path: root/src/theory/arith/nl/nl_model.h
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+/********************* */
+/*! \file nl_model.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Andrew Reynolds
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Model object for the non-linear extension class
+ **/
+#include <map>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "context/cdo.h"
+#include "context/context.h"
+#include "expr/kind.h"
+#include "expr/node.h"
+#include "theory/theory_model.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace theory {
+namespace arith {
+namespace nl {
+class NonlinearExtension;
+/** Non-linear model finder
+ *
+ * This class is responsible for all queries related to the (candidate) model
+ * that is being processed by the non-linear arithmetic solver. It further
+ * implements techniques for finding modifications to the current candidate
+ * model in the case it can determine that a model exists. These include
+ * techniques based on solving (quadratic) equations and bound analysis.
+ */
+class NlModel
+ friend class NonlinearExtension;
+ public:
+ NlModel(context::Context* c);
+ ~NlModel();
+ /** reset
+ *
+ * This method is called once at the beginning of a last call effort check,
+ * where m is the model of the theory of arithmetic. This method resets the
+ * cache of computed model values.
+ */
+ void reset(TheoryModel* m, std::map<Node, Node>& arithModel);
+ /** reset check
+ *
+ * This method is called when the non-linear arithmetic solver restarts
+ * its computation of lemmas and models during a last call effort check.
+ */
+ void resetCheck();
+ /** compute model value
+ *
+ * This computes model values for terms based on two semantics, a "concrete"
+ * semantics and an "abstract" semantics.
+ *
+ * if isConcrete is true, this means compute the value of n based on its
+ * children recursively. (we call this its "concrete" value)
+ * if isConcrete is false, this means lookup the value of n in the model.
+ * (we call this its "abstract" value)
+ * In other words, !isConcrete treats multiplication terms and transcendental
+ * function applications as variables, whereas isConcrete computes their
+ * actual values based on the semantics of multiplication. This is a key
+ * distinction used in the model-based refinement scheme in Cimatti et al.
+ * TACAS 2017.
+ *
+ * For example, if M( a ) = 2, M( b ) = 3, M( a*b ) = 5, i.e. the variable
+ * for a*b has been assigned a value 5 by the linear solver, then :
+ *
+ * computeModelValue( a*b, true ) =
+ * computeModelValue( a, true )*computeModelValue( b, true ) = 2*3 = 6
+ * whereas:
+ * computeModelValue( a*b, false ) = 5
+ */
+ Node computeConcreteModelValue(Node n);
+ Node computeAbstractModelValue(Node n);
+ Node computeModelValue(Node n, bool isConcrete);
+ /** Compare arithmetic terms i and j based an ordering.
+ *
+ * This returns:
+ * -1 if i < j, 1 if i > j, or 0 if i == j
+ *
+ * If isConcrete is true, we consider the concrete model values of i and j,
+ * otherwise, we consider their abstract model values. For definitions of
+ * concrete vs abstract model values, see NlModel::computeModelValue.
+ *
+ * If isAbsolute is true, we compare the absolute value of thee above
+ * values.
+ */
+ int compare(Node i, Node j, bool isConcrete, bool isAbsolute);
+ /** Compare arithmetic terms i and j based an ordering.
+ *
+ * This returns:
+ * -1 if i < j, 1 if i > j, or 0 if i == j
+ *
+ * If isAbsolute is true, we compare the absolute value of i and j
+ */
+ int compareValue(Node i, Node j, bool isAbsolute) const;
+ //------------------------------ recording model substitutions and bounds
+ /** add check model substitution
+ *
+ * Adds the model substitution v -> s. This applies the substitution
+ * { v -> s } to each term in d_check_model_subs and adds v,s to
+ * d_check_model_vars and d_check_model_subs respectively.
+ * If this method returns false, then the substitution v -> s is inconsistent
+ * with the current substitution and bounds.
+ */
+ bool addCheckModelSubstitution(TNode v, TNode s);
+ /** add check model bound
+ *
+ * Adds the bound x -> < l, u > to the map above, and records the
+ * approximation ( x, l <= x <= u ) in the model. This method returns false
+ * if the bound is inconsistent with the current model substitution or
+ * bounds.
+ */
+ bool addCheckModelBound(TNode v, TNode l, TNode u);
+ /** has check model assignment
+ *
+ * Have we assigned v in the current checkModel(...) call?
+ *
+ * This method returns true if variable v is in the domain of
+ * d_check_model_bounds or if it occurs in d_check_model_vars.
+ */
+ bool hasCheckModelAssignment(Node v) const;
+ /** Check model
+ *
+ * Checks the current model based on solving for equalities, and using error
+ * bounds on the Taylor approximation.
+ *
+ * If this function returns true, then all assertions in the input argument
+ * "assertions" are satisfied for all interpretations of variables within
+ * their computed bounds (as stored in d_check_model_bounds).
+ *
+ * For details, see Section 3 of Cimatti et al CADE 2017 under the heading
+ * "Detecting Satisfiable Formulas".
+ *
+ * d is a degree indicating how precise our computations are.
+ */
+ bool checkModel(const std::vector<Node>& assertions,
+ const std::vector<Node>& false_asserts,
+ unsigned d,
+ std::vector<Node>& lemmas,
+ std::vector<Node>& gs);
+ /**
+ * Set that we have used an approximation during this check. This flag is
+ * reset on a call to resetCheck. It is set when we use reasoning that
+ * is limited by a degree of precision we are using. In other words, if we
+ * used an approximation, then we maybe could still establish a lemma or
+ * determine the input is SAT if we increased our precision.
+ */
+ void setUsedApproximate();
+ /** Did we use an approximation during this check? */
+ bool usedApproximate() const;
+ /** Set tautology
+ *
+ * This states that formula n is a tautology (satisfied in all models).
+ * We call this on internally generated lemmas. This method computes a
+ * set of literals that are implied by n, that are hence tautological
+ * as well, such as:
+ * l_pi <= real.pi <= u_pi (pi approximations)
+ * sin(x) = -1*sin(-x)
+ * where these literals are internally generated for the purposes
+ * of guiding the models of the linear solver.
+ *
+ * TODO (cvc4-projects #113: would be helpful if we could do this even
+ * more aggressively by ignoring all internally generated literals.
+ *
+ * Tautological literals do not need be checked during checkModel.
+ */
+ void addTautology(Node n);
+ //------------------------------ end recording model substitutions and bounds
+ /** print model value, for debugging.
+ *
+ * This prints both the abstract and concrete model values for arithmetic
+ * term n on Trace c with precision prec.
+ */
+ void printModelValue(const char* c, Node n, unsigned prec = 5) const;
+ /** get model value repair
+ *
+ * This gets mappings that indicate how to repair the model generated by the
+ * linear arithmetic solver. This method should be called after a successful
+ * call to checkModel above.
+ *
+ * The mapping arithModel is updated by this method to map arithmetic terms v
+ * to their (exact) value that was computed during checkModel; the mapping
+ * approximations is updated to store approximate values in the form of a
+ * pair (P, w), where P is a predicate that describes the possible values of
+ * v and w is a witness point that satisfies this predicate.
+ */
+ void getModelValueRepair(
+ std::map<Node, Node>& arithModel,
+ std::map<Node, std::pair<Node, Node>>& approximations);
+ private:
+ /** The current model */
+ TheoryModel* d_model;
+ /** Get the model value of n from the model object above */
+ Node getValueInternal(Node n) const;
+ /** Does the equality engine of the model have term n? */
+ bool hasTerm(Node n) const;
+ /** Get the representative of n in the model */
+ Node getRepresentative(Node n) const;
+ //---------------------------check model
+ /** solve equality simple
+ *
+ * This method is used during checkModel(...). It takes as input an
+ * equality eq. If it returns true, then eq is correct-by-construction based
+ * on the information stored in our model representation (see
+ * d_check_model_vars, d_check_model_subs, d_check_model_bounds), and eq
+ * is added to d_check_model_solved. The equality eq may involve any
+ * number of variables, and monomials of arbitrary degree. If this method
+ * returns false, then we did not show that the equality was true in the
+ * model. This method uses incomplete techniques based on interval
+ * analysis and quadratic equation solving.
+ *
+ * If it can be shown that the equality must be false in the current
+ * model, then we may add a lemma to lemmas explaining why this is the case.
+ * For instance, if eq reduces to a univariate quadratic equation with no
+ * root, we send a conflict clause of the form a*x^2 + b*x + c != 0.
+ */
+ bool solveEqualitySimple(Node eq, unsigned d, std::vector<Node>& lemmas);
+ /** simple check model for transcendental functions for literal
+ *
+ * This method returns true if literal is true for all interpretations of
+ * transcendental functions within their error bounds (as stored
+ * in d_check_model_bounds). This is determined by a simple under/over
+ * approximation of the value of sum of (linear) monomials. For example,
+ * if we determine that .8 < sin( 1 ) < .9, this function will return
+ * true for literals like:
+ * 2.0*sin( 1 ) > 1.5
+ * -1.0*sin( 1 ) < -0.79
+ * -1.0*sin( 1 ) > -0.91
+ * sin( 1 )*sin( 1 ) + sin( 1 ) > 0.0
+ * It will return false for literals like:
+ * sin( 1 ) > 0.85
+ * It will also return false for literals like:
+ * -0.3*sin( 1 )*sin( 2 ) + sin( 2 ) > .7
+ * sin( sin( 1 ) ) > .5
+ * since the bounds on these terms cannot quickly be determined.
+ */
+ bool simpleCheckModelLit(Node lit);
+ bool simpleCheckModelMsum(const std::map<Node, Node>& msum, bool pol);
+ //---------------------------end check model
+ /** get approximate sqrt
+ *
+ * This approximates the square root of positive constant c. If this method
+ * returns true, then l and u are updated to constants such that
+ * l <= sqrt( c ) <= u
+ * The argument iter is the number of iterations in the binary search to
+ * perform. By default, this is set to 15, which is usually enough to be
+ * precise in the majority of simple cases, whereas not prohibitively
+ * expensive to compute.
+ */
+ bool getApproximateSqrt(Node c, Node& l, Node& u, unsigned iter = 15) const;
+ /** commonly used terms */
+ Node d_zero;
+ Node d_one;
+ Node d_two;
+ Node d_true;
+ Node d_false;
+ Node d_null;
+ /**
+ * The values that the arithmetic theory solver assigned in the model. This
+ * corresponds to exactly the set of equalities that TheoryArith is currently
+ * sending to TheoryModel during collectModelInfo.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_arithVal;
+ /** cache of model values
+ *
+ * Stores the the concrete/abstract model values. This is a cache of the
+ * computeModelValue method.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, Node> d_mv[2];
+ /**
+ * A substitution from variables that appear in assertions to a solved form
+ * term. These vectors are ordered in the form:
+ * x_1 -> t_1 ... x_n -> t_n
+ * where x_i is not in the free variables of t_j for j>=i.
+ */
+ std::vector<Node> d_check_model_vars;
+ std::vector<Node> d_check_model_subs;
+ /** lower and upper bounds for check model
+ *
+ * For each term t in the domain of this map, if this stores the pair
+ * (c_l, c_u) then the model M is such that c_l <= M( t ) <= c_u.
+ *
+ * We add terms whose value is approximated in the model to this map, which
+ * includes:
+ * (1) applications of transcendental functions, whose value is approximated
+ * by the Taylor series,
+ * (2) variables we have solved quadratic equations for, whose value
+ * involves approximations of square roots.
+ */
+ std::map<Node, std::pair<Node, Node>> d_check_model_bounds;
+ /**
+ * The map from literals that our model construction solved, to the variable
+ * that was solved for. Examples of such literals are:
+ * (1) Equalities x = t, which we turned into a model substitution x -> t,
+ * where x not in FV( t ), and
+ * (2) Equalities a*x*x + b*x + c = 0, which we turned into a model bound
+ * -b+s*sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)/2a - E <= x <= -b+s*sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)/2a + E.
+ *
+ * These literals are exempt from check-model, since they are satisfied by
+ * definition of our model construction.
+ */
+ std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> d_check_model_solved;
+ /** did we use an approximation on this call to last-call effort? */
+ bool d_used_approx;
+ /** the set of all tautological literals */
+ std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> d_tautology;
+}; /* class NlModel */
+} // namespace nl
+} // namespace arith
+} // namespace theory
+} // namespace CVC4
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