AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-08-10Updated to use latest Docs+HEADmasterMatthew Sotoudeh
2017-06-17Updated README w/ screenshotMatthew
2017-06-17Moved filesMatthew
2017-05-21updated with latest version of docs+matthewsotoudeh
2017-05-20Removed temporary filesMatthew S
2017-02-05added a link to docs+Matthew S
2017-02-04updated to use docs-plusmatthewsotoudeh
2017-02-04updated with the docs-plus scriptsmatthewsotoudeh
2016-05-15removed moment.jsmatthewsotoudeh
2016-05-15working with ctrl+a too!matthewsotoudeh
2016-05-15time estimation worksmatthewsotoudeh
2016-05-15cleaned out unnecessary functions in utils.jsmatthewsotoudeh
2016-05-15basic word counter workingmatthewsotoudeh
2016-05-15Initial commitMatthew S
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback