path: root/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc
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authorJosh Haberman <>2013-10-24 12:43:19 -0700
committerJosh Haberman <>2013-10-24 12:43:19 -0700
commit26d98ca94f2f049e8767b4a9a33d185a3d7ea0fd (patch)
tree340bcf495f06ed05c9f3fb423f210caf4edce2b1 /upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc
parent61109fca1f967771c21dc7184aee35f3b439c577 (diff)
Merge from Google-internal development:
- rewritten decoder; interpreted decoder is bytecode-based, JIT decoder no longer falls back to the interpreter. - C++ improvements: C++11-compatible iterators, upb::reffed_ptr for RAII refcounting, better upcast/downcast support. - removed the gross upb_value abstraction from public upb.h.
Diffstat (limited to 'upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc')
1 files changed, 1087 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc b/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bddade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+|// upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
+|// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
+|// Author: Josh Haberman <>
+|// JIT compiler for upb_pbdecoder on x86-64. Generates machine code from the
+|// bytecode generated in compile_decoder.c, but unlike the interpreter we bind
+|// to a specific set of handlers for greater efficiency.
+|.arch x64
+|.actionlist upb_jit_actionlist
+|.globals UPB_JIT_GLOBAL_
+|.globalnames upb_jit_globalnames
+|// Calling conventions. Note -- this will need to be changed for
+|// Windows, which uses a different calling convention!
+|.define ARG1_64, rdi
+|.define ARG2_8, r6b // DynASM's equivalent to "sil" -- low byte of esi.
+|.define ARG2_32, esi
+|.define ARG2_64, rsi
+|.define ARG3_8, dl
+|.define ARG3_32, edx
+|.define ARG3_64, rdx
+|.define ARG4_64, rcx
+|.define XMMARG1, xmm0
+|// Register allocation / type map.
+|// ALL of the code in this file uses these register allocations.
+|// When we "call" within this file, we do not use regular calling
+|// conventions, but of course when calling to user callbacks we must.
+|.define PTR, rbx // DECODER->ptr (unsynced)
+|.define DATAEND, r12 // DECODER->data_end (unsynced)
+|.define CLOSURE, r13 // FRAME->closure (unsynced)
+|.type FRAME, upb_pbdecoder_frame, r14 // DECODER->top (unsynced)
+|.type DECODER, upb_pbdecoder, r15 // DECODER (immutable)
+|.define DELIMEND, rbp
+| // Spills unsynced registers back to memory.
+|.macro commit_regs
+| mov DECODER->top, FRAME
+| mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
+| mov DECODER->data_end, DATAEND
+| add DELIMEND, DECODER->bufstart_ofs
+| mov FRAME->end_ofs, DELIMEND
+| mov FRAME->u.closure, CLOSURE
+| // Loads unsynced registers from memory back into registers.
+|.macro load_regs
+| mov FRAME, DECODER->top
+| mov PTR, DECODER->ptr
+| mov DATAEND, DECODER->data_end
+| mov CLOSURE, FRAME->u.closure
+| mov DELIMEND, FRAME->end_ofs
+| sub DELIMEND, DECODER->bufstart_ofs
+| // OPT: use "call rel32" where possible.
+|.macro callp, addr
+|| {
+|| //int64_t ofs = (int64_t)addr - (int64_t)upb_status_init;
+|| //if (ofs > (1 << 30) || ofs < -(1 << 30)) {
+| mov64 rax, (uintptr_t)addr
+| call rax
+|| //} else {
+| // call &addr
+|| //}
+|| }
+|.macro ld64, val
+|| {
+|| uintptr_t v = (uintptr_t)val;
+|| if (v > 0xffffffff) {
+| mov64 ARG2_64, v
+|| } else if (v) {
+| mov ARG2_32, v
+|| } else {
+| xor ARG2_32, ARG2_32
+|| }
+|| }
+|.macro load_handler_data, h, arg
+| ld64 upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, arg)
+|.macro chkeob, bytes, target
+|| if (bytes == 1) {
+| je target
+|| } else {
+| mov rcx, DATAEND
+| sub rcx, PTR
+| cmp rcx, bytes
+| jb target
+|| }
+|.macro chkneob, bytes, target
+|| if (bytes == 1) {
+| jne target
+|| } else {
+| mov rcx, DATAEND
+| sub rcx, PTR
+| cmp rcx, bytes
+| jae target
+|| }
+|.macro sethas, reg, hasbit
+|| if (hasbit >= 0) {
+| or byte [reg + ((uint32_t)hasbit / 8)], (1 << ((uint32_t)hasbit % 8))
+|| }
+| // Decodes 32-bit varint into rdx, inlining 1 byte.
+|.macro dv32
+| chkeob 1, >7
+| movzx edx, byte [PTR]
+| test dl, dl
+| jns >8
+| call ->decodev32_fallback
+| add PTR, 1
+static void asmlabel(jitcompiler *jc, const char *fmt, ...) {
+ int ofs = jc->dynasm->section->ofs;
+ assert(ofs != jc->lastlabelofs);
+ jc->lastlabelofs = ofs;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ // Run once to get the length of the string.
+ va_list args_copy;
+ va_copy(args_copy, args);
+ int len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args_copy);
+ va_end(args_copy);
+ char *str = malloc(len + 1); // + 1 for NULL terminator.
+ if (!str) exit(1);
+ int written = vsnprintf(str, len, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ UPB_ASSERT_VAR(written, written == len);
+ uint32_t label = jc->pclabel_count++;
+ dasm_growpc(jc, jc->pclabel_count);
+ |=>label:
+ upb_inttable_insert(&jc->asmlabels, label, upb_value_ptr(str));
+// Emit static assembly routines; code that does not vary based on the message
+// schema. Since it's not input-dependent, we only need one single copy of it.
+// For the moment we generate a single copy per generated handlers. Eventually
+// we should generate this code at compile time and link it into the binary so
+// we have one copy total. To do that we'll want to be sure that it is within
+// 2GB of our JIT code, so that branches between the two are near (rel32).
+// We'd put this assembly in a .s file directly, but DynASM's ability to
+// calculate structure offsets automatically is too useful to pass up (it's way
+// more convenient to write DECODER->sink than [rbx + 0x96], especially since
+// the latter would have to be changed whenever the structure is updated).
+static void emit_static_asm(jitcompiler *jc) {
+ | // Trampolines for entering/exiting the JIT. These are a bit tricky to
+ | // support full resuming; when we suspend we copy the JIT's portion of
+ | // the call stack into the upb_pbdecoder and restore it when we resume.
+ asmlabel(jc, "enterjit");
+ |->enterjit:
+ |1:
+ | push rbp
+ if (jc->usefp) {
+ | mov rbp, rsp
+ }
+ | push r15
+ | push r14
+ | push r13
+ | push r12
+ | push rbx
+ |
+ | // Align stack.
+ | // Since the JIT can call other functions (the JIT'ted code is not a leaf
+ | // function) we must respect alignment rules. All x86-64 systems require
+ | // 16-byte stack alignment.
+ | sub rsp, 8
+ |
+ | mov DECODER, rdi
+ | callp upb_pbdecoder_resume // Same args as us; reuse regs.
+ | mov DECODER->saved_rsp, rsp
+ | load_regs
+ |
+ | // Test whether we have a saved stack to resume.
+ | mov ARG3_64, DECODER->call_len
+ | test ARG3_64, ARG3_64
+ | jnz >1
+ |
+ | call =>pclabel(jc, jc->plan->topmethod)
+ |
+ | mov rax, DECODER->size_param
+ | mov qword DECODER->call_len, 0
+ | add rsp, 8 // Counter previous alignment.
+ | pop rbx
+ | pop r12
+ | pop r13
+ | pop r14
+ | pop r15
+ | pop rbp
+ | ret
+ |
+ |1:
+ | // Resume decoder.
+ | lea ARG2_64, DECODER->callstack
+ | sub rsp, ARG3_64
+ | mov ARG1_64, rsp
+ | callp memcpy // Restore stack.
+ | ret // Return to resumed function (not ->enterjit caller).
+ |
+ | // Other code can call this to suspend the JIT.
+ | // To the calling code, it will appear that the function returns when
+ | // the JIT resumes, and more buffer space will be available.
+ | // Args: eax=the value that decode() should return.
+ asmlabel(jc, "exitjit");
+ |->exitjit:
+ | // Save the stack into DECODER->callstack.
+ | lea ARG1_64, DECODER->callstack
+ | mov ARG2_64, rsp
+ | mov ARG3_64, DECODER->saved_rsp
+ | sub ARG3_64, rsp
+ | mov DECODER->call_len, ARG3_64 // Preserve len for next resume.
+ | mov ebx, eax // Preserve return value across memcpy.
+ | callp memcpy // Copy stack into decoder.
+ | mov eax, ebx // This will be our return value.
+ |
+ | // Must NOT do this before the memcpy(), otherwise memcpy() will
+ | // clobber the stack we are trying to save!
+ | mov rsp, DECODER->saved_rsp
+ | add rsp, 8 // Counter previous alignment.
+ | pop rbx
+ | pop r12
+ | pop r13
+ | pop r14
+ | pop r15
+ | pop rbp
+ | ret
+ |
+ | // Like suspend() in the C decoder, except that the function appears
+ | // (from the caller's perspective) not to return until the decoder is
+ | // resumed.
+ asmlabel(jc, "suspend");
+ |->suspend:
+ | cmp DECODER->ptr, PTR
+ | je >1
+ | mov DECODER->checkpoint, PTR
+ |1:
+ | commit_regs
+ | mov rdi, DECODER
+ | callp upb_pbdecoder_suspend
+ | jmp ->exitjit
+ |
+ asmlabel(jc, "pushlendelim");
+ |->pushlendelim:
+ |1:
+ | mov FRAME->u.closure, CLOSURE
+ | mov DECODER->checkpoint, PTR
+ | dv32
+ | mov rcx, DELIMEND
+ | sub rcx, PTR
+ | sub rcx, rdx
+ | jb ->err // Len is greater than enclosing message.
+ | mov FRAME->end_ofs, rcx
+ | add FRAME, sizeof(upb_pbdecoder_frame)
+ | add DELIMEND, rdx
+ | cmp FRAME, DECODER->limit
+ | je >3 // Stack overflow
+ | test rcx, rcx
+ | jz >2
+ | mov DATAEND, DECODER->end
+ | ja >2
+ | ja >2
+ |2:
+ | ret
+ |3:
+ | // Error -- call seterr.
+ | mov PTR, DECODER->checkpoint // Rollback to before the delim len.
+ | // Prepare seterr args.
+ | mov ARG1_64, DECODER
+ | ld64 kPbDecoderStackOverflow
+ | callp upb_pbdecoder_seterr
+ | call ->suspend
+ | jmp <1
+ |
+ | // For getting a value that spans a buffer seam. Falls back to C.
+ | // Args: rdi=C decoding function (prototype: int f(upb_pbdecoder*, void*))
+ asmlabel(jc, "getvalue_slow");
+ |->getvalue_slow:
+ | sub rsp, 16 // Stack is [8-byte value, 8-byte func pointer]
+ | mov [rsp + 8], rdi // Need to preserve fptr across suspends.
+ |1:
+ | mov qword [rsp], 0 // For parsing routines that only parse 32 bits.
+ | mov ARG1_64, DECODER
+ | mov ARG2_64, rsp
+ | mov DECODER->checkpoint, PTR
+ | commit_regs
+ | call aword [rsp + 8]
+ | load_regs
+ | test eax, eax
+ | jns >2
+ | // Success; return parsed data (in rdx AND xmm0).
+ | mov rdx, [rsp]
+ | movsd xmm0, qword [rsp]
+ | add rsp, 16
+ | ret
+ |2:
+ | call ->exitjit // Return eax from decode function.
+ | jmp <1
+ |
+ asmlabel(jc, "parse_unknown");
+ | // Args: edx=fieldnum, cl=wire type
+ |->parse_unknown:
+ | // OPT: handle directly instead of kicking to C.
+ | // Check for ENDGROUP.
+ | mov ARG1_64, DECODER
+ | mov ARG2_32, edx
+ | movzx ARG3_32, cl
+ | commit_regs
+ | callp upb_pbdecoder_skipunknown
+ | load_regs
+ | cmp eax, DECODE_ENDGROUP
+ | jne >1
+ | ret // Return eax=DECODE_ENDGROUP, not zero
+ |1:
+ | cmp eax, DECODE_OK
+ | je >1
+ | call ->exitjit // Return eax from decode function.
+ |1:
+ | xor eax, eax
+ | ret
+ |
+ | // Fallback functions for parsing single values. These are used when the
+ | // buffer doesn't contain enough remaining data for the fast path. Each
+ | // primitive type (v32, v64, f32, f64) has two functions: decode & skip.
+ | // Decode functions return their value in rsi/esi.
+ | //
+ | // These functions leave PTR = value_end - fast_path_bytes, so that we can
+ | // re-join the fast path which will add fast_path_bytes after the callback
+ | // completes. We also set DECODER->ptr to this value which is a signal to
+ | // ->suspend that DECODER->checkpoint is up to date.
+ asmlabel(jc, "skip_decode_f32_fallback");
+ |->skipf32_fallback:
+ |->decodef32_fallback:
+ | mov64 rdi, (uintptr_t)upb_pbdecoder_decode_f32
+ | call ->getvalue_slow
+ | sub PTR, 4
+ | mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
+ | ret
+ |
+ asmlabel(jc, "skip_decode_f64_fallback");
+ |->skipf64_fallback:
+ |->decodef64_fallback:
+ | mov64 rdi, (uintptr_t)upb_pbdecoder_decode_f64
+ | call ->getvalue_slow
+ | sub PTR, 8
+ | mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
+ | ret
+ |
+ | // Called for varint >= 1 byte.
+ asmlabel(jc, "skip_decode_v32_fallback");
+ |->skipv32_fallback:
+ |->skipv64_fallback:
+ | chkeob 16, >1
+ | // With at least 16 bytes left, we can do a branch-less SSE version.
+ | movdqu xmm0, [PTR]
+ | pmovmskb eax, xmm0 // bits 0-15 are continuation bits, 16-31 are 0.
+ | not eax
+ | bsf eax, eax
+ | cmp al, 10
+ | jae ->decode_varint_slow // Error (>10 byte varint).
+ | add PTR, rax // bsf result is 0-based, so PTR=end-1, as desired.
+ | ret
+ |
+ |1:
+ | // With fewer than 16 bytes, we have to read byte by byte.
+ | lea rcx, [PTR + 10]
+ | mov rax, PTR // Preserve PTR in case of fallback to slow path.
+ | cmp rcx, DATAEND
+ | cmova rcx, DATAEND // rax = MIN(DATAEND, PTR + 10)
+ |2:
+ | add rax, 1
+ | cmp rax, rcx
+ | je ->decode_varint_slow
+ | test byte [rax], 0x80
+ | jnz <2
+ |3:
+ | mov PTR, rax // PTR = varint_end - 1, as desired
+ | ret
+ |
+ | // Returns tag in edx
+ asmlabel(jc, "decode_unknown_tag_fallback");
+ |->decode_unknown_tag_fallback:
+ | sub rsp, 16
+ |1:
+ | jne >2
+ | add rsp, 16
+ | xor eax, eax
+ | ret
+ |2:
+ | // OPT: Have a medium-fast path before falling back to _slow.
+ | mov ARG1_64, DECODER
+ | mov ARG2_64, rsp
+ | commit_regs
+ | callp upb_pbdecoder_decode_varint_slow
+ | load_regs
+ | cmp eax, 0
+ | jge >3
+ | mov edx, [rsp] // Success; return parsed data.
+ | add rsp, 16
+ | ret
+ |3:
+ | call ->exitjit // Return eax from decode function.
+ | jmp <1
+ |
+ | // Called for varint >= 1 byte.
+ asmlabel(jc, "decode_v32_v64_fallback");
+ |->decodev32_fallback:
+ |->decodev64_fallback:
+ | chkeob 10, ->decode_varint_slow
+ | // OPT: do something faster than just calling the C version.
+ | mov rdi, PTR
+ | callp upb_vdecode_fast
+ | test rax, rax
+ | je ->decode_varint_slow // Unterminated varint.
+ | mov PTR, rax
+ | sub PTR, 1
+ | mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
+ | ret
+ |
+ asmlabel(jc, "decode_varint_slow");
+ |->decode_varint_slow:
+ | // Slow path: end of buffer or error (varint length >= 10).
+ | mov64 rdi, (uintptr_t)upb_pbdecoder_decode_varint_slow
+ | call ->getvalue_slow
+ | sub PTR, 1
+ | mov DECODER->ptr, PTR
+ | ret
+ |
+ | // Args: rsi=expected tag, return=rax (DECODE_{OK,MISMATCH})
+ asmlabel(jc, "checktag_fallback");
+ |->checktag_fallback:
+ | sub rsp, 8
+ | mov [rsp], rsi // Preserve expected tag.
+ |1:
+ | mov ARG1_64, DECODER
+ | commit_regs
+ | mov DECODER->checkpoint, PTR
+ | callp upb_pbdecoder_checktag_slow
+ | load_regs
+ | cmp eax, 0
+ | jge >2
+ | add rsp, 8
+ | ret
+ |2:
+ | call ->exitjit
+ | mov rsi, [rsp]
+ | jne <1
+ | mov eax, DECODE_EOF
+ | add rsp, 8
+ | ret
+ |
+ | // Args: rsi=upb_inttable, rdx=key, return=rax (-1 if not found).
+ | // Preserves: rcx, rdx
+ | // OPT: Could write this in assembly if it's a hotspot.
+ asmlabel(jc, "hashlookup");
+ |->hashlookup:
+ | push rcx
+ | push rdx
+ | sub rsp, 16
+ | mov rdi, rsi
+ | mov rsi, rdx
+ | mov rdx, rsp
+ | callp upb_inttable_lookup
+ | add rsp, 16
+ | pop rdx
+ | pop rcx
+ | test al, al
+ | jz >2 // Unknown field.
+ | mov rax, [rsp-32] // Value from table.
+ | ret
+ |2:
+ | xor rax, rax
+ | not rax
+ | ret
+static void jitprimitive(jitcompiler *jc, opcode op,
+ const upb_handlers *h, upb_selector_t sel) {
+ typedef enum { V32, V64, F32, F64, X } valtype_t;
+ static valtype_t types[] = {
+ X, F64, F32, V64, V64, V32, F64, F32, V64, X, X, X, X, V32, V32, F32, F64,
+ V32, V64 };
+ static char fastpath_bytes[] = { 1, 1, 4, 8 };
+ const valtype_t type = types[op];
+ const int fastbytes = fastpath_bytes[type];
+ upb_func *handler = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel);
+ if (handler) {
+ |1:
+ | chkneob fastbytes, >3
+ |2:
+ switch (type) {
+ case V32:
+ | call ->decodev32_fallback
+ break;
+ case V64:
+ | call ->decodev64_fallback
+ break;
+ case F32:
+ | call ->decodef32_fallback
+ break;
+ case F64:
+ | call ->decodef64_fallback
+ break;
+ case X: break;
+ }
+ | jmp >4
+ // Fast path decode; for when check_bytes bytes are available.
+ |3:
+ switch (op) {
+ case OP_PARSE_FIXED32:
+ | mov edx, dword [PTR]
+ break;
+ case OP_PARSE_FIXED64:
+ | mov rdx, qword [PTR]
+ break;
+ | movss xmm0, dword [PTR]
+ break;
+ | movsd xmm0, qword [PTR]
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Inline one byte of varint decoding.
+ | movzx edx, byte [PTR]
+ | test dl, dl
+ | js <2 // Fallback to slow path for >1 byte varint.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Second-stage decode; used for both fast and slow paths
+ // (only needed for a few types).
+ |4:
+ switch (op) {
+ case OP_PARSE_SINT32:
+ // 32-bit zig-zag decode.
+ | mov eax, edx
+ | shr edx, 1
+ | and eax, 1
+ | neg eax
+ | xor edx, eax
+ break;
+ case OP_PARSE_SINT64:
+ // 64-bit zig-zag decode.
+ | mov rax, rdx
+ | shr rdx, 1
+ | and rax, 1
+ | neg rax
+ | xor rdx, rax
+ break;
+ | test rdx, rdx
+ | setne dl
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ // Call callback (or specialize if we can).
+ upb_fieldtype_t type;
+ const upb_shim_data *data = upb_shim_getdata(h, sel, &type);
+ if (data) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case UPB_TYPE_INT64:
+ case UPB_TYPE_UINT64:
+ | mov [CLOSURE + data->offset], rdx
+ break;
+ case UPB_TYPE_INT32:
+ case UPB_TYPE_UINT32:
+ | mov [CLOSURE + data->offset], edx
+ break;
+ | movsd qword [CLOSURE + data->offset], XMMARG1
+ break;
+ | movss dword [CLOSURE + data->offset], XMMARG1
+ break;
+ | mov [CLOSURE + data->offset], dl
+ break;
+ assert(false); break;
+ }
+ | sethas CLOSURE, data->hasbit
+ } else if (handler) {
+ | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
+ | load_handler_data h, sel
+ | callp handler
+ if (jc->chkret) {
+ | test al, al
+ | jz >5
+ | call ->suspend
+ | jmp <1
+ |5:
+ }
+ }
+ // We do this last so that the checkpoint is not advanced past the user's
+ // data until the callback has returned success.
+ | add PTR, fastbytes
+ } else {
+ // No handler registered for this value, just skip it.
+ | chkneob fastbytes, >3
+ |2:
+ switch (type) {
+ case V32:
+ | call ->skipv32_fallback
+ break;
+ case V64:
+ | call ->skipv64_fallback
+ break;
+ case F32:
+ | call ->skipf32_fallback
+ break;
+ case F64:
+ | call ->skipf64_fallback
+ break;
+ case X: break;
+ }
+ // Fast-path skip.
+ |3:
+ if (type == V32 || type == V64) {
+ | test byte [PTR], 0x80
+ | jnz <2
+ }
+ | add PTR, fastbytes
+ }
+static void jitdispatch(jitcompiler *jc,
+ const upb_pbdecodermethod *method) {
+ // Lots of room for tweaking/optimization here.
+ const upb_inttable *dispatch = &method->dispatch;
+ bool has_hash_entries = (dispatch->t.count > 0);
+ // Whether any of the fields for this message can have two wire types which
+ // are both valid (packed & non-packed).
+ //
+ // OPT: populate this more precisely; not all messages with hash entries have
+ // this characteristic.
+ bool has_multi_wiretype = has_hash_entries;
+ |=>define_pclabel(jc, &method->dispatch):
+ |1:
+ // Decode the field tag.
+ // OPT: inline two bytes of varint decoding for big messages.
+ | mov aword DECODER->checkpoint, PTR
+ | chkeob 1, >6
+ | movzx edx, byte [PTR]
+ | test dl, dl
+ | jns >7
+ |6:
+ | call ->decode_unknown_tag_fallback
+ | test eax, eax // Hit DELIMEND?
+ | jnz >8
+ | ret
+ |7:
+ | add PTR, 1
+ |8:
+ | mov ecx, edx
+ | shr edx, 3
+ | and cl, 7
+ // See comment attached to upb_pbdecodermethod.dispatch for layout of the
+ // dispatch table.
+ |2:
+ | cmp edx, dispatch->array_size
+ if (has_hash_entries) {
+ | jae >7
+ } else {
+ | jae >5
+ }
+ | // OPT: Compact the lookup arr into 32-bit entries.
+ if ((uintptr_t)dispatch->array > 0x7fffffff) {
+ | mov64 rax, (uintptr_t)dispatch->array
+ | mov rax, qword [rax + rdx * 8]
+ } else {
+ | mov rax, qword [rdx * 8 + dispatch->array]
+ }
+ |3:
+ | // We take advantage of the fact that non-present entries are stored
+ | // as -1, which will result in wire types that will never match.
+ | cmp al, cl
+ if (has_multi_wiretype) {
+ | jne >6
+ } else {
+ | jne >5
+ }
+ | shr rax, 16
+ | lea rdx, [>4]
+ |=>define_pclabel(jc, dispatch->array):
+ |4:
+ | add rax, rdx
+ | ret
+ |
+ |5:
+ | // Field isn't in our table.
+ | call ->parse_unknown
+ | test eax, eax // ENDGROUP?
+ | jz <1
+ | lea rax, [>9] // ENDGROUP; Load address of OP_ENDMSG.
+ | ret
+ if (has_multi_wiretype) {
+ |6:
+ | // Primary wire type didn't match, check secondary wire type.
+ | cmp ah, cl
+ | jne <5
+ | // Secondary wire type is a match, look up fn + UPB_MAX_FIELDNUMBER.
+ | // This key will never be in the array part, so do a hash lookup.
+ assert(has_hash_entries);
+ | ld64 dispatch
+ | jmp ->hashlookup // Tail call.
+ }
+ if (has_hash_entries) {
+ |7:
+ | // Hash table lookup.
+ | ld64 dispatch
+ | call ->hashlookup
+ | jmp <3
+ }
+static void jittag(jitcompiler *jc, uint64_t tag, int n, int ofs,
+ const upb_pbdecodermethod *method) {
+ // Internally we parse unknown fields; if this runs us into DELIMEND we jump
+ // to the corresponding DELIMEND target (either msg end or repeated field
+ // end), which we find from the OP_CHECKDELIM which must have necessarily
+ // preceded us.
+ uint32_t last_instruction = *(jc->pc - 2);
+ int last_arg = (int32_t)last_instruction >> 8;
+ assert((last_instruction & 0xff) == OP_CHECKDELIM);
+ uint32_t *delimend = (jc->pc - 1) + last_arg;
+ const size_t ptr_words = sizeof(void*) / sizeof(uint32_t);
+ if (getop(*(jc->pc - 1)) == OP_TAGN) {
+ jc->pc += ptr_words;
+ }
+ | chkneob n, >1
+ | // OPT: this is way too much fallback code to put here.
+ | // Reduce and/or move to a separate section to make better icache usage.
+ | ld64 tag
+ | call ->checktag_fallback
+ | cmp eax, DECODE_MISMATCH
+ | je >3
+ | cmp eax, DECODE_EOF
+ | je =>pclabel(jc, delimend)
+ | jmp >5
+ |1:
+ switch (n) {
+ case 1:
+ | cmp byte [PTR], tag
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ | cmp word [PTR], tag
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ | // OPT: Slightly more efficient code, but depends on an extra byte.
+ | // mov eax, dword [PTR]
+ | // shl eax, 8
+ | // cmp eax, tag << 8
+ | cmp word [PTR], (tag & 0xffff)
+ | jne >2
+ | cmp byte [PTR + 2], (tag >> 16)
+ |2:
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ | cmp dword [PTR], tag
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ | cmp dword [PTR], (tag & 0xffffffff)
+ | jne >3
+ | cmp byte [PTR + 4], (tag >> 32)
+ }
+ | je >4
+ |3:
+ if (ofs == 0) {
+ | call =>pclabel(jc, &method->dispatch)
+ | test rax, rax
+ | jz =>pclabel(jc, delimend)
+ | jmp rax
+ } else {
+ | jmp =>pclabel(jc, jc->pc + ofs)
+ }
+ |4:
+ | add PTR, n
+ |5:
+// Emit message-specific assembly. Overall code layout is:
+// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Message A |
+// | 1. function prologue (startmsg), jmps to OP_CHECKDELIM_RET before first |
+// | OP_TAG* in 4. |
+// | 2. function epilogue (endmsg), returns from function. |
+// | 3. dispatch function (returns fptr to 4) |
+// | - loops internally to skip unknown fields |
+// | - after each unknown field does OP_CHECKDELIM_RET (returns 2) |
+// | - also returns 2 for END_GROUP.
+// | 4. code for each op: |
+// | - OP_TAG* on mismatch calls 3 to get addr, then jumps to 4 (or 2 on EOM).|
+// | - OP_CHECKDELIM_RET jumps to 2 |
+// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Message B |
+// | 1. ... |
+// | ... |
+// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+static void jitbytecode(jitcompiler *jc) {
+ upb_pbdecodermethod *method = NULL;
+ const upb_handlers *h = NULL;
+ for (jc->pc = jc->plan->code; jc->pc < jc->plan->code_end; ) {
+ int32_t instr = *jc->pc;
+ opcode op = instr & 0xff;
+ uint32_t arg = instr >> 8;
+ int32_t longofs = arg;
+ if (op != OP_STARTMSG && op != OP_SETDISPATCH) {
+ asmlabel(jc, "0x%lx.%s", jc->pc - jc->plan->code,
+ upb_pbdecoder_getopname(op));
+ }
+ // TODO: optimize this to only define pclabels that are actually used.
+ |=>define_pclabel(jc, jc->pc):
+ jc->pc++;
+ switch (op) {
+ case OP_STARTMSG: {
+ // This opcode serves as a function prolouge also.
+ const char *msgname = upb_msgdef_fullname(method->msg);
+ asmlabel(jc, "parse.%s", msgname);
+ |=>define_pclabel(jc, method):
+ if (jc->usefp) {
+ | push rbp
+ | mov rbp, rsp
+ } else {
+ | sub rsp, 8
+ }
+ upb_func *startmsg = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, UPB_STARTMSG_SELECTOR);
+ if (startmsg) {
+ // bool startmsg(void *closure, const void *hd)
+ |1:
+ | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
+ | load_handler_data h, UPB_STARTMSG_SELECTOR
+ | callp startmsg
+ if (jc->chkret) {
+ | test al, al
+ | jnz <2
+ | call ->suspend
+ |2:
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OP_ENDMSG: {
+ // This opcode serves as a function epiloue also.
+ upb_func *endmsg = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, UPB_ENDMSG_SELECTOR);
+ |9:
+ if (endmsg) {
+ // bool endmsg(void *closure, const void *hd, upb_status *status)
+ | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
+ | load_handler_data h, UPB_ENDMSG_SELECTOR
+ | mov ARG3_64, DECODER->status
+ | callp endmsg
+ }
+ if (jc->usefp) {
+ | pop rbp
+ } else {
+ | add rsp, 8
+ }
+ | ret
+ break;
+ }
+ upb_inttable *dispatch;
+ memcpy(&dispatch, jc->pc, sizeof(void*));
+ jc->pc += sizeof(void*) / sizeof(uint32_t);
+ // The OP_SETDISPATCH bytecode contains a pointer that is
+ // &method->dispatch; we want to go backwards and recover method.
+ method =
+ (void*)((char*)dispatch - offsetof(upb_pbdecodermethod, dispatch));
+ h = method->dest_handlers;
+ assert(h); // We only support statically-bound handlers for now.
+ const char *msgname = upb_msgdef_fullname(method->msg);
+ asmlabel(jc, "dispatch.%s", msgname);
+ jitdispatch(jc, method);
+ break;
+ }
+ case OP_PARSE_INT64:
+ case OP_PARSE_UINT64:
+ case OP_PARSE_INT32:
+ case OP_PARSE_FIXED64:
+ case OP_PARSE_FIXED32:
+ case OP_PARSE_UINT32:
+ case OP_PARSE_SINT32:
+ case OP_PARSE_SINT64:
+ jitprimitive(jc, op, h, arg);
+ break;
+ case OP_STARTSTR: {
+ upb_func *start = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, arg);
+ if (start) {
+ // void *startseq(void *closure, const void *hd)
+ // void *startsubmsg(void *closure, const void *hd)
+ // void *startstr(void *closure, const void *hd, size_t size_hint)
+ |1:
+ | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
+ | load_handler_data h, arg
+ if (op == OP_STARTSTR) {
+ | mov ARG3_64, DELIMEND
+ | sub ARG3_64, PTR
+ }
+ | callp start
+ if (jc->chkret) {
+ | test rax, rax
+ | jnz >2
+ | call ->suspend
+ | jmp <1
+ |2:
+ }
+ | mov CLOSURE, rax
+ } else {
+ // TODO: nop is only required because of asmlabel().
+ | nop
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OP_ENDSEQ:
+ case OP_ENDSTR: {
+ upb_func *end = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, arg);
+ if (end) {
+ // bool endseq(void *closure, const void *hd)
+ // bool endsubmsg(void *closure, const void *hd)
+ // bool endstr(void *closure, const void *hd)
+ |1:
+ | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
+ | load_handler_data h, arg
+ | callp end
+ if (jc->chkret) {
+ | test al, al
+ | jnz >2
+ | call ->suspend
+ | jmp <1
+ |2:
+ }
+ } else {
+ // TODO: nop is only required because of asmlabel().
+ | nop
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OP_STRING: {
+ upb_func *str = upb_handlers_gethandler(h, arg);
+ | je >4
+ |1:
+ | cmp PTR, DATAEND
+ | jne >2
+ | call ->suspend
+ | jmp <1
+ |2:
+ if (str) {
+ // size_t str(void *closure, const void *hd, const char *str, size_t n)
+ | mov ARG1_64, CLOSURE
+ | load_handler_data h, arg
+ | mov ARG3_64, PTR
+ | mov ARG4_64, DATAEND
+ | sub ARG4_64, PTR
+ | callp str
+ | add PTR, rax
+ if (jc->chkret) {
+ | cmp PTR, DATAEND
+ | je >3
+ | call ->strret_fallback
+ |3:
+ }
+ } else {
+ | mov PTR, DATAEND
+ }
+ | jne <1
+ |4:
+ break;
+ }
+ | mov FRAME->u.closure, CLOSURE
+ | add FRAME, sizeof(upb_pbdecoder_frame)
+ | cmp FRAME, DECODER->limit
+ | je ->err
+ break;
+ | call ->pushlendelim
+ break;
+ case OP_POP:
+ | sub FRAME, sizeof(upb_pbdecoder_frame)
+ | mov CLOSURE, FRAME->u.closure
+ break;
+ // OPT: experiment with testing vs old offset to optimize away.
+ | mov DATAEND, DECODER->end
+ | add DELIMEND, FRAME->end_ofs
+ | jc >1
+ | ja >1 // OPT: try cmov.
+ |1:
+ break;
+ | mov dword FRAME->groupnum, arg
+ break;
+ | mov dword FRAME->groupnum, *jc->pc++
+ break;
+ | je =>pclabel(jc, jc->pc + longofs)
+ break;
+ case OP_CALL:
+ | call =>pclabel(jc, jc->pc + longofs + 3)
+ break;
+ case OP_BRANCH:
+ | jmp =>pclabel(jc, jc->pc + longofs);
+ break;
+ case OP_TAG1:
+ jittag(jc, (arg >> 8) & 0xff, 1, (int8_t)arg, method);
+ break;
+ case OP_TAG2:
+ jittag(jc, (arg >> 8) & 0xffff, 2, (int8_t)arg, method);
+ break;
+ case OP_TAGN: {
+ uint64_t tag;
+ memcpy(&tag, jc->pc, 8);
+ jittag(jc, tag, arg >> 8, (int8_t)arg, method);
+ break;
+ }
+ case OP_HALT:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ asmlabel(jc, "eof");
+ | nop
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