path: root/src/upb_stream.h
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authorJoshua Haberman <>2011-02-13 12:59:54 -0800
committerJoshua Haberman <>2011-02-13 12:59:54 -0800
commit6bdbb45e88e7b88b294dfb6e4cb493cbc3c8cf74 (patch)
tree0e00246fb124ebdf6a2210c816704c1d840e2138 /src/upb_stream.h
parentee84a7da167d2211066c4a663d41febdf9544438 (diff)
Merged core/ and stream/ -> src/. The split wasn't worth it.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/upb_stream.h')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/upb_stream.h b/src/upb_stream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f7c843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/upb_stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
+ *
+ * This file defines four general-purpose streaming data interfaces.
+ *
+ * - upb_handlers: represents a set of callbacks, very much like in XML's SAX
+ * API, that a client can register to do a streaming tree traversal over a
+ * stream of structured protobuf data, without knowing where that data is
+ * coming from. There is only one upb_handlers type (it is not a virtual
+ * base class), but the object lets you register any set of handlers.
+ *
+ * The upb_handlers interface supports delegation: when entering a submessage,
+ * you can delegate to another set of upb_handlers instead of handling the
+ * submessage yourself. This allows upb_handlers objects to *compose* -- you
+ * can implement a set of upb_handlers without knowing or caring whether this
+ * is the top-level message or not.
+ *
+ * The other interfaces are the C equivalent of "virtual base classes" that
+ * anyone can implement:
+ *
+ * - upb_src: an interface that represents a source of streaming protobuf data.
+ * It lets you register a set of upb_handlers, and then call upb_src_run(),
+ * which pulls the protobuf data from somewhere and then calls the handlers.
+ *
+ * - upb_bytesrc: a pull interface for streams of bytes, basically an
+ * abstraction of read()/fread(), but it avoids copies where possible.
+ *
+ * - upb_bytesink: push interface for streams of bytes, basically an
+ * abstraction of write()/fwrite(), but it avoids copies where possible.
+ *
+ * All of the encoders and decoders are based on these generic interfaces,
+ * which lets you write streaming algorithms that do not depend on a specific
+ * serialization format; for example, you can write a pretty printer that works
+ * with input that came from protobuf binary format, protobuf text format, or
+ * even an in-memory upb_msg -- the pretty printer will not know the
+ * difference.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef UPB_STREAM_H
+#define UPB_STREAM_H
+#include "upb.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Forward-declare. We can't include upb_def.h; it would be circular.
+struct _upb_fielddef;
+/* upb_handlers ***************************************************************/
+// upb_handlers define the interface by which a upb_src passes data to a
+// upb_sink.
+// Constants that a handler returns to indicate to its caller whether it should
+// continue or not.
+typedef enum {
+ // Caller should continue sending values to the sink.
+ // Stop processing for now; check status for details. If no status was set,
+ // a generic error will be returned. If the error is resumable, it is not
+ // (yet) defined where processing will resume -- waiting for real-world
+ // examples of resumable decoders and resume-requiring clients. upb_src
+ // implementations that are not capable of resuming will override the return
+ // status to be non-resumable if a resumable status was set by the handlers.
+ // Skips to the end of the current submessage (or if we are at the top
+ // level, skips to the end of the entire message).
+ // When returned from a startsubmsg handler, indicates that the submessage
+ // should be handled by a different set of handlers, which have been
+ // registered on the provided upb_handlers object. This allows upb_handlers
+ // objects to compose; a set of upb_handlers need not know whether it is the
+ // top-level message or a sub-message. May not be returned from any other
+ // callback.
+} upb_flow_t;
+// upb_handlers
+struct _upb_handlers;
+typedef struct _upb_handlers upb_handlers;
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_startmsg_handler_t)(void *closure);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_endmsg_handler_t)(void *closure);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_value_handler_t)(void *closure,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_value val);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_startsubmsg_handler_t)(void *closure,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_handlers *delegate_to);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_endsubmsg_handler_t)(void *closure);
+typedef upb_flow_t (*upb_unknownval_handler_t)(void *closure,
+ upb_field_number_t fieldnum,
+ upb_value val);
+// An empty set of handlers, for convenient copy/paste:
+// static upb_flow_t startmsg(void *closure) {
+// // Called when the top-level message begins.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t endmsg(void *closure) {
+// // Called when the top-level message ends.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t value(void *closure, upb_fielddef *f, upb_value val) {
+// // Called for every value in the stream.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t startsubmsg(void *closure, upb_fielddef *f,
+// upb_handlers *delegate_to) {
+// // Called when a submessage begins; can delegate by returning UPB_DELEGATE.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t endsubmsg(void *closure) {
+// // Called when a submessage ends.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// static upb_flow_t unknownval(void *closure, upb_field_number_t fieldnum,
+// upb_value val) {
+// // Called with an unknown value is encountered.
+// return UPB_CONTINUE;
+// }
+// // Any handlers you don't need can be set to NULL.
+// static upb_handlerset handlers = {
+// startmsg,
+// endmsg,
+// value,
+// startsubmsg,
+// endsubmsg,
+// unknownval,
+// };
+typedef struct {
+ upb_startmsg_handler_t startmsg;
+ upb_endmsg_handler_t endmsg;
+ upb_value_handler_t value;
+ upb_startsubmsg_handler_t startsubmsg;
+ upb_endsubmsg_handler_t endsubmsg;
+ upb_unknownval_handler_t unknownval;
+} upb_handlerset;
+// Functions to register handlers on a upb_handlers object.
+INLINE void upb_handlers_init(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_handlers_uninit(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_handlers_reset(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE bool upb_handlers_isempty(upb_handlers *h);
+INLINE void upb_register_handlerset(upb_handlers *h, upb_handlerset *set);
+// TODO: for clients that want to increase efficiency by preventing bytesrcs
+// from automatically being converted to strings in the value callback.
+// INLINE void upb_handlers_use_bytesrcs(bool use_bytesrcs);
+// The closure will be passed to every handler. The status will be read by the
+// upb_src immediately after a handler has returned UPB_BREAK and used as the
+// overall upb_src status; it will not be referenced at any other time.
+INLINE void upb_set_handler_closure(upb_handlers *h, void *closure,
+ upb_status *status);
+/* upb_src ********************************************************************/
+struct _upb_src;
+typedef struct _upb_src upb_src;
+// upb_src_sethandlers() must be called once and only once before upb_src_run()
+// is called. This sets up the callbacks that will handle the parse. A
+// upb_src that is fully initialized except for the call to
+// upb_src_sethandlers() is called "prepared" -- this is useful for library
+// functions that want to consume the output of a generic upb_src.
+// Calling sethandlers() multiple times is an error and will trigger an abort().
+INLINE void upb_src_sethandlers(upb_src *src, upb_handlers *handlers);
+// Runs the src, calling the callbacks that were registered with
+// upb_src_sethandlers(), and returning the status of the operation in
+// "status." The status might indicate UPB_TRYAGAIN (indicating EAGAIN on a
+// non-blocking socket) or a resumable error; in both cases upb_src_run can be
+// called again later. TRYAGAIN could come from either the src (input buffers
+// are empty) or the handlers (output buffers are full).
+INLINE void upb_src_run(upb_src *src, upb_status *status);
+// A convenience object that a upb_src can use to invoke handlers. It
+// transparently handles delegation so that the upb_src needs only follow the
+// protocol as if delegation did not exist.
+struct _upb_dispatcher;
+typedef struct _upb_dispatcher upb_dispatcher;
+INLINE void upb_dispatcher_init(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE void upb_dispatcher_reset(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_handlers *h,
+ bool supports_skip);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_startmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_endmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d,
+ struct _upb_fielddef *f);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_value(upb_dispatcher *d, struct _upb_fielddef *f,
+ upb_value val);
+INLINE upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_unknownval(upb_dispatcher *d,
+ upb_field_number_t fieldnum,
+ upb_value val);
+/* upb_bytesrc ****************************************************************/
+// Reads up to "count" bytes into "buf", returning the total number of bytes
+// read. If 0, indicates error and puts details in "status".
+INLINE upb_strlen_t upb_bytesrc_read(upb_bytesrc *src, void *buf,
+ upb_strlen_t count, upb_status *status);
+// Like upb_bytesrc_read(), but modifies "str" in-place. Caller must ensure
+// that "str" is created or just recycled. Returns "false" if no data was
+// returned, either due to error or EOF (check status for details).
+// In comparison to upb_bytesrc_read(), this call can possibly alias existing
+// string data (which avoids a copy). On the other hand, if the data was *not*
+// already in an existing string, this copies it into a upb_string, and if the
+// data needs to be put in a specific range of memory (because eg. you need to
+// put it into a different kind of string object) then upb_bytesrc_get() could
+// save you a copy.
+INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_getstr(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str,
+ upb_status *status);
+// A convenience function for getting all the remaining data in a upb_bytesrc
+// as a upb_string. Returns false and sets "status" if the operation fails.
+INLINE bool upb_bytesrc_getfullstr(upb_bytesrc *src, upb_string *str,
+ upb_status *status);
+INLINE bool upb_value_getfullstr(upb_value val, upb_string *str,
+ upb_status *status) {
+ return upb_bytesrc_getfullstr(upb_value_getbytesrc(val), str, status);
+/* upb_bytesink ***************************************************************/
+struct _upb_bytesink;
+typedef struct _upb_bytesink upb_bytesink;
+// TODO: Figure out how buffering should be handled. Should the caller buffer
+// data and only call these functions when a buffer is full? Seems most
+// efficient, but then buffering has to be configured in the caller, which
+// could be anything, which makes it hard to have a standard interface for
+// controlling buffering.
+// The downside of having the bytesink buffer is efficiency: the caller is
+// making more (virtual) function calls, and the caller can't arrange to have
+// a big contiguous buffer. The bytesink can do this, but will have to copy
+// to make the data contiguous.
+// Returns the number of bytes written.
+INLINE upb_strlen_t upb_bytesink_printf(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_status *status,
+ const char *fmt, ...);
+// Puts the given string, returning true if the operation was successful, otherwise
+// check "status" for details. Ownership of the string is *not* passed; if
+// the callee wants a reference he must call upb_string_getref() on it.
+INLINE upb_strlen_t upb_bytesink_putstr(upb_bytesink *sink, upb_string *str,
+ upb_status *status);
+#include "upb_stream_vtbl.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */
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