path: root/examples/program_analysis/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/program_analysis/')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/program_analysis/ b/examples/program_analysis/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682767a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/program_analysis/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+"""Helper methods for encoding text documents in Triplet Structures.
+Here I will use:
+ 1. 'Word' to refer to an *abstract word*, such a 'hello'.
+ 2. 'Chunk' to refer to an instance of a word in a document.
+ 3. 'Node' or 'Symbol' refers to a node in the structure.
+Currently only implementing 'flat' reads (i.e., no ASTs), but the goal is to
+have the interface simple enough to support ASTs in a straight-forward way.
+from ts_lib import TripletStructure
+from runtime.runtime import TSRuntime
+ "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", ".", ";", "*", "/", "+",
+ "&", '"', ",", "`", "\n",
+class LazyStructure:
+ """Structure representing multiple LazyDocuments.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, documents, codelet):
+ """Initialize a LazyStructure given a collection of LazyDocuments.
+ @codelet(ts) is a callback that should initialize the TripletStructure.
+ """
+ self.ts = TripletStructure()
+ self.documents = documents
+ self.document_scopes = dict({
+ document: self.ts.scope(f"/:Documents:{i}")
+ for i, document in enumerate(documents)
+ })
+ # Set-union trick from:
+ self.words = sorted(set().union(*(doc.words for doc in documents)))
+ # Maps words to symbol names in the structure.
+ self.dictionary = dict({
+ word: self.ts[f"/:Dictionary:{i}"]
+ for i, word in enumerate(self.words)
+ })
+ for symbol in self.dictionary.values():
+ self.ts[":IsWordMap"].map({symbol: self.ts["/:Word"]})
+ for scope in self.document_scopes.values():
+ scope[":_IsMember"].map({scope[":_"]: self.ts["/:Document"]})
+ self.ts.add_node("/:Chunk")
+ for document in self.documents:
+ document.InitializeWorkspace(self.ts)
+ codelet(self.ts)
+ self.rt = TSRuntime(self.ts)
+ def ChunkToNode(self, document, chunk):
+ """Adds a chunk explicitly into the workspace, if it's not already."""
+ assert chunk in document.chunks
+ scope = self.document_scopes[document]
+ chunk_node = document.ChunkToNode(chunk, self, scope)
+ if chunk_node is not None:
+ scope[":_IsMember"].map({chunk_node: self.ts["/:Chunk"]})
+ self.ts.commit(False)
+ def NodeOfChunk(self, document, chunk):
+ """Find the node in the workspace corresponding to a chunk."""
+ scope = self.document_scopes[document]
+ return document.NodeOfChunk(scope, chunk)
+ def GetGeneratedDocument(self, index):
+ """Parses a document (created by Sifter) out of the workspace.
+ Specifically, it updates self.documents[index] to point to a
+ LazyGeneratedTextDocument that describes the textual contents parsed
+ from the workspace. Used after Sifter completes an analogy to get the
+ corresponding code.
+ """
+ old_document = self.documents[index]
+ document = LazyGeneratedTextDocument(self, index)
+ self.documents[index] = document
+ self.document_scopes[document] = self.document_scopes[old_document]
+ self.document_scopes.pop(old_document)
+ def AnnotateDocuments(self, fact_map):
+ """Annotates the document.
+ @fact_map should be a map dict({doc_index: node}).
+ """
+ fact_node = self.ts["/:DocumentAnnotations:??"]
+ for doc_id, annotation in fact_map.items():
+ self.ts[f"/:Documents:{doc_id}:_"]: self.ts[annotation],
+ })
+ def MarkDocumentGenerated(self, index):
+ """Indicates that the @index document should be generated by Sifter."""
+ self.ts[f"/:DocumentAnnotations:??"].map({
+ self.ts[f"/:Documents:{index}:_"]: self.ts["/:Mapper:TOP"],
+ self.ts[f"/:Documents:{index}:_IsMember"]: self.ts["/:Mapper:TOP"],
+ })
+class LazyTextDocument:
+ """Represents a single text document."""
+ def __init__(self, text, special=None):
+ """Initializes the LazyTextDocument, including tokenization.
+ @special can contain a list of document-specific tokens.
+ """
+ self.text = text
+ # [(start, length)]
+ self.chunks = self.ChunkText(text, special)
+ self.words = set(map(self.ChunkWord, self.chunks))
+ self.annotations = []
+ def AnnotateChunks(self, fact_map):
+ """Annotates the document.
+ - @fact_map should be a map dict({chunk: node}).
+ Each node referenced in the map will be created when the structure is
+ initialized. The corresponding fact node will be created at runtime
+ when the first referenced chunk is created. Only supports one type per
+ concrete.
+ """
+ self.annotations.append(fact_map)
+ def InitializeWorkspace(self, ts):
+ """Add an initial set of facts to the workspace."""
+ for node in set({"/:Follower:Before", "/:Follower:After"}):
+ ts.add_node(node)
+ self.annotations = [
+ dict({key: ts[value] for key, value in fact_map.items()})
+ for fact_map in self.annotations]
+ def ChunkToNode(self, chunk, structure, scope):
+ """Returns a delta adding @chunk to @structure.ts.
+ Also returns the NodeWrapper corresponding to the chunk.
+ """
+ ts = structure.ts
+ chunk_start, _ = chunk
+ local_name = f":Chunks:{chunk_start}"
+ if local_name in scope:
+ return None
+ # (1) Add a node for the chunk.
+ chunk_node = scope[local_name]
+ # (2) Assert that it is an instance of the corresponding word.
+ word = structure.dictionary[self.ChunkWord(chunk)]
+ scope[f":IsWord:{chunk_start}"].map({chunk_node: word})
+ # (3) If the immediately-prior or immediately-following chunk is
+ # already in the structure, connect it. TODO(masotoud): Refactor this,
+ # also maybe add partial facts anyways?.
+ chunk_index = self.chunks.index(chunk)
+ if chunk_index > 0:
+ left_start, _ = self.chunks[chunk_index - 1]
+ left_node = scope.protected()[f":Chunks:{left_start}"]
+ if ts.has_node(left_node):
+ scope[f":Following:{left_start}:{chunk_start}"].map({
+ ts[left_node]: ts["/:Follower:Before"],
+ chunk_node: ts["/:Follower:After"],
+ })
+ if (chunk_index + 1) < len(self.chunks):
+ right_start, _ = self.chunks[chunk_index + 1]
+ right_node = scope.protected()[f":Chunks:{right_start}"]
+ if ts.has_node(right_node):
+ scope[f":Following:{right_start}:{chunk_start}"].map({
+ chunk_node: ts["/:Follower:Before"],
+ ts[right_node]: ts["/:Follower:After"],
+ })
+ # (4) If the chunk is annotated, include its annotation.
+ for i, fact_map in enumerate(self.annotations):
+ if chunk in fact_map:
+ scope[f":Annotations:{i}"].map({chunk_node: fact_map[chunk]})
+ return chunk_node
+ @staticmethod
+ def ChunkText(text, special):
+ """Tokenizes @text based on standard delimiters and @special.
+ Returns a list of (start_index, length) pairs. For example,
+ ChunkText("Hi 5+-2", ["-2"])
+ = [(0, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 2)]
+ """
+ chunks = []
+ # Read characters from @text until either a space is reached or a
+ # special word.
+ start_chunk = None
+ i = 0
+ def maybe_wrap_chunk():
+ if start_chunk is not None:
+ chunks.append((start_chunk, i - start_chunk))
+ return None
+ while i < len(text):
+ if text[i] in (' ', '\n'):
+ start_chunk = maybe_wrap_chunk()
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ try:
+ word = next(word for word in special
+ if text[i:].startswith(word))
+ # If there was an existing chunk we were reading, wrap it
+ # up.
+ start_chunk = maybe_wrap_chunk()
+ # Then this word forms a new chunk.
+ chunks.append((i, len(word)))
+ i += len(word)
+ except StopIteration:
+ if start_chunk is None:
+ start_chunk = i
+ i += 1
+ start_chunk = maybe_wrap_chunk
+ return chunks
+ def ChunkWord(self, chunk):
+ """Returns the string corresponding to @chunk=(start_index, length)."""
+ start, length = chunk
+ return self.text[start:(start + length)]
+ def NodeOfChunk(self, scope, chunk):
+ """Returns the workspace node corresponding to @chunk."""
+ start, _ = chunk
+ return scope.protected()[f":Chunks:{start}"]
+ def FindChunk(self, chunk_word):
+ """Returns the first chunk with its string being @ChunkWord."""
+ for chunk in self.chunks:
+ if self.ChunkWord(chunk) == chunk_word:
+ return chunk
+ return None
+ def FindChunks(self, chunk_word):
+ """Returns all chunks with corresponding string being @ChunkWord."""
+ return [chunk for chunk in self.chunks
+ if self.ChunkWord(chunk) == chunk_word]
+class LazyGeneratedTextDocument(LazyTextDocument):
+ """Like LazyTextDocument, except the contents are read from the workspace.
+ The basic use for this is when Sifter _completes_ an analogy, and so
+ creates new code in the workspace. A LazyGeneratedTextDocument can read
+ that generated code out of the workspace.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, structure, index):
+ """Initialize the LazyGeneratedTextDocument."""
+ self.structure = structure
+ self.scope = structure.ts.scope(f"/:Documents:{index}", protect=True)
+ self.ExtractChunks()
+ def ExtractChunks(self):
+ """Parses the nodes in the workspace into a string representation."""
+ ts, scope = self.structure.ts, self.scope
+ chunks = set(
+ fact[1]
+ for fact in ts.lookup(scope[":_IsMember"], None, "/:Chunk"))
+ # (1) Get the poset of the nodes in this document.
+ orders = set()
+ for fact in ts.lookup(None, None, "/:Follower:Before"):
+ map_node, before_node, _ = fact
+ if before_node not in chunks:
+ continue
+ for fact in ts.lookup(map_node, None, "/:Follower:After"):
+ after_node = fact[1]
+ if after_node in chunks:
+ orders.add((before_node, after_node))
+ # (2) Extend the poset into a toset.
+ sorted_chunks = []
+ while chunks:
+ sorted_chunks.append([
+ chunk for chunk in sorted(chunks)
+ if not any(order[1] == chunk for order in orders)])
+ if not sorted_chunks[-1]:
+ sorted_chunks[-1] = sorted(chunks) # Cut loops.
+ chunks = chunks - set(sorted_chunks[-1])
+ orders = set(order for order in orders if set(order) <= chunks)
+ linear_chunks = []
+ for chunk_layer in sorted_chunks:
+ linear_chunks.extend(chunk_layer)
+ # (3) Translate the chunks to words.
+ chunk_words = []
+ for chunk in linear_chunks:
+ for word, node in self.structure.dictionary.items():
+ if ts.lookup(None, chunk, node.full_name):
+ chunk_words.append(word)
+ break
+ else:
+ chunk_words.append(f"[Chunk: {chunk}]")
+ for i, chunk_word in enumerate(chunk_words):
+ if chunk_word[-1] in (";", "{", "}"):
+ chunk_words[i] += "\n"
+ chunk_words[i] = chunk_words[i] + " "
+ self.text = ""
+ self.chunks = []
+ for word in chunk_words:
+ self.chunks.append((len(self.text), len(word)))
+ self.text += word
+ self.chunk_to_node = dict(zip(self.chunks, linear_chunks))
+ def ChunkToNode(self, chunk, structure, scope):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def NodeOfChunk(self, scope, chunk):
+ return self.chunk_to_node[chunk]
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