path: root/
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1 files changed, 590 insertions, 0 deletions
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+"""Core library for describing triplet-structures in Python."""
+import itertools
+from collections import defaultdict
+class TripletStructure:
+ """Represents a triplet structure. Instances are usually named 'ts'.
+ A TripletStructure starts out empty, with no nodes and no facts. It can be
+ modified using the syntax: `ts["/:A"].map({ts["/:B"]: ts["/:C"]})` which
+ adds the fact `(/:A,/:B,/:C)` to the structure. By default, nodes are added
+ automatically upon first reference.
+ We want to be able to easily roll-back changes to the TripletStructure. Every
+ direct modification of the TripletStructure is automatically registered in the
+ TSDelta instance @ts.buffer. This acts as a buffer of changes. The method
+ @ts.commit(...) will commit this buffer, i.e., save it to the end of the
+ list @ts.path and replace @ts.buffer with a fresh TSDelta instance. You can
+ always re-construct the structure by applying the TSDeltas in @ts.path
+ successively to an empty structure, then applying @ts.buffer. When
+ @ts.buffer is empty, we say the structure is 'clean.' @ts.rollback(...) can
+ be used to restore the state of the structure to a particular commit in
+ @ts.path.
+ Generally, every change to a triplet structure is owned by some TSDelta
+ instance. @ts.path gives a list [None, delta_1, delta_2, ..., delta_n] of
+ TSDeltas.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initializes a new triplet structure."""
+ # A list of the names of all nodes in the structure.
+ self.nodes = []
+ # Maps full_name -> short_name. The short name will be used in
+ # user-facing printouts. We should maintain the invariant
+ # self.display_names.keys() == self.nodes.
+ self.display_names = dict()
+ # self.facts a pre-computed index of the facts in the structure. Keys
+ # are of two types:
+ # 1. Triplet keys with 'holes' represented by None. E.g.,
+ # self.facts[(None, x, None)] is a list of all facts containing `x`
+ # in the middle slot. To get a list of all facts, use
+ # self.facts[(None, None, None)].
+ # 2. Single-node keys. For a node string @x, self.facts[x] is all facts
+ # with x in at least one slot (see facts_about_node(...)).
+ # Notably, if a fact (A, B, C) is in the structure at all, then it
+ # *MUST* be belong to exactly the 11 keys returned by
+ # self._iter_subfacts((A,B,C)).
+ self.facts = defaultdict(list)
+ # A prefix applied to node lookups. See ts.scope(...) and
+ # ts.__getitem__.
+ self.current_scope = "/"
+ # The historical and running deltas.
+ self.path = [None]
+ self.buffer = TSDelta(self)
+ # (Optional) an object with [add,remove]_[node,fact] methods which will
+ # shadow changes to the structure. Used to implement efficient solving
+ # with the C++ extensions.
+ self.shadow = None
+ def __getitem__(self, node):
+ """Returns a (list of) NodeWrapper(s) corresponding to @node.
+ This is the main entrypoint to manipulation of the structure.
+ @node should be a string containing either (i) the name of a node, or
+ (ii) a comma-separated list of node names. Node names should not
+ contain spaces or commas.
+ If a node name ends in ":??", then the "??" will be replaced with the
+ smallest number such that the resulting node name does not yet exist in
+ the structure. Its use is somewhat analagous to LISP's gensym. See
+ for example usage.
+ NOTE: ts[...] *CAN HAVE SIDE-EFFECTS*, namely _it constructs nodes
+ which don't already exist_. You may think of it as a Python
+ defaultdict. This makes for simpler code, but has a slight drawback of
+ making typos harder to catch. We may decide to change this syntax in
+ the future, to something like ts.node(name) or tc(name), but: (i) the
+ former would make quickly understanding 'tc-dense' code (like
+ difficult while (ii) the latter loses intuition.
+ """
+ if "," in node:
+ return [self[subname.strip()] for subname in node.split(",")]
+ full_name = self._full_name(node)
+ if full_name.endswith(":??"):
+ for i in itertools.count():
+ filled_name = "{}:{}".format(full_name[:-3], i)
+ if filled_name not in self.nodes:
+ full_name = filled_name
+ break
+ self.add_node(full_name)
+ return NodeWrapper(self, full_name)
+ def lookup(self, *template, read_direct=False):
+ """Returns all facts according to a given template.
+ This method should be called like ts.lookup(A,B,C) where A, B, C can be
+ either node names or Nones. Nones match against any node name.
+ Setting @read_direct=True returns a reference to the corresponding list
+ of facts stored on the Structure instance. _May_ sometimes improve
+ performance, but in general should be avoided due to unexpected
+ behavior when either this class or the returned list is modified.
+ """
+ if not read_direct:
+ return self.lookup(*template, read_direct=True).copy()
+ return self.facts[template]
+ def facts_about_node(self, full_name, read_direct=False):
+ """Returns all facts involving the node with name @full_name.
+ See self.lookup for nodes about @read_direct.
+ """
+ if not read_direct:
+ return self.facts_about_node(full_name, read_direct=True).copy()
+ return self.facts[full_name]
+ def scope(self, scope="", protect=False):
+ """Returns a TSScope representing the given scope.
+ Often used like with ts.scope(...): ... to automatically prefix node
+ names, e.g., to prevent name collisions.
+ """
+ return TSScope(self, self._full_name(scope), protect)
+ def is_clean(self):
+ """True iff the current buffer is empty."""
+ return not self.buffer
+ def commit(self, commit_if_clean=True):
+ """Commits self.buffer to self.path."""
+ if self.is_clean() and not commit_if_clean:
+ return False
+ self.path.append(self.buffer)
+ self.buffer = TSDelta(self)
+ return self.path[-1]
+ def rollback(self, to_time=0):
+ """Restores the structure to a previously-committed state.
+ to_time = 0 means roll back the current buffer.
+ to_time > 0 means roll back so that len(path) == to_time.
+ to_time < 0 means roll back so that len(path) == len(path) - to_time.
+ NOTE: In the final case, len(path) does *not* include the buffer.
+ NOTE: len(path) == 0 is invalid, as path[0] = None (the 'root delta').
+ """
+ old_running = self.buffer
+ self.buffer = TSDelta(self)
+ old_running.rollback()
+ self.buffer = TSDelta(self)
+ if to_time == 0:
+ return
+ if to_time >= 0:
+ target_length = to_time
+ else:
+ target_length = len(self.path) + to_time
+ assert len(self.path) >= target_length > 0
+ while len(self.path) > target_length:
+ self.path.pop().rollback()
+ # buffer will have a bunch of changes which aren't needed. In
+ # theory we can 'disable' the TSDelta instead of just overwriting it
+ # here, which might improve performance for some such operations.
+ self._force_clean()
+ def start_recording(self):
+ """Returns a new TSRecording to track changes to @self."""
+ return TSRecording(self)
+ def freeze_frame(self):
+ """Returns a new TSFreezeFrame saving the state of the structure."""
+ return TSFreezeFrame(self)
+ def has_node(self, full_name):
+ """True iff @full_name is a registered node in the structure."""
+ assert isinstance(full_name, str)
+ return full_name in self.nodes
+ def add_node(self, full_name, display_name=None):
+ """Low-level method to add a node to the structure."""
+ if not self.has_node(full_name):
+ self.nodes.append(full_name)
+ self.display_names[full_name] = display_name or full_name
+ self.buffer.add_node(full_name)
+ if self.shadow:
+ self.shadow.add_node(full_name)
+ def remove_node(self, full_name):
+ """Low-level method to remove a node from the structure."""
+ assert not self.facts_about_node(full_name, True), \
+ f"Remove facts using {full_name} before removing it."
+ if full_name in self.nodes:
+ self.nodes.remove(full_name)
+ self.display_names.pop(full_name)
+ self.buffer.remove_node(full_name)
+ if self.shadow:
+ self.shadow.remove_node(full_name)
+ def add_fact(self, fact):
+ """Low-level method to add a fact to the structure."""
+ if self.lookup(*fact, read_direct=True):
+ # The fact already exists in the structure.
+ return
+ assert all(map(self.has_node, fact)), \
+ f"Add all nodes in {fact} before adding the fact."
+ for key in self._iter_subfacts(fact):
+ self.facts[key].append(fact)
+ self.buffer.add_fact(fact)
+ if self.shadow:
+ self.shadow.add_fact(fact)
+ def remove_fact(self, fact):
+ """Remove a fact from the structure."""
+ if not self.lookup(*fact, read_direct=True):
+ # Fact was already removed, or never added.
+ return
+ for key in self._iter_subfacts(fact):
+ self.facts[key].remove(fact)
+ self.buffer.remove_fact(fact)
+ if self.shadow:
+ self.shadow.remove_fact(fact)
+ def add_nodes(self, nodes):
+ """Helper to add multiple nodes to the structure."""
+ for node in nodes:
+ self.add_node(node)
+ def remove_nodes(self, nodes):
+ """Helper to remove multiple nodes from the structure."""
+ for node in nodes:
+ self.remove_node(node)
+ def add_facts(self, facts):
+ """Helper to add multiple facts to the structure."""
+ for fact in facts:
+ self.add_fact(fact)
+ def remove_facts(self, facts):
+ """Helper to remove multiple facts from the structure."""
+ for fact in facts:
+ self.remove_fact(fact)
+ def print_delta(self):
+ """Helper context that prints changes to the structure on exit."""
+ class DeltaPrinter:
+ """Helper context manager for printing changes to a structure."""
+ def __init__(self, ts):
+ self.ts = ts
+ self.frame = None
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.frame = self.ts.freeze_frame()
+ def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
+ print(self.ts.freeze_frame() - self.frame)
+ return DeltaPrinter(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _iter_subfacts(fact):
+ """Yields all keys of self.facts which should hold @fact.
+ This method *MUST* be used any time ts.facts is modified. For examples,
+ see ts.add_fact, ts.remove_fact.
+ """
+ for subset in range(2**3):
+ yield tuple(arg if (subset & (0b1 << i)) else None
+ for i, arg in enumerate(fact))
+ for argument in sorted(set(fact)):
+ yield argument
+ def _full_name(self, name):
+ """Returns the full name of a node relative to the current scope."""
+ if name.startswith("/"):
+ return name
+ return "{}{}".format(self.current_scope, name)
+ def _force_clean(self):
+ """Manually clears the buffer.
+ NOTE: Code outside of this file should **NEVER** call _force_clean.
+ """
+ self.buffer = TSDelta(self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns a string representation of the Structure.
+ WARNING: This representation basically prints all the facts; it can get
+ quite long, especially with a lot of rules.
+ """
+ def _format_fact(fact):
+ return str(tuple(map(self.display_names.get, fact)))
+ return "TripletStructure ({id}):\n\t{facts}".format(
+ id=id(self), facts="\n\t".join(
+ map(_format_fact, self.lookup(None, None, None))))
+class TSScope:
+ """Represents a scope (node name prefix) in a particular structure.
+ Often used indirectly as in with ts.scope("..."): ... to automatically
+ prefix node names, but also has some useful methods for using directly (eg.
+ listing all nodes with a certain prefix).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, structure, prefix, protect=False):
+ """Initializes a new TSScope.
+ This should usually only be called via ts.scope(...) or
+ scope.scope(...).
+ """
+ self.structure = structure
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ # Keeps track of the prefix on the structure before __enter__ so we can
+ # reset it upon __exit__.
+ self.old_scope_stack = []
+ self.protect = protect
+ def __enter__(self):
+ """Instructs the Structure to prefix nodes with self.prefix by default.
+ Returns the TSScope instance for convenience.
+ """
+ assert not self.protect
+ self.old_scope_stack.append(self.structure.current_scope)
+ self.structure.current_scope = self.prefix
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
+ """Resets the Structure's default prefix.
+ """
+ assert not self.protect
+ self.structure.current_scope = self.old_scope_stack.pop()
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ """Get node relative to self regardless of the structure's prefix.
+ """
+ if self.protect:
+ return "{}{}".format(self.prefix, index)
+ with self:
+ return self.structure[index]
+ def scope(self, scope):
+ """Get a sub-scope relative to self regardless of structure's prefix.
+ """
+ with self:
+ return self.structure.scope(scope, self.protect)
+ def protected(self):
+ """Returns a protected version of the scope.
+ In a protected scope, doing scope[name] will return the full node name
+ as a string instead of a NodeWrapper, and will *NOT* add the node if it
+ does not exist.
+ """
+ return self.structure.scope(self.prefix, True)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Iterator for all nodes in the structure within the scope.
+ """
+ for member_name in self.structure.nodes:
+ if member_name.startswith(self.prefix + ":"):
+ yield self.structure[member_name]
+ def __contains__(self, node):
+ """True iff @node is a member of the scope.
+ """
+ if isinstance(node, NodeWrapper):
+ assert node.structure == self.structure
+ node = node.full_name
+ return node.startswith(self.prefix + ":")
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Returns the number of nodes in the structure within the scope.
+ """
+ return sum(node.startswith(self.prefix + ":")
+ for node in self.structure.nodes)
+class NodeWrapper:
+ """Represents a single node in a given structure."""
+ def __init__(self, structure, full_name):
+ """Initialize the NodeWrapper."""
+ self.structure = structure
+ self.full_name = full_name
+ def map(self, mappings):
+ """Helper for adding facts to the structure.
+{A: B, C: D}) adds (node, A, B) and (node, C, D).
+ NOTE: Be wary of repeated keys!
+ """
+ def to_fact(value_node, key_node):
+ return (self.full_name, value_node.full_name, key_node.full_name)
+ facts = []
+ for value, key in mappings.items():
+ if isinstance(key, NodeWrapper):
+ facts.append(to_fact(value, key))
+ else:
+ # Allow sets of keys
+ facts.extend(to_fact(value, sub_key) for sub_key in key)
+ # We sort here to ensure it's deterministic.
+ self.structure.add_facts(sorted(facts))
+ def scoped_name(self, scope):
+ """Returns string @x such that @scope[@x] = @self.
+ This is the "first name" where @scope is the "last name." Used, for
+ example, by ts_utils to find rules that should be marked /= or /MAYBE=
+ in rules based on their name.
+ """
+ if not self.full_name.startswith(scope.prefix):
+ return self.full_name
+ return self.full_name[len(scope.prefix):]
+ def __sub__(self, scope):
+ """Syntactic sugar for scoped_name(...)."""
+ return self.scoped_name(scope)
+ def remove_with_facts(self):
+ """Removes the node and all associated facts from the structure."""
+ self.structure.remove_facts(
+ self.structure.facts_about_node(self.full_name))
+ self.structure.remove_node(self.full_name)
+ def remove(self):
+ """Removes the node (without associated facts) from the structure.
+ This is equivalent to assert not facts_about_node; remove_with_facts().
+ It should be used when there is an invariant that no related facts
+ should exist in the structure. See runtime/ for an
+ example.
+ """
+ self.structure.remove_node(self.full_name)
+ def display_name(self, set_to=None):
+ """Gets or sets the display name of the node."""
+ if set_to is not None:
+ self.structure.display_names[self.full_name] = set_to
+ return self.structure.display_names[self.full_name]
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """True iff @self and @other refer to the same node."""
+ return ((self.structure, self.full_name) ==
+ (other.structure, other.full_name))
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """Hash based on the structure and name of the node."""
+ return hash((self.structure, self.full_name))
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ """Lexicographical comparison for sorting."""
+ return ((id(self.structure), self.full_name)
+ < (id(other.structure), other.full_name))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns the name of the node."""
+ return self.full_name
+class TSDelta:
+ """Represents the change between two TripletStructures."""
+ def __init__(self, ts):
+ """Initialize a TSDelta."""
+ self.ts = ts
+ self.add_nodes, self.add_facts = set(), set()
+ self.remove_nodes, self.remove_facts = set(), set()
+ def apply(self):
+ """Apply the TSDelta to self.ts."""
+ assert self is not self.ts.buffer
+ assert self.ts.is_clean()
+ # NOTE: Sorted here is just for determinism.
+ self.ts.add_nodes(sorted(self.add_nodes))
+ self.ts.add_facts(sorted(self.add_facts))
+ self.ts.remove_facts(sorted(self.remove_facts))
+ self.ts.remove_nodes(sorted(self.remove_nodes))
+ self.ts._force_clean()
+ # TODO: maybe this should just wrap it?
+ self.ts.path.append(self)
+ def rollback(self):
+ """Undo the TSDelta."""
+ assert self is not self.ts.buffer
+ # NOTE: Sorted here is just for determinism.
+ self.ts.remove_facts(sorted(self.add_facts))
+ self.ts.remove_nodes(sorted(self.add_nodes))
+ self.ts.add_nodes(sorted(self.remove_nodes))
+ self.ts.add_facts(sorted(self.remove_facts))
+ # Maybe we should assert that this is at the end of the path and remove
+ # it?
+ def add_node(self, full_name):
+ """Record the addition of a new node."""
+ self.add_nodes.add(full_name)
+ def add_fact(self, fact):
+ """Record the addition of a new fact."""
+ self.add_facts.add(fact)
+ def remove_node(self, full_name):
+ """Record the removal of an existing node."""
+ try:
+ self.add_nodes.remove(full_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.remove_nodes.add(full_name)
+ def remove_fact(self, fact):
+ """Record the removal of an existing fact."""
+ try:
+ self.add_facts.remove(fact)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.remove_facts.add(fact)
+ def __bool__(self):
+ """True iff the TSDelta is not a no-op."""
+ return (bool(self.add_nodes) or bool(self.add_facts) or
+ bool(self.remove_nodes) or bool(self.remove_facts))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Human-readable format of the TSDelta. """
+ def _format(list_):
+ if list_ and isinstance(sorted(list_)[0], tuple):
+ list_ = [tuple(map(lambda x: self.ts.display_names.get(x, x),
+ map(str, el))) for el in sorted(list_)]
+ return "\n\t\t" + "\n\t\t".join(map(str, list_))
+ return ("TSDelta ({id}):"
+ "\n\t- Nodes: {remove_nodes}" +
+ "\n\t+ Nodes: {add_nodes}" +
+ "\n\t- Facts: {remove_facts}" +
+ "\n\t+ Facts: {add_facts}").format(
+ id=id(self),
+ remove_nodes=_format(self.remove_nodes),
+ add_nodes=_format(self.add_nodes),
+ remove_facts=_format(self.remove_facts),
+ add_facts=_format(self.add_facts))
+class TSRecording:
+ """Helper class representing all TSDeltas applied after some checkpoint."""
+ def __init__(self, ts):
+ """Initialize the TSRecording."""
+ self.ts = ts
+ self.start_path = self.ts.path.copy()
+ assert self.ts.is_clean()
+ def commits(self, rollback=False):
+ """TSDeltas applied to the structure since @self was initialized.
+ If rollback=True, it will also roll back the state of the structure to
+ when @self was initialized.
+ """
+ assert (self.ts.path[:len(self.start_path)] == self.start_path
+ and self.ts.is_clean())
+ deltas = self.ts.path[len(self.start_path):]
+ if rollback:
+ self.rollback()
+ return deltas
+ def rollback(self):
+ """Roll back the state of the structure to when @self was initialized.
+ """
+ assert (self.ts.path[:len(self.start_path)] == self.start_path
+ and self.ts.is_clean())
+ self.ts.rollback(len(self.start_path))
+class TSFreezeFrame:
+ """Represents a snapshot of a TripletStructure."""
+ def __init__(self, ts):
+ """Initialize the TSFreezeFrame."""
+ self.ts = ts
+ self.nodes = set(ts.nodes)
+ self.facts = set(ts.lookup(None, None, None))
+ def delta_to_reach(self, desired, nodes=True, facts=True):
+ """Return a TSDelta, applying which transforms @self to @desired."""
+ delta = TSDelta(self.ts)
+ if nodes:
+ delta.add_nodes = desired.nodes - self.nodes
+ delta.remove_nodes = self.nodes - desired.nodes
+ if facts:
+ delta.add_facts = desired.facts - self.facts
+ delta.remove_facts = self.facts - desired.facts
+ return delta
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ """Syntactic sugar for delta_to_reach."""
+ return other.delta_to_reach(self)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """True iff @self and @other represent the same structure state."""
+ return (self.ts == other.ts
+ and self.nodes == other.nodes
+ and self.facts == other.facts)
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