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+# Analogy-Utils
+Python driver for interacting with the Mapper rules in [](
+### Running Example
+We will use the following running example from
+If abc becomes bcd and efg becomes efh, then what does ijk become?
+For notational simplicity, we will label the nodes corresponding to letters
+like so:
+If abc becomes (b')(c')(d') and efg becomes (f')(g')(h'), then what does ijk become?
+We will also assume facts related to the position of letters in the strings as
+well as alphabetical ordering:
+(n1, a, Left), (n1, b, Right)
+(n2, b, Left), (n2, c, Right)
+(s1, a, Pred), (s1, b, Succ)
+(s2, b, Pred), (s2, c, Succ)
+(s3, a, Pred), (s3, b', Succ)
+(s4, b, Pred), (s4, c', Succ)
+and so forth.
+### Broad Idea: Joint Traversal
+Our goal is to form a map identifying corresponding nodes.
+If we think of the triplet structure as a graph, the basic idea behind our
+approach is to do a joint, breadth-first traversal of the graph. We start by
+assigning two nodes to correspond to each other, then we extend the
+correspondance by following edges from each node iteratively and
+### Starting the Analogy
+We seed the analogy by telling it that two given nodes should correspond to
+each other. In fact, we tell it that two _facts_ should correspond to each
+other. In this case, a pretty safe fact to start with is that `abc` and `efg`
+are both letter strings that are "pre-transformation." In other words, we
+want to abstract the facts:
+(t1, abc, TransformFrom) and (t2, efg, TransformFrom)
+to form abstract nodes `^t` and `^???` with fact:
+(^t, ^???, TransformFrom).
+##### In Code
+In order to do this, we use the `Analogy.Begin` method, roughly like:
+analogy = Analogy.Begin(rt, {
+ no_slip[":MA"]: t1,
+ no_slip[":A"]: abc,
+ no_slip[":MB"]: t2,
+ no_slip[":B"]: efg,
+ no_slip[":C"]: TransformFrom,
+### Extending the Start
+If `extend=True` is passed to `Analogy.Begin` (the default) then it will
+automatically start to build out from this fact. Essentially, it will look at
+all other facts regarding `t1` and `t2` and try to lift (antiunify) them into
+abstract facts. In this case, we find that there are corresponding facts:
+(t1, b'c'd', TransformTo) and (t2, f'g'h', TransformTo)
+Hence in the abstract we can add the node `^?'?'?'` as well as the fact:
+(^t, ^?'?'?', TransformTo).
+##### In Code
+Again, this happens automatically in `Analogy.Begin(..., extend=True)`. At this
+point, the abstraction consists of two abstract groups, `^???` and `^?'?'?'`,
+where the latter is the post-transformation of the former. Hence the only
+correspondance we know between the two examples so far is that they both
+involve pairs of letter strings before and after the transformation. This is
+all that is claimed by our initial mapping of `t1` and `t2`, hence
+`Analogy.Begin` finishes.
+### Pivots: Extending With New Fact Nodes
+To extend the analogy further, we need to involve additional fact nodes. We do
+this by pivoting off of nodes already in the analogy and identifying fact nodes
+that claim similar things about nodes already mapped to each other. For
+example, we might have fact nodes `h1` and `h2` expressing that `a` is the
+start of string `abc` and `e` is the start of string `efg`:
+(h1, abc, Group), (h1, a, Head)
+(h2, efg, Group), (h2, e, Head).
+Note that `abc` and `efg` are already mapped to each other in the analogy, and
+`h1` and `h2` both claim the same thing about `abc`/`efg` (namely, that they're
+groups). Hence, we can infer that `h1` and `h2` might correspond to each other,
+forming a new abstract node `^h` with fact:
+(^h, ^???, Group).
+##### In Code
+We perform this pivoting to a new fact node with the method
+### Building off a Fact Node
+We've now recognized that both `abc` and `efg` are groups of letters, but `h1`
+and `h2` also claim something else: that each group has a head letter that
+starts it. Because we've mapped `h1` and `h2` to each other, we can follow this
+fact as well to infer that the heads of each group should probably correspond
+as well. In other words, we can lift `a` and `e` to abstract node `^1` and add
+(^h, ^1, Head).
+##### In Code
+The call to `Analogy.ExtendMap` where we added `^h` in the first place will
+automatically follow all facts of this form when possible. It does this by
+calling the method `Analogy.ExtendFacts(^h)` which in turn repeatedly calls
+the `NewConcrete` rule to add nodes like `^1` and `Analogy.LiftFacts(^h)` to
+lift any other triplets like `(^h, ^1, Head)`.
+### Summary of Analogy-Making by Traversal
+In general, the operations described above are enough to create an analogy. We
+pivot repeatedly between:
+(i) Abstracting fact nodes that make claims about nodes already in the
+analogy. E.g., `h1` and `h2` claim `abc` and `efg` (which we know correspond)
+are groups, hence, `h1<->h2` is probably consistent with our analogy so we
+can abstract them to `^h`.
+(ii) Abstract nodes for which claims are made in those corresponding fact
+nodes. E.g., we think `h1` and `h2` correspond, and `h1` claims `a` is a head
+while `h2` claims `e` is a head of corresponding groups `abc` and `efg`. Hence,
+we might infer that in fact `a` and `e` correspond, forming some abstract node
+`^1` which is also a head of the abstract group `^???`.
+### Avoiding Bad Maps
+Unfortunately, this approach can run into problems. For example, after we say
+that `a` and `e` correspond, we might notice that there are fact nodes `s1` and
+`m1` with facts:
+(s1, a, Pred), (s1, b, Succ)
+(m1, e, Pred), (m1, f, Succ).
+We could then map `s1<->m1` and follow this to map `b<->f`, which would
+work perfectly. However, there might _also_ be a fact node `m3` with facts:
+(m3, e, Pred), (m3, f', Succ),
+which actually maps _across groups_ `efg` and `f'g'h'`. The problem is that we
+pivot to groups based only on a single triplet, and, hence, looking at only a
+single triplet it's not clear if we should map
+(s1, a, Pred)<->(m1, e, Pred)
+(s1, a, Pred)<->(m3, e, Pred).
+Both options look equally good when deciding whether `s1` should correspond to
+`m1` or `m3`. If we pick `s1<->m1`, we saw that everything works and we map
+`b<->f` as desired. However, if we map `s1<->m3` then we will infer that
+actually `b<->f'`, which is probably wrong. We need some way to decide
+between the two equally plausible mappings.
+##### Heuristic 1: Follow Unique Claims First
+The first heuristic is to avoid such scenarios when possible by following
+claims which are _unique_. In this case, the problem only came about because
+the first `a` was actually an alphabetical predecessor of two different nodes,
+the `b` in `abc` and the `b'` in `b'c'd'`. So when we follow predecessor ->
+successor, we have to make a choice of which successor we want to choose.
+If we instead had followed the claim that that `a` is _to the left_ of some
+other letter, there would only be one choice: the `b` in `abc`. Similarly, the
+only thing to the right of the `e` is the `f` in `efg`. Hence, if we had
+followed the `Left`/`Right` relation instead of `Pred`/`Succ`, we would have
+arrived at the most reasonable option `b<->f`.
+This generally means following _structural_ relations first, and _semantic_
+relations only after that.
+In code, this usually looks like calling `analogy.ExtendMap` multiple times
+with different parameters, of decreasing level of uniqueness.
+##### Heuristic 2: All or Nothing
+Following `Left`/`Right` relations first gives us the desired correspondance of
+`b<->f`. However, this doesn't immediately solve the original problem of
+determining if `s1<->m1` or `s1<->m3`. Once we have decided `b<->f`, however,
+we can try both `s1<->m1` and `s1<->m3` and apply our second heuristic: take
+_only the fact nodes where all facts lift_. In this case, we could try to
+correspond `s1<->m3` but then we would find that we could _not_ make the facts
+(s1, b, Succ) and (m3, f', Succ)
+correspond to each other, because we do not have `b<->f'`. Thus, `s1<->m3`
+would leave facts which don't lift to the abstraction while `s1<->m1` would be
+able to lift all the relavant facts. Hence, we would prefer `s1<->m1`.
+In the code, this is implemented in `analogy.ExtendFacts` by calling
+`analogy.LiftFacts` to try and lift all relevant facts to the abstract and
+then `analogy.FactsMissing` to check if all facts were lifted. If some can't
+be lifted, then `ExtendFacts` will return `False` and `ExtendMap` will give
+up on that mapping.
+##### Heuristic 3: Voting
+In the near future we would like to take an alternate approach, which is
+somewhat closer to the original Copycat: voting. Essentially, in this case we
+have that following `s1<->m1` leads to a better analogy because then we can
+lift all facts and it also agrees with the unique mapping when we follow
+`Left`/`Right` to get `b<->f`.
+### Completing an Analogy
+Suppose we have already mapped `abc->bcd` and `efg->fgh` and want to start
+solving `ijk->?`. We:
+* First call `Analogy.Begin(..., exists=True)` to map `ijk` into the _existing_
+ analogy noting correspondances between `abc->bcd` and `efg->fgh`.
+* Then, we call `Analogy.ExtendMap` as before to complete the analogy between
+ `ijk->?` and `abc->bcd`/`efg->fgh`.
+* Then, we set `analogy.state="concretize"`.
+* Then, we again call `Analogy.ExtendMap`. It will continue to traverse the
+ existing analogy between `abc->bcd` and `efg->fgh`, but, because we set
+ `state="concretize"`, instead of looking for nodes already in the structure
+ that might correspond to abstract nodes, it just adds new nodes to the
+ structure and lowers the corresponding facts from the abstract to these
+ nodes.
+* Finally, we run inference rules which solve those lowered facts. E.g., we
+ might lower a fact that says that `_1` is the successor of `a`, then infer
+ that `_1` is the letter `b`.
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