path: root/test/regress
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/regress')
12 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/regress/CMakeLists.txt b/test/regress/CMakeLists.txt
index ed07c7474..ef0981372 100644
--- a/test/regress/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/regress/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -858,6 +858,7 @@ set(regress_0_tests
+ regress0/sep/simple-080420-const-sets.smt2
@@ -1942,6 +1943,14 @@ set(regress_1_tests
+ regress1/sygus/interpol1.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol2.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol3.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol_arr1.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol_arr2.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol_cosa_1.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_1.smt2
+ regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_2.smt2
diff --git a/test/regress/regress0/sep/simple-080420-const-sets.smt2 b/test/regress/regress0/sep/simple-080420-const-sets.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d85fb133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress0/sep/simple-080420-const-sets.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --no-check-models
+; EXPECT: sat
+(set-logic QF_ALL_SUPPORTED)
+(set-option :produce-models true)
+(set-info :status sat)
+(declare-fun x () Int)
+; works
+;(assert (sep (pto 1 2) (pto 5 6) (pto x 8)))
+; didn't work due to sets rewriter
+(assert (sep (pto 1 2) (pto 5 6) (pto 7 8)))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol1.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol1.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58ef5420f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol1.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic NIA)
+(declare-fun x ( ) Int)
+(declare-fun y ( ) Int)
+(declare-fun z ( ) Int)
+(assert (= (* 2 x) y))
+(get-interpol A (distinct (+ (* 2 z) 1) y)
+; the grammar for the interpol-to-synthesize
+((Start Bool) (StartInt Int))
+(Start Bool ((< StartInt StartInt)))
+(StartInt Int
+(y (+ StartInt StartInt) (div StartInt StartInt) (mod StartInt StartInt) 0 1 2))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol2.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol2.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6876ee15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol2.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic QF_UFLIA)
+; Let A1,...,An be formulas (called assumptions)
+; Let C be a formula (called a conjecture)
+; An interpolant of {A1,...,An} and G is any formula B such that:
+; - A1,...,An |- B
+; - B |- C
+; - B has only variables that occur both in {A_1,...,A_n} and B.
+;The variables used are n,m,x,y, all integers.
+(declare-fun n () Int)
+(declare-fun m () Int)
+(declare-fun x () Int)
+(declare-fun y () Int)
+;The assumptions are:
+; (*) 1 <= n <= x <= n+5
+; (*) 1 <= y <= m
+(define-fun A1 () Bool (<= 1 n))
+(define-fun A2 () Bool (<= n x))
+(define-fun A3 () Bool (<= x (+ n 5)))
+(define-fun A4 () Bool (<= 1 y))
+(define-fun A5 () Bool (<= y m))
+(assert (and A1 A2 A3 A4 A5))
+;The conjuecture is: 2 <= x+y
+(get-interpol A (<= 2 (+ x y)))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol3.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol3.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8681acf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol3.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic LIA)
+(declare-fun a () Int)
+(assert (> a 1))
+(get-interpol A (> a 0))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_arr1.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_arr1.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16190f877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_arr1.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-fun a () (Array (_ BitVec 4) (_ BitVec 4)))
+(declare-fun y () (_ BitVec 4))
+(assert (= (select a y) (_ bv0 4)))
+(get-interpol A (distinct (select a y) (_ bv1 4)))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_arr2.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_arr2.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18ce2b35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_arr2.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-fun arr () (Array Int Int))
+(define-fun A1 () Bool (<= 1 (select arr 0)))
+(define-fun A2 () Bool (<= (select arr 0) (select arr 2)))
+(define-fun A3 () Bool (<= (select arr 2) (+ (select arr 0) 5)))
+(define-fun A4 () Bool (<= 1 (select arr 3)))
+(define-fun A5 () Bool (<= (select arr 3) (select arr 1)))
+(assert (and A1 A2 A3 A4 A5))
+;The conjuecture is: 2 <= x+y
+(get-interpol A (<= 2 (+ (select arr 2) (select arr 3))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_cosa_1.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_cosa_1.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..583f94ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_cosa_1.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=conjecture --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(set-option :produce-interpols conjecture)
+(set-option :sygus-active-gen enum)
+(declare-fun cfg@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun witness_0@1 () Bool)
+(declare-fun op@1 () (_ BitVec 4))
+(declare-fun counter@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun input14@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun clk@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun b@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun cfg@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun witness_0@0 () Bool)
+(declare-fun counter@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun op@0 () (_ BitVec 4))
+(declare-fun input14@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun b@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(assert (and (and (and (and true (= counter@0 (_ bv0 16))) witness_0@0) (= cfg@0 (_ bv1 1))) (and (and (and (and true (= witness_0@1 (not (= (bvand (ite (bvugt counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)) (bvnot (ite (bvugt counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (bvcomp (ite (not (distinct op@0 (_ bv0 4))) (bvadd a@0 b@0) (bvsub a@0 b@0)) (bvadd a@0 b@0)) input14@0))) (_ bv1 1))))) (= op@1 (ite (= cfg@0 (_ bv1 1)) (_ bv0 4) op@0))) (= counter@1 (bvadd counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv1 1))))) (= cfg@1 (_ bv0 1)))))
+(assert (and (or (and (and (and true (= counter@0 (_ bv0 16))) witness_0@0) (= cfg@0 (_ bv1 1))) witness_0@0) (and (and (and (and true (= witness_0@1 (not (= (bvand (ite (bvugt counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)) (bvnot (ite (bvugt counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (bvcomp (ite (not (distinct op@0 (_ bv0 4))) (bvadd a@0 b@0) (bvsub a@0 b@0)) (bvadd a@0 b@0)) input14@0))) (_ bv1 1))))) (= op@1 (ite (= cfg@0 (_ bv1 1)) (_ bv0 4) op@0))) (= counter@1 (bvadd counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv1 1))))) (= cfg@1 (_ bv0 1)))))
+(declare-fun cfg@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun counter@2 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun op@2 () (_ BitVec 4))
+(declare-fun witness_0@2 () Bool)
+(assert (and (and (and (and true (= counter@0 (_ bv0 16))) witness_0@0) (= cfg@0 (_ bv1 1))) (and (and (and (and true (= witness_0@1 (not (= (bvand (ite (bvugt counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)) (bvnot (ite (bvugt counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (bvcomp (ite (not (distinct op@0 (_ bv0 4))) (bvadd a@0 b@0) (bvsub a@0 b@0)) (bvadd a@0 b@0)) input14@0))) (_ bv1 1))))) (= op@1 (ite (= cfg@0 (_ bv1 1)) (_ bv0 4) op@0))) (= counter@1 (bvadd counter@0 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv1 1))))) (= cfg@1 (_ bv0 1)))))
+(get-interpol I (not (and (and true (and (and (and (and true (= witness_0@2 (not (= (bvand (ite (bvugt counter@1 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)) (bvnot (ite (bvugt counter@1 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv0 1))) (bvcomp (ite (not (distinct op@1 (_ bv0 4))) (bvadd a@1 b@1) (bvsub a@1 b@1)) (bvadd a@1 b@1)) input14@1))) (_ bv1 1))))) (= op@2 (ite (= cfg@1 (_ bv1 1)) (_ bv0 4) op@1))) (= counter@2 (bvadd counter@1 ((_ zero_extend 15) (_ bv1 1))))) (= cfg@2 (_ bv0 1)))) (not witness_0@2))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_dt.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_dt.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f64ce4a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_dt.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-datatypes ((List 0)) (((nil) (cons (head Int) (tail List)))))
+(declare-fun x () List)
+(declare-fun y () List)
+(assert ((_ is cons) x))
+(assert ((_ is nil) (tail x)))
+(assert (= (head x) 0))
+(assert (= x y))
+(get-interpol A (distinct y nil))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_1.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_1.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eff00e066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_1.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x1@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_c@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x2@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f3@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f0@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f5@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f4@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x2@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x1@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_c@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun f5@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f3@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f4@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f0@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(assert (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= a_Q_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_Q_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= dve_invalid@0 (_ bv0 1))) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@0 (ite (= f2@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@0 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0)))))) (= v_x1@1 (ite (= f1@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x1@0)))) (= v_x2@1 (ite (= f4@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x2@0)))) (= a_Q_a1@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (= a_R_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)))) (= a_S_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)))) (= a_Q_a2@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))) (= a_R_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)))) (= a_S_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)))) (= dve_invalid@1 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@0 (bvnot f1@0))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvnot f2@0))) (bvor (bvnot f3@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@0 (bvnot f4@0))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvnot f5@0))) (bvor f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@0 f1@0) (bvand f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))) (bvand f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))) (bvand f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))))) (bvand f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0) (bvand a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0)))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0) (bvand a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0))))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@0)))))))
+(get-interpol I (not (and true (not (not (= (bvand (bvnot dve_invalid@1) (bvcomp (_ bv500 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1)))))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_2.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_2.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..894e8e781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_2.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default --sygus-active-gen=enum --check-interpols
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x1@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_c@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x2@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f3@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f0@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f5@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f4@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x2@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x1@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_c@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun f5@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f3@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f4@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f0@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(assert (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= a_Q_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_Q_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= dve_invalid@0 (_ bv0 1))) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@0 (ite (= f2@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@0 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0)))))) (= v_x1@1 (ite (= f1@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x1@0)))) (= v_x2@1 (ite (= f4@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x2@0)))) (= a_Q_a1@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (= a_R_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)))) (= a_S_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)))) (= a_Q_a2@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))) (= a_R_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)))) (= a_S_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)))) (= dve_invalid@1 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@0 (bvnot f1@0))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvnot f2@0))) (bvor (bvnot f3@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@0 (bvnot f4@0))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvnot f5@0))) (bvor f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@0 f1@0) (bvand f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))) (bvand f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))) (bvand f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))))) (bvand f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0) (bvand a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0)))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0) (bvand a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0))))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@0)))))))
+(assert (and (or (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= a_Q_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_Q_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= dve_invalid@0 (_ bv0 1))) (bvult v_c@0 (_ bv2 16))) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@0 (ite (= f2@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@0 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0)))))) (= v_x1@1 (ite (= f1@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x1@0)))) (= v_x2@1 (ite (= f4@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x2@0)))) (= a_Q_a1@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (= a_R_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)))) (= a_S_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)))) (= a_Q_a2@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))) (= a_R_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)))) (= a_S_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)))) (= dve_invalid@1 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@0 (bvnot f1@0))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvnot f2@0))) (bvor (bvnot f3@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@0 (bvnot f4@0))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvnot f5@0))) (bvor f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@0 f1@0) (bvand f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))) (bvand f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))) (bvand f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))))) (bvand f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0) (bvand a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0)))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0) (bvand a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0))))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@0)))))))
+(get-interpol I (not (and true (not (not (= (bvand (bvnot dve_invalid@1) (bvcomp (_ bv500 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1)))))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_3.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_3.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5de1d4ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/interpol_from_pono_3.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-interpols=default
+; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)'
+; EXIT: 0
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x1@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_c@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x2@1 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f3@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f0@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f5@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f1@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f2@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f4@1 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x2@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x1@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_c@0 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun f5@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f3@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f4@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f2@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f0@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun f1@0 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(assert (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= a_Q_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_Q_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= dve_invalid@0 (_ bv0 1))) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@0 (ite (= f2@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@0 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0)))))) (= v_x1@1 (ite (= f1@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x1@0)))) (= v_x2@1 (ite (= f4@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x2@0)))) (= a_Q_a1@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (= a_R_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)))) (= a_S_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)))) (= a_Q_a2@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))) (= a_R_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)))) (= a_S_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)))) (= dve_invalid@1 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@0 (bvnot f1@0))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvnot f2@0))) (bvor (bvnot f3@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@0 (bvnot f4@0))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvnot f5@0))) (bvor f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@0 f1@0) (bvand f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))) (bvand f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))) (bvand f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))))) (bvand f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0) (bvand a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0)))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0) (bvand a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0))))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@0)))))))
+(assert (and (or (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= a_Q_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_Q_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= dve_invalid@0 (_ bv0 1))) (bvult v_c@0 (_ bv2 16))) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@0 (ite (= f2@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@0 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0)))))) (= v_x1@1 (ite (= f1@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x1@0)))) (= v_x2@1 (ite (= f4@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x2@0)))) (= a_Q_a1@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (= a_R_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)))) (= a_S_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)))) (= a_Q_a2@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))) (= a_R_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)))) (= a_S_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)))) (= dve_invalid@1 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@0 (bvnot f1@0))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvnot f2@0))) (bvor (bvnot f3@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@0 (bvnot f4@0))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvnot f5@0))) (bvor f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@0 f1@0) (bvand f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))) (bvand f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))) (bvand f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))))) (bvand f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0) (bvand a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0)))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0) (bvand a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0))))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@0)))))))
+(declare-fun dve_invalid@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a2@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a2@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a2@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_S_a1@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_R_a1@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun a_Q_a1@2 () (_ BitVec 1))
+(declare-fun v_x2@2 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_x1@2 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(declare-fun v_c@2 () (_ BitVec 16))
+(assert (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16))) (= a_Q_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a1@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_Q_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_R_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= a_S_a2@0 (_ bv0 1))) (= dve_invalid@0 (_ bv0 1))) (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@0 (ite (= f2@0 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@0 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0)))))) (= v_x1@1 (ite (= f1@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x1@0)))) (= v_x2@1 (ite (= f4@0 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@0 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@0 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) v_x2@0)))) (= a_Q_a1@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (= a_R_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)))) (= a_S_a1@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)))) (= a_Q_a2@1 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))) (= a_R_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)))) (= a_S_a2@1 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)))) (= dve_invalid@1 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@0 (bvnot f1@0))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvnot f2@0))) (bvor (bvnot f3@0) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@0) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@0 (bvnot f4@0))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvnot f5@0))) (bvor f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@0 f1@0) (bvand f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))) (bvand f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))) (bvand f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0))))) (bvand f5@0 (bvor f4@0 (bvor f3@0 (bvor f2@0 (bvor f0@0 f1@0)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0) (bvand a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0)))) (bvor a_S_a1@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) a_R_a1@0))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0) (bvand a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0))))) (bvor a_S_a2@0 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) a_R_a2@0)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@0 f1@0) (bvnot f2@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@0 f0@0) (bvnot f1@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@0) (bvnot f0@0)) f2@0)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@0 f4@0) (bvnot f5@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@0 f3@0) (bvnot f4@0)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@0) (bvnot f3@0)) f5@0))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@0)))))))
+(get-interpol I (not (and (and true (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and (and true (= v_c@2 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) (ite (= f5@1 (_ bv1 1)) v_x2@1 (ite (= f2@1 (_ bv1 1)) v_x1@1 (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1)))))) (= v_x1@2 (ite (= f1@1 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x1@1 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f0@1 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) v_x1@1)))) (= v_x2@2 (ite (= f4@1 (_ bv1 1)) ((_ extract 15 0) (bvadd (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)) (bvashr (concat v_x2@1 (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (ite (= f3@1 (_ bv1 1)) (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) v_x2@1)))) (= a_Q_a1@2 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) (bvnot f0@1)) f2@1)))) (= a_R_a1@2 (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@1 f0@1) (bvnot f1@1)))) (= a_S_a1@2 (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@1 f1@1) (bvnot f2@1)))) (= a_Q_a2@2 (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) (bvnot f3@1)) f5@1)))) (= a_R_a2@2 (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@1 f3@1) (bvnot f4@1)))) (= a_S_a2@2 (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@1 f4@1) (bvnot f5@1)))) (= dve_invalid@2 (bvnot (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvor (bvnot f0@1) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1)))) (bvor a_R_a1@1 (bvnot f1@1))) (bvor a_S_a1@1 (bvnot f2@1))) (bvor (bvnot f3@1) (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) (ite (not (bvule (_ bv200 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@1) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1) (_ bv0 1))))) (bvor a_R_a2@1 (bvnot f4@1))) (bvor a_S_a2@1 (bvnot f5@1))) (bvor f5@1 (bvor f4@1 (bvor f3@1 (bvor f2@1 (bvor f0@1 f1@1)))))) (bvnot (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvor (bvand f0@1 f1@1) (bvand f2@1 (bvor f0@1 f1@1))) (bvand f3@1 (bvor f2@1 (bvor f0@1 f1@1)))) (bvand f4@1 (bvor f3@1 (bvor f2@1 (bvor f0@1 f1@1))))) (bvand f5@1 (bvor f4@1 (bvor f3@1 (bvor f2@1 (bvor f0@1 f1@1)))))))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) a_R_a1@1) (bvand a_S_a1@1 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) a_R_a1@1)))) (bvor a_S_a1@1 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) a_R_a1@1))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) a_R_a2@1) (bvand a_S_a2@1 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) a_R_a2@1))))) (bvor a_S_a2@1 (bvor (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) a_R_a2@1)))) (bvand (bvand (bvand (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@1 f0@1) (bvnot f1@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) (bvnot f0@1)) f2@1)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@1 f1@1) (bvnot f2@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@1 f0@1) (bvnot f1@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) (bvnot f0@1)) f2@1))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a1@1 f1@1) (bvnot f2@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a1@1 f0@1) (bvnot f1@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a1@1) (bvnot f0@1)) f2@1)))) (bvnot (bvor (bvand (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@1 f3@1) (bvnot f4@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) (bvnot f3@1)) f5@1)) (bvand (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@1 f4@1) (bvnot f5@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@1 f3@1) (bvnot f4@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) (bvnot f3@1)) f5@1)))))) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_S_a2@1 f4@1) (bvnot f5@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvor a_R_a2@1 f3@1) (bvnot f4@1)) (bvor (bvand (bvnot a_Q_a2@1) (bvnot f3@1)) f5@1))))) (bvnot dve_invalid@1)))))) (not (not (= (bvand (bvnot dve_invalid@2) (bvcomp (_ bv500 32) (bvashr (concat (bvxor (_ bv1 16) v_c@2) (_ bv0 16)) (_ bv16 32)))) (_ bv1 1)))))))
generated by cgit on debian on lair
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