path: root/test/regress/regress1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/regress/regress1')
8 files changed, 411 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/issue3498.smt2 b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/issue3498.smt2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fa8fdc1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/issue3498.smt2
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+; EXPECT: sat
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-inference --no-check-models
+(set-logic ALL)
+(declare-fun x () Real)
+(assert (= x 1))
+(assert (= (sqrt x) x))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
index 53c55397e..2e10a0c71 100644
--- a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; EXPECT: unsat
-; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --sygus-rec-fun --lang=sygus2 --uf-ho
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --lang=sygus2 --uf-ho
(set-logic ALL)
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af6d56aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+; EXPECT: unsat
+; COMMAND-LINE: --lang=sygus2 --sygus-out=status
+(set-logic BV)
+(define-sort Stream () (_ BitVec 2))
+(define-fun BV_ONE () Stream (_ bv1 2))
+ O ( (X Stream) ) Stream
+ (bvneg (bvand X (bvnot (bvsub X BV_ONE))))
+(synth-fun op ((x Stream)) Stream
+ (( y_term Stream))
+ (( y_term Stream (
+ ( Constant Stream)
+ ( Variable Stream)
+ ( bvnot y_term )
+ ( bvand y_term y_term )
+ ( bvor y_term y_term )
+ ( bvneg y_term )
+ ( bvadd y_term y_term )
+ ( bvsub y_term y_term )
+ ( bvmul y_term y_term )
+ ( bvudiv y_term y_term )
+ ( bvurem y_term y_term )
+ ( bvshl y_term y_term )
+ ( bvlshr y_term y_term )
+ ))
+(define-fun C ((x Stream)) Bool
+ (= (op x) (O x))
+(constraint (and
+(C (_ bv0 2))
+(C (_ bv1 2))
+(C (_ bv2 2))
+(C (_ bv3 2))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..056d6a8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+; EXPECT: unsat
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --lang=sygus2
+(set-logic ALL)
+; The environment datatypes
+(declare-datatype NVars ((x) (y)))
+(declare-datatype Pair ((pair (first NVars) (second Int))))
+(declare-datatype Env ((cons (head Pair) (tail Env)) (nil)))
+(define-fun-rec envStore ((var NVars) (value Int) (env Env)) Env
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ (cons (pair var value) env)
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (cons (pair var value) (tail env))
+ (cons (head env) (envStore var value (tail env)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(define-fun-rec envSelect ((var NVars) (env Env)) Int
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ (- 1)
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (second (head env))
+ (envSelect var (tail env))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; Syntax for arithmetic expressions
+(declare-datatype Aexp
+ (
+ (Val (val Int))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate arithmetic expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalA ((env Env) (a Aexp)) Int
+ (val a)
+ )
+; Syntax for commands
+(declare-datatype Com
+ (
+ (Skip)
+ (Assign (lhs NVars) (rhs Aexp))
+ (CSeq (cBef Com) (aAft Com))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate statements
+(define-fun-rec evalC ((env Env) (c Com)) Env
+ (ite (is-Skip c)
+ env
+ (ite (is-Assign c)
+ (envStore (lhs c) (evalA env (rhs c)) env)
+ (evalC (evalC env (cBef c)) (aAft c)))
+ )
+ )
+(synth-fun prog () Com
+ ((C Com) (V NVars) (A Aexp) (I Int))
+ (
+ (C Com (Skip (Assign V A) (CSeq C C)))
+ (V NVars (x y))
+ (A Aexp ((Val I)))
+ (I Int (0 1))
+ )
+(constraint (= (evalC (cons (pair y 0) (cons (pair x 1) nil)) prog) (cons (pair y 1) (cons (pair x 0) nil))))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
index 13d4782d4..769e173de 100644
--- a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
; EXPECT: unsat
-; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --sygus-rec-fun --lang=sygus2
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --lang=sygus2
(set-logic ALL)
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e805fdc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+; EXPECT: unsat
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --lang=sygus2 --no-check-synth-sol
+(set-logic ALL)
+; The environment datatypes
+(declare-datatype NVars ((x)))
+(declare-datatype Pair ((build (first NVars) (second Int))))
+(declare-datatype Env ((cons (head Pair) (tail Env)) (nil)))
+(define-fun-rec envStore ((var NVars) (value Int) (env Env)) Env
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ (cons (build var value) env)
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (cons (build var value) (tail env))
+ (cons (head env) (envStore var value (tail env)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(define-fun-rec envSelect ((var NVars) (env Env)) Int
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ 0
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (second (head env))
+ (envSelect var (tail env))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; Syntax for arithmetic expressions
+(declare-datatype Aexp
+ (
+ (Val (val Int))
+ (Var (name NVars))
+ (Add (addL Aexp) (addR Aexp))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate arithmetic expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalA ((env Env) (a Aexp)) Int
+ (ite (is-Val a)
+ (val a)
+ (envSelect (name a) env)
+ ))
+; Syntax for boolean expressions
+(declare-datatype Bexp
+ (
+ (LT (ltL Aexp) (ltR Aexp))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate boolean expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalB ((env Env) (b Bexp)) Bool
+ (< (evalA env (ltL b)) (evalA env (ltR b)))
+ )
+; Syntax for commands
+(declare-datatype Com
+ (
+ (Assign (lhs NVars) (rhs Aexp))
+ (While (wCond Bexp) (wCom Com))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate statements
+(define-fun-rec evalC ((env Env) (c Com)) Env
+ (ite (is-Assign c)
+ (envStore (lhs c) (evalA env (rhs c)) env)
+ (ite (evalB env (wCond c)) (evalC (evalC env (wCom c)) c) env)
+ )
+ )
+(synth-fun prog () Com
+ ((C1 Com) (C2 Com) (VX NVars) (A1 Aexp) (A2 Aexp) (B Bexp) (I Int))
+ (
+ (C1 Com ((While B C2)))
+ (C2 Com ((Assign VX A2)))
+ (VX NVars (x))
+ (A1 Aexp ((Var VX)))
+ (A2 Aexp ((Val I)))
+ (B Bexp ((LT A1 A2)))
+ (I Int (0 1 (+ I I)))
+ )
+(constraint (= (evalC (cons (build x 0) nil) prog) (cons (build x 2) nil)))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e32384b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+; EXPECT: unsat
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --lang=sygus2 --no-check-synth-sol
+(set-logic ALL)
+; The environment datatypes
+(declare-datatype NVars ((x) (y)))
+(declare-datatype Pair ((build (first NVars) (second Int))))
+(declare-datatype Env ((cons (head Pair) (tail Env)) (nil)))
+(define-fun-rec envStore ((var NVars) (value Int) (env Env)) Env
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ (cons (build var value) env)
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (cons (build var value) (tail env))
+ (cons (head env) (envStore var value (tail env)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(define-fun-rec envSelect ((var NVars) (env Env)) Int
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ 0
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (second (head env))
+ (envSelect var (tail env))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; Syntax for arithmetic expressions
+(declare-datatype Aexp
+ (
+ (Val (val Int))
+ (Var (name NVars))
+ (Add (addL Aexp) (addR Aexp))
+ (Sub (subL Aexp) (subR Aexp))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate arithmetic expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalA ((env Env) (a Aexp)) Int
+ (ite (is-Val a)
+ (val a)
+ (envSelect (name a) env)
+ ))
+; Syntax for boolean expressions
+(declare-datatype Bexp
+ (
+ (GTH (geqL Aexp) (geqR Aexp))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate boolean expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalB ((env Env) (b Bexp)) Bool
+ (> (evalA env (geqL b)) (evalA env (geqR b)))
+ )
+; Syntax for commands
+(declare-datatype Com
+ (
+ (Assign (lhs NVars) (rhs Aexp))
+ (While (wCond Bexp) (wCom Com))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate statements
+(define-fun-rec evalC ((env Env) (c Com)) Env
+ (ite (is-Assign c)
+ (envStore (lhs c) (evalA env (rhs c)) env)
+ (ite (evalB env (wCond c)) (evalC (evalC env (wCom c)) c) env)
+ )
+ )
+(synth-fun prog () Com
+ ((C1 Com) (C2 Com) (VX NVars) (A1 Aexp) (A2 Aexp) (B Bexp) (I Int))
+ (
+ (C1 Com ((While B C2)))
+ (C2 Com ((Assign VX A2)))
+ (VX NVars (x))
+ (A1 Aexp ((Var VX)))
+ (A2 Aexp ((Val I)))
+ (B Bexp ((GTH A2 A1)))
+ (I Int (2))
+ )
+(constraint (= (evalC (cons (build x 0) nil) prog) (cons (build x 2) nil)))
diff --git a/test/regress/regress1/sygus/ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b43b3d5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regress/regress1/sygus/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+; EXPECT: unknown
+; COMMAND-LINE: --sygus-out=status --lang=sygus2 --no-check-synth-sol
+(set-logic ALL)
+; The environment datatypes
+(declare-datatype NVars ((x) (y)))
+(declare-datatype Pair ((build (first NVars) (second Int))))
+(declare-datatype Env ((cons (head Pair) (tail Env)) (nil)))
+(define-fun-rec envStore ((var NVars) (value Int) (env Env)) Env
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ (cons (build var value) env)
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (cons (build var value) (tail env))
+ (cons (head env) (envStore var value (tail env)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(define-fun-rec envSelect ((var NVars) (env Env)) Int
+ (ite (is-nil env)
+ 0
+ (ite (= var (first (head env)))
+ (second (head env))
+ (envSelect var (tail env))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; Syntax for arithmetic expressions
+(declare-datatype Aexp
+ (
+ (Val (val Int))
+ (Var (name NVars))
+ (Add (addL Aexp) (addR Aexp))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate arithmetic expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalA ((env Env) (a Aexp)) Int
+ (ite (is-Val a)
+ (val a)
+ (ite (is-Var a)
+ (envSelect (name a) env)
+ ; (is-Add a)
+ (+ (evalA env (addL a)) (evalA env (addR a)))
+ )))
+; Syntax for boolean expressions
+(declare-datatype Bexp
+ (
+ (TRUE)
+ ))
+; Function to evaluate boolean expressions
+(define-fun-rec evalB ((env Env) (b Bexp)) Bool
+ (is-TRUE b)
+; Syntax for commands
+(declare-datatype Com
+ (
+ (Assign (lhs NVars) (rhs Aexp))
+ (While (wCond Bexp) (wCom Com))
+ )
+ )
+; Function to evaluate statements
+(define-fun-rec evalC ((env Env) (c Com)) Env
+ (ite (is-Assign c)
+ (envStore (lhs c) (evalA env (rhs c)) env)
+ ; (is-While c)
+ (ite (evalB env (wCond c)) (evalC (evalC env (wCom c)) c) env)
+ )
+ )
+(synth-fun prog () Com
+ ((C1 Com) (C2 Com) (V NVars) (A1 Aexp) (A2 Aexp) (A3 Aexp) (B Bexp) (I Int))
+ (
+ (C1 Com ((While B C2)))
+ (C2 Com ((Assign V A1)))
+ (V NVars (x))
+ (A1 Aexp ((Var V)))
+ (A2 Aexp ((Val I)))
+ (A3 Aexp ((Add A1 A2)))
+ (B Bexp (TRUE))
+ (I Int (1))
+ )
+(constraint (= (evalC (cons (build x 1) nil) prog) (cons (build x 1) nil)))
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback