path: root/upb/bindings/googlepb/
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authorJosh Haberman <>2014-01-21 18:38:49 -0800
committerJosh Haberman <>2014-01-21 18:38:49 -0800
commit0fd2f830882402979a83010e89650e7245960d39 (patch)
tree0968ca9424c5fb2433047519cbd54d3dd8d0b863 /upb/bindings/googlepb/
parentce9bba3cb5409844f8f3d7dcc235a9ea30cad090 (diff)
Sync to internal Google development.
Diffstat (limited to 'upb/bindings/googlepb/')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/upb/bindings/googlepb/ b/upb/bindings/googlepb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c317cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upb/bindings/googlepb/
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
+// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
+// Author: Josh Haberman <>
+// This set of handlers can write into a proto2::Message whose reflection class
+// is _pi::Proto2Reflection (ie. proto1 messages; while slightly confusing, the
+// name "Proto2Reflection" indicates that it is a reflection class implementing
+// the proto2 reflection interface, but is used for proto1 generated messages).
+// Like FieldAccessor this depends on breaking encapsulation, and will need to
+// be changed if and when the details of _pi::Proto2Reflection change.
+// Note that we have received an exception from c-style-artiters regarding
+// dynamic_cast<> in this file:
+#include "upb/bindings/googlepb/proto1.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include "net/proto2/public/repeated_field.h"
+#include "net/proto/internal_layout.h"
+#include "net/proto/proto2_reflection.h"
+#include "upb/def.h"
+#include "upb/handlers.h"
+#include "upb/shim/shim.h"
+#include "upb/sink.h"
+// Unconditionally evaluate, but also assert in debug mode.
+#define CHKRET(x) do { bool ok = (x); UPB_UNUSED(ok); assert(ok); } while (0)
+template <class T> static T* GetPointer(void* message, size_t offset) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(static_cast<char*>(message) + offset);
+namespace upb {
+namespace google {
+class P2R_Handlers {
+ public:
+ // Returns true if we were able to set an accessor and any other properties
+ // of the FieldDef that are necessary to read/write this field to a
+ // proto2::Message.
+ static bool TrySet(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const proto2::Message& m, const upb::FieldDef* upb_f,
+ upb::Handlers* h) {
+ const proto2::Reflection* base_r = m.GetReflection();
+ // See file comment re: dynamic_cast.
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r =
+ dynamic_cast<const _pi::Proto2Reflection*>(base_r);
+ if (!r) return false;
+ // Extensions don't exist in proto1.
+ assert(!proto2_f->is_extension());
+#define PRIMITIVE(name, type_name) \
+ case _pi::CREP_REQUIRED_##name: \
+ case _pi::CREP_OPTIONAL_##name: \
+ case _pi::CREP_REPEATED_##name: \
+ SetPrimitiveHandlers<type_name>(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); \
+ return true;
+ switch (r->GetFieldLayout(proto2_f)->crep) {
+ PRIMITIVE(INT64, int64_t);
+ PRIMITIVE(UINT64, uint64_t);
+ PRIMITIVE(INT32, int32_t);
+ PRIMITIVE(FIXED64, uint64_t);
+ PRIMITIVE(FIXED32, uint32_t);
+ SetStringHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h);
+ return true;
+ SetOutOfLineStringHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h);
+ return true;
+ SetCordHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h);
+ return true;
+ SetRequiredMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h);
+ return true;
+ SetMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h);
+ return true;
+ SetWeakMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h);
+ return true;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the field "f" in the message "m" is a weak field, returns the prototype
+ // of the submessage (which may be a specific type or may be OpaqueMessage).
+ // Otherwise returns NULL.
+ static const proto2::Message* GetWeakPrototype(
+ const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) {
+ // See file comment re: dynamic_cast.
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r =
+ dynamic_cast<const _pi::Proto2Reflection*>(m.GetReflection());
+ if (!r) return NULL;
+ const _pi::Field* field = r->GetFieldLayout(f);
+ if (field->crep == _pi::CREP_OPTIONAL_FOREIGN_WEAK) {
+ return static_cast<const proto2::Message*>(
+ field->weak_layout()->default_instance);
+ } else if (field->crep == _pi::CREP_OPTIONAL_FOREIGN_WEAK_PROTO2) {
+ return field->proto2_weak_default_instance();
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // If "m" is a message that uses Proto2Reflection, returns the prototype of
+ // the submessage (which may be OpaqueMessage for a weak field that is not
+ // linked in). Otherwise returns NULL.
+ static const proto2::Message* GetFieldPrototype(
+ const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) {
+ // See file comment re: dynamic_cast.
+ const proto2::Message* ret = GetWeakPrototype(m, f);
+ if (ret) {
+ return ret;
+ } else if (dynamic_cast<const _pi::Proto2Reflection*>(m.GetReflection())) {
+ // Since proto1 has no dynamic message, it must be from the generated
+ // factory.
+ assert(f->cpp_type() == proto2::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE);
+ ret = proto2::MessageFactory::generated_factory()->GetPrototype(
+ f->message_type());
+ assert(ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ class FieldOffset {
+ public:
+ FieldOffset(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r)
+ : offset_(GetOffset(f, r)), is_repeated_(f->is_repeated()) {
+ if (!is_repeated_) {
+ int64_t hasbit = GetHasbit(f, r);
+ hasbyte_ = hasbit / 8;
+ mask_ = 1 << (hasbit % 8);
+ }
+ }
+ template <class T> T* GetFieldPointer(proto2::Message* message) const {
+ return GetPointer<T>(message, offset_);
+ }
+ void SetHasbit(void* message) const {
+ assert(!is_repeated_);
+ uint8_t* byte = GetPointer<uint8_t>(message, hasbyte_);
+ *byte |= mask_;
+ }
+ private:
+ const size_t offset_;
+ bool is_repeated_;
+ // Only for non-repeated fields.
+ int32_t hasbyte_;
+ int8_t mask_;
+ };
+ static upb_selector_t GetSelector(const upb::FieldDef* f,
+ upb::Handlers::Type type) {
+ upb::Handlers::Selector selector;
+ bool ok = upb::Handlers::GetSelector(f, type, &selector);
+ UPB_ASSERT_VAR(ok, ok);
+ return selector;
+ }
+ static int16_t GetHasbit(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r) {
+ assert(!f->is_repeated());
+ return (r->layout_->has_bit_offset * 8) + r->GetFieldLayout(f)->has_index;
+ }
+ static uint16_t GetOffset(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r) {
+ return r->GetFieldLayout(f)->offset;
+ }
+ // StartSequence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <class T>
+ static void SetStartRepeatedField(
+ const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSequenceHandler(
+ f, UpbBindT(PushOffset<proto2::RepeatedField<T> >,
+ new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static void SetStartRepeatedPtrField(
+ const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSequenceHandler(
+ f, UpbBindT(PushOffset<proto2::RepeatedPtrField<T> >,
+ new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ }
+ static void SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(
+ const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSequenceHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(PushOffset<proto2::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase>,
+ new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static T* PushOffset(proto2::Message* m, const FieldOffset* offset) {
+ return offset->GetFieldPointer<T>(m);
+ }
+ // Primitive Value (numeric, enum, bool) /////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename T>
+ static void SetPrimitiveHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ if (f->IsSequence()) {
+ SetStartRepeatedField<T>(proto2_f, r, f, h);
+ CHKRET(h->SetValueHandler<T>(f, UpbMakeHandlerT(Append<T>)));
+ } else {
+ upb::Shim::Set(h, f, GetOffset(proto2_f, r), GetHasbit(proto2_f, r)));
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static void Append(proto2::RepeatedField<T>* r, T val) {
+ // Proto1's ProtoArray class derives from proto2::RepeatedField.
+ r->Add(val);
+ }
+ // String ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ static void SetStringHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ h->SetStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(OnStringBuf));
+ if (f->IsSequence()) {
+ SetStartRepeatedPtrField<string>(proto2_f, r, f, h);
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(StartRepeatedString)));
+ } else {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartString, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ }
+ }
+ static string* StartString(proto2::Message* m, const FieldOffset* info,
+ size_t size_hint) {
+ info->SetHasbit(m);
+ string* str = info->GetFieldPointer<string>(m);
+ str->clear();
+ // reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help.
+ return str;
+ }
+ static void OnStringBuf(string* s, const char* buf, size_t n) {
+ s->append(buf, n);
+ }
+ static string* StartRepeatedString(proto2::RepeatedPtrField<string>* r,
+ size_t size_hint) {
+ string* str = r->Add();
+ // reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help.
+ return str;
+ }
+ // Out-of-line string ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ static void SetOutOfLineStringHandlers(
+ const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ // This type is only used for non-repeated string fields.
+ assert(!f->IsSequence());
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartOutOfLineString, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ CHKRET(h->SetStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(OnStringBuf)));
+ }
+ static string* StartOutOfLineString(proto2::Message* m,
+ const FieldOffset* info,
+ size_t size_hint) {
+ info->SetHasbit(m);
+ string** str = info->GetFieldPointer<string*>(m);
+ if (*str == &::proto2::internal::GetEmptyString())
+ *str = new string();
+ (*str)->clear();
+ // reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help.
+ return *str;
+ }
+ // Cord //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ static void SetCordHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ if (f->IsSequence()) {
+ SetStartRepeatedField<Cord>(proto2_f, r, f, h);
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(StartRepeatedCord)));
+ } else {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartStringHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartCord, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ }
+ CHKRET(h->SetStringHandler(f, UpbMakeHandler(OnCordBuf)));
+ }
+ static Cord* StartCord(proto2::Message* m, const FieldOffset* offset,
+ size_t size_hint) {
+ UPB_UNUSED(size_hint);
+ offset->SetHasbit(m);
+ Cord* field = offset->GetFieldPointer<Cord>(m);
+ field->Clear();
+ return field;
+ }
+ static void OnCordBuf(Cord* c, const char* buf, size_t n) {
+ c->Append(StringPiece(buf, n));
+ }
+ static Cord* StartRepeatedCord(proto2::RepeatedField<Cord>* r,
+ size_t size_hint) {
+ UPB_UNUSED(size_hint);
+ return r->Add();
+ }
+ // SubMessage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class SubMessageHandlerData : public FieldOffset {
+ public:
+ SubMessageHandlerData(const proto2::Message& prototype,
+ const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r)
+ : FieldOffset(f, r) {
+ prototype_ = GetWeakPrototype(prototype, f);
+ if (!prototype_) prototype_ = GetFieldPrototype(prototype, f);
+ }
+ const proto2::Message* prototype() const { return prototype_; }
+ private:
+ const proto2::Message* prototype_;
+ };
+ static void SetRequiredMessageHandlers(
+ const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const proto2::Message& m,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f,
+ upb::Handlers* h) {
+ if (f->IsSequence()) {
+ SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(proto2_f, r, f, h);
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartRepeatedSubMessage,
+ new SubMessageHandlerData(m, proto2_f, r))));
+ } else {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartRequiredSubMessage, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r))));
+ }
+ }
+ static proto2::Message* StartRequiredSubMessage(proto2::Message* m,
+ const FieldOffset* offset) {
+ offset->SetHasbit(m);
+ return offset->GetFieldPointer<proto2::Message>(m);
+ }
+ static void SetMessageHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const proto2::Message& m,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ std::unique_ptr<SubMessageHandlerData> data(
+ new SubMessageHandlerData(m, proto2_f, r));
+ if (f->IsSequence()) {
+ SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(proto2_f, r, f, h);
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartRepeatedSubMessage, data.release())));
+ } else {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartSubMessage, data.release())));
+ }
+ }
+ static void SetWeakMessageHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const proto2::Message& m,
+ const _pi::Proto2Reflection* r,
+ const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ std::unique_ptr<SubMessageHandlerData> data(
+ new SubMessageHandlerData(m, proto2_f, r));
+ if (f->IsSequence()) {
+ SetStartRepeatedSubmessageField(proto2_f, r, f, h);
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartRepeatedSubMessage, data.release())));
+ } else {
+ CHKRET(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(
+ f, UpbBind(StartWeakSubMessage, data.release())));
+ }
+ }
+ static void* StartSubMessage(proto2::Message* m,
+ const SubMessageHandlerData* info) {
+ info->SetHasbit(m);
+ proto2::Message** subm = info->GetFieldPointer<proto2::Message*>(m);
+ if (*subm == info->prototype()) *subm = (*subm)->New();
+ return *subm;
+ }
+ static void* StartWeakSubMessage(proto2::Message* m,
+ const SubMessageHandlerData* info) {
+ info->SetHasbit(m);
+ proto2::Message** subm = info->GetFieldPointer<proto2::Message*>(m);
+ if (*subm == NULL) {
+ *subm = info->prototype()->New();
+ }
+ return *subm;
+ }
+ class RepeatedMessageTypeHandler {
+ public:
+ typedef proto2::Message Type;
+ // AddAllocated() calls this, but only if other objects are sitting
+ // around waiting for reuse, which we will not do.
+ static void Delete(Type* t) {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ };
+ // Closure is a RepeatedPtrField<SubMessageType>*, but we access it through
+ // its base class RepeatedPtrFieldBase*.
+ static proto2::Message* StartRepeatedSubMessage(
+ proto2::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase* r,
+ const SubMessageHandlerData* info) {
+ proto2::Message* submsg = r->AddFromCleared<RepeatedMessageTypeHandler>();
+ if (!submsg) {
+ submsg = info->prototype()->New();
+ r->AddAllocated<RepeatedMessageTypeHandler>(submsg);
+ }
+ return submsg;
+ }
+bool TrySetProto1WriteHandlers(const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f,
+ const proto2::Message& m,
+ const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h) {
+ return P2R_Handlers::TrySet(proto2_f, m, upb_f, h);
+const proto2::Message* GetProto1WeakPrototype(
+ const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) {
+ return P2R_Handlers::GetWeakPrototype(m, f);
+const proto2::Message* GetProto1FieldPrototype(
+ const proto2::Message& m, const proto2::FieldDescriptor* f) {
+ return P2R_Handlers::GetFieldPrototype(m, f);
+} // namespace google
+} // namespace upb
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