == NULL) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Enum had no name.");
- return;
- }
- if (upb_inttable_count(&e->iton) == 0) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Enum had no values.");
- return;
- }
-static upb_flow_t upb_enumdef_EnumDescriptorProto_name(void *_r,
- upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_enumdef *e = upb_downcast_enumdef(upb_descreader_last(r));
- free(e->base.fqname);
- e->base.fqname = upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_enumdef_register_EnumDescriptorProto(upb_handlers *h) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mhandlers_setstartmsg(m, &upb_enumdef_EnumDescriptorProto_startmsg);
- upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(m, &upb_enumdef_EnumDescriptorProto_endmsg);
- upb_fhandlers *f =
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, FNUM(NAME), FTYPE(NAME), false);
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue(f, &upb_enumdef_EnumDescriptorProto_name);
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(m, FNUM(VALUE), FTYPE(VALUE), true,
- upb_enumdef_register_EnumValueDescriptorProto(h));
- return m;
-#undef FNUM
-#undef FTYPE
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_startmsg(void *_r) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- r->f = upb_fielddef_new();
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-// Converts the default value in string "str" into "d". Passes a ref on str.
-// Returns true on success.
-static bool upb_fielddef_parsedefault(char *str, upb_value *d, int type) {
- bool success = true;
- if (type == UPB_TYPE(STRING) || type == UPB_TYPE(BYTES) || type == UPB_TYPE(ENUM)) {
- // We'll keep the ref we had on it. We include enums in this case because
- // we need the enumdef to resolve the name, but we may not have it yet.
- // We'll resolve it later.
- if (!str) str = strdup("");
- upb_value_setptr(d, str);
- } else if (type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE) || type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) {
- // We don't expect to get a default value.
- free(str);
- if (str != NULL) success = false;
- } else if (type == UPB_TYPE(BOOL)) {
- if (!str || strcmp(str, "false") == 0)
- upb_value_setbool(d, false);
- else if (strcmp(str, "true") == 0)
- upb_value_setbool(d, true);
- else
- success = false;
- free(str);
- } else {
- // The strto* functions need the string to be NULL-terminated.
- if (!str) str = strdup("0");
- char *end;
- switch (type) {
- case UPB_TYPE(INT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): {
- long val = strtol(str, &end, 0);
- if (val > INT32_MAX || val < INT32_MIN || errno == ERANGE || *end)
- success = false;
- else
- upb_value_setint32(d, val);
- break;
- }
- case UPB_TYPE(INT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64):
- upb_value_setint64(d, strtoll(str, &end, 0));
- if (errno == ERANGE || *end) success = false;
- break;
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): {
- unsigned long val = strtoul(str, &end, 0);
- if (val > UINT32_MAX || errno == ERANGE || *end)
- success = false;
- else
- upb_value_setuint32(d, val);
- break;
- }
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64):
- upb_value_setuint64(d, strtoull(str, &end, 0));
- if (errno == ERANGE || *end) success = false;
- break;
- upb_value_setdouble(d, strtod(str, &end));
- if (errno == ERANGE || *end) success = false;
- break;
- upb_value_setfloat(d, strtof(str, &end));
- if (errno == ERANGE || *end) success = false;
- break;
- }
- free(str);
- }
- return success;
-static void upb_fielddef_endmsg(void *_r, upb_status *status) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_fielddef *f = r->f;
- // TODO: verify that all required fields were present.
- assert(f->number != -1 && f->name != NULL);
- assert((f->def != NULL) == upb_hasdef(f));
- // Field was successfully read, add it as a field of the msgdef.
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_descreader_top(r);
- upb_msgdef_addfield(m, f);
- char *dstr = r->default_string;
- r->default_string = NULL;
- upb_value val;
- if (!upb_fielddef_parsedefault(dstr, &val, f->type)) {
- // We don't worry too much about giving a great error message since the
- // compiler should have ensured this was correct.
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Error converting default value.");
- return;
- }
- upb_fielddef_setdefault(f, val);
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_ontype(void *_r, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_fielddef_settype(r->f, upb_value_getint32(val));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_onlabel(void *_r, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_fielddef_setlabel(r->f, upb_value_getint32(val));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_onnumber(void *_r, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_fielddef_setnumber(r->f, upb_value_getint32(val));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_onname(void *_r, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- char *name = upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val));
- upb_fielddef_setname(r->f, name);
- free(name);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_ontypename(void *_r, upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- char *name = upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val));
- upb_fielddef_settypename(r->f, name);
- free(name);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_fielddef_ondefaultval(void *_r, upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- // Have to convert from string to the correct type, but we might not know the
- // type yet.
- free(r->default_string);
- r->default_string = upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_fielddef_register_FieldDescriptorProto(
- upb_handlers *h) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mhandlers_setstartmsg(m, &upb_fielddef_startmsg);
- upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(m, &upb_fielddef_endmsg);
-#define FIELD(name, handler) \
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue( \
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, \
- false), \
- handler);
- FIELD(TYPE, &upb_fielddef_ontype);
- FIELD(LABEL, &upb_fielddef_onlabel);
- FIELD(NUMBER, &upb_fielddef_onnumber);
- FIELD(NAME, &upb_fielddef_onname);
- FIELD(TYPE_NAME, &upb_fielddef_ontypename);
- FIELD(DEFAULT_VALUE, &upb_fielddef_ondefaultval);
- return m;
-#undef FNUM
-#undef FTYPE
-// google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.
-static upb_flow_t upb_msgdef_startmsg(void *_r) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_deflist_push(&r->defs, UPB_UPCAST(upb_msgdef_new()));
- upb_descreader_startcontainer(r);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static void upb_msgdef_endmsg(void *_r, upb_status *status) {
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_descreader_top(r);
- if(!m->base.fqname) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Encountered message with no name.");
- return;
- }
- upb_msgdef_layout(m);
- upb_descreader_endcontainer(r);
-static upb_flow_t upb_msgdef_onname(void *_r, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_descreader *r = _r;
- assert(val.type == UPB_TYPE(STRING));
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_descreader_top(r);
- free(m->base.fqname);
- m->base.fqname = upb_strref_dup(upb_value_getstrref(val));
- upb_descreader_setscopename(r, strdup(m->base.fqname));
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_msgdef_register_DescriptorProto(upb_handlers *h) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mhandlers_setstartmsg(m, &upb_msgdef_startmsg);
- upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(m, &upb_msgdef_endmsg);
- upb_fhandlers *f =
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, FNUM(NAME), FTYPE(NAME), false);
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue(f, &upb_msgdef_onname);
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(m, FNUM(FIELD), FTYPE(FIELD), true,
- upb_fielddef_register_FieldDescriptorProto(h));
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(m, FNUM(ENUM_TYPE), FTYPE(ENUM_TYPE), true,
- upb_enumdef_register_EnumDescriptorProto(h));
- // DescriptorProto is self-recursive, so we must link the definition.
- upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(
- // TODO: extensions.
- return m;
-#undef FNUM
-#undef FTYPE
diff --git a/src/upb_descriptor.h b/src/upb_descriptor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee05e2f..0000000
--- a/src/upb_descriptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * Routines for building defs by parsing descriptors in descriptor.proto format.
- * This only needs to use the public API of upb_symtab. Later we may also
- * add routines for dumping a symtab to a descriptor.
- */
-#include "upb_handlers.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* upb_descreader ************************************************************/
-// upb_descreader reads a descriptor and puts defs in a upb_symtabtxn.
-// We keep a stack of all the messages scopes we are currently in, as well as
-// the top-level file scope. This is necessary to correctly qualify the
-// definitions that are contained inside. "name" tracks the name of the
-// message or package (a bare name -- not qualified by any enclosing scopes).
-typedef struct {
- char *name;
- // Index of the first def that is under this scope. For msgdefs, the
- // msgdef itself is at start-1.
- int start;
-} upb_descreader_frame;
-typedef struct {
- upb_deflist defs;
- upb_symtabtxn *txn;
- upb_descreader_frame stack[UPB_MAX_TYPE_DEPTH];
- int stack_len;
- upb_status status;
- uint32_t number;
- char *name;
- bool saw_number;
- bool saw_name;
- char *default_string;
- upb_fielddef *f;
-} upb_descreader;
-// Creates a new descriptor builder that will add defs to the given txn.
-void upb_descreader_init(upb_descreader *r, upb_symtabtxn *txn);
-void upb_descreader_uninit(upb_descreader *r);
-// Registers handlers that will load descriptor data into a symtabtxn.
-// Pass the descreader as the closure. The messages will have
-// upb_msgdef_layout() called on them before adding to the txn.
-upb_mhandlers *upb_descreader_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_encoder.c b/src/upb_encoder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 139dc88..0000000
--- a/src/upb_encoder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_encoder.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "descriptor.h"
-/* Functions for calculating sizes of wire values. ****************************/
-static size_t upb_v_uint64_t_size(uint64_t val) {
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- int high_bit = 63 - __builtin_clzll(val); // 0-based, undef if val == 0.
- int high_bit = 0;
- uint64_t tmp = val;
- while(tmp >>= 1) high_bit++;
- return val == 0 ? 1 : high_bit / 7 + 1;
-static size_t upb_v_int32_t_size(int32_t val) {
- // v_uint32's are sign-extended to maintain wire compatibility with int64s.
- return upb_v_uint64_t_size((int64_t)val);
-static size_t upb_v_uint32_t_size(uint32_t val) {
- return upb_v_uint64_t_size(val);
-static size_t upb_f_uint64_t_size(uint64_t val) {
- (void)val; // Length is independent of value.
- return sizeof(uint64_t);
-static size_t upb_f_uint32_t_size(uint32_t val) {
- (void)val; // Length is independent of value.
- return sizeof(uint32_t);
-/* Functions to write wire values. ********************************************/
-// Since we know in advance the longest that the value could be, we always make
-// sure that our buffer is long enough. This saves us from having to perform
-// bounds checks.
-// Puts a varint (wire type: UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT).
-static uint8_t *upb_put_v_uint64_t(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t val)
- do {
- uint8_t byte = val & 0x7f;
- val >>= 7;
- if(val) byte |= 0x80;
- *buf++ = byte;
- } while(val);
- return buf;
-// Puts an unsigned 32-bit varint, verbatim. Never uses the high 64 bits.
-static uint8_t *upb_put_v_uint32_t(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t val)
- return upb_put_v_uint64_t(buf, val);
-// Puts a signed 32-bit varint, first sign-extending to 64-bits. We do this to
-// maintain wire-compatibility with 64-bit signed integers.
-static uint8_t *upb_put_v_int32_t(uint8_t *buf, int32_t val)
- return upb_put_v_uint64_t(buf, (int64_t)val);
-static void upb_put32(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t val) {
- buf[0] = val & 0xff;
- buf[1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
- buf[2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff;
- buf[3] = (val >> 24);
-// Puts a fixed-length 32-bit integer (wire type: UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT).
-static uint8_t *upb_put_f_uint32_t(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t val)
- uint8_t *uint32_end = buf + sizeof(uint32_t);
- *(uint32_t*)buf = val;
- upb_put32(buf, val);
- return uint32_end;
-// Puts a fixed-length 64-bit integer (wire type: UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT).
-static uint8_t *upb_put_f_uint64_t(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t val)
- uint8_t *uint64_end = buf + sizeof(uint64_t);
- *(uint64_t*)buf = val;
- upb_put32(buf, (uint32_t)val);
- upb_put32(buf, (uint32_t)(val >> 32));
- return uint64_end;
-/* Functions to write and calculate sizes for .proto values. ******************/
-// Performs zig-zag encoding, which is used by sint32 and sint64.
-static uint32_t upb_zzenc_32(int32_t n) { return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 31); }
-static uint64_t upb_zzenc_64(int64_t n) { return (n << 1) ^ (n >> 63); }
-/* Use macros to define a set of two functions for each .proto type:
- *
- * // Converts and writes a .proto value into buf. "end" indicates the end
- * // of the current available buffer (if the buffer does not contain enough
- * // space UPB_STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA is returned). On success, *outbuf will
- * // point one past the data that was written.
- * uint8_t *upb_put_INT32(uint8_t *buf, int32_t val);
- *
- * // Returns the number of bytes required to encode val.
- * size_t upb_get_INT32_size(int32_t val);
- *
- * // Given a .proto value s (source) convert it to a wire value.
- * uint32_t upb_vtowv_INT32(int32_t s);
- */
-#define VTOWV(type, wire_t, val_t) \
- static wire_t upb_vtowv_ ## type(val_t s)
-#define PUT(type, v_or_f, wire_t, val_t, member_name) \
- static uint8_t *upb_put_ ## type(uint8_t *buf, val_t val) { \
- wire_t tmp = upb_vtowv_ ## type(val); \
- return upb_put_ ## v_or_f ## _ ## wire_t(buf, tmp); \
- }
-#define T(type, v_or_f, wire_t, val_t, member_name) \
- static size_t upb_get_ ## type ## _size(val_t val) { \
- return upb_ ## v_or_f ## _ ## wire_t ## _size(val); \
- } \
- VTOWV(type, wire_t, val_t); /* prototype for PUT below */ \
- PUT(type, v_or_f, wire_t, val_t, member_name) \
- VTOWV(type, wire_t, val_t)
-T(INT32, v, int32_t, int32_t, int32) { return (uint32_t)s; }
-T(INT64, v, uint64_t, int64_t, int64) { return (uint64_t)s; }
-T(UINT32, v, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32) { return s; }
-T(UINT64, v, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64) { return s; }
-T(SINT32, v, uint32_t, int32_t, int32) { return upb_zzenc_32(s); }
-T(SINT64, v, uint64_t, int64_t, int64) { return upb_zzenc_64(s); }
-T(FIXED32, f, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32) { return s; }
-T(FIXED64, f, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64) { return s; }
-T(SFIXED32, f, uint32_t, int32_t, int32) { return (uint32_t)s; }
-T(SFIXED64, f, uint64_t, int64_t, int64) { return (uint64_t)s; }
-T(BOOL, v, uint32_t, bool, _bool) { return (uint32_t)s; }
-T(ENUM, v, uint32_t, int32_t, int32) { return (uint32_t)s; }
-T(DOUBLE, f, uint64_t, double, _double) {
- upb_value v;
- v._double = s;
- return v.uint64;
-T(FLOAT, f, uint32_t, float, _float) {
- upb_value v;
- v._float = s;
- return v.uint32;
-#undef VTOWV
-#undef PUT
-#undef T
-static uint8_t *upb_encode_value(uint8_t *buf, upb_field_type_t ft, upb_value v)
-#define CASE(t, member_name) \
- case UPB_TYPE(t): return upb_put_ ## t(buf, v.member_name);
- switch(ft) {
- CASE(DOUBLE, _double)
- CASE(FLOAT, _float)
- CASE(INT32, int32)
- CASE(INT64, int64)
- CASE(UINT32, uint32)
- CASE(UINT64, uint64)
- CASE(SINT32, int32)
- CASE(SINT64, int64)
- CASE(FIXED32, uint32)
- CASE(FIXED64, uint64)
- CASE(SFIXED32, int32)
- CASE(SFIXED64, int64)
- CASE(BOOL, _bool)
- CASE(ENUM, int32)
- default: assert(false); return buf;
- }
-#undef CASE
-static uint32_t _upb_get_value_size(upb_field_type_t ft, upb_value v)
-#define CASE(t, member_name) \
- case UPB_TYPE(t): return upb_get_ ## t ## _size(v.member_name);
- switch(ft) {
- CASE(DOUBLE, _double)
- CASE(FLOAT, _float)
- CASE(INT32, int32)
- CASE(INT64, int64)
- CASE(UINT32, uint32)
- CASE(UINT64, uint64)
- CASE(SINT32, int32)
- CASE(SINT64, int64)
- CASE(FIXED32, uint32)
- CASE(FIXED64, uint64)
- CASE(SFIXED32, int32)
- CASE(SFIXED64, int64)
- CASE(BOOL, _bool)
- CASE(ENUM, int32)
- default: assert(false); return 0;
- }
-#undef CASE
-static uint8_t *_upb_put_tag(uint8_t *buf, upb_field_number_t num,
- upb_wire_type_t wt)
- return upb_put_UINT32(buf, wt | (num << 3));
-static uint32_t _upb_get_tag_size(upb_field_number_t num)
- return upb_get_UINT32_size(num << 3);
-/* upb_sizebuilder ************************************************************/
-struct upb_sizebuilder {
- // Accumulating size for the current level.
- uint32_t size;
- // Stack of sizes for our current nesting.
- uint32_t stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING], *top;
- // Vector of sizes.
- uint32_t *sizes;
- int sizes_len;
- int sizes_size;
- upb_status status;
-// upb_sink callbacks.
-static upb_sink_status _upb_sizebuilder_valuecb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_value val,
- upb_status *status)
- (void)status;
- upb_sizebuilder *sb = (upb_sizebuilder*)sink;
- uint32_t size = 0;
- size += _upb_get_tag_size(f->number);
- size += _upb_get_value_size(f->type, val);
- sb->size += size;
-static upb_sink_status _upb_sizebuilder_strcb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_strptr str,
- int32_t start, uint32_t end,
- upb_status *status)
- (void)status;
- (void)str; // String data itself is not used.
- upb_sizebuilder *sb = (upb_sizebuilder*)sink;
- if(start >= 0) {
- uint32_t size = 0;
- size += _upb_get_tag_size(f->number);
- size += upb_get_UINT32_size(end - start);
- sb->size += size;
- }
-static upb_sink_status _upb_sizebuilder_startcb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_status *status)
- (void)status;
- (void)f; // Unused (we calculate tag size and delimiter in endcb).
- upb_sizebuilder *sb = (upb_sizebuilder*)sink;
- if(f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) {
- *sb->top = sb->size;
- sb->top++;
- sb->size = 0;
- } else {
- assert(f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP));
- sb->size += _upb_get_tag_size(f->number);
- }
-static upb_sink_status _upb_sizebuilder_endcb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_status *status)
- (void)status;
- upb_sizebuilder *sb = (upb_sizebuilder*)sink;
- if(f->type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) {
- sb->top--;
- if(sb->sizes_len == sb->sizes_size) {
- sb->sizes_size *= 2;
- sb->sizes = realloc(sb->sizes, sb->sizes_size * sizeof(*sb->sizes));
- }
- uint32_t child_size = sb->size;
- uint32_t parent_size = *sb->top;
- sb->sizes[sb->sizes_len++] = child_size;
- // The size according to the parent includes the tag size and delimiter of
- // the submessage.
- parent_size += upb_get_UINT32_size(child_size);
- parent_size += _upb_get_tag_size(f->number);
- // Include size accumulated in parent before child began.
- sb->size = child_size + parent_size;
- } else {
- assert(f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP));
- // As an optimization, we could just add this number twice in startcb, to
- // avoid having to recalculate it.
- sb->size += _upb_get_tag_size(f->number);
- }
-upb_sink_callbacks _upb_sizebuilder_sink_vtbl = {
- _upb_sizebuilder_valuecb,
- _upb_sizebuilder_strcb,
- _upb_sizebuilder_startcb,
- _upb_sizebuilder_endcb
-/* upb_sink callbacks *********************************************************/
-struct upb_encoder {
- upb_sink base;
- //upb_bytesink *bytesink;
- uint32_t *sizes;
- int size_offset;
-// Within one callback we may need to encode up to two separate values.
-static upb_sink_status _upb_encoder_push_buf(upb_encoder *s, const uint8_t *buf,
- size_t len, upb_status *status)
- // TODO: conjure a upb_strptr that points to buf.
- //upb_strptr ptr;
- (void)s;
- (void)buf;
- (void)status;
- size_t written = 5;// = upb_bytesink_onbytes(s->bytesink, ptr);
- if(written < len) {
- // TODO: mark to skip "written" bytes next time.
- return UPB_SINK_STOP;
- } else {
- }
-static upb_sink_status _upb_encoder_valuecb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_value val, upb_status *status)
- upb_encoder *s = (upb_encoder*)sink;
- uint8_t buf[UPB_ENCODER_BUFSIZE], *ptr = buf;
- upb_wire_type_t wt = upb_types[f->type].expected_wire_type;
- // TODO: handle packed encoding.
- ptr = _upb_put_tag(ptr, f->number, wt);
- ptr = upb_encode_value(ptr, f->type, val);
- return _upb_encoder_push_buf(s, buf, ptr - buf, status);
-static upb_sink_status _upb_encoder_strcb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_strptr str,
- int32_t start, uint32_t end,
- upb_status *status)
- upb_encoder *s = (upb_encoder*)sink;
- uint8_t buf[UPB_ENCODER_BUFSIZE], *ptr = buf;
- if(start >= 0) {
- ptr = _upb_put_tag(ptr, f->number, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED);
- ptr = upb_put_UINT32(ptr, end - start);
- }
- // TODO: properly handle partially consumed strings and partially supplied
- // strings.
- _upb_encoder_push_buf(s, buf, ptr - buf, status);
- return _upb_encoder_push_buf(s, (uint8_t*)upb_string_getrobuf(str), end - start, status);
-static upb_sink_status _upb_encoder_startcb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_status *status)
- upb_encoder *s = (upb_encoder*)sink;
- uint8_t buf[UPB_ENCODER_BUFSIZE], *ptr = buf;
- if(f->type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) {
- ptr = _upb_put_tag(ptr, f->number, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_START_GROUP);
- } else {
- ptr = _upb_put_tag(ptr, f->number, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED);
- ptr = upb_put_UINT32(ptr, s->sizes[--s->size_offset]);
- }
- return _upb_encoder_push_buf(s, buf, ptr - buf, status);
-static upb_sink_status _upb_encoder_endcb(upb_sink *sink, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_status *status)
- upb_encoder *s = (upb_encoder*)sink;
- uint8_t buf[UPB_ENCODER_BUFSIZE], *ptr = buf;
- if(f->type != UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) return UPB_SINK_CONTINUE;
- ptr = _upb_put_tag(ptr, f->number, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP);
- return _upb_encoder_push_buf(s, buf, ptr - buf, status);
-upb_sink_callbacks _upb_encoder_sink_vtbl = {
- _upb_encoder_valuecb,
- _upb_encoder_strcb,
- _upb_encoder_startcb,
- _upb_encoder_endcb
diff --git a/src/upb_encoder.h b/src/upb_encoder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c5047..0000000
--- a/src/upb_encoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * Implements a set of upb_handlers that write protobuf data to the binary wire
- * format.
- *
- * For messages that have any submessages, the encoder needs a buffer
- * containing the submessage sizes, so they can be properly written at the
- * front of each message. Note that groups do *not* have this requirement.
- */
-#ifndef UPB_ENCODER_H_
-#define UPB_ENCODER_H_
-#include "upb.h"
-#include "upb_stream.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* upb_encoder ****************************************************************/
-// A upb_encoder is a upb_sink that emits data to a upb_bytesink in the protocol
-// buffer binary wire format.
-struct upb_encoder;
-typedef struct upb_encoder upb_encoder;
-upb_encoder *upb_encoder_new(upb_msgdef *md);
-void upb_encoder_free(upb_encoder *e);
-// Resets the given upb_encoder such that is is ready to begin encoding,
-// outputting data to "bytesink" (which must live until the encoder is
-// reset or destroyed).
-void upb_encoder_reset(upb_encoder *e, upb_bytesink *bytesink);
-// Returns the upb_sink to which data can be written. The sink is invalidated
-// when the encoder is reset or destroyed. Note that if the client wants to
-// encode any length-delimited submessages it must first call
-// upb_encoder_buildsizes() below.
-upb_sink *upb_encoder_sink(upb_encoder *e);
-// Call prior to pushing any data with embedded submessages. "src" must yield
-// exactly the same data as what will next be encoded, but in reverse order.
-// The encoder iterates over this data in order to determine the sizes of the
-// submessages. If any errors are returned by the upb_src, the status will
-// be saved in *status. If the client is sure that the upb_src will not throw
-// any errors, "status" may be NULL.
-void upb_encoder_buildsizes(upb_encoder *e, upb_src *src, upb_status *status);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_ENCODER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_glue.c b/src/upb_glue.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5bd3f..0000000
--- a/src/upb_glue.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_decoder.h"
-#include "upb_descriptor.h"
-#include "upb_glue.h"
-#include "upb_msg.h"
-#include "upb_strstream.h"
-#include "upb_textprinter.h"
-void upb_strtomsg(const char *str, size_t len, void *msg, upb_msgdef *md,
- upb_status *status) {
- upb_stringsrc strsrc;
- upb_stringsrc_init(&strsrc);
- upb_stringsrc_reset(&strsrc, str, len);
- upb_decoder d;
- upb_decoder_initformsgdef(&d, md);
- upb_decoder_reset(&d, upb_stringsrc_bytesrc(&strsrc), 0, UINT64_MAX, msg);
- upb_decoder_decode(&d, status);
- upb_stringsrc_uninit(&strsrc);
- upb_decoder_uninit(&d);
-#if 0
-void upb_msgtotext(upb_string *str, upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md,
- bool single_line) {
- upb_stringsink strsink;
- upb_stringsink_init(&strsink);
- upb_stringsink_reset(&strsink, str);
- upb_textprinter *p = upb_textprinter_new();
- upb_handlers *h = upb_handlers_new();
- upb_textprinter_reghandlers(h, md);
- upb_textprinter_reset(p, upb_stringsink_bytesink(&strsink), single_line);
- upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT;
- upb_msg_runhandlers(msg, md, h, p, &status);
- // None of {upb_msg_runhandlers, upb_textprinter, upb_stringsink} should be
- // capable of returning an error.
- assert(upb_ok(&status));
- upb_status_uninit(&status);
- upb_stringsink_uninit(&strsink);
- upb_textprinter_free(p);
- upb_handlers_unref(h);
-// TODO: read->load.
-void upb_read_descriptor(upb_symtab *symtab, const char *str, size_t len,
- upb_status *status) {
- upb_stringsrc strsrc;
- upb_stringsrc_init(&strsrc);
- upb_stringsrc_reset(&strsrc, str, len);
- upb_handlers *h = upb_handlers_new();
- upb_descreader_reghandlers(h);
- upb_decoder d;
- upb_decoder_initforhandlers(&d, h);
- upb_handlers_unref(h);
- upb_descreader r;
- upb_symtabtxn txn;
- upb_symtabtxn_init(&txn);
- upb_descreader_init(&r, &txn);
- upb_decoder_reset(&d, upb_stringsrc_bytesrc(&strsrc), 0, UINT64_MAX, &r);
- upb_decoder_decode(&d, status);
- // Set default accessors and layouts on all messages.
- // for msgdef in symtabtxn:
- upb_symtabtxn_iter i;
- upb_symtabtxn_begin(&i, &txn);
- for(; !upb_symtabtxn_done(&i); upb_symtabtxn_next(&i)) {
- upb_def *def = upb_symtabtxn_iter_def(&i);
- upb_msgdef *md = upb_dyncast_msgdef(def);
- if (!md) return;
- // For field in msgdef:
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(md); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(md, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- upb_fielddef_setaccessor(f, upb_stdmsg_accessor(f));
- }
- upb_msgdef_layout(md);
- }
- if (upb_ok(status)) upb_symtab_commit(symtab, &txn, status);
- upb_symtabtxn_uninit(&txn);
- upb_descreader_uninit(&r);
- upb_stringsrc_uninit(&strsrc);
- upb_decoder_uninit(&d);
-char *upb_readfile(const char *filename, size_t *len) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
- if(!f) return NULL;
- if(fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) goto error;
- long size = ftell(f);
- if(size < 0) goto error;
- if(fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) goto error;
- char *buf = malloc(size);
- if(fread(buf, size, 1, f) != 1) goto error;
- fclose(f);
- if (len) *len = size;
- return buf;
- fclose(f);
- return NULL;
-void upb_read_descriptorfile(upb_symtab *symtab, const char *fname,
- upb_status *status) {
- size_t len;
- char *data = upb_readfile(fname, &len);
- if (!data) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Couldn't read file: %s", fname);
- return;
- }
- upb_read_descriptor(symtab, data, len, status);
- free(data);
diff --git a/src/upb_glue.h b/src/upb_glue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0448c2f..0000000
--- a/src/upb_glue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * upb's core components like upb_decoder and upb_msg are carefully designed to
- * avoid depending on each other for maximum orthogonality. In other words,
- * you can use a upb_decoder to decode into *any* kind of structure; upb_msg is
- * just one such structure. A upb_msg can be serialized/deserialized into any
- * format, protobuf binary format is just one such format.
- *
- * However, for convenience we provide functions here for doing common
- * operations like deserializing protobuf binary format into a upb_msg. The
- * compromise is that this file drags in almost all of upb as a dependency,
- * which could be undesirable if you're trying to use a trimmed-down build of
- * upb.
- *
- * While these routines are convenient, they do not reuse any encoding/decoding
- * state. For example, if a decoder is JIT-based, it will be re-JITted every
- * time these functions are called. For this reason, if you are parsing lots
- * of data and efficiency is an issue, these may not be the best functions to
- * use (though they are useful for prototyping, before optimizing).
- */
-#ifndef UPB_GLUE_H
-#define UPB_GLUE_H
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "upb.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// Forward-declares so we don't have to include everything in this .h file.
-// Clients should use the regular, typedef'd names (eg. upb_string).
-struct _upb_msg;
-struct _upb_msgdef;
-struct _upb_symtab;
-// Decodes the given string, which must be in protobuf binary format, to the
-// given upb_msg with msgdef "md", storing the status of the operation in "s".
-void upb_strtomsg(const char *str, size_t len, void *msg,
- struct _upb_msgdef *md, upb_status *s);
-//void upb_msgtotext(struct _upb_string *str, void *msg,
-// struct _upb_msgdef *md, bool single_line);
-void upb_read_descriptor(struct _upb_symtab *symtab, const char *str, size_t len,
- upb_status *status);
-void upb_read_descriptorfile(struct _upb_symtab *symtab, const char *fname,
- upb_status *status);
-char *upb_readfile(const char *filename, size_t *len);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_handlers.c b/src/upb_handlers.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f513dfd..0000000
--- a/src/upb_handlers.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "upb_handlers.h"
-/* upb_mhandlers **************************************************************/
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_mhandlers_new() {
- upb_mhandlers *m = malloc(sizeof(*m));
- upb_inttable_init(&m->fieldtab, 8, sizeof(upb_fhandlers));
- m->startmsg = NULL;
- m->endmsg = NULL;
- m->tablearray = NULL;
- m->is_group = false;
- return m;
-static upb_fhandlers *_upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n,
- upb_fieldtype_t type,
- bool repeated) {
- uint32_t tag = n << 3 | upb_types[type].native_wire_type;
- upb_fhandlers *f = upb_inttable_lookup(&m->fieldtab, tag);
- if (f) abort();
- upb_fhandlers new_f = {false, type, repeated,
- repeated && upb_isprimitivetype(type), UPB_ATOMIC_INIT(0),
- upb_inttable_insert(&m->fieldtab, tag, &new_f);
- f = upb_inttable_lookup(&m->fieldtab, tag);
- assert(f);
- assert(f->type == type);
- return f;
-upb_fhandlers *upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n,
- upb_fieldtype_t type, bool repeated) {
- assert(type != UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE));
- assert(type != UPB_TYPE(GROUP));
- return _upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, n, type, repeated);
-upb_fhandlers *upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n,
- upb_fieldtype_t type,
- bool repeated,
- upb_mhandlers *subm) {
- assert(type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE) || type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP));
- assert(subm);
- upb_fhandlers *f = _upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(m, n, type, repeated);
- f->submsg = subm;
- if (type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP))
- _upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(subm, n, UPB_TYPE_ENDGROUP, false);
- return f;
-/* upb_handlers ***************************************************************/
-upb_handlers *upb_handlers_new() {
- upb_handlers *h = malloc(sizeof(*h));
- upb_atomic_init(&h->refcount, 1);
- h->msgs_len = 0;
- h->msgs_size = 4;
- h->msgs = malloc(h->msgs_size * sizeof(*h->msgs));
- h->should_jit = true;
- return h;
-void upb_handlers_ref(upb_handlers *h) { upb_atomic_ref(&h->refcount); }
-void upb_handlers_unref(upb_handlers *h) {
- if (upb_atomic_unref(&h->refcount)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++) {
- upb_mhandlers *mh = h->msgs[i];
- upb_inttable_free(&mh->fieldtab);
- free(mh->tablearray);
- free(mh);
- }
- free(h->msgs);
- free(h);
- }
-upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_newmhandlers(upb_handlers *h) {
- if (h->msgs_len == h->msgs_size) {
- h->msgs_size *= 2;
- h->msgs = realloc(h->msgs, h->msgs_size * sizeof(*h->msgs));
- }
- upb_mhandlers *mh = upb_mhandlers_new();
- h->msgs[h->msgs_len++] = mh;
- return mh;
-typedef struct {
- upb_mhandlers *mh;
-} upb_mtab_ent;
-static upb_mhandlers *upb_regmsg_dfs(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m,
- upb_onmsgreg *msgreg_cb,
- upb_onfieldreg *fieldreg_cb,
- void *closure, upb_strtable *mtab) {
- upb_mhandlers *mh = upb_handlers_newmhandlers(h);
- upb_mtab_ent e = {mh};
- upb_strtable_insert(mtab, m->base.fqname, &e);
- if (msgreg_cb) msgreg_cb(closure, mh, m);
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- upb_fhandlers *fh;
- if (upb_issubmsg(f)) {
- upb_mhandlers *sub_mh;
- upb_mtab_ent *subm_ent;
- // The table lookup is necessary to break the DFS for type cycles.
- if ((subm_ent = upb_strtable_lookup(mtab, f->def->fqname)) != NULL) {
- sub_mh = subm_ent->mh;
- } else {
- sub_mh = upb_regmsg_dfs(h, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def), msgreg_cb,
- fieldreg_cb, closure, mtab);
- }
- fh = upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(
- mh, f->number, f->type, upb_isseq(f), sub_mh);
- } else {
- fh = upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(mh, f->number, f->type, upb_isseq(f));
- }
- if (fieldreg_cb) fieldreg_cb(closure, fh, f);
- }
- return mh;
-upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_regmsgdef(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m,
- upb_onmsgreg *msgreg_cb,
- upb_onfieldreg *fieldreg_cb,
- void *closure) {
- upb_strtable mtab;
- upb_strtable_init(&mtab, 8, sizeof(upb_mtab_ent));
- upb_mhandlers *ret =
- upb_regmsg_dfs(h, m, msgreg_cb, fieldreg_cb, closure, &mtab);
- upb_strtable_free(&mtab);
- return ret;
-/* upb_dispatcher *************************************************************/
-static upb_fhandlers toplevel_f = {
- false, UPB_TYPE(GROUP), false, false, UPB_ATOMIC_INIT(0), 0,
- NULL, NULL, // submsg
-#ifdef NDEBUG
- {{0}},
- {{0}, -1},
-void upb_dispatcher_init(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_handlers *h,
- upb_skip_handler *skip, upb_exit_handler *exit,
- void *srcclosure) {
- d->handlers = h;
- upb_handlers_ref(h);
- for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++) {
- upb_mhandlers *m = h->msgs[i];
- upb_inttable_compact(&m->fieldtab);
- }
- d->stack[0].f = &toplevel_f;
- d->limit = &d->stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING];
- d->skip = skip;
- d->exit = exit;
- d->srcclosure = srcclosure;
- upb_status_init(&d->status);
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatcher_reset(upb_dispatcher *d, void *closure) {
- d->msgent = d->handlers->msgs[0];
- d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab;
- d->top = d->stack;
- d->top->closure = closure;
- d->top->is_sequence = false;
- return d->top;
-void upb_dispatcher_uninit(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- upb_handlers_unref(d->handlers);
- upb_status_uninit(&d->status);
-void upb_dispatch_startmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- upb_flow_t flow = UPB_CONTINUE;
- if (d->msgent->startmsg) d->msgent->startmsg(d->top->closure);
- if (flow != UPB_CONTINUE) _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, flow);
-void upb_dispatch_endmsg(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_status *status) {
- assert(d->top == d->stack);
- if (d->msgent->endmsg) d->msgent->endmsg(d->top->closure, &d->status);
- // TODO: should we avoid this copy by passing client's status obj to cbs?
- upb_status_copy(status, &d->status);
-void indent(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- for (int i = 0; i < (d->top - d->stack); i++) fprintf(stderr, " ");
-void indentm1(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- for (int i = 0; i < (d->top - d->stack - 1); i++) fprintf(stderr, " ");
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_startseq(upb_dispatcher *d,
- upb_fhandlers *f) {
- //indent(d);
- //fprintf(stderr, "START SEQ: %d\n", f->number);
- if((d->top+1) >= d->limit) {
- upb_status_setf(&d->status, UPB_ERROR, "Nesting too deep.");
- _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, UPB_BREAK);
- return d->top; // Dummy.
- }
- upb_sflow_t sflow = UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(d->top->closure);
- if (f->startseq) sflow = f->startseq(d->top->closure, f->fval);
- if (sflow.flow != UPB_CONTINUE) {
- _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, sflow.flow);
- return d->top; // Dummy.
- }
- ++d->top;
- d->top->f = f;
- d->top->is_sequence = true;
- d->top->closure = sflow.closure;
- return d->top;
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_endseq(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- //indentm1(d);
- //fprintf(stderr, "END SEQ\n");
- assert(d->top > d->stack);
- assert(d->top->is_sequence);
- upb_fhandlers *f = d->top->f;
- --d->top;
- upb_flow_t flow = UPB_CONTINUE;
- if (f->endseq) flow = f->endseq(d->top->closure, f->fval);
- if (flow != UPB_CONTINUE) {
- printf("YO, UNWINDING!\n");
- _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, flow);
- return d->top; // Dummy.
- }
- d->msgent = d->top->f->submsg ? d->top->f->submsg : d->handlers->msgs[0];
- d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab;
- return d->top;
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d,
- upb_fhandlers *f) {
- //indent(d);
- //fprintf(stderr, "START SUBMSG: %d\n", f->number);
- if((d->top+1) >= d->limit) {
- upb_status_setf(&d->status, UPB_ERROR, "Nesting too deep.");
- _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, UPB_BREAK);
- return d->top; // Dummy.
- }
- upb_sflow_t sflow = UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(d->top->closure);
- if (f->startsubmsg) sflow = f->startsubmsg(d->top->closure, f->fval);
- if (sflow.flow != UPB_CONTINUE) {
- _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, sflow.flow);
- return d->top; // Dummy.
- }
- ++d->top;
- d->top->f = f;
- d->top->is_sequence = false;
- d->top->closure = sflow.closure;
- d->msgent = f->submsg;
- d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab;
- upb_dispatch_startmsg(d);
- return d->top;
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- //indentm1(d);
- //fprintf(stderr, "END SUBMSG\n");
- assert(d->top > d->stack);
- assert(!d->top->is_sequence);
- upb_fhandlers *f = d->top->f;
- if (d->msgent->endmsg) d->msgent->endmsg(d->top->closure, &d->status);
- d->msgent = d->top->f->msg;
- d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab;
- --d->top;
- upb_flow_t flow = UPB_CONTINUE;
- if (f->endsubmsg) f->endsubmsg(d->top->closure, f->fval);
- if (flow != UPB_CONTINUE) _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, flow);
- return d->top;
-bool upb_dispatcher_stackempty(upb_dispatcher *d) {
- return d->top == d->stack;
-void _upb_dispatcher_unwind(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_flow_t flow) {
- upb_dispatcher_frame *frame = d->top;
- while (1) {
- frame->f->submsg->endmsg(frame->closure, &d->status);
- frame->f->endsubmsg(frame->closure, frame->f->fval);
- --frame;
- if (frame < d->stack) { d->exit(d->srcclosure); return; }
- d->top = frame;
- if (flow == UPB_SKIPSUBMSG) return;
- }
diff --git a/src/upb_handlers.h b/src/upb_handlers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ccc59f..0000000
--- a/src/upb_handlers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * upb_handlers is a generic visitor-like interface for iterating over a stream
- * of protobuf data. You can register function pointers that will be called
- * for each message and/or field as the data is being parsed or iterated over,
- * without having to know the source format that we are parsing from. This
- * decouples the parsing logic from the processing logic.
- */
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "upb.h"
-#include "upb_def.h"
-#include "upb_bytestream.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Handlers protocol definition ***********************************************/
-// A upb_handlers object represents a graph of handlers. Each message can have
-// a set of handlers as well as a set of fields which themselves have handlers.
-// Fields that represent submessages or groups are linked to other message
-// handlers, so the overall set of handlers can form a graph structure (which
-// may be cyclic).
-// The upb_mhandlers (message handlers) object can have the following handlers:
-// static upb_flow_t startmsg(void *closure) {
-// // Called when the message begins. "closure" was supplied by our caller.
-// return UPB_CONTINUE;
-// }
-// static void endmsg(void *closure, upb_status *status) {
-// // Called when processing of this message ends, whether in success or
-// // failure. "status" indicates the final status of processing, and can
-// / also be modified in-place to update the final status.
-// //
-// // Since this callback is guaranteed to always be called eventually, it
-// // can be used to free any resources that were allocated during processing.
-// }
-// TODO: unknown field handler.
-// The upb_fhandlers (field handlers) object can have the following handlers:
-// static upb_flow_t value(void *closure, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
-// // Called when the field's value is encountered. "fval" contains
-// // whatever value was bound to this field at registration type
-// // (for upb_register_all(), this will be the field's upb_fielddef*).
-// return UPB_CONTINUE;
-// }
-// static upb_sflow_t startsubmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval) {
-// // Called when a submessage begins. The second element of the return
-// // value is the closure for the submessage.
-// return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(closure);
-// }
-// static upb_flow_t endsubmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval) {
-// // Called when a submessage ends.
-// return UPB_CONTINUE;
-// }
-// static upb_sflow_t startseqmsg(void *closure, upb_value fval) {
-// // Called when a sequence (repeated field) begins. The second element
-// // of the return value is the closure for the sequence.
-// return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(closure);
-// }
-// static upb_flow_t endeqvoid *closure, upb_value fval) {
-// // Called when a sequence ends.
-// return UPB_CONTINUE;
-// }
-// All handlers except the endmsg handler return a value from this enum, to
-// control whether parsing will continue or not.
-typedef enum {
- // Data source should continue calling callbacks.
- // Halt processing permanently (in a non-resumable way). The endmsg handlers
- // for any currently open messages will be called which can supply a more
- // specific status message. No further input data will be consumed.
- // Skips to the end of the current submessage (or if we are at the top
- // level, skips to the end of the entire message). In other words, it is
- // like a UPB_BREAK that applies only to the current level.
- //
- // If you UPB_SKIPSUBMSG from a startmsg handler, the endmsg handler will
- // be called to perform cleanup and return a status. Returning
- // UPB_SKIPSUBMSG from a startsubmsg handler will *not* call the startmsg,
- // endmsg, or endsubmsg handlers.
- //
- // If UPB_SKIPSUBMSG is called from the top-level message, no further input
- // data will be consumed.
- // TODO: Add UPB_SUSPEND, for resumable producers/consumers.
-} upb_flow_t;
-// The startsubmsg handler needs to also pass a closure to the submsg.
-typedef struct {
- upb_flow_t flow;
- void *closure;
-} upb_sflow_t;
-INLINE upb_sflow_t UPB_SFLOW(upb_flow_t flow, void *closure) {
- upb_sflow_t ret = {flow, closure};
- return ret;
-// Typedefs for all of the handler functions defined above.
-typedef upb_flow_t (upb_startmsg_handler)(void *c);
-typedef void (upb_endmsg_handler)(void *c, upb_status *status);
-typedef upb_flow_t (upb_value_handler)(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-typedef upb_sflow_t (upb_startfield_handler)(void *closure, upb_value fval);
-typedef upb_flow_t (upb_endfield_handler)(void *closure, upb_value fval);
-/* upb_fhandlers **************************************************************/
-// A upb_fhandlers object represents the set of handlers associated with one
-// specific message field.
-struct _upb_decoder;
-struct _upb_mhandlers;
-typedef struct _upb_fieldent {
- bool junk;
- upb_fieldtype_t type;
- bool repeated;
- bool is_repeated_primitive;
- upb_atomic_t refcount;
- uint32_t number;
- struct _upb_mhandlers *msg;
- struct _upb_mhandlers *submsg; // Set iff upb_issubmsgtype(type) == true.
- upb_value fval;
- upb_value_handler *value;
- upb_startfield_handler *startsubmsg;
- upb_endfield_handler *endsubmsg;
- upb_startfield_handler *startseq;
- upb_endfield_handler *endseq;
- uint32_t jit_pclabel;
- uint32_t jit_pclabel_notypecheck;
- uint32_t jit_submsg_done_pclabel;
- void (*decode)(struct _upb_decoder *d, struct _upb_fieldent *f);
-} upb_fhandlers;
-// fhandlers are created as part of a upb_handlers instance, but can be ref'd
-// and unref'd to prolong the life of the handlers.
-void upb_fhandlers_ref(upb_fhandlers *m);
-void upb_fhandlers_unref(upb_fhandlers *m);
-// upb_fhandlers accessors
-#define UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(name, type) \
- INLINE void upb_fhandlers_set ## name(upb_fhandlers *f, type v){f->name = v;} \
- INLINE type upb_fhandlers_get ## name(upb_fhandlers *f) { return f->name; }
-UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(value, upb_value_handler*)
-UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(startsubmsg, upb_startfield_handler*)
-UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(endsubmsg, upb_endfield_handler*)
-UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(startseq, upb_startfield_handler*)
-UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(endseq, upb_endfield_handler*)
-UPB_FHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(submsg, struct _upb_mhandlers*)
-/* upb_mhandlers **************************************************************/
-// A upb_mhandlers object represents the set of handlers associated with a
-// message in the graph of messages.
-typedef struct _upb_mhandlers {
- upb_atomic_t refcount;
- upb_startmsg_handler *startmsg;
- upb_endmsg_handler *endmsg;
- upb_inttable fieldtab; // Maps field number -> upb_fhandlers.
- uint32_t jit_startmsg_pclabel;
- uint32_t jit_endofbuf_pclabel;
- uint32_t jit_endofmsg_pclabel;
- uint32_t jit_unknownfield_pclabel;
- bool is_group;
- int32_t jit_parent_field_done_pclabel;
- uint32_t max_field_number;
- // Currently keyed on field number. Could also try keying it
- // on encoded or decoded tag, or on encoded field number.
- void **tablearray;
-} upb_mhandlers;
-// mhandlers are created as part of a upb_handlers instance, but can be ref'd
-// and unref'd to prolong the life of the handlers.
-void upb_mhandlers_ref(upb_mhandlers *m);
-void upb_mhandlers_unref(upb_mhandlers *m);
-// Creates a new field with the given name and number. There must not be an
-// existing field with either this name or number or abort() will be called.
-// TODO: this should take a name also.
-upb_fhandlers *upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n,
- upb_fieldtype_t type, bool repeated);
-// Like the previous but for MESSAGE or GROUP fields. For GROUP fields, the
-// given submessage must not have any fields with this field number.
-upb_fhandlers *upb_mhandlers_newfhandlers_subm(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n,
- upb_fieldtype_t type,
- bool repeated,
- upb_mhandlers *subm);
-// upb_mhandlers accessors.
-#define UPB_MHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(name, type) \
- INLINE void upb_mhandlers_set ## name(upb_mhandlers *m, type v){m->name = v;} \
- INLINE type upb_mhandlers_get ## name(upb_mhandlers *m) { return m->name; }
-UPB_MHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(startmsg, upb_startmsg_handler*);
-UPB_MHANDLERS_ACCESSORS(endmsg, upb_endmsg_handler*);
-/* upb_handlers ***************************************************************/
-struct _upb_handlers {
- upb_atomic_t refcount;
- upb_mhandlers **msgs; // Array of msgdefs, [0]=toplevel.
- int msgs_len, msgs_size;
- bool should_jit;
-typedef struct _upb_handlers upb_handlers;
-upb_handlers *upb_handlers_new();
-void upb_handlers_ref(upb_handlers *h);
-void upb_handlers_unref(upb_handlers *h);
-// Appends a new message to the graph of handlers and returns it. This message
-// can be obtained later at index upb_handlers_msgcount()-1. All handlers will
-// be initialized to no-op handlers.
-upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_newmhandlers(upb_handlers *h);
-upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_getmhandlers(upb_handlers *h, int index);
-// Convenience function for registering handlers for all messages and
-// fields in a msgdef and all its children. For every registered message
-// "msgreg_cb" will be called with the newly-created mhandlers, and likewise
-// with "fieldreg_cb"
-// See upb_handlers_reghandlerset() below for an example.
-typedef void upb_onmsgreg(void *closure, upb_mhandlers *mh, upb_msgdef *m);
-typedef void upb_onfieldreg(void *closure, upb_fhandlers *mh, upb_fielddef *m);
-upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_regmsgdef(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m,
- upb_onmsgreg *msgreg_cb,
- upb_onfieldreg *fieldreg_cb,
- void *closure);
-// Convenience function for registering a set of handlers for all messages and
-// fields in a msgdef and its children, with the fval bound to the upb_fielddef.
-// Any of the handlers may be NULL, in which case no callback will be set and
-// the nop callback will be used.
-typedef struct {
- upb_startmsg_handler *startmsg;
- upb_endmsg_handler *endmsg;
- upb_value_handler *value;
- upb_startfield_handler *startsubmsg;
- upb_endfield_handler *endsubmsg;
- upb_startfield_handler *startseq;
- upb_endfield_handler *endseq;
-} upb_handlerset;
-INLINE void upb_onmreg_hset(void *c, upb_mhandlers *mh, upb_msgdef *m) {
- (void)m;
- upb_handlerset *hs = (upb_handlerset*)c;
- if (hs->startmsg) upb_mhandlers_setstartmsg(mh, hs->startmsg);
- if (hs->endmsg) upb_mhandlers_setendmsg(mh, hs->endmsg);
-INLINE void upb_onfreg_hset(void *c, upb_fhandlers *fh, upb_fielddef *f) {
- upb_handlerset *hs = (upb_handlerset*)c;
- if (hs->value) upb_fhandlers_setvalue(fh, hs->value);
- if (hs->startsubmsg) upb_fhandlers_setstartsubmsg(fh, hs->startsubmsg);
- if (hs->endsubmsg) upb_fhandlers_setendsubmsg(fh, hs->endsubmsg);
- if (hs->startseq) upb_fhandlers_setstartseq(fh, hs->startseq);
- if (hs->endseq) upb_fhandlers_setendseq(fh, hs->endseq);
- upb_value val;
- upb_value_setfielddef(&val, f);
- upb_fhandlers_setfval(fh, val);
-INLINE upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_reghandlerset(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m,
- upb_handlerset *hs) {
- return upb_handlers_regmsgdef(h, m, &upb_onmreg_hset, &upb_onfreg_hset, hs);
-/* upb_dispatcher *************************************************************/
-// upb_dispatcher can be used by sources of data to invoke the appropriate
-// handlers on a upb_handlers object. Besides maintaining the runtime stack of
-// closures and handlers, the dispatcher checks the return status of user
-// callbacks and properly handles statuses other than UPB_CONTINUE, invoking
-// "skip" or "exit" handlers on the underlying data source as appropriate.
-typedef struct {
- upb_fhandlers *f;
- void *closure;
- // Members to use as the data source requires.
- void *srcclosure;
- uint64_t end_ofs;
- uint16_t msgindex;
- uint16_t fieldindex;
- bool is_sequence; // frame represents seq or submsg? (f might be both).
- bool is_packed; // !upb_issubmsg(f) && end_ofs != UINT64_MAX (strings aren't pushed)
-} upb_dispatcher_frame;
-// Called when some of the input needs to be skipped. All frames from
-// top to bottom, inclusive, should be skipped.
-typedef void upb_skip_handler(void *, upb_dispatcher_frame *top,
- upb_dispatcher_frame *bottom);
-typedef void upb_exit_handler(void *);
-typedef struct {
- upb_dispatcher_frame *top, *limit;
- upb_handlers *handlers;
- // Msg and dispatch table for the current level.
- upb_mhandlers *msgent;
- upb_inttable *dispatch_table;
- upb_skip_handler *skip;
- upb_exit_handler *exit;
- void *srcclosure;
- // Stack.
- upb_status status;
- upb_dispatcher_frame stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING];
-} upb_dispatcher;
-void upb_dispatcher_init(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_handlers *h,
- upb_skip_handler *skip, upb_exit_handler *exit,
- void *closure);
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatcher_reset(upb_dispatcher *d, void *topclosure);
-void upb_dispatcher_uninit(upb_dispatcher *d);
-// Tests whether the runtime stack is in the base level message.
-bool upb_dispatcher_stackempty(upb_dispatcher *d);
-// Looks up a field by number for the current message.
-INLINE upb_fhandlers *upb_dispatcher_lookup(upb_dispatcher *d, uint32_t n) {
- return (upb_fhandlers*)upb_inttable_fastlookup(
- d->dispatch_table, n, sizeof(upb_fhandlers));
-void _upb_dispatcher_unwind(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_flow_t flow);
-// Dispatch functions -- call the user handler and handle errors.
-INLINE void upb_dispatch_value(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_fhandlers *f,
- upb_value val) {
- upb_flow_t flow = UPB_CONTINUE;
- if (f->value) flow = f->value(d->top->closure, f->fval, val);
- if (flow != UPB_CONTINUE) _upb_dispatcher_unwind(d, flow);
-void upb_dispatch_startmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
-void upb_dispatch_endmsg(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_status *status);
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_fhandlers *f);
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_startseq(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_fhandlers *f);
-upb_dispatcher_frame *upb_dispatch_endseq(upb_dispatcher *d);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_msg.c b/src/upb_msg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 83fa6ff..0000000
--- a/src/upb_msg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * Data structure for storing a message of protobuf data.
- */
-#include "upb.h"
-#include "upb_msg.h"
-void upb_msg_clear(void *msg, upb_msgdef *md) {
- memset(msg, 0, md->hasbit_bytes);
- // TODO: set primitive fields to defaults?
-void *upb_stdarray_append(upb_stdarray *a, size_t type_size) {
- assert(a->len <= a->size);
- if (a->len == a->size) {
- size_t old_size = a->size;
- a->size = old_size == 0 ? 8 : (old_size * 2);
- a->ptr = realloc(a->ptr, a->size * type_size);
- memset(&a->ptr[old_size * type_size], 0, (a->size - old_size) * type_size);
- }
- return &a->ptr[a->len++ * type_size];
-#if 0
-static upb_flow_t upb_msg_dispatch(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md,
- upb_dispatcher *d);
-static upb_flow_t upb_msg_pushval(upb_value val, upb_fielddef *f,
- upb_dispatcher *d, upb_fhandlers *hf) {
- if (upb_issubmsg(f)) {
- upb_msg *msg = upb_value_getmsg(val);
- upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(d, hf);
- upb_msg_dispatch(msg, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def), d);
- upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(d);
- } else {
- upb_dispatch_value(d, hf, val);
- }
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-static upb_flow_t upb_msg_dispatch(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md,
- upb_dispatcher *d) {
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(md); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(md, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- if (!upb_msg_has(msg, f)) continue;
- upb_fhandlers *hf = upb_dispatcher_lookup(d, f->number);
- if (!hf) continue;
- upb_value val = upb_msg_get(msg, f);
- if (upb_isarray(f)) {
- upb_array *arr = upb_value_getarr(val);
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < upb_array_len(arr); ++j) {
- upb_msg_pushval(upb_array_get(arr, f, j), f, d, hf);
- }
- } else {
- upb_msg_pushval(val, f, d, hf);
- }
- }
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-void upb_msg_runhandlers(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md, upb_handlers *h,
- void *closure, upb_status *status) {
- upb_dispatcher d;
- upb_dispatcher_init(&d, h, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- upb_dispatcher_reset(&d, closure);
- upb_dispatch_startmsg(&d);
- upb_msg_dispatch(msg, md, &d);
- upb_dispatch_endmsg(&d, status);
- upb_dispatcher_uninit(&d);
-/* Standard writers. **********************************************************/
-void upb_stdmsg_sethas(void *_m, upb_value fval) {
- char *m = _m;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- if (f->hasbit >= 0) m[f->hasbit / 8] |= (1 << (f->hasbit % 8));
-bool upb_stdmsg_has(void *_m, upb_value fval) {
- char *m = _m;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- return f->hasbit < 0 || (m[f->hasbit / 8] & (1 << (f->hasbit % 8)));
-#define UPB_ACCESSORS(type, ctype) \
- upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_set ## type (void *_m, upb_value fval, \
- upb_value val) { \
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval); \
- uint8_t *m = _m; \
- upb_stdmsg_sethas(_m, fval); \
- *(ctype*)&m[f->offset] = upb_value_get ## type(val); \
- return UPB_CONTINUE; \
- } \
- \
- upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_set ## type ## _r(void *a, upb_value _fval, \
- upb_value val) { \
- (void)_fval; \
- ctype *p = upb_stdarray_append((upb_stdarray*)a, sizeof(ctype)); \
- *p = upb_value_get ## type(val); \
- return UPB_CONTINUE; \
- } \
- \
- upb_value upb_stdmsg_get ## type(void *_m, upb_value fval) { \
- uint8_t *m = _m; \
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval); \
- upb_value ret; \
- upb_value_set ## type(&ret, *(ctype*)&m[f->offset]); \
- return ret; \
- } \
- upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqget ## type(void *i) { \
- upb_value val; \
- upb_value_set ## type(&val, *(ctype*)i); \
- return val; \
- }
-UPB_ACCESSORS(double, double)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(float, float)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(int32, int32_t)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(int64, int64_t)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(uint32, uint32_t)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(uint64, uint64_t)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(bool, bool)
-UPB_ACCESSORS(ptr, void*)
-static void _upb_stdmsg_setstr(void *_dst, upb_value src) {
- upb_stdarray **dstp = _dst;
- upb_stdarray *dst = *dstp;
- if (!dst) {
- dst = malloc(sizeof(*dst));
- dst->size = 0;
- dst->ptr = NULL;
- *dstp = dst;
- }
- dst->len = 0;
- upb_strref *ref = upb_value_getstrref(src);
- if (ref->len > dst->size) {
- dst->size = ref->len;
- dst->ptr = realloc(dst->ptr, dst->size);
- }
- dst->len = ref->len;
- upb_bytesrc_read(ref->bytesrc, ref->stream_offset, ref->len, dst->ptr);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setstr(void *_m, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- char *m = _m;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- upb_stdmsg_sethas(_m, fval);
- _upb_stdmsg_setstr(&m[f->offset], val);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setstr_r(void *a, upb_value fval, upb_value val) {
- (void)fval;
- _upb_stdmsg_setstr(upb_stdarray_append((upb_stdarray*)a, sizeof(void*)), val);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getstr(void *m, upb_value fval) {
- return upb_stdmsg_getptr(m, fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetstr(void *i) {
- return upb_stdmsg_seqgetptr(i);
-void *upb_stdmsg_new(upb_msgdef *md) {
- void *m = malloc(md->size);
- memset(m, 0, md->size);
- upb_msg_clear(m, md);
- return m;
-void upb_stdseq_free(void *s, upb_fielddef *f) {
- upb_stdarray *a = s;
- if (upb_issubmsg(f) || upb_isstring(f)) {
- void **p = (void**)a->ptr;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < a->size; i++) {
- if (upb_issubmsg(f)) {
- upb_stdmsg_free(p[i], upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def));
- } else {
- upb_stdarray *str = p[i];
- free(str->ptr);
- free(str);
- }
- }
- }
- free(a->ptr);
- free(a);
-void upb_stdmsg_free(void *m, upb_msgdef *md) {
- if (m == NULL) return;
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(md); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(md, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- if (!upb_isseq(f) && !upb_issubmsg(f) && !upb_isstring(f)) continue;
- void *subp = upb_value_getptr(upb_stdmsg_getptr(m, f->fval));
- if (subp == NULL) continue;
- if (upb_isseq(f)) {
- upb_stdseq_free(subp, f);
- } else if (upb_issubmsg(f)) {
- upb_stdmsg_free(subp, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def));
- } else {
- upb_stdarray *str = subp;
- free(str->ptr);
- free(str);
- }
- }
- free(m);
-upb_sflow_t upb_stdmsg_startseq(void *_m, upb_value fval) {
- char *m = _m;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- upb_stdarray **arr = (void*)&m[f->offset];
- if (!upb_stdmsg_has(_m, fval)) {
- if (!*arr) {
- *arr = malloc(sizeof(**arr));
- (*arr)->size = 0;
- (*arr)->ptr = NULL;
- }
- (*arr)->len = 0;
- upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval);
- }
- return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*arr);
-void upb_stdmsg_recycle(void **m, upb_msgdef *md) {
- if (*m)
- upb_msg_clear(*m, md);
- else
- *m = upb_stdmsg_new(md);
-upb_sflow_t upb_stdmsg_startsubmsg(void *_m, upb_value fval) {
- char *m = _m;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- void **subm = (void*)&m[f->offset];
- if (!upb_stdmsg_has(m, fval)) {
- upb_stdmsg_recycle(subm, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def));
- upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval);
- }
- return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*subm);
-upb_sflow_t upb_stdmsg_startsubmsg_r(void *a, upb_value fval) {
- assert(a != NULL);
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- void **subm = upb_stdarray_append((upb_stdarray*)a, sizeof(void*));
- upb_stdmsg_recycle(subm, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def));
- return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*subm);
-void *upb_stdmsg_seqbegin(void *_a) {
- upb_stdarray *a = _a;
- return a->len > 0 ? a->ptr : NULL;
-#define NEXTFUNC(size) \
- void *upb_stdmsg_ ## size ## byte_seqnext(void *_a, void *iter) { \
- upb_stdarray *a = _a; \
- void *next = (char*)iter + size; \
- return (char*)next < (char*)a->ptr + (a->len * size) ? next : NULL; \
- }
-#define STDMSG(type) { static upb_accessor_vtbl vtbl = {NULL, &upb_stdmsg_startsubmsg, \
- &upb_stdmsg_set ## type, &upb_stdmsg_has, &upb_stdmsg_get ## type, \
- NULL, NULL, NULL}; return &vtbl; }
-#define STDMSG_R(type, size) { static upb_accessor_vtbl vtbl = { \
- &upb_stdmsg_startseq, &upb_stdmsg_startsubmsg_r, &upb_stdmsg_set ## type ## _r, \
- &upb_stdmsg_has, &upb_stdmsg_getptr, &upb_stdmsg_seqbegin, \
- &upb_stdmsg_ ## size ## byte_seqnext, &upb_stdmsg_seqget ## type}; \
- return &vtbl; }
-upb_accessor_vtbl *upb_stdmsg_accessor(upb_fielddef *f) {
- if (upb_isseq(f)) {
- switch (f->type) {
- case UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE): STDMSG_R(double, 8)
- case UPB_TYPE(FLOAT): STDMSG_R(float, 4)
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): STDMSG_R(uint64, 8)
- case UPB_TYPE(INT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): STDMSG_R(int64, 8)
- case UPB_TYPE(INT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(ENUM):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): STDMSG_R(int32, 4)
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): STDMSG_R(uint32, 4)
- case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): STDMSG_R(bool, 1)
- case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): STDMSG_R(str, 8) // TODO: 32-bit
- }
- } else {
- switch (f->type) {
- case UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE): STDMSG(double)
- case UPB_TYPE(FLOAT): STDMSG(float)
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): STDMSG(uint64)
- case UPB_TYPE(INT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): STDMSG(int64)
- case UPB_TYPE(INT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(ENUM):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): STDMSG(int32)
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): STDMSG(uint32)
- case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): STDMSG(bool)
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static void upb_accessors_onfreg(void *c, upb_fhandlers *fh, upb_fielddef *f) {
- (void)c;
- if (f->accessor) {
- upb_fhandlers_setstartseq(fh, f->accessor->appendseq);
- upb_fhandlers_setvalue(fh, f->accessor->set);
- upb_fhandlers_setstartsubmsg(fh, f->accessor->appendsubmsg);
- upb_fhandlers_setfval(fh, f->fval);
- }
-upb_mhandlers *upb_accessors_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m) {
- return upb_handlers_regmsgdef(h, m, NULL, &upb_accessors_onfreg, NULL);
diff --git a/src/upb_msg.h b/src/upb_msg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index af328e3..0000000
--- a/src/upb_msg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * Routines for reading and writing message data to an in-memory structure,
- * similar to a C struct.
- *
- * upb does not define one single message object that everyone must use.
- * Rather it defines an abstract interface for reading and writing members
- * of a message object, and all of the parsers and serializers use this
- * abstract interface. This allows upb's parsers and serializers to be used
- * regardless of what memory management scheme or synchronization model the
- * application is using.
- *
- * A standard set of accessors is provided for doing simple reads and writes at
- * a known offset into the message. These accessors should be used when
- * possible, because they are specially optimized -- for example, the JIT can
- * recognize them and emit specialized code instead of having to call the
- * function at all. The application can substitute its own accessors when the
- * standard accessors are not suitable.
- */
-#ifndef UPB_MSG_H
-#define UPB_MSG_H
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "upb_def.h"
-#include "upb_handlers.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* upb_accessor ***************************************************************/
-// A upb_accessor is a table of function pointers for doing reads and writes
-// for one specific upb_fielddef. Each field has a separate accessor, which
-// lives in the fielddef.
-typedef bool upb_has_reader(void *m, upb_value fval);
-typedef upb_value upb_value_reader(void *m, upb_value fval);
-typedef void *upb_seqbegin_handler(void *s);
-typedef void *upb_seqnext_handler(void *s, void *iter);
-typedef upb_value upb_seqget_handler(void *iter);
-INLINE bool upb_seq_done(void *iter) { return iter == NULL; }
-typedef struct _upb_accessor_vtbl {
- // Writers. These take an fval as a parameter because the callbacks are used
- // as upb_handlers, but the fval is always the fielddef for that field.
- upb_startfield_handler *appendseq; // Repeated fields only.
- upb_startfield_handler *appendsubmsg; // Submsg fields (repeated or no).
- upb_value_handler *set; // Scalar fields (repeated or no).
- // Readers.
- upb_has_reader *has;
- upb_value_reader *get;
- upb_seqbegin_handler *seqbegin;
- upb_seqnext_handler *seqnext;
- upb_seqget_handler *seqget;
-} upb_accessor_vtbl;
-// Registers handlers for writing into a message of the given type.
-upb_mhandlers *upb_accessors_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m);
-// Returns an stdmsg accessor for the given fielddef.
-upb_accessor_vtbl *upb_stdmsg_accessor(upb_fielddef *f);
-/* upb_msg/upb_seq ************************************************************/
-// upb_msg and upb_seq allow for generic access to a message through its
-// accessor vtable. Note that these do *not* allow you to create, destroy, or
-// take references on the objects -- these operations are specifically outside
-// the scope of what the accessors define.
-// Clears all hasbits.
-// TODO: Add a separate function for setting primitive values back to their
-// defaults (but not strings, submessages, or arrays).
-void upb_msg_clear(void *msg, upb_msgdef *md);
-// Could add a method that recursively clears submessages, strings, and
-// arrays if desired. This could be a win if you wanted to merge without
-// needing hasbits, because during parsing you would never clear submessages
-// or arrays. Also this could be desired to provide proto2 operations on
-// generated messages.
-INLINE bool upb_msg_has(void *m, upb_fielddef *f) {
- return f->accessor && f->accessor->has(m, f->fval);
-// May only be called for fields that are known to be set.
-INLINE upb_value upb_msg_get(void *m, upb_fielddef *f) {
- assert(upb_msg_has(m, f));
- return f->accessor->get(m, f->fval);
-INLINE void *upb_seq_begin(void *s, upb_fielddef *f) {
- assert(f->accessor);
- return f->accessor->seqbegin(s);
-INLINE void *upb_seq_next(void *s, void *iter, upb_fielddef *f) {
- assert(f->accessor);
- assert(!upb_seq_done(iter));
- return f->accessor->seqnext(s, iter);
-INLINE upb_value upb_seq_get(void *iter, upb_fielddef *f) {
- assert(f->accessor);
- assert(!upb_seq_done(iter));
- return f->accessor->seqget(iter);
-/* upb_msgvisitor *************************************************************/
-// A upb_msgvisitor reads data from an in-memory structure using its accessors,
-// pushing the results to a given set of upb_handlers.
-// TODO: not yet implemented.
-typedef struct {
- upb_fhandlers *fh;
- upb_fielddef *f;
- uint16_t msgindex; // Only when upb_issubmsg(f).
-} upb_msgvisitor_field;
-typedef struct {
- upb_msgvisitor_field *fields;
- int fields_len;
-} upb_msgvisitor_msg;
-typedef struct {
- uint16_t msgindex;
- uint16_t fieldindex;
- uint32_t arrayindex; // UINT32_MAX if not an array frame.
-} upb_msgvisitor_frame;
-typedef struct {
- upb_msgvisitor_msg *messages;
- int messages_len;
- upb_dispatcher dispatcher;
-} upb_msgvisitor;
-// Initializes a msgvisitor that will push data from messages of the given
-// msgdef to the given set of handlers.
-void upb_msgvisitor_init(upb_msgvisitor *v, upb_msgdef *md, upb_handlers *h);
-void upb_msgvisitor_uninit(upb_msgvisitor *v);
-void upb_msgvisitor_reset(upb_msgvisitor *v, void *m);
-void upb_msgvisitor_visit(upb_msgvisitor *v, upb_status *status);
-/* Standard writers. **********************************************************/
-// Allocates a new stdmsg.
-void *upb_stdmsg_new(upb_msgdef *md);
-// Recursively frees any strings or submessages that the message refers to.
-void upb_stdmsg_free(void *m, upb_msgdef *md);
-// "hasbit" must be <= UPB_MAX_FIELDS. If it is <0, this field has no hasbit.
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_packfval(int16_t hasbit, uint16_t value_offset);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_packfval_subm(int16_t hasbit, uint16_t value_offset,
- uint16_t subm_size, uint8_t subm_setbytes);
-// Value writers for every in-memory type: write the data to a known offset
-// from the closure "c" and set the hasbit (if any).
-// TODO: can we get away with having only one for int64, uint64, double, etc?
-// The main thing in the way atm is that the upb_value is strongly typed.
-// in debug mode.
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setint64(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setint32(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setuint64(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setuint32(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setdouble(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setfloat(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setbool(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-// Value writers for repeated fields: the closure points to a standard array
-// struct, appends the value to the end of the array, resizing with realloc()
-// if necessary.
-typedef struct {
- char *ptr;
- uint32_t len; // Number of elements present.
- uint32_t size; // Number of elements allocated.
-} upb_stdarray;
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setint64_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setint32_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setuint64_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setuint32_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setdouble_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setfloat_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setbool_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-// Writers for C strings (NULL-terminated): we can find a char* at a known
-// offset from the closure "c". Calls realloc() on the pointer to allocate
-// the memory (TODO: investigate whether checking malloc_usable_size() would
-// be cheaper than realloc()). Also sets the hasbit, if any.
-// Since the string is NULL terminated and does not store an explicit length,
-// these are not suitable for binary data that can contain NULLs.
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setcstr(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setcstr_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-// Writers for length-delimited strings: we explicitly store the length, so
-// the data can contain NULLs. Stores the data using upb_stdarray
-// which is located at a known offset from the closure "c" (note that it
-// is included inline rather than pointed to). Also sets the hasbit, if any.
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setstr(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-upb_flow_t upb_stdmsg_setstr_r(void *c, upb_value fval, upb_value val);
-// Writers for startseq and startmsg which allocate (or reuse, if possible)
-// a sub data structure (upb_stdarray or a submessage, respectively),
-// setting the hasbit. If the hasbit is already set, the existing data
-// structure is used verbatim. If the hasbit is not already set, the pointer
-// is checked for NULL. If it is NULL, a new substructure is allocated,
-// cleared, and used. If it is not NULL, the existing substructure is
-// cleared and reused.
-// If there is no hasbit, we always behave as if the hasbit was not set,
-// so any existing data for this array or submessage is cleared. In most
-// cases this will be fine since each array or non-repeated submessage should
-// occur at most once in the stream. But if the client is using "concatenation
-// as merging", it will want to make sure hasbits are allocated so merges can
-// happen appropriately.
-// If there was a demand for the behavior that absence of a hasbit acts as if
-// the bit was always set, we could provide that also. But Clear() would need
-// to act recursively, which is less efficient since it requires an extra pass
-// over the tree.
-upb_sflow_t upb_stdmsg_startseq(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_sflow_t upb_stdmsg_startsubmsg(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_sflow_t upb_stdmsg_startsubmsg_r(void *c, upb_value fval);
-/* Standard readers. **********************************************************/
-bool upb_stdmsg_has(void *c, upb_value fval);
-void *upb_stdmsg_seqbegin(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getint64(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getint32(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getuint64(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getuint32(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getdouble(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getfloat(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getbool(void *c, upb_value fval);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_getptr(void *c, upb_value fval);
-void *upb_stdmsg_8byte_seqnext(void *c, void *iter);
-void *upb_stdmsg_4byte_seqnext(void *c, void *iter);
-void *upb_stdmsg_1byte_seqnext(void *c, void *iter);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetint64(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetint32(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetuint64(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetuint32(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetdouble(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetfloat(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetbool(void *c);
-upb_value upb_stdmsg_seqgetptr(void *c);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_stdio.c b/src/upb_stdio.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a3c15..0000000
--- a/src/upb_stdio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_stdio.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-// We can make this configurable if necessary.
-#define BUF_SIZE 32768
-/* upb_bytesrc methods ********************************************************/
-int upb_stdio_cmpbuf(const void *_key, const void *_elem) {
- const uint64_t *ofs = _key;
- const upb_stdio_buf *buf = _elem;
- return (*ofs / BUF_SIZE) - (buf->ofs / BUF_SIZE);
-static upb_stdio_buf *upb_stdio_findbuf(upb_stdio *s, uint64_t ofs) {
- // TODO: it is probably faster to linear search short lists, and to
- // special-case the last one or two bufs.
- return bsearch(&ofs, s->bufs, s->nbuf, sizeof(*s->bufs), &upb_stdio_cmpbuf);
-//static upb_strlen_t upb_stdio_read(void *src, uint32_t ofs, upb_buf *b,
-// upb_status *status) {
-// upb_stdio *stdio = (upb_stdio*)src;
-// size_t read = fread(buf, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, stdio->file);
-// if(read < (size_t)BLOCK_SIZE) {
-// // Error or EOF.
-// if(feof(stdio->file)) {
-// upb_seterr(status, UPB_EOF, "");
-// } else if(ferror(stdio->file)) {
-// upb_status_fromerrno(s);
-// return 0;
-// }
-// }
-// b->len = read;
-// stdio->next_ofs += read;
-// return stdio->next_ofs;
-size_t upb_stdio_fetch(void *src, uint64_t ofs, upb_status *s) {
- (void)src;
- (void)ofs;
- (void)s;
- return 0;
-void upb_stdio_read(void *src, uint64_t src_ofs, size_t len, char *dst) {
- upb_stdio_buf *buf = upb_stdio_findbuf(src, src_ofs);
- src_ofs -= buf->ofs;
- memcpy(dst, &buf->data[src_ofs], BUF_SIZE - src_ofs);
- len -= (BUF_SIZE - src_ofs);
- dst += (BUF_SIZE - src_ofs);
- while (len > 0) {
- ++buf;
- size_t bytes = UPB_MIN(len, BUF_SIZE);
- memcpy(dst, buf->data, bytes);
- len -= bytes;
- dst += bytes;
- }
-const char *upb_stdio_getptr(void *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t *len) {
- upb_stdio_buf *buf = upb_stdio_findbuf(src, ofs);
- ofs -= buf->ofs;
- *len = BUF_SIZE - ofs;
- return &buf->data[ofs];
-void upb_stdio_refregion(void *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t len) {
- upb_stdio_buf *buf = upb_stdio_findbuf(src, ofs);
- len -= (BUF_SIZE - ofs);
- ++buf->refcount;
- while (len > 0) {
- ++buf;
- ++buf->refcount;
- }
-void upb_stdio_unrefregion(void *src, uint64_t ofs, size_t len) {
- (void)src;
- (void)ofs;
- (void)len;
-/* upb_bytesink methods *******************************************************/
-#if 0
-upb_strlen_t upb_stdio_putstr(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str, upb_status *status) {
- upb_stdio *stdio = (upb_stdio*)((char*)sink - offsetof(upb_stdio, sink));
- upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(str);
- upb_strlen_t written = fwrite(upb_string_getrobuf(str), 1, len, stdio->file);
- if(written < len) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Error writing to stdio stream.");
- return -1;
- }
- return written;
-uint32_t upb_stdio_vprintf(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_status *status,
- const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- upb_stdio *stdio = (upb_stdio*)((char*)sink - offsetof(upb_stdio, sink));
- int written = vfprintf(stdio->file, fmt, args);
- if (written < 0) {
- upb_status_setf(status, UPB_ERROR, "Error writing to stdio stream.");
- return -1;
- }
- return written;
-void upb_stdio_init(upb_stdio *stdio) {
- static upb_bytesrc_vtbl bytesrc_vtbl = {
- upb_stdio_fetch,
- upb_stdio_read,
- upb_stdio_getptr,
- upb_stdio_refregion,
- upb_stdio_unrefregion,
- };
- upb_bytesrc_init(&stdio->src, &bytesrc_vtbl);
- //static upb_bytesink_vtbl bytesink_vtbl = {
- // upb_stdio_putstr,
- // upb_stdio_vprintf
- //};
- //upb_bytesink_init(&stdio->bytesink, &bytesink_vtbl);
-void upb_stdio_reset(upb_stdio* stdio, FILE *file) {
- stdio->file = file;
- stdio->should_close = false;
-void upb_stdio_open(upb_stdio *stdio, const char *filename, const char *mode,
- upb_status *s) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename, mode);
- if (!f) {
- upb_status_fromerrno(s);
- return;
- }
- setvbuf(stdio->file, NULL, _IONBF, 0); // Disable buffering; we do our own.
- upb_stdio_reset(stdio, f);
- stdio->should_close = true;
-void upb_stdio_uninit(upb_stdio *stdio) {
- // Can't report status; caller should flush() to ensure data is written.
- if (stdio->should_close) fclose(stdio->file);
- stdio->file = NULL;
-upb_bytesrc* upb_stdio_bytesrc(upb_stdio *stdio) { return &stdio->src; }
-upb_bytesink* upb_stdio_bytesink(upb_stdio *stdio) { return &stdio->sink; }
diff --git a/src/upb_stdio.h b/src/upb_stdio.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 858830c..0000000
--- a/src/upb_stdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * This file provides upb_bytesrc and upb_bytesink implementations for
- * ANSI C stdio, which is less efficient than posixfd, but more portable.
- *
- * Specifically, stdio functions acquire locks on every operation (unless you
- * use the f{read,write,...}_unlocked variants, which are not standard) and
- * performs redundant buffering (unless you disable it with setvbuf(), but we
- * can only do this on newly-opened filehandles).
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "upb_bytestream.h"
-#ifndef UPB_STDIO_H_
-#define UPB_STDIO_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct {
- uint64_t ofs;
- uint32_t refcount;
- char data[];
-} upb_stdio_buf;
-// We use a single object for both bytesrc and bytesink for simplicity.
-// The object is still not thread-safe, and may only be used by one reader
-// and one writer at a time.
-typedef struct {
- upb_bytesrc src;
- upb_bytesink sink;
- FILE *file;
- bool should_close;
- upb_stdio_buf **bufs;
- uint32_t nbuf, szbuf;
-} upb_stdio;
-void upb_stdio_init(upb_stdio *stdio);
-// Caller should call upb_stdio_flush prior to calling this to ensure that
-// all data is flushed, otherwise data can be silently dropped if an error
-// occurs flushing the remaining buffers.
-void upb_stdio_uninit(upb_stdio *stdio);
-// Resets the object to read/write to the given "file." The caller is
-// responsible for closing the file, which must outlive this object.
-void upb_stdio_reset(upb_stdio *stdio, FILE *file);
-// As an alternative to upb_stdio_reset(), initializes the object by opening a
-// file, and will handle closing it. This may result in more efficient I/O
-// than the previous since we can call setvbuf() to disable buffering.
-void upb_stdio_open(upb_stdio *stdio, const char *filename, const char *mode,
- upb_status *s);
-// Must be called to cleanup after the object, including closing the file if
-// it was opened with upb_stdio_open() (which can fail, hence the status).
-upb_bytesrc *upb_stdio_bytesrc(upb_stdio *stdio);
-upb_bytesink *upb_stdio_bytesink(upb_stdio *stdio);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_strstream.c b/src/upb_strstream.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e17d75..0000000
--- a/src/upb_strstream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_strstream.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* upb_stringsrc **************************************************************/
-size_t upb_stringsrc_fetch(void *_src, uint64_t ofs, upb_status *s) {
- upb_stringsrc *src = _src;
- size_t bytes = src->len - ofs;
- if (bytes == 0) s->code = UPB_EOF;
- return bytes;
-void upb_stringsrc_read(void *_src, uint64_t src_ofs, size_t len, char *dst) {
- upb_stringsrc *src = _src;
- memcpy(dst, src->str + src_ofs, len);
-const char *upb_stringsrc_getptr(void *_src, uint64_t ofs, size_t *len) {
- upb_stringsrc *src = _src;
- *len = src->len - ofs;
- return src->str + ofs;
-void upb_stringsrc_init(upb_stringsrc *s) {
- static upb_bytesrc_vtbl vtbl = {
- &upb_stringsrc_fetch,
- &upb_stringsrc_read,
- &upb_stringsrc_getptr,
- };
- upb_bytesrc_init(&s->bytesrc, &vtbl);
- s->str = NULL;
-void upb_stringsrc_reset(upb_stringsrc *s, const char *str, size_t len) {
- s->str = str;
- s->len = len;
-void upb_stringsrc_uninit(upb_stringsrc *s) { (void)s; }
-upb_bytesrc *upb_stringsrc_bytesrc(upb_stringsrc *s) {
- return &s->bytesrc;
-/* upb_stringsink *************************************************************/
-void upb_stringsink_uninit(upb_stringsink *s) {
- free(s->str);
-// Resets the stringsink to a state where it will append to the given string.
-// The string must be newly created or recycled. The stringsink will take a
-// reference on the string, so the caller need not ensure that it outlives the
-// stringsink. A stringsink can be reset multiple times.
-void upb_stringsink_reset(upb_stringsink *s, char *str, size_t size) {
- free(s->str);
- s->str = str;
- s->len = 0;
- s->size = size;
-upb_bytesink *upb_stringsink_bytesink(upb_stringsink *s) {
- return &s->bytesink;
-static int32_t upb_stringsink_vprintf(void *_s, upb_status *status,
- const char *fmt, va_list args) {
- (void)status; // TODO: report realloc() errors.
- upb_stringsink *s = _s;
- int ret = upb_vrprintf(&s->str, &s->size, s->len, fmt, args);
- if (ret >= 0) s->len += ret;
- return ret;
-bool upb_stringsink_write(void *_s, const char *buf, size_t len,
- upb_status *status) {
- (void)status; // TODO: report realloc() errors.
- upb_stringsink *s = _s;
- if (s->len + len > s->size) {
- while(s->len + len > s->size) s->size *= 2;
- s->str = realloc(s->str, s->size);
- }
- memcpy(s->str + s->len, buf, len);
- s->len += len;
- return true;
-void upb_stringsink_init(upb_stringsink *s) {
- static upb_bytesink_vtbl vtbl = {
- upb_stringsink_write,
- upb_stringsink_vprintf
- };
- upb_bytesink_init(&s->bytesink, &vtbl);
- s->str = NULL;
diff --git a/src/upb_strstream.h b/src/upb_strstream.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e57406e..0000000
--- a/src/upb_strstream.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * This file contains upb_bytesrc and upb_bytesink implementations for
- * upb_string.
- */
-#include "upb_bytestream.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* upb_stringsrc **************************************************************/
-struct _upb_stringsrc {
- upb_bytesrc bytesrc;
- const char *str;
- size_t len;
-typedef struct _upb_stringsrc upb_stringsrc;
-// Create/free a stringsrc.
-void upb_stringsrc_init(upb_stringsrc *s);
-void upb_stringsrc_uninit(upb_stringsrc *s);
-// Resets the stringsrc to a state where it will vend the given string. The
-// stringsrc will take a reference on the string, so the caller need not ensure
-// that it outlives the stringsrc. A stringsrc can be reset multiple times.
-void upb_stringsrc_reset(upb_stringsrc *s, const char *str, size_t len);
-// Returns the upb_bytesrc* for this stringsrc.
-upb_bytesrc *upb_stringsrc_bytesrc(upb_stringsrc *s);
-/* upb_stringsink *************************************************************/
-struct _upb_stringsink {
- upb_bytesink bytesink;
- char *str;
- size_t len, size;
-typedef struct _upb_stringsink upb_stringsink;
-// Create/free a stringsrc.
-void upb_stringsink_init(upb_stringsink *s);
-void upb_stringsink_uninit(upb_stringsink *s);
-// Resets the sink's string to "str", which the sink takes ownership of.
-// "str" may be NULL, which will make the sink allocate a new string.
-void upb_stringsink_reset(upb_stringsink *s, char *str, size_t size);
-// Releases ownership of the returned string (which is "len" bytes long) and
-// resets the internal string to be empty again (as if reset were called with
-// NULL).
-const char *upb_stringsink_release(upb_stringsink *s, size_t *len);
-// Returns the upb_bytesink* for this stringsrc. Invalidated by reset above.
-upb_bytesink *upb_stringsink_bytesink();
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/upb_table.c b/src/upb_table.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fc9e9de..0000000
--- a/src/upb_table.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * There are a few printf's strewn throughout this file, uncommenting them
- * can be useful for debugging.
- */
-#include "upb_table.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const double MAX_LOAD = 0.85;
-// The minimum percentage of an array part that we will allow. This is a
-// speed/memory-usage tradeoff (though it's not straightforward because of
-// cache effects). The lower this is, the more memory we'll use.
-static const double MIN_DENSITY = 0.1;
-static uint32_t MurmurHash2(const void *key, size_t len, uint32_t seed);
-/* Base table (shared code) ***************************************************/
-static uint32_t upb_table_size(upb_table *t) { return 1 << t->size_lg2; }
-static size_t upb_table_entrysize(upb_table *t) { return t->entry_size; }
-static size_t upb_table_valuesize(upb_table *t) { return t->value_size; }
-void upb_table_init(upb_table *t, uint32_t size, uint16_t entry_size) {
- t->count = 0;
- t->entry_size = entry_size;
- t->size_lg2 = 1;
- while(upb_table_size(t) < size) t->size_lg2++;
- size_t bytes = upb_table_size(t) * t->entry_size;
- t->mask = upb_table_size(t) - 1;
- t->entries = malloc(bytes);
-void upb_table_free(upb_table *t) { free(t->entries); }
-/* upb_inttable ***************************************************************/
-static upb_inttable_entry *intent(upb_inttable *t, int32_t i) {
- //printf("looking up int entry %d, size of entry: %d\n", i, t->t.entry_size);
- return UPB_INDEX(t->t.entries, i, t->t.entry_size);
-static uint32_t upb_inttable_hashtablesize(upb_inttable *t) {
- return upb_table_size(&t->t);
-void upb_inttable_sizedinit(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t arrsize, uint32_t hashsize,
- uint16_t value_size) {
- size_t entsize = _upb_inttable_entrysize(value_size);
- upb_table_init(&t->t, hashsize, entsize);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < upb_table_size(&t->t); i++) {
- upb_inttable_entry *e = intent(t, i);
- e->hdr.key = 0;
- e->val.has_entry = 0;
- }
- t->t.value_size = value_size;
- // Always make the array part at least 1 long, so that we know key 0
- // won't be in the hash part (which lets us speed up that code path).
- t->array_size = UPB_MAX(1, arrsize);
- t->array = malloc(upb_table_valuesize(&t->t) * t->array_size);
- t->array_count = 0;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t->array_size; i++) {
- upb_inttable_value *val = UPB_INDEX(t->array, i, upb_table_valuesize(&t->t));
- val->has_entry = false;
- }
-void upb_inttable_init(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t hashsize, uint16_t value_size) {
- upb_inttable_sizedinit(t, 0, hashsize, value_size);
-void upb_inttable_free(upb_inttable *t) {
- upb_table_free(&t->t);
- free(t->array);
-static uint32_t empty_intbucket(upb_inttable *table)
- // TODO: does it matter that this is biased towards the front of the table?
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < upb_inttable_hashtablesize(table); i++) {
- upb_inttable_entry *e = intent(table, i);
- if(!e->val.has_entry) return i;
- }
- assert(false);
- return 0;
-// The insert routines have a lot more code duplication between int/string
-// variants than I would like, but there's just a bit too much that varies to
-// parameterize them.
-static void intinsert(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t key, const void *val) {
- assert(upb_inttable_lookup(t, key) == NULL);
- upb_inttable_value *table_val;
- if (_upb_inttable_isarrkey(t, key)) {
- table_val = UPB_INDEX(t->array, key, upb_table_valuesize(&t->t));
- t->array_count++;
- //printf("Inserting key %d to Array part! %p\n", key, table_val);
- } else {
- t->t.count++;
- uint32_t bucket = _upb_inttable_bucket(t, key);
- upb_inttable_entry *table_e = intent(t, bucket);
- //printf("Hash part! Inserting into bucket %d?\n", bucket);
- if(table_e->val.has_entry) { /* Collision. */
- //printf("Collision!\n");
- if(bucket == _upb_inttable_bucket(t, table_e->hdr.key)) {
- /* Existing element is in its main posisiton. Find an empty slot to
- * place our new element and append it to this key's chain. */
- uint32_t empty_bucket = empty_intbucket(t);
- while (table_e-> != UPB_END_OF_CHAIN)
- table_e = intent(t, table_e->;
- table_e-> = empty_bucket;
- table_e = intent(t, empty_bucket);
- } else {
- /* Existing element is not in its main position. Move it to an empty
- * slot and put our element in its main position. */
- uint32_t empty_bucket = empty_intbucket(t);
- uint32_t evictee_bucket = _upb_inttable_bucket(t, table_e->hdr.key);
- memcpy(intent(t, empty_bucket), table_e, t->t.entry_size); /* copies next */
- upb_inttable_entry *evictee_e = intent(t, evictee_bucket);
- while(1) {
- assert(evictee_e->val.has_entry);
- assert(evictee_e-> != UPB_END_OF_CHAIN);
- if(evictee_e-> == bucket) {
- evictee_e-> = empty_bucket;
- break;
- }
- evictee_e = intent(t, evictee_e->;
- }
- /* table_e remains set to our mainpos. */
- }
- }
- //printf("Inserting! to:%p, copying to: %p\n", table_e, &table_e->val);
- table_val = &table_e->val;
- table_e->hdr.key = key;
- table_e-> = UPB_END_OF_CHAIN;
- }
- memcpy(table_val, val, upb_table_valuesize(&t->t));
- table_val->has_entry = true;
- assert(upb_inttable_lookup(t, key) == table_val);
-// Insert all elements from src into dest. Caller ensures that a resize will
-// not be necessary.
-static void upb_inttable_insertall(upb_inttable *dst, upb_inttable *src) {
- for(upb_inttable_iter i = upb_inttable_begin(src); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(src, i)) {
- //printf("load check: %d %d\n", upb_table_count(&dst->t), upb_inttable_hashtablesize(dst));
- assert((double)(upb_table_count(&dst->t)) /
- upb_inttable_hashtablesize(dst) <= MAX_LOAD);
- intinsert(dst, upb_inttable_iter_key(i), upb_inttable_iter_value(i));
- }
-void upb_inttable_insert(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t key, const void *val) {
- if((double)(t->t.count + 1) / upb_inttable_hashtablesize(t) > MAX_LOAD) {
- //printf("RESIZE!\n");
- // Need to resize. Allocate new table with double the size of however many
- // elements we have now, add old elements to it. We create the new hash
- // table without an array part, even if the old table had an array part.
- // If/when the user calls upb_inttable_compact() again, we'll create an
- // array part then.
- upb_inttable new_table;
- //printf("Old table count=%d, size=%d\n", upb_inttable_count(t), upb_inttable_hashtablesize(t));
- upb_inttable_init(&new_table, upb_inttable_count(t)*2, upb_table_valuesize(&t->t));
- upb_inttable_insertall(&new_table, t);
- upb_inttable_free(t);
- *t = new_table;
- }
- intinsert(t, key, val);
-void upb_inttable_compact(upb_inttable *t) {
- // Find the largest array part we can that satisfies the MIN_DENSITY
- // definition. For now we just count down powers of two.
- uint32_t largest_key = 0;
- for(upb_inttable_iter i = upb_inttable_begin(t); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(t, i)) {
- largest_key = UPB_MAX(largest_key, upb_inttable_iter_key(i));
- }
- int lg2_array = 0;
- while ((1UL << lg2_array) < largest_key) ++lg2_array;
- ++lg2_array; // Undo the first iteration.
- size_t array_size;
- int array_count = 0;
- while (lg2_array > 0) {
- array_size = (1 << --lg2_array);
- //printf("Considering size %d (btw, our table has %d things total)\n", array_size, upb_inttable_count(t));
- if ((double)upb_inttable_count(t) / array_size < MIN_DENSITY) {
- // Even if 100% of the keys were in the array pary, an array of this
- // size would not be dense enough.
- continue;
- }
- array_count = 0;
- for(upb_inttable_iter i = upb_inttable_begin(t); !upb_inttable_done(i);
- i = upb_inttable_next(t, i)) {
- if (upb_inttable_iter_key(i) < array_size)
- array_count++;
- }
- //printf("There would be %d things in that array\n", array_count);
- if ((double)array_count / array_size >= MIN_DENSITY) break;
- }
- upb_inttable new_table;
- int hash_size = (upb_inttable_count(t) - array_count + 1) / MAX_LOAD;
- //printf("array_count: %d, array_size: %d, hash_size: %d, table size: %d\n", array_count, array_size, hash_size, upb_inttable_count(t));
- upb_inttable_sizedinit(&new_table, array_size, hash_size,
- upb_table_valuesize(&t->t));
- //printf("For %d things, using array size=%d, hash_size = %d\n", upb_inttable_count(t), array_size, hash_size);
- upb_inttable_insertall(&new_table, t);
- upb_inttable_free(t);
- *t = new_table;
-upb_inttable_iter upb_inttable_begin(upb_inttable *t) {
- upb_inttable_iter iter = {-1, NULL, true}; // -1 will overflow to 0 on the first iteration.
- return upb_inttable_next(t, iter);
-upb_inttable_iter upb_inttable_next(upb_inttable *t, upb_inttable_iter iter) {
- const size_t hdrsize = sizeof(upb_inttable_header);
- const size_t entsize = upb_table_entrysize(&t->t);
- if (iter.array_part) {
- while (++iter.key < t->array_size) {
- //printf("considering value %d\n", iter.key);
- iter.value = UPB_INDEX(t->array, iter.key, t->t.value_size);
- if (iter.value->has_entry) return iter;
- }
- //printf("Done with array part!\n");
- iter.array_part = false;
- // Point to the value of the table[-1] entry.
- iter.value = UPB_INDEX(intent(t, -1), 1, hdrsize);
- }
- void *end = intent(t, upb_inttable_hashtablesize(t));
- // Point to the entry for the value that was previously in iter.
- upb_inttable_entry *e = UPB_INDEX(iter.value, -1, hdrsize);
- do {
- e = UPB_INDEX(e, 1, entsize);
- //printf("considering value %p (val: %p)\n", e, &e->val);
- if(e == end) {
- //printf("No values.\n");
- iter.value = NULL;
- return iter;
- }
- } while(!e->val.has_entry);
- //printf("USING VALUE! %p\n", e);
- iter.key = e->hdr.key;
- iter.value = &e->val;
- return iter;
-/* upb_strtable ***************************************************************/
-static upb_strtable_entry *strent(upb_strtable *t, int32_t i) {
- //fprintf(stderr, "i: %d, table_size: %d\n", i, upb_table_size(&t->t));
- assert(i <= (int32_t)upb_table_size(&t->t));
- return UPB_INDEX(t->t.entries, i, t->t.entry_size);
-static uint32_t upb_strtable_size(upb_strtable *t) {
- return upb_table_size(&t->t);
-void upb_strtable_init(upb_strtable *t, uint32_t size, uint16_t valuesize) {
- t->t.value_size = valuesize;
- size_t entsize = upb_align_up(sizeof(upb_strtable_header) + valuesize, 8);
- upb_table_init(&t->t, size, entsize);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < upb_table_size(&t->t); i++) {
- upb_strtable_entry *e = strent(t, i);
- e->hdr.key = NULL;
- }
-void upb_strtable_free(upb_strtable *t) {
- // Free keys from the strtable.
- upb_strtable_iter i;
- for(upb_strtable_begin(&i, t); !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i))
- free((char*)upb_strtable_iter_key(&i));
- upb_table_free(&t->t);
-static uint32_t strtable_bucket(upb_strtable *t, const char *key) {
- uint32_t hash = MurmurHash2(key, strlen(key), 0);
- return (hash & t->t.mask);
-void *upb_strtable_lookup(upb_strtable *t, const char *key) {
- uint32_t bucket = strtable_bucket(t, key);
- upb_strtable_entry *e;
- do {
- e = strent(t, bucket);
- if(e->hdr.key && strcmp(e->hdr.key, key) == 0) return &e->val;
- } while((bucket = e-> != UPB_END_OF_CHAIN);
- return NULL;
-void *upb_strtable_lookupl(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, size_t len) {
- // TODO: improve.
- char key2[len+1];
- memcpy(key2, key, len);
- key2[len] = '\0';
- return upb_strtable_lookup(t, key2);
-static uint32_t empty_strbucket(upb_strtable *table) {
- // TODO: does it matter that this is biased towards the front of the table?
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < upb_strtable_size(table); i++) {
- upb_strtable_entry *e = strent(table, i);
- if(!e->hdr.key) return i;
- }
- assert(false);
- return 0;
-static void strinsert(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, const void *val) {
- assert(upb_strtable_lookup(t, key) == NULL);
- t->t.count++;
- uint32_t bucket = strtable_bucket(t, key);
- upb_strtable_entry *table_e = strent(t, bucket);
- if(table_e->hdr.key) { /* Collision. */
- if(bucket == strtable_bucket(t, table_e->hdr.key)) {
- /* Existing element is in its main posisiton. Find an empty slot to
- * place our new element and append it to this key's chain. */
- uint32_t empty_bucket = empty_strbucket(t);
- while (table_e-> != UPB_END_OF_CHAIN)
- table_e = strent(t, table_e->;
- table_e-> = empty_bucket;
- table_e = strent(t, empty_bucket);
- } else {
- /* Existing element is not in its main position. Move it to an empty
- * slot and put our element in its main position. */
- uint32_t empty_bucket = empty_strbucket(t);
- uint32_t evictee_bucket = strtable_bucket(t, table_e->hdr.key);
- memcpy(strent(t, empty_bucket), table_e, t->t.entry_size); /* copies next */
- upb_strtable_entry *evictee_e = strent(t, evictee_bucket);
- while(1) {
- assert(evictee_e->hdr.key);
- assert(evictee_e-> != UPB_END_OF_CHAIN);
- if(evictee_e-> == bucket) {
- evictee_e-> = empty_bucket;
- break;
- }
- evictee_e = strent(t, evictee_e->;
- }
- /* table_e remains set to our mainpos. */
- }
- }
- //fprintf(stderr, "val: %p\n", val);
- //fprintf(stderr, "val size: %d\n", t->t.value_size);
- memcpy(&table_e->val, val, t->t.value_size);
- table_e->hdr.key = strdup(key);
- table_e-> = UPB_END_OF_CHAIN;
- //fprintf(stderr, "Looking up, string=%s...\n", key);
- assert(upb_strtable_lookup(t, key) == &table_e->val);
- //printf("Yay!\n");
-void upb_strtable_insert(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, const void *val) {
- if((double)(t->t.count + 1) / upb_strtable_size(t) > MAX_LOAD) {
- // Need to resize. New table of double the size, add old elements to it.
- //printf("RESIZE!!\n");
- upb_strtable new_table;
- upb_strtable_init(&new_table, upb_strtable_size(t)*2, t->t.value_size);
- upb_strtable_iter i;
- upb_strtable_begin(&i, t);
- for(; !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
- strinsert(&new_table,
- upb_strtable_iter_key(&i),
- upb_strtable_iter_value(&i));
- }
- upb_strtable_free(t);
- *t = new_table;
- }
- strinsert(t, key, val);
-void upb_strtable_begin(upb_strtable_iter *i, upb_strtable *t) {
- i->e = strent(t, -1);
- i->t = t;
- upb_strtable_next(i);
-void upb_strtable_next(upb_strtable_iter *i) {
- upb_strtable_entry *end = strent(i->t, upb_strtable_size(i->t));
- upb_strtable_entry *cur = i->e;
- do {
- cur = (void*)((char*)cur + i->t->t.entry_size);
- if(cur == end) { i->e = NULL; return; }
- } while(cur->hdr.key == NULL);
- i->e = cur;
-// MurmurHash2, by Austin Appleby (released as public domain).
-// Reformatted and C99-ified by Joshua Haberman.
-// Note - This code makes a few assumptions about how your machine behaves -
-// 1. We can read a 4-byte value from any address without crashing
-// 2. sizeof(int) == 4 (in upb this limitation is removed by using uint32_t
-// And it has a few limitations -
-// 1. It will not work incrementally.
-// 2. It will not produce the same results on little-endian and big-endian
-// machines.
-static uint32_t MurmurHash2(const void *key, size_t len, uint32_t seed)
- // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline.
- // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well.
- const uint32_t m = 0x5bd1e995;
- const int32_t r = 24;
- // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value
- uint32_t h = seed ^ len;
- // Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash
- const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)key;
- while(len >= 4) {
- uint32_t k = *(uint32_t *)data;
- k *= m;
- k ^= k >> r;
- k *= m;
- h *= m;
- h ^= k;
- data += 4;
- len -= 4;
- }
- // Handle the last few bytes of the input array
- switch(len) {
- case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;
- case 1: h ^= data[0]; h *= m;
- };
- // Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few
- // bytes are well-incorporated.
- h ^= h >> 13;
- h *= m;
- h ^= h >> 15;
- return h;
-// MurmurHashAligned2, by Austin Appleby
-// Same algorithm as MurmurHash2, but only does aligned reads - should be safer
-// on certain platforms.
-// Performance will be lower than MurmurHash2
-#define MIX(h,k,m) { k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; }
-static uint32_t MurmurHash2(const void * key, size_t len, uint32_t seed)
- const uint32_t m = 0x5bd1e995;
- const int32_t r = 24;
- const uint8_t * data = (const uint8_t *)key;
- uint32_t h = seed ^ len;
- uint8_t align = (uintptr_t)data & 3;
- if(align && (len >= 4)) {
- // Pre-load the temp registers
- uint32_t t = 0, d = 0;
- switch(align) {
- case 1: t |= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: t |= data[1] << 8;
- case 3: t |= data[0];
- }
- t <<= (8 * align);
- data += 4-align;
- len -= 4-align;
- int32_t sl = 8 * (4-align);
- int32_t sr = 8 * align;
- // Mix
- while(len >= 4) {
- d = *(uint32_t *)data;
- t = (t >> sr) | (d << sl);
- uint32_t k = t;
- MIX(h,k,m);
- t = d;
- data += 4;
- len -= 4;
- }
- // Handle leftover data in temp registers
- d = 0;
- if(len >= align) {
- switch(align) {
- case 3: d |= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: d |= data[1] << 8;
- case 1: d |= data[0];
- }
- uint32_t k = (t >> sr) | (d << sl);
- MIX(h,k,m);
- data += align;
- len -= align;
- //----------
- // Handle tail bytes
- switch(len) {
- case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;
- case 1: h ^= data[0]; h *= m;
- };
- } else {
- switch(len) {
- case 3: d |= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: d |= data[1] << 8;
- case 1: d |= data[0];
- case 0: h ^= (t >> sr) | (d << sl); h *= m;
- }
- }
- h ^= h >> 13;
- h *= m;
- h ^= h >> 15;
- return h;
- } else {
- while(len >= 4) {
- uint32_t k = *(uint32_t *)data;
- MIX(h,k,m);
- data += 4;
- len -= 4;
- }
- //----------
- // Handle tail bytes
- switch(len) {
- case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;
- case 1: h ^= data[0]; h *= m;
- };
- h ^= h >> 13;
- h *= m;
- h ^= h >> 15;
- return h;
- }
-#undef MIX
diff --git a/src/upb_table.h b/src/upb_table.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 376465b..0000000
--- a/src/upb_table.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * This file defines very fast int->struct (inttable) and string->struct
- * (strtable) hash tables. The struct can be of any size, and it is stored
- * in the table itself, for cache-friendly performance.
- *
- * The table uses internal chaining with Brent's variation (inspired by the
- * Lua implementation of hash tables). The hash function for strings is
- * Austin Appleby's "MurmurHash."
- */
-#ifndef UPB_TABLE_H_
-#define UPB_TABLE_H_
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "upb.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define UPB_END_OF_CHAIN (uint32_t)-1
-typedef struct {
- bool has_entry:1;
- // The rest of the bits are the user's.
-} upb_inttable_value;
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t key;
- uint32_t next; // Internal chaining.
-} upb_inttable_header;
-typedef struct {
- upb_inttable_header hdr;
- upb_inttable_value val;
-} upb_inttable_entry;
-// TODO: consider storing the hash in the entry. This would avoid the need to
-// rehash on table resizes, but more importantly could possibly improve lookup
-// performance by letting us compare hashes before comparing lengths or the
-// strings themselves.
-typedef struct {
- char *key; // We own, nullz. TODO: store explicit len?
- uint32_t next; // Internal chaining.
-} upb_strtable_header;
-typedef struct {
- upb_strtable_header hdr;
- uint32_t val; // Val is at least 32 bits.
-} upb_strtable_entry;
-typedef struct {
- void *entries; // Hash table.
- uint32_t count; // Number of entries in the hash part.
- uint32_t mask; // Mask to turn hash value -> bucket.
- uint16_t entry_size; // Size of each entry.
- uint16_t value_size; // Size of each value.
- uint8_t size_lg2; // Size of the hash table part is 2^size_lg2 entries.
-} upb_table;
-typedef struct {
- upb_table t;
-} upb_strtable;
-typedef struct {
- upb_table t;
- void *array; // Array part of the table.
- uint32_t array_size; // Array part size.
- uint32_t array_count; // Array part number of elements.
-} upb_inttable;
-// Initialize and free a table, respectively. Specify the initial size
-// with 'size' (the size will be increased as necessary). Value size
-// specifies how many bytes each value in the table is.
-// WARNING! The lowest bit of every entry is reserved by the hash table.
-// It will always be overwritten when you insert, and must not be modified
-// when looked up!
-void upb_inttable_init(upb_inttable *table, uint32_t size, uint16_t value_size);
-void upb_inttable_free(upb_inttable *table);
-void upb_strtable_init(upb_strtable *table, uint32_t size, uint16_t value_size);
-void upb_strtable_free(upb_strtable *table);
-// Number of values in the hash table.
-INLINE uint32_t upb_table_count(upb_table *t) { return t->count; }
-INLINE uint32_t upb_inttable_count(upb_inttable *t) {
- return t->array_count + upb_table_count(&t->t);
-INLINE uint32_t upb_strtable_count(upb_strtable *t) {
- return upb_table_count(&t->t);
-// Inserts the given key into the hashtable with the given value. The key must
-// not already exist in the hash table. The data will be copied from val into
-// the hashtable (the amount of data copied comes from value_size when the
-// table was constructed). Therefore the data at val may be freed once the
-// call returns. For string tables, the table takes ownership of the string.
-// WARNING: the lowest bit of val is reserved and will be overwritten!
-void upb_inttable_insert(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t key, const void *val);
-// TODO: may want to allow for more complex keys with custom hash/comparison
-// functions.
-void upb_strtable_insert(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, const void *val);
-void upb_inttable_compact(upb_inttable *t);
-INLINE void upb_strtable_clear(upb_strtable *t) {
- // TODO: improve.
- uint16_t entry_size = t->t.entry_size;
- upb_strtable_free(t);
- upb_strtable_init(t, 8, entry_size);
-INLINE uint32_t _upb_inttable_bucket(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t k) {
- uint32_t bucket = k & t->t.mask; // Identity hash for ints.
- assert(bucket != UPB_END_OF_CHAIN);
- return bucket;
-// Returns true if this key belongs in the array part of the table.
-INLINE bool _upb_inttable_isarrkey(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t k) {
- return (k < t->array_size);
-// Looks up key in this table, returning a pointer to the user's inserted data.
-// We have the caller specify the entry_size because fixing this as a literal
-// (instead of reading table->entry_size) gives the compiler more ability to
-// optimize.
-INLINE void *_upb_inttable_fastlookup(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t key,
- size_t entry_size, size_t value_size) {
- upb_inttable_value *arrval =
- (upb_inttable_value*)UPB_INDEX(t->array, key, value_size);
- if (_upb_inttable_isarrkey(t, key)) {
- //DEBUGPRINTF("array lookup for key %d, &val=%p, has_entry=%d\n", key, val, val->has_entry);
- return (arrval->has_entry) ? arrval : NULL;
- }
- uint32_t bucket = _upb_inttable_bucket(t, key);
- upb_inttable_entry *e =
- (upb_inttable_entry*)UPB_INDEX(t->t.entries, bucket, entry_size);
- //DEBUGPRINTF("looking in first bucket %d, entry size=%zd, addr=%p\n", bucket, entry_size, e);
- while (1) {
- //DEBUGPRINTF("%d, %d, %d\n", e->val.has_entry, e->hdr.key, key);
- if (e->hdr.key == key) {
- //DEBUGPRINTF("returning val from hash part\n");
- return &e->val;
- }
- if ((bucket = e-> == UPB_END_OF_CHAIN) return NULL;
- //DEBUGPRINTF("looking in bucket %d\n", bucket);
- e = (upb_inttable_entry*)UPB_INDEX(t->t.entries, bucket, entry_size);
- }
-INLINE size_t _upb_inttable_entrysize(size_t value_size) {
- return upb_align_up(sizeof(upb_inttable_header) + value_size, 8);
-INLINE void *upb_inttable_fastlookup(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t key,
- uint32_t value_size) {
- return _upb_inttable_fastlookup(t, key, _upb_inttable_entrysize(value_size), value_size);
-INLINE void *upb_inttable_lookup(upb_inttable *t, uint32_t key) {
- return _upb_inttable_fastlookup(t, key, t->t.entry_size, t->t.value_size);
-void *upb_strtable_lookupl(upb_strtable *t, const char *key, size_t len);
-void *upb_strtable_lookup(upb_strtable *t, const char *key);
-/* upb_strtable_iter **********************************************************/
-// Strtable iteration. Order is undefined. Insertions invalidate iterators.
-// upb_strtable_iter i;
-// for(upb_strtable_begin(&i, t); !upb_strtable_done(&i); upb_strtable_next(&i)) {
-// const char *key = upb_strtable_iter_key(&i);
-// const myval *val = upb_strtable_iter_value(&i);
-// // ...
-// }
-typedef struct {
- upb_strtable *t;
- upb_strtable_entry *e;
-} upb_strtable_iter;
-void upb_strtable_begin(upb_strtable_iter *i, upb_strtable *t);
-void upb_strtable_next(upb_strtable_iter *i);
-INLINE bool upb_strtable_done(upb_strtable_iter *i) { return i->e == NULL; }
-INLINE const char *upb_strtable_iter_key(upb_strtable_iter *i) {
- return i->e->hdr.key;
-INLINE const void *upb_strtable_iter_value(upb_strtable_iter *i) {
- return &i->e->val;
-/* upb_inttable_iter **********************************************************/
-// Inttable iteration. Order is undefined. Insertions invalidate iterators.
-// for(upb_inttable_iter i = upb_inttable_begin(t); !upb_inttable_done(i);
-// i = upb_inttable_next(t, i)) {
-// // ...
-// }
-typedef struct {
- uint32_t key;
- upb_inttable_value *value;
- bool array_part;
-} upb_inttable_iter;
-upb_inttable_iter upb_inttable_begin(upb_inttable *t);
-upb_inttable_iter upb_inttable_next(upb_inttable *t, upb_inttable_iter iter);
-INLINE bool upb_inttable_done(upb_inttable_iter iter) { return iter.value == NULL; }
-INLINE uint32_t upb_inttable_iter_key(upb_inttable_iter iter) {
- return iter.key;
-INLINE void *upb_inttable_iter_value(upb_inttable_iter iter) {
- return iter.value;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_TABLE_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_textprinter.c b/src/upb_textprinter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 14cce9b..0000000
--- a/src/upb_textprinter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_textprinter.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-struct _upb_textprinter {
- upb_bytesink *bytesink;
- int indent_depth;
- bool single_line;
- upb_status status;
-#define CHECK(x) if ((x) < 0) goto err;
-static int upb_textprinter_putescaped(upb_textprinter *p, upb_strref *strref,
- bool preserve_utf8) {
- // Based on CEscapeInternal() from Google's protobuf release.
- // TODO; we could read directly fraom a bytesrc's buffer instead.
- // TODO; we could write directly into a bytesink's buffer instead.
- char dstbuf[4096], *dst = dstbuf, *dstend = dstbuf + sizeof(dstbuf);
- char buf[strref->len], *src = buf;
- char *end = src + strref->len;
- upb_strref_read(strref, src);
- // I think hex is prettier and more useful, but proto2 uses octal; should
- // investigate whether it can parse hex also.
- bool use_hex = false;
- bool last_hex_escape = false; // true if last output char was \xNN
- for (; src < end; src++) {
- if (dstend - dst < 4) {
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_write(p->bytesink, dstbuf, dst - dstbuf, &p->status));
- dst = dstbuf;
- }
- bool is_hex_escape = false;
- switch (*src) {
- case '\n': *(dst++) = '\\'; *(dst++) = 'n'; break;
- case '\r': *(dst++) = '\\'; *(dst++) = 'r'; break;
- case '\t': *(dst++) = '\\'; *(dst++) = 't'; break;
- case '\"': *(dst++) = '\\'; *(dst++) = '\"'; break;
- case '\'': *(dst++) = '\\'; *(dst++) = '\''; break;
- case '\\': *(dst++) = '\\'; *(dst++) = '\\'; break;
- default:
- // Note that if we emit \xNN and the src character after that is a hex
- // digit then that digit must be escaped too to prevent it being
- // interpreted as part of the character code by C.
- if ((!preserve_utf8 || (uint8_t)*src < 0x80) &&
- (!isprint(*src) || (last_hex_escape && isxdigit(*src)))) {
- sprintf(dst, (use_hex ? "\\x%02x" : "\\%03o"), (uint8_t)*src);
- is_hex_escape = use_hex;
- dst += 4;
- } else {
- *(dst++) = *src; break;
- }
- }
- last_hex_escape = is_hex_escape;
- }
- // Flush remaining data.
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_write(p->bytesink, dst, dst - dstbuf, &p->status));
- return 0;
- return -1;
-static int upb_textprinter_indent(upb_textprinter *p) {
- if(!p->single_line)
- for(int i = 0; i < p->indent_depth; i++)
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, " ", &p->status));
- return 0;
- return -1;
-static int upb_textprinter_endfield(upb_textprinter *p) {
- if(p->single_line) {
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, " ", &p->status));
- } else {
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, "\n", &p->status));
- }
- return 0;
- return -1;
-static upb_flow_t upb_textprinter_value(void *_p, upb_value fval,
- upb_value val) {
- upb_textprinter *p = _p;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- upb_textprinter_indent(p);
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_printf(p->bytesink, &p->status, "%s: ", f->name));
-#define CASE(fmtstr, member) \
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_printf(p->bytesink, &p->status, fmtstr, upb_value_get ## member(val))); break;
- switch(f->type) {
- // TODO: figure out what we should really be doing for these
- // floating-point formats.
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_printf(p->bytesink, &p->status, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, upb_value_getdouble(val))); break;
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_printf(p->bytesink, &p->status, "%.*g", FLT_DIG+2, upb_value_getfloat(val))); break;
- case UPB_TYPE(INT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT64):
- CASE("%" PRId64, int64)
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT64):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64):
- CASE("%" PRIu64, uint64)
- case UPB_TYPE(UINT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32):
- CASE("%" PRIu32, uint32);
- case UPB_TYPE(ENUM): {
- upb_enumdef *enum_def = upb_downcast_enumdef(f->def);
- const char *label = upb_enumdef_iton(enum_def, upb_value_getint32(val));
- if (label) {
- // We found a corresponding string for this enum. Otherwise we fall
- // through to the int32 code path.
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, label, &p->status));
- break;
- }
- }
- case UPB_TYPE(INT32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32):
- case UPB_TYPE(SINT32):
- CASE("%" PRId32, int32)
- case UPB_TYPE(BOOL):
- CASE("%hhu", bool);
- case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): {
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, "\"", &p->status));
- CHECK(upb_textprinter_putescaped(p, upb_value_getstrref(val),
- f->type == UPB_TYPE(STRING)));
- CHECK(upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, "\"", &p->status));
- break;
- }
- }
- upb_textprinter_endfield(p);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
- return UPB_BREAK;
-static upb_sflow_t upb_textprinter_startsubmsg(void *_p, upb_value fval) {
- upb_textprinter *p = _p;
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval);
- upb_textprinter_indent(p);
- bool ret = upb_bytesink_printf(p->bytesink, &p->status, "%s {", f->name);
- if (!ret) return UPB_SBREAK;
- if (!p->single_line)
- upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, "\n", &p->status);
- p->indent_depth++;
- return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(_p);
-static upb_flow_t upb_textprinter_endsubmsg(void *_p, upb_value fval) {
- (void)fval;
- upb_textprinter *p = _p;
- p->indent_depth--;
- upb_textprinter_indent(p);
- upb_bytesink_writestr(p->bytesink, "}", &p->status);
- upb_textprinter_endfield(p);
- return UPB_CONTINUE;
-upb_textprinter *upb_textprinter_new() {
- upb_textprinter *p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
- return p;
-void upb_textprinter_free(upb_textprinter *p) {
- free(p);
-void upb_textprinter_reset(upb_textprinter *p, upb_bytesink *sink,
- bool single_line) {
- p->bytesink = sink;
- p->single_line = single_line;
- p->indent_depth = 0;
-upb_mhandlers *upb_textprinter_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m) {
- upb_handlerset hset = {
- NULL, // startmsg
- NULL, // endmsg
- upb_textprinter_value,
- upb_textprinter_startsubmsg,
- upb_textprinter_endsubmsg,
- NULL, // startseq
- NULL, // endseq
- };
- return upb_handlers_reghandlerset(h, m, &hset);
diff --git a/src/upb_textprinter.h b/src/upb_textprinter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d70d2e..0000000
--- a/src/upb_textprinter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#ifndef UPB_TEXT_H_
-#define UPB_TEXT_H_
-#include "upb_bytestream.h"
-#include "upb_handlers.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct _upb_textprinter;
-typedef struct _upb_textprinter upb_textprinter;
-upb_textprinter *upb_textprinter_new();
-void upb_textprinter_free(upb_textprinter *p);
-void upb_textprinter_reset(upb_textprinter *p, upb_bytesink *sink,
- bool single_line);
-upb_mhandlers *upb_textprinter_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_TEXT_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upb_varint.c b/src/upb_varint.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 25052aa..0000000
--- a/src/upb_varint.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- */
-#include "upb_varint.h"
-// Given an encoded varint v, returns an integer with a single bit set that
-// indicates the end of the varint. Subtracting one from this value will
-// yield a mask that leaves only bits that are part of the varint. Returns
-// 0 if the varint is unterminated.
-INLINE uint64_t upb_get_vstopbit(uint64_t v) {
- uint64_t cbits = v | 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fULL;
- return ~cbits & (cbits+1);
-INLINE uint64_t upb_get_vmask(uint64_t v) { return upb_get_vstopbit(v) - 1; }
-upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_max8_massimino(upb_decoderet r) {
- uint64_t b;
- memcpy(&b, r.p, sizeof(b));
- uint64_t stop_bit = upb_get_vstopbit(b);
- b = (b & 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fULL) & (stop_bit - 1);
- b += b & 0x007f007f007f007fULL;
- b += 3 * (b & 0x0000ffff0000ffffULL);
- b += 15 * (b & 0x00000000ffffffffULL);
- if (stop_bit == 0) {
- // Error: unterminated varint.
- upb_decoderet err_r = {(void*)0, 0};
- return err_r;
- }
- upb_decoderet my_r = {r.p + ((__builtin_ctzll(stop_bit) + 1) / 8),
- r.val | (b << 7)};
- return my_r;
-upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_max8_wright(upb_decoderet r) {
- uint64_t b;
- memcpy(&b, r.p, sizeof(b));
- uint64_t stop_bit = upb_get_vstopbit(b);
- b &= (stop_bit - 1);
- b = ((b & 0x7f007f007f007f00) >> 1) | (b & 0x007f007f007f007f);
- b = ((b & 0xffff0000ffff0000) >> 2) | (b & 0x0000ffff0000ffff);
- b = ((b & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 4) | (b & 0x00000000ffffffff);
- if (stop_bit == 0) {
- // Error: unterminated varint.
- upb_decoderet err_r = {(void*)0, 0};
- return err_r;
- }
- upb_decoderet my_r = {r.p + ((__builtin_ctzll(stop_bit) + 1) / 8),
- r.val | (b << 14)};
- return my_r;
diff --git a/src/upb_varint.h b/src/upb_varint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87fca2b..0000000
--- a/src/upb_varint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * A number of routines for varint manipulation (we keep them all around to
- * have multiple approaches available for benchmarking).
- */
-#include "upb.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Decoding *******************************************************************/
-// All decoding functions return this struct by value.
-typedef struct {
- const char *p; // NULL if the varint was unterminated.
- uint64_t val;
-} upb_decoderet;
-// A basic branch-based decoder, uses 32-bit values to get good performance
-// on 32-bit architectures (but performs well on 64-bits also).
-INLINE upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_branch32(const char *p) {
- upb_decoderet r = {NULL, 0};
- uint32_t low, high = 0;
- uint32_t b;
- b = *(p++); low = (b & 0x7f) ; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 7; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 14; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 21; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); low |= (b & 0x7f) << 28;
- high = (b & 0x7f) >> 4; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 3; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 10; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 17; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 24; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); high |= (b & 0x7f) << 31; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- return r;
- r.val = ((uint64_t)high << 32) | low;
- r.p = p;
- return r;
-// Like the previous, but uses 64-bit values.
-INLINE upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_branch64(const char *p) {
- uint64_t val;
- uint64_t b;
- upb_decoderet r = {(void*)0, 0};
- b = *(p++); val = (b & 0x7f) ; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 7; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 14; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 21; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 28; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 35; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 42; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 49; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 56; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- b = *(p++); val |= (b & 0x7f) << 63; if(!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
- return r;
- r.val = val;
- r.p = p;
- return r;
-// Decodes a varint of at most 8 bytes without branching (except for error).
-upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_max8_wright(upb_decoderet r);
-// Another implementation of the previous.
-upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_max8_massimino(upb_decoderet r);
-// Template for a function that checks the first two bytes with branching
-// and dispatches 2-10 bytes with a separate function.
-#define UPB_VARINT_DECODER_CHECK2(name, decode_max8_function) \
-INLINE upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_check2_ ## name(const char *_p) { \
- uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*)_p; \
- if ((*p & 0x80) == 0) { upb_decoderet r = {_p + 1, *p & 0x7f}; return r; } \
- upb_decoderet r = {_p + 2, (*p & 0x7f) | ((*(p + 1) & 0x7f) << 7)}; \
- if ((*(p + 1) & 0x80) == 0) return r; \
- return decode_max8_function(r); \
-UPB_VARINT_DECODER_CHECK2(wright, upb_vdecode_max8_wright);
-UPB_VARINT_DECODER_CHECK2(massimino, upb_vdecode_max8_massimino);
-// Our canonical functions for decoding varints, based on the currently
-// favored best-performing implementations.
-INLINE upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_fast(const char *p) {
- // Use nobranch2 on 64-bit, branch32 on 32-bit.
- if (sizeof(long) == 8)
- return upb_vdecode_check2_massimino(p);
- else
- return upb_vdecode_branch32(p);
-INLINE upb_decoderet upb_vdecode_max8_fast(upb_decoderet r) {
- return upb_vdecode_max8_massimino(r);
-/* Encoding *******************************************************************/
-INLINE size_t upb_value_size(uint64_t val) {
-#ifdef __GNUC__
- int high_bit = 63 - __builtin_clzll(val); // 0-based, undef if val == 0.
- int high_bit = 0;
- uint64_t tmp = val;
- while(tmp >>= 1) high_bit++;
- return val == 0 ? 1 : high_bit / 8 + 1;
-// Encodes a 32-bit varint, *not* sign-extended.
-INLINE uint64_t upb_vencode32(uint32_t val) {
- uint64_t ret = 0;
- for (int bitpos = 0; val; bitpos+=8, val >>=7) {
- if (bitpos > 0) ret |= (1 << (bitpos-1));
- ret |= (val & 0x7f) << bitpos;
- }
- return ret;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* UPB_VARINT_DECODER_H_ */
diff --git a/src/upbc.c b/src/upbc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 956a1b2..0000000
--- a/src/upbc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * upbc is the upb compiler, which at the moment simply takes a
- * protocol descriptor and outputs a header file containing the
- * names and types of the fields.
- */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "upb_def.h"
-#include "upb_msg.h"
-#include "upb_glue.h"
-#include "upb_strstream.h"
-#include "upb_decoder.h"
-/* These are in-place string transformations that do not change the length of
- * the string (and thus never need to re-allocate). */
-// Convert to C identifier: -> foo_bar_Baz.
-static void to_cident(upb_string *str)
- upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(str);
- char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(str, len);
- for(int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
- if(buf[i] == '.' || buf[i] == '/')
- buf[i] = '_';
-// Convert to C proprocessor identifier: -> FOO_BAR_BAZ.
-static void to_preproc(upb_string *str)
- to_cident(str);
- upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(str);
- char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(str, len);
- for(int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
- buf[i] = toupper(buf[i]);
-static int my_memrchr(const char *data, char c, size_t len)
- int off = len-1;
- while(off > 0 && data[off] != c) --off;
- return off;
-/* The _const.h file defines the constants (enums) defined in the .proto
- * file. */
-static void write_const_h(upb_def *defs[], int num_entries, char *outfile_name,
- FILE *stream)
- /* Header file prologue. */
- upb_string *include_guard_name = upb_strdupc(outfile_name);
- to_preproc(include_guard_name);
- /* A bit cheesy, but will do the job. */
- upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(include_guard_name);
- char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(include_guard_name, len);
- buf[len-1] = 'C';
- fputs("/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler). "
- "Do not edit. */\n\n", stream),
- fprintf(stream, "#ifndef " UPB_STRFMT "\n", UPB_STRARG(include_guard_name));
- fprintf(stream, "#define " UPB_STRFMT "\n\n", UPB_STRARG(include_guard_name));
- fputs("#ifdef __cplusplus\n", stream);
- fputs("extern \"C\" {\n", stream);
- fputs("#endif\n\n", stream);
- /* Enums. */
- fprintf(stream, "/* Enums. */\n\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach enum */
- if(defs[i]->type != UPB_DEF_ENUM) continue;
- upb_enumdef *enumdef = upb_downcast_enumdef(defs[i]);
- upb_string *enum_name = upb_strdup(UPB_UPCAST(enumdef)->fqname);
- upb_string *enum_val_prefix = upb_strdup(enum_name);
- to_cident(enum_name);
- const char *data = upb_string_getrobuf(enum_val_prefix);
- upb_strlen_t len = upb_string_len(enum_val_prefix);
- upb_strlen_t lastsep = my_memrchr(data, UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR, len);
- upb_string_getrwbuf(enum_val_prefix, lastsep + 1);
- to_preproc(enum_val_prefix);
- fprintf(stream, "typedef enum " UPB_STRFMT " {\n", UPB_STRARG(enum_name));
- bool first = true;
- /* Foreach enum value. */
- for (upb_enum_iter iter = upb_enum_begin(enumdef);
- !upb_enum_done(iter);
- iter = upb_enum_next(enumdef, iter)) {
- upb_string *value_name = upb_strdup(upb_enum_iter_name(iter));
- to_preproc(value_name);
- if (!first) fputs(",\n", stream);
- first = false;
- fprintf(stream, " " UPB_STRFMT UPB_STRFMT " = %" PRIu32,
- UPB_STRARG(enum_val_prefix), UPB_STRARG(value_name), upb_enum_iter_number(iter));
- upb_string_unref(value_name);
- }
- fprintf(stream, "\n} " UPB_STRFMT ";\n\n", UPB_STRARG(enum_name));
- upb_string_unref(enum_name);
- upb_string_unref(enum_val_prefix);
- }
- /* Constants for field names and numbers. */
- fprintf(stream, "/* Constants for field names and numbers. */\n\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach enum */
- upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(defs[i]);
- if(!m) continue;
- upb_string *msg_name = upb_strdup(UPB_UPCAST(m)->fqname);
- upb_string *msg_val_prefix = upb_strdup(msg_name);
- to_preproc(msg_val_prefix);
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i);
- upb_string *preproc_field_name = upb_strdup(f->name);
- to_preproc(preproc_field_name);
- fprintf(stream, "#define " UPB_STRFMT "_" UPB_STRFMT "_FIELDNUM %d\n",
- UPB_STRARG(msg_val_prefix), UPB_STRARG(preproc_field_name), f->number);
- fprintf(stream, "#define " UPB_STRFMT "_" UPB_STRFMT "_FIELDNAME \""
- UPB_STRFMT "\"\n", UPB_STRARG(msg_val_prefix), UPB_STRARG(preproc_field_name), UPB_STRARG(f->name));
- upb_string_unref(preproc_field_name);
- }
- upb_string_unref(msg_val_prefix);
- upb_string_unref(msg_name);
- }
- /* Epilogue. */
- fputs("#ifdef __cplusplus\n", stream);
- fputs("} /* extern \"C\" */\n", stream);
- fputs("#endif\n\n", stream);
- fprintf(stream, "#endif /* " UPB_STRFMT " */\n", UPB_STRARG(include_guard_name));
- upb_string_unref(include_guard_name);
-const char usage[] =
- "upbc -- upb compiler.\n"
- "upb v0.1\n"
- "\n"
- "Usage: upbc [options] descriptor-file\n"
- "\n"
- " -o OUTFILE-BASE Write to OUTFILE-BASE.h and OUTFILE-BASE.c instead\n"
- " of using the input file as a basename.\n"
-void usage_err(char *err)
- fprintf(stderr, "upbc: %s\n\n", err);
- fputs(usage, stderr);
- exit(1);
-void error(char *err, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, err);
- fprintf(stderr, "upbc: ");
- vfprintf(stderr, err, args);
- va_end(args);
- exit(1);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- /* Parse arguments. */
- char *outfile_base = NULL, *input_file = NULL;
- for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
- if(++i == argc)
- usage_err("-o must be followed by a FILE-BASE.");
- else if(outfile_base)
- usage_err("-o was specified multiple times.");
- outfile_base = argv[i];
- } else {
- if(input_file)
- usage_err("You can only specify one input file.");
- input_file = argv[i];
- }
- }
- if(!input_file) usage_err("You must specify an input file.");
- if(!outfile_base) outfile_base = input_file;
- // Read and parse input file.
- upb_string *descriptor = upb_strreadfile(input_file);
- if(!descriptor)
- error("Couldn't read input file.");
- // TODO: make upb_parsedesc use a separate symtab, so we can use it here when
- // importing descriptor.proto.
- upb_symtab *s = upb_symtab_new();
- upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT;
- upb_parsedesc(s, descriptor, &status);
- if(!upb_ok(&status)) {
- upb_printerr(&status);
- error("Failed to parse input file descriptor\n");
- }
- upb_status_uninit(&status);
- /* Emit output files. */
- const int maxsize = 256;
- char h_const_filename[maxsize];
- if(snprintf(h_const_filename, maxsize, "%s_const.h", outfile_base) >= maxsize)
- error("File base too long.\n");
- FILE *h_const_file = fopen(h_const_filename, "w");
- if(!h_const_file) error("Failed to open _const.h output file\n");
- int symcount;
- upb_def **defs = upb_symtab_getdefs(s, &symcount, UPB_DEF_ANY);
- write_const_h(defs, symcount, h_const_filename, h_const_file);
- for (int i = 0; i < symcount; i++) upb_def_unref(defs[i]);
- free(defs);
- upb_string_unref(descriptor);
- upb_symtab_unref(s);
- fclose(h_const_file);
- return 0;
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback