BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastersupport for line tracking in dietccMatthew Sotoudeh10 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-07-30support for line tracking in dietccHEADmasterMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-30fix name of alignofMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-30add support for passing through sizeof & alignofsMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-30bad line numbers supportMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-26fix for postfix compound literalsMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-26fix in another placeMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-26fix bug in printing type declsMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-26simplify code a fair bitMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-25fix some dietcc bugsMatthew Sotoudeh
2023-07-25clarify what type info is keptMatthew Sotoudeh
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback