path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-02-01Also compare dates when checking if tasks overlapHEADmasterMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-24Be a bit more lenient about the format of week filesadvancedMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-24'wtd generate [week]' command buildsMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-23'wtd validate' command workingMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-23'./wtd describe [week]' command worksMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-23Supports reading from week, weekly filesMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-23Locate which files to be read for advanced mode supportMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-23Break into sub-filesMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-01-22Simplify the rust a bit, update the src linkMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-31Don't print untimed tasks unless +publicMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-31Only show tags for the specific event in case of overlapMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Generate both public + private versions of the HTML calMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Update readmeMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Update the stylesMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Fix small bugMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Support for blocksMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Also include the detailsMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-27Generates a simple calendar tableMatthew Sotoudeh
generated by cgit on debian on lair
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