diff options
6 files changed, 249 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 131b3c0..5c6598c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ CXX=g++
INCLUDE=-Idescriptor -Icore -Itests -Istream -I.
CPPFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -g $(INCLUDE) $(strip $(shell test -f perf-cppflags && cat perf-cppflags))
+LDLIBS=-lpthread core/libupb.a
ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin)
CPPFLAGS += -I/usr/include/lua5.1
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib -llua
@@ -47,16 +47,27 @@ clean:
rm -rf $(LIBUPB) $(LIBUPB_PIC)
rm -rf $(call rwildcard,,*.o) $(call rwildcard,,*.lo) $(call rwildcard,,*.gc*)
rm -rf benchmark/google_messages.proto.pb benchmark/google_messages.pb.* benchmarks/b.* benchmarks/*.pb*
- rm -rf tests/tests tests/t.* tests/test_table
+ rm -rf $(TESTS) tests/t.*
rm -rf descriptor/descriptor.pb
rm -rf tools/upbc deps
cd lang_ext/python && python clean --all
+-include deps
+deps: Makefile $(call rwildcard,,*.c) $(call rwildcard,,*.h)
+ @./ $(SRC)
# The core library (core/libupb.a)
-SRC=core/upb.c stream/upb_decoder.c core/upb_table.c core/upb_def.c core/upb_string.c \
- core/upb_stream.c stream/upb_stdio.c stream/upb_strstream.c stream/upb_textprinter.c \
- core/upb_msg.c \
- descriptor/descriptor.c
+SRC=core/upb.c \
+ core/upb_table.c \
+ core/upb_string.c \
+ descriptor/descriptor.c \
+# core/upb_def.c \
+# core/upb_msg.c \
+# stream/upb_decoder.c \
+# stream/upb_stdio.c \
+# stream/upb_strstream.c \
+# stream/upb_textprinter.c
$(SRC): perf-cppflags
# Parts of core that are yet to be converted.
OTHERSRC=src/upb_encoder.c src/upb_text.c
@@ -101,15 +112,16 @@ tests/test.proto.pb: tests/test.proto
TESTS=tests/test_string \
tests/test_table \
- tests/test_def \
- tests/test_decoder \
- tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \
- tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 \
- tests/test.proto.pb
+ tests/test_stream \
+# tests/test_def \
+# tests/test_decoder \
+# tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \
+# tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 \
+# tests/test.proto.pb
tests: $(TESTS)
OTHER_TESTS=tests/tests \
-$(TESTS): core/libupb.a
VALGRIND=valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1
@@ -118,7 +130,7 @@ test: tests
@set -e # Abort on error.
# Needs to be rewritten to separate the benchmark.
# valgrind --error-exitcode=1 ./tests/test_table
- @for test in tests/*; do \
+ @for test in $(TESTS); do \
if [ -x ./$$test ] ; then \
echo !!! $(VALGRIND) ./$$test; \
$(VALGRIND) ./$$test || exit 1; \
@@ -247,6 +259,3 @@ benchmarks/b.parsetostruct_googlemessage2.proto2_compiled: \
-DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"google_messages.pb.h\" \
benchmarks/ -lprotobuf -lpthread
--include deps
-deps: Makefile $(call rwildcard,,*.c) $(call rwildcard,,*.h)
- @./ $(SRC)
diff --git a/core/upb_stream.c b/core/upb_stream.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d47392..0000000
--- a/core/upb_stream.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
- */
-#include "upb_stream.h"
-#include "upb_def.h"
-#define CHECKSRC(x) if(!x) goto src_err
-#define CHECKSINK(x) if(!x) goto sink_err
-void upb_streamdata(upb_src *src, upb_sink *sink, upb_status *status) {
- upb_fielddef *f;
- upb_string *str = NULL;
- int depth = 0;
- while(1) {
- while((f = upb_src_getdef(src)) != NULL) {
- CHECKSINK(upb_sink_putdef(sink, f));
- if(upb_issubmsg(f)) {
- upb_src_startmsg(src);
- upb_sink_startmsg(sink);
- ++depth;
- } else if(upb_isstring(f)) {
- str = upb_string_tryrecycle(str);
- CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, str));
- CHECKSINK(upb_sink_putstr(sink, str));
- } else {
- // Primitive type.
- upb_value val;
- CHECKSRC(upb_src_getval(src, upb_value_addrof(&val)));
- CHECKSINK(upb_sink_putval(sink, val));
- }
- }
- // If we're not EOF now, the loop terminated due to an error.
- CHECKSRC(upb_src_eof(src));
- if (depth == 0) break;
- --depth;
- upb_src_endmsg(src);
- upb_sink_endmsg(sink);
- }
- upb_string_unref(str);
- return;
- upb_string_unref(str);
- upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src));
- return;
- upb_string_unref(str);
- upb_copyerr(status, upb_sink_status(sink));
- return;
diff --git a/core/upb_stream.h b/core/upb_stream.h
index cd00c1e..1eb111e 100644
--- a/core/upb_stream.h
+++ b/core/upb_stream.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-#include "upb_stream_vtbl.h"
+#include "upb.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@@ -28,98 +28,149 @@ extern "C" {
// Forward-declare. We can't include upb_def.h; it would be circular.
struct _upb_fielddef;
-/* upb_sink *******************************************************************/
+/* upb_handlers ***************************************************************/
-// A upb_sink is a component that receives a stream of protobuf data.
-// It is an abstract interface that is implemented either by the system or
-// by users.
-// TODO: unknown fields.
+// upb_handlers define the interface by which a upb_src passes data to a
+// upb_sink.
-// Constants that a sink returns to indicate to its caller whether it should
+// Constants that a handler returns to indicate to its caller whether it should
// continue or not.
typedef enum {
// Caller should continue sending values to the sink.
- // Return from upb_sink_putdef() to skip the next value (which may be a
- // submessage).
+ // Skips to the end of the current submessage (or if we are at the top
+ // level, skips to the end of the entire message).
// Caller should stop sending values; check sink status for details.
// If processing resumes later, it should resume with the next value.
-} upb_sinkret_t;
-// Puts the given fielddef into the stream.
-upb_sinkret_t upb_sink_putdef(upb_sink *sink, struct _upb_fielddef *def);
-// Puts the given value into the stream.
-upb_sinkret_t upb_sink_putval(upb_sink *sink, upb_value val);
-upb_sinkret_t upb_sink_putstr(upb_sink *sink, upb_string *str);
-// Starts/ends a submessage. upb_sink_startmsg may seem redundant, but a
-// client could have a submessage already serialized, and therefore put it
-// as a string instead of its individual elements.
-upb_sinkret_t upb_sink_startmsg(upb_sink *sink);
-upb_sinkret_t upb_sink_endmsg(upb_sink *sink);
-// Returns the current error status for the stream.
-upb_status *upb_sink_status(upb_sink *sink);
-/* upb_src ********************************************************************/
-// A upb_src is a resumable push parser for protobuf data. It works by first
-// accepting registration of a upb_sink to which it will push data, then
-// in a second phase is parses the actual data.
+ // When returned from a startsubmsg handler, indicates that the submessage
+ // should be handled by a different set of handlers, which have been
+ // registered on the provided upb_handlers object. May not be returned
+ // from any other callback.
+} upb_flow_t;
+// upb_handlers
+struct _upb_handlers;
+typedef struct _upb_handlers upb_handlers;
+typedef void (*upb_startmsg_handler_t)(void *closure);
+typedef void (*upb_endmsg_handler_t)(void *closure);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_value_handler_t)(void *closure,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_value val);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_startsubmsg_handler_t)(void *closure,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_handlers *delegate_to);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_endsubmsg_handler_t)(void *closure);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_unknownval_handler_t)(void *closure,
+ upb_field_number_t fieldnum,
+ upb_value val);
+// An empty set of handlers, for convenient copy/paste:
-// Sets the given sink as the target of this src. It will be called when the
-// upb_src_parse() is run.
-void upb_src_setsink(upb_src *src, upb_sink *sink);
-// Pushes data from this src to the previously registered sink, returning
-// true if all data was processed. If false is returned, check
-// upb_src_status() for details; if it is a resumable status, upb_src_run
-// may be called again to resume processing.
-bool upb_src_run(upb_src *src);
+// static void startmsg(void *closure) {
+// // Called when the top-level message begins.
+// }
+// static void endmsg(void *closure) {
+// // Called when the top-level message ends.
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t value(void *closure, upb_fielddef *f, upb_value val) {
+// // Called for every value in the stream.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t startsubmsg(void *closure, upb_fielddef *f,
+// upb_handlers *delegate_to) {
+// // Called when a submessage begins; can delegate by returning UPB_DELEGATE.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t endsubmsg(void *closure) {
+// // Called when a submessage ends.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t unknownval(void *closure, upb_field_number_t fieldnum,
+// upb_value val) {
+// Called with an unknown value is encountered.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+typedef struct {
+ upb_startmsg_handler_t startmsg;
+ upb_endmsg_handler_t endmsg;
+ upb_value_handler_t value;
+ upb_startsubmsg_handler_t startsubmsg;
+ upb_endsubmsg_handler_t endsubmsg;
+ upb_unknownval_handler_t unknownval;
+} upb_handlerset;
+// Functions to register handlers on a upb_handlers object.
+INLINE void upb_handlers_init(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_handlers_uninit(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_handlers_reset(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE bool upb_handlers_isempty(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_register_handlerset(upb_handlers *h, upb_handlerset *set);
+INLINE void upb_set_handler_closure(upb_handlers *h, void *closure);
+// An object that transparently handles delegation so that the caller needs
+// only follow the protocol as if delegation did not exist.
+struct _upb_dispatcher;
+typedef struct _upb_dispatcher upb_dispatcher;
+INLINE void upb_dispatcher_init(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE void upb_dispatcher_reset(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_dispatch_startmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE void upb_dispatch_endmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d, struct _upb_fielddef *f);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_value(upb_dispatcher *d, struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_value val);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_unknownval(upb_dispatcher *d,
+ upb_field_number_t fieldnum, upb_value val);
/* upb_bytesrc ****************************************************************/
+struct _upb_bytesrc;
+typedef struct _upb_bytesrc upb_bytesrc;
// Returns the next string in the stream. false is returned on error or eof.
// The string must be at least "minlen" bytes long unless the stream is eof.
-bool upb_bytesrc_get(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t minlen);
+INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_get(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t minlen);
// Appends the next "len" bytes in the stream in-place to "str". This should
// be used when the caller needs to build a contiguous string of the existing
// data in "str" with more data. The call fails if fewer than len bytes are
// available in the stream.
-bool upb_bytesrc_append(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t len);
+INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_append(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t len);
// Returns the current error status for the stream.
// Note! The "eof" flag works like feof() in C; it cannot report end-of-file
// until a read has failed due to eof. It cannot preemptively tell you that
// the next call will fail due to eof. Since these are the semantics that C
// and UNIX provide, we're stuck with them if we want to support eg. stdio.
-INLINE upb_status *upb_bytesrc_status(upb_bytesrc *src) { return &src->status; }
-INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_eof(upb_bytesrc *src) { return src->eof; }
+INLINE upb_status *upb_bytesrc_status(upb_bytesrc *src);
+INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_eof(upb_bytesrc *src);
/* upb_bytesink ***************************************************************/
+struct _upb_bytesink;
+typedef struct _upb_bytesink upb_bytesink;
// Puts the given string. Returns the number of bytes that were actually,
// consumed, which may be fewer than were in the string, or <0 on error.
-int32_t upb_bytesink_put(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str);
+INLINE int32_t upb_bytesink_put(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str);
// Returns the current error status for the stream.
-upb_status *upb_bytesink_status(upb_bytesink *sink);
-/* Utility functions **********************************************************/
-// Streams data from src to sink until EOF or error.
-void upb_streamdata(upb_src *src, upb_sink *sink, upb_status *status);
+INLINE upb_status *upb_bytesink_status(upb_bytesink *sink);
+#include "upb_stream_vtbl.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/core/upb_stream_vtbl.h b/core/upb_stream_vtbl.h
index 96f6cfe..91464a7 100644
--- a/core/upb_stream_vtbl.h
+++ b/core/upb_stream_vtbl.h
@@ -5,59 +5,21 @@
* interfaces. Only components that are implementing these interfaces need
* to worry about this file.
- * This is tedious; this is the place in upb where I most wish I had a C++
- * feature. In C++ the compiler would generate this all for me. If there's
- * any consolation, it's that I have a bit of flexibility you don't have in
- * C++: I could, with preprocessor magic alone "de-virtualize" this interface
- * for a particular source file. Say I had a C file that called a upb_src,
- * but didn't want to pay the virtual function overhead. I could define:
- *
- * #define upb_src_getdef(src) upb_decoder_getdef((upb_decoder*)src)
- * #define upb_src_stargmsg(src) upb_decoder_startmsg(upb_decoder*)src)
- * // etc.
- *
- * The source file is compatible with the regular upb_src interface, but here
- * we bind it to a particular upb_src (upb_decoder), which could lead to
- * improved performance at a loss of flexibility for this one upb_src client.
- *
* Copyright (c) 2010 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
-#include "upb.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "upb_stream.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
-struct upb_src;
-typedef struct upb_src upb_src;
-struct upb_sink;
-typedef struct upb_sink upb_sink;
-struct upb_bytesrc;
-typedef struct upb_bytesrc upb_bytesrc;
-struct upb_bytesink;
-typedef struct upb_bytesink upb_bytesink;
// Typedefs for function pointers to all of the virtual functions.
-// upb_src.
-typedef struct _upb_fielddef *(*upb_src_getdef_fptr)(upb_src *src);
-typedef bool (*upb_src_getval_fptr)(upb_src *src, upb_valueptr val);
-typedef bool (*upb_src_getstr_fptr)(upb_src *src, upb_string *str);
-typedef bool (*upb_src_skipval_fptr)(upb_src *src);
-typedef bool (*upb_src_startmsg_fptr)(upb_src *src);
-typedef bool (*upb_src_endmsg_fptr)(upb_src *src);
-// upb_sink.
-typedef bool (*upb_sink_putdef_fptr)(upb_sink *sink, struct _upb_fielddef *def);
-typedef bool (*upb_sink_putval_fptr)(upb_sink *sink, upb_value val);
-typedef bool (*upb_sink_putstr_fptr)(upb_sink *sink, upb_string *str);
-typedef bool (*upb_sink_startmsg_fptr)(upb_sink *sink);
-typedef bool (*upb_sink_endmsg_fptr)(upb_sink *sink);
// upb_bytesrc.
typedef bool (*upb_bytesrc_get_fptr)(
upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str, upb_strlen_t minlen);
@@ -69,23 +31,6 @@ typedef int32_t (*upb_bytesink_put_fptr)(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str);
// Vtables for the above interfaces.
typedef struct {
- upb_src_getdef_fptr getdef;
- upb_src_getval_fptr getval;
- upb_src_getstr_fptr getstr;
- upb_src_skipval_fptr skipval;
- upb_src_startmsg_fptr startmsg;
- upb_src_endmsg_fptr endmsg;
-} upb_src_vtable;
-typedef struct {
- upb_sink_putdef_fptr putdef;
- upb_sink_putval_fptr putval;
- upb_sink_putstr_fptr putstr;
- upb_sink_startmsg_fptr startmsg;
- upb_sink_endmsg_fptr endmsg;
-} upb_sink_vtable;
-typedef struct {
upb_bytesrc_get_fptr get;
upb_bytesrc_append_fptr append;
} upb_bytesrc_vtable;
@@ -97,42 +42,18 @@ typedef struct {
// "Base Class" definitions; components that implement these interfaces should
// contain one of these structures.
-struct upb_src {
- upb_src_vtable *vtbl;
- upb_status status;
- bool eof;
-struct upb_sink {
- upb_sink_vtable *vtbl;
- upb_status status;
- bool eof;
-struct upb_bytesrc {
+struct _upb_bytesrc {
upb_bytesrc_vtable *vtbl;
upb_status status;
bool eof;
-struct upb_bytesink {
+struct _upb_bytesink {
upb_bytesink_vtable *vtbl;
upb_status status;
bool eof;
-INLINE void upb_src_init(upb_src *s, upb_src_vtable *vtbl) {
- s->vtbl = vtbl;
- s->eof = false;
- upb_status_init(&s->status);
-INLINE void upb_sink_init(upb_sink *s, upb_sink_vtable *vtbl) {
- s->vtbl = vtbl;
- s->eof = false;
- upb_status_init(&s->status);
INLINE void upb_bytesrc_init(upb_bytesrc *s, upb_bytesrc_vtable *vtbl) {
s->vtbl = vtbl;
s->eof = false;
@@ -146,46 +67,6 @@ INLINE void upb_bytesink_init(upb_bytesink *s, upb_bytesink_vtable *vtbl) {
// Implementation of virtual function dispatch.
-INLINE struct _upb_fielddef *upb_src_getdef(upb_src *src) {
- return src->vtbl->getdef(src);
-INLINE bool upb_src_getval(upb_src *src, upb_valueptr val) {
- return src->vtbl->getval(src, val);
-INLINE bool upb_src_getstr(upb_src *src, upb_string *str) {
- return src->vtbl->getstr(src, str);
-INLINE bool upb_src_skipval(upb_src *src) { return src->vtbl->skipval(src); }
-INLINE bool upb_src_startmsg(upb_src *src) { return src->vtbl->startmsg(src); }
-INLINE bool upb_src_endmsg(upb_src *src) { return src->vtbl->endmsg(src); }
-// Implementation of type-specific upb_src accessors. If we encounter a upb_src
-// where these can be implemented directly in a measurably more efficient way,
-// we can make these part of the vtable also.
-// For <64-bit types we have to use a temporary to accommodate baredecoder,
-// which does not know the actual width of the type.
-INLINE bool upb_src_getbool(upb_src *src, bool *_bool) {
- upb_value val;
- bool ret = upb_src_getval(src, upb_value_addrof(&val));
- *_bool = val._bool;
- return ret;
-INLINE bool upb_src_getint32(upb_src *src, int32_t *i32) {
- upb_value val;
- bool ret = upb_src_getval(src, upb_value_addrof(&val));
- *i32 = val.int32;
- return ret;
-// TODO.
-bool upb_src_getint32(upb_src *src, int32_t *val);
-bool upb_src_getint64(upb_src *src, int64_t *val);
-bool upb_src_getuint32(upb_src *src, uint32_t *val);
-bool upb_src_getuint64(upb_src *src, uint64_t *val);
-bool upb_src_getfloat(upb_src *src, float *val);
-bool upb_src_getdouble(upb_src *src, double *val);
// upb_bytesrc
INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_get(
@@ -198,24 +79,108 @@ INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_append(
return bytesrc->vtbl->append(bytesrc, str, len);
-// upb_sink
-INLINE bool upb_sink_putdef(upb_sink *sink, struct _upb_fielddef *def) {
- return sink->vtbl->putdef(sink, def);
+INLINE upb_status *upb_bytesrc_status(upb_bytesrc *src) { return &src->status; }
+INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_eof(upb_bytesrc *src) { return src->eof; }
+// upb_handlers
+struct _upb_handlers {
+ upb_handlerset *set;
+ void *closure;
+INLINE void upb_handlers_init(upb_handlers *h) {
+ (void)h;
+INLINE void upb_handlers_uninit(upb_handlers *h) {
+ (void)h;
+INLINE void upb_handlers_reset(upb_handlers *h) {
+ h->set = NULL;
+ h->closure = NULL;
+INLINE bool upb_handlers_isempty(upb_handlers *h) {
+ return !h->set && !h->closure;
+INLINE void upb_register_handlerset(upb_handlers *h, upb_handlerset *set) {
+ h->set = set;
+INLINE void upb_set_handler_closure(upb_handlers *h, void *closure) {
+ h->closure = closure;
+// upb_dispatcher
+typedef struct {
+ upb_handlers handlers;
+ int depth;
+} upb_dispatcher_frame;
+struct _upb_dispatcher {
+ upb_dispatcher_frame stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING], *top, *limit;
+INLINE void upb_dispatcher_init(upb_dispatcher *d) {
+ d->limit = d->stack + sizeof(d->stack);
-INLINE bool upb_sink_putval(upb_sink *sink, upb_value val) {
- return sink->vtbl->putval(sink, val);
+INLINE void upb_dispatcher_reset(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_handlers *h) {
+ d->top = d->stack;
+ d->top->depth = 1; // Never want to trigger end-of-delegation.
+ d->top->handlers = *h;
-INLINE bool upb_sink_putstr(upb_sink *sink, upb_string *str) {
- return sink->vtbl->putstr(sink, str);
+INLINE void upb_dispatch_startmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) {
+ assert(d->stack == d->top);
+ d->top->handlers.set->startmsg(d->top->handlers.closure);
-INLINE bool upb_sink_startmsg(upb_sink *sink) {
- return sink->vtbl->startmsg(sink);
+INLINE void upb_dispatch_endmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) {
+ assert(d->stack == d->top);
+ d->top->handlers.set->endmsg(d->top->handlers.closure);
-INLINE bool upb_sink_endmsg(upb_sink *sink) {
- return sink->vtbl->endmsg(sink);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f) {
+ upb_handlers handlers;
+ upb_handlers_init(&handlers);
+ upb_handlers_reset(&handlers);
+ upb_flow_t ret = d->top->handlers.set->startsubmsg(d->top->handlers.closure, f, &handlers);
+ assert((ret == UPB_DELEGATE) == !upb_handlers_isempty(&handlers));
+ if (ret == UPB_DELEGATE) {
+ ++d->top;
+ d->top->handlers = handlers;
+ d->top->depth = 0;
+ d->top->handlers.set->startmsg(d->top->handlers.closure);
+ }
+ ++d->top->depth;
+ upb_handlers_uninit(&handlers);
+ return ret;
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) {
+ if (--d->top->depth == 0) {
+ d->top->handlers.set->endmsg(d->top->handlers.closure);
+ --d->top;
+ }
+ return d->top->handlers.set->endsubmsg(d->top->handlers.closure);
-INLINE upb_status *upb_sink_status(upb_sink *sink) { return &sink->status; }
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_value(upb_dispatcher *d,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_value val) {
+ return d->top->handlers.set->value(d->top->handlers.closure, f, val);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_unknownval(upb_dispatcher *d,
+ upb_field_number_t fieldnum,
+ upb_value val) {
+ return d->top->handlers.set->unknownval(d->top->handlers.closure,
+ fieldnum, val);
// upb_bytesink
INLINE int32_t upb_bytesink_put(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str) {
diff --git a/core/upb_string.c b/core/upb_string.c
index 847a3ee..4f5f5c2 100644
--- a/core/upb_string.c
+++ b/core/upb_string.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ upb_string *upb_string_new() {
upb_string *str = malloc(sizeof(*str));
str->ptr = NULL;
str->cached_mem = NULL;
+ str->len = 0;
str->size = 0;
@@ -132,6 +133,14 @@ upb_string *upb_strdup(upb_string *s) {
return str;
+void upb_strcat(upb_string *s, upb_string *append) {
+ uint32_t old_size = upb_string_len(s);
+ uint32_t append_size = upb_string_len(append);
+ uint32_t new_size = old_size + append_size;
+ char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(s, new_size);
+ memcpy(buf + old_size, upb_string_getrobuf(append), append_size);
upb_string *upb_strreadfile(const char *filename) {
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(!f) return NULL;
diff --git a/core/upb_string.h b/core/upb_string.h
index bd89f67..ee345e3 100644
--- a/core/upb_string.h
+++ b/core/upb_string.h
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
* string).
* - strings are not thread-safe by default, but can be made so by calling a
* function. This is not the default because it causes extra CPU overhead.
+ *
+ * Reference-counted strings have recently fallen out of favor because of the
+ * performance impacts of doing thread-safe reference counting with atomic
+ * operations. We side-step this issue by not performing atomic operations
+ * unless the string has been marked thread-safe.
#ifndef UPB_STRING_H
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ extern "C" {
// All members of this struct are private, and may only be read/written through
-// the associated functions. Also, strings may *only* be allocated on the heap.
+// the associated functions.
struct _upb_string {
// The pointer to our currently active data. This may be memory we own
// or a pointer into memory we don't own.
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