path: root/src/proof/conv_proof_generator.h
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diff --git a/src/proof/conv_proof_generator.h b/src/proof/conv_proof_generator.h
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+ * Top contributors (to current version):
+ * Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer
+ *
+ * This file is part of the cvc5 project.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ * in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
+ * All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ * directory for licensing information.
+ * ****************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Term conversion proof generator utility.
+ */
+#include "cvc5_private.h"
+#include "context/cdhashmap.h"
+#include "proof/lazy_proof.h"
+#include "proof/proof_generator.h"
+namespace cvc5 {
+class ProofNodeManager;
+class TermContext;
+/** A policy for how rewrite steps are applied in TConvProofGenerator */
+enum class TConvPolicy : uint32_t
+ // steps are applied to fix-point, common use case is PfRule::REWRITE
+ // steps are applied once at pre-rewrite, common use case is PfRule::SUBS
+/** Writes a term conversion policy name to a stream. */
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, TConvPolicy tcpol);
+/** A policy for how proofs are cached in TConvProofGenerator */
+enum class TConvCachePolicy : uint32_t
+ // proofs are statically cached
+ // proofs are dynamically cached, cleared when a new rewrite is added
+ // proofs are never cached
+/** Writes a term conversion cache policy name to a stream. */
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, TConvCachePolicy tcpol);
+ * The term conversion proof generator.
+ *
+ * This class is used for proofs of t = t', where t' is obtained from t by
+ * applying (context-free) small step rewrites on subterms of t. Its main
+ * interface functions are:
+ * (1) addRewriteStep(t,s,<justification>) which notifies this class that t
+ * rewrites to s, where justification is either a proof generator or proof
+ * step,
+ * (2) getProofFor(f) where f is any equality that can be justified by the
+ * rewrite steps given above.
+ *
+ * For example, say we make the following calls:
+ * addRewriteStep(a,b,P1)
+ * addRewriteStep(f(a),c,P2)
+ * addRewriteStep(c,d,P3)
+ * where P1 and P2 are proof steps. Afterwards, this class may justify any
+ * equality t = s where s is obtained by applying the rewrites a->b, f(a)->c,
+ * c->d, based on the strategy outlined below [***]. For example, the call to:
+ * getProofFor(g(f(a),h(a),f(e)) = g(d,h(b),f(e)))
+ * will return the proof:
+ * CONG(
+ * TRANS(P2,P3), ; f(a)=d
+ * CONG(P1 :args h), ; h(a)=h(b)
+ * REFL(:args f(e)) ; f(e)=f(e)
+ * :args g)
+ *
+ * [***] This class traverses the left hand side of a given equality-to-prove
+ * (the term g(f(a),h(a),e) in the above example) and "replays" the rewrite
+ * steps to obtain its rewritten form. To do so, it applies any available
+ * rewrite step at pre-rewrite (pre-order traversal) and post-rewrite
+ * (post-order traversal) based on whether the user specified pre-rewrite or a
+ * post-rewrite during addRewriteStep.
+ *
+ * This class may additionally be used for term-context-sensitive rewrite
+ * systems. An example is the term formula removal pass which rewrites
+ * terms dependending on whether they occur in a "term position", for details
+ * see RtfTermContext in expr/term_context.h. To use this class in a way
+ * that takes into account term contexts, the user of the term conversion
+ * proof generator should:
+ * (1) Provide a term context callback to the constructor of this class (tccb),
+ * (2) Register rewrite steps that indicate the term context identifier of
+ * the rewrite, which is a uint32_t.
+ *
+ * For example, RtfTermContext uses hash value 2 to indicate we are in a "term
+ * position". Say the user of this class calls:
+ * addRewriteStep( (and A B), BOOLEAN_TERM_VARIABLE_1, pg, true, 2)
+ * This indicates that (and A B) should rewrite to BOOLEAN_TERM_VARIABLE_1 if
+ * (and A B) occurs in a term position, where pg is a proof generator that can
+ * provide a closed proof of:
+ * Subsequently, this class may respond to a call to getProofFor on:
+ * (=
+ * (or (and A B) (P (and A B)))
+ * (or (and A B) (P BOOLEAN_TERM_VARIABLE_1)))
+ * where P is a predicate Bool -> Bool. The proof returned by this class
+ * involves congruence and pg's proof of the equivalence above. In particular,
+ * assuming its proof of the equivalence is P1, this proof is:
+ * (CONG{=} (CONG{or} (REFL (and A B)) (CONG{P} P1)))
+ * Notice the callback provided to this class ensures that the rewrite is
+ * replayed in the expected way, e.g. the occurrence of (and A B) that is not
+ * in term position is not rewritten.
+ */
+class TConvProofGenerator : public ProofGenerator
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor, which notice does fixpoint rewriting (since this is the
+ * most common use case) and never caches.
+ *
+ * @param pnm The proof node manager for constructing ProofNode objects.
+ * @param c The context that this class depends on. If none is provided,
+ * this class is context-independent.
+ * @param tpol The policy for applying rewrite steps of this class. For
+ * details, see d_policy.
+ * @param cpol The caching policy for this generator.
+ * @param name The name of this generator (for debugging).
+ * @param tccb The term context callback that this class depends on. If this
+ * is non-null, then this class stores a term-context-sensitive rewrite
+ * system. The rewrite steps should be given term context identifiers.
+ */
+ TConvProofGenerator(ProofNodeManager* pnm,
+ context::Context* c = nullptr,
+ TConvPolicy pol = TConvPolicy::FIXPOINT,
+ TConvCachePolicy cpol = TConvCachePolicy::NEVER,
+ std::string name = "TConvProofGenerator",
+ TermContext* tccb = nullptr,
+ bool rewriteOps = false);
+ ~TConvProofGenerator();
+ /**
+ * Add rewrite step t --> s based on proof generator.
+ *
+ * @param isPre Whether the rewrite is applied at prerewrite (pre-order
+ * traversal).
+ * @param trustId If a null proof generator is provided, we add a step to
+ * the proof that has trustId as the rule and expected as the sole argument.
+ * @param isClosed whether to expect that pg can provide a closed proof for
+ * this fact.
+ * @param tctx The term context identifier for the rewrite step. This
+ * value should correspond to one generated by the term context callback
+ * class provided in the argument tccb provided to the constructor of this
+ * class.
+ */
+ void addRewriteStep(Node t,
+ Node s,
+ ProofGenerator* pg,
+ bool isPre = false,
+ PfRule trustId = PfRule::ASSUME,
+ bool isClosed = false,
+ uint32_t tctx = 0);
+ /** Same as above, for a single step */
+ void addRewriteStep(
+ Node t, Node s, ProofStep ps, bool isPre = false, uint32_t tctx = 0);
+ /** Same as above, with explicit arguments */
+ void addRewriteStep(Node t,
+ Node s,
+ PfRule id,
+ const std::vector<Node>& children,
+ const std::vector<Node>& args,
+ bool isPre = false,
+ uint32_t tctx = 0);
+ /** Has rewrite step for term t */
+ bool hasRewriteStep(Node t, uint32_t tctx = 0, bool isPre = false) const;
+ /**
+ * Get rewrite step for term t, returns the s provided in a call to
+ * addRewriteStep if one exists, or null otherwise.
+ */
+ Node getRewriteStep(Node t, uint32_t tctx = 0, bool isPre = false) const;
+ /**
+ * Get the proof for formula f. It should be the case that f is of the form
+ * t = t', where t' is the result of rewriting t based on the rewrite steps
+ * registered to this class.
+ *
+ * @param f The equality fact to get the proof for.
+ * @return The proof for f.
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> getProofFor(Node f) override;
+ /** Identify this generator (for debugging, etc..) */
+ std::string identify() const override;
+ /**
+ * Get the proof for how term n would rewrite. This is in contrast to the
+ * above method where the user provides an equality (= n n'). The motivation
+ * for this method is when it may be expensive to compute n', and hence it
+ * is preferred that the proof checker computes the rewritten form of
+ * n, instead of verifying that n has rewritten form n'.
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> getProofForRewriting(Node n);
+ protected:
+ typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, Node> NodeNodeMap;
+ /** A dummy context used by this class if none is provided */
+ context::Context d_context;
+ /** The (lazy) context dependent proof object. */
+ LazyCDProof d_proof;
+ /** map to rewritten forms */
+ NodeNodeMap d_preRewriteMap;
+ NodeNodeMap d_postRewriteMap;
+ /**
+ * Policy for how rewrites are applied to terms. As a simple example, say we
+ * have registered the rewrite steps:
+ * addRewriteStep( a, f(c), p1 )
+ * addRewriteStep( c, d, p2 )
+ * Then getProofForRewriting(f(a,c),pf) returns a proof of:
+ * f(a,c) = f(f(d),d) if d_policy is FIXPOINT,
+ * f(a,c) = f(f(c),d) if d_policy is ONCE.
+ */
+ TConvPolicy d_policy;
+ /** The cache policy */
+ TConvCachePolicy d_cpolicy;
+ /** Name identifier */
+ std::string d_name;
+ /** The cache for terms */
+ std::map<Node, std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> > d_cache;
+ /** An (optional) term context object */
+ TermContext* d_tcontext;
+ /**
+ * Whether we rewrite operators. If this flag is true, then the main
+ * traversal algorithm of this proof generator traverses operators of
+ * APPLY_UF and uses HO_CONG to justify rewriting of subterms when necessary.
+ */
+ bool d_rewriteOps;
+ /** Get rewrite step for (hash value of) term. */
+ Node getRewriteStepInternal(Node thash, bool isPre) const;
+ /**
+ * Adds a proof of t = t' to the proof pf where t' is the result of rewriting
+ * t based on the rewrite steps registered to this class. This method then
+ * returns the proved equality t = t'.
+ */
+ Node getProofForRewriting(Node t, LazyCDProof& pf, TermContext* tc = nullptr);
+ /**
+ * Register rewrite step, returns the equality t=s if t is distinct from s
+ * and a rewrite step has not already been registered for t.
+ */
+ Node registerRewriteStep(Node t, Node s, uint32_t tctx, bool isPre);
+ /** cache that r is the rewritten form of cur, pf can provide a proof */
+ void doCache(Node curHash, Node cur, Node r, LazyCDProof& pf);
+ /** get debug information on this generator */
+ std::string toStringDebug() const;
+} // namespace cvc5
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