path: root/proofs/lfsc
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Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/lfsc')
8 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/arith_programs.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/arith_programs.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..219bbe326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/arith_programs.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+; depends: theory_def.plf
+; get the relation symbol from f, for example for (a.>= t1 t2), return a.>=
+(program sc_arith_get_rel ((f term)) term
+ (match f ((apply f1 f2) (match f1 ((apply f11 f12) f11)))))
+; get the left hand side of a relation, for example for (a.>= t1 t2), return t1
+(program sc_arith_get_lhs ((f term)) term
+ (match f ((apply f1 f2) (match f1 ((apply f11 f12) f12)))))
+; get the right hand side of a relation, for example for (a.>= t1 t2), return t2
+(program sc_arith_get_rhs ((f term)) term
+ (match f ((apply f1 f2) (match f1 ((apply f11 f12) f2)))))
+; Get the relation entailed by summing two arithmetic relations.
+; This side condition handles lower bounds only.
+; Note that = summed with = is <= to match internal calculus, although it could
+; be =.
+(program sc_arith_sum_rels ((r1 term) (r2 term)) term
+ (match r1
+ (f_a.< f_a.<)
+ (default
+ (match r2
+ (f_a.< f_a.<)
+ (f_a.<= f_a.<=)
+ (f_= f_a.<=)))))
+; Get the inverse relation for r, i.e. flips left and right hand side.
+(program sc_arith_rel_inv ((r term)) term
+ (match r
+ (f_= f_=)
+ (f_a.< f_a.>)
+ (f_a.> f_a.<)
+ (f_a.<= f_a.>=)
+ (f_a.>= f_a.<=)))
+; Get the negated relation for r, i.e. is equivalent to negating the relation.
+(program sc_arith_rel_neg ((r term)) term
+ (match r
+ (f_a.< f_a.>=)
+ (f_a.> f_a.<=)
+ (f_a.<= f_a.>)
+ (f_a.>= f_a.<)))
+; A helper for computing the conclusion relation used in the rule
+; PfRule::ARITH_TRICHOTOMY. For relations r1 and r2, this returns the
+; third possibility for the relationship between two arithmetic terms.
+(program sc_arith_rel_trichotomy ((r1 term) (r2 term)) term
+ (match r1
+ (f_= (match r2 (f_a.> f_a.<) (f_a.< f_a.>)))
+ (f_a.> (match r2 (f_= f_a.<) (f_a.< f_=)))
+ (f_a.< (match r2 (f_= f_a.>) (f_a.> f_=)))))
+; Add term for t1 and t2. Assumes t2 in n-ary form.
+(program sc_arith_add_nary ((t1 term) (t2 term)) term
+ (a.+ t1 t2))
+; Multiply term for t1 and t2, where t2 is not in n-ary form.
+(program sc_arith_mult ((t1 term) (t2 term)) term
+ (a.* t1 (a.* t2 (int 1))))
+; Returns (> t 0).
+(program sc_arith_>_zero ((t term)) term
+ (a.> t (int 0)))
+; Returns (< t 0).
+(program sc_arith_<_zero ((t term)) term
+ (a.< t (int 0)))
+; Get relation for the negation of arithmetic literal f.
+(program sc_arith_get_rel_neg ((f term)) term
+ (match f
+ ((apply f1 f2)
+ (ifequal f1 f_not
+ (sc_arith_get_rel f2)
+ (sc_arith_rel_neg (sc_arith_get_rel f))))))
+; Get the atom for possibly negated arithmetic literal f.
+(program sc_arith_get_atom ((f term)) term
+ (match f ((apply f1 f2) (ifequal f1 f_not f2 f))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/arith_rules.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/arith_rules.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..850c2b5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/arith_rules.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+; depends: arith_programs.plf
+; Computes the conclusion of the PfRule::ARITH_SUM_UB rule.
+; Note that f2 is a a.+ application in n-ary form.
+(program sc_arith_sum_ub ((f1 term) (f2 term)) term
+ (let r1 (sc_arith_get_rel f1)
+ (let lhs1 (sc_arith_get_lhs f1)
+ (let rhs1 (sc_arith_get_rhs f1)
+ (let r2 (sc_arith_get_rel f2)
+ (let lhs2 (sc_arith_get_lhs f2)
+ (let rhs2 (sc_arith_get_rhs f2)
+ (apply (apply (sc_arith_sum_rels r1 r2) (sc_arith_add_nary lhs1 lhs2)) (sc_arith_add_nary rhs1 rhs2)))))))))
+(declare arith_sum_ub
+ (! f1 term
+ (! f2 term
+ (! res term
+ (! p (holds f1)
+ (! p (holds f2)
+ (! r (^ (sc_arith_sum_ub f1 f2) res)
+ (holds res))))))))
+; Computes the conclusion of the PfRule::ARITH_MULT_POS rule.
+(program sc_arith_mult_pos ((m term) (f term)) term
+ (let r (sc_arith_get_rel f)
+ (let lhs (sc_arith_get_lhs f)
+ (let rhs (sc_arith_get_rhs f)
+ (=> (and (sc_arith_>_zero m) (and f true))
+ (apply (apply r (sc_arith_mult m lhs)) (sc_arith_mult m rhs)))))))
+(declare arith_mult_pos
+ (! res term
+ (! m term
+ (! f term
+ (! r (^ (sc_arith_mult_pos m f) res)
+ (holds res))))))
+; Computes the conclusion of the PfRule::ARITH_MULT_NEG rule.
+(program sc_arith_mult_neg ((m term) (f term)) term
+ (let r (sc_arith_get_rel f)
+ (let lhs (sc_arith_get_lhs f)
+ (let rhs (sc_arith_get_rhs f)
+ (=> (and (sc_arith_<_zero m) (and f true))
+ (apply (apply (sc_arith_rel_inv r) (sc_arith_mult m lhs)) (sc_arith_mult m rhs)))))))
+(declare arith_mult_neg
+ (! res term
+ (! m term
+ (! f term
+ (! r (^ (sc_arith_mult_neg m f) res)
+ (holds res))))))
+; Computes the conclusion of the PfRule::ARITH_TRICHOTOMY rule.
+(program sc_arith_trichotomy ((f1 term) (f2 term)) term
+ (let r1 (sc_arith_get_rel_neg f1)
+ (let a1 (sc_arith_get_atom f1)
+ (let lhs1 (sc_arith_get_lhs a1)
+ (let rhs1 (sc_arith_get_rhs a1)
+ (let r2 (sc_arith_get_rel_neg f2)
+ (let a2 (sc_arith_get_atom f1)
+ (let lhs2 (sc_arith_get_lhs a2)
+ (let rhs2 (sc_arith_get_rhs a2)
+ (ifequal lhs1 lhs2
+ (ifequal rhs1 rhs2
+ (apply (apply (sc_arith_rel_trichotomy r1 r2) lhs1) rhs1)
+ (fail term))
+ (fail term)))))))))))
+(declare arith_trichotomy
+ (! res term
+ (! f1 term
+ (! f2 term
+ (! p (holds f1)
+ (! p (holds f2)
+ (! r (^ (sc_arith_trichotomy f1 f2) res)
+ (holds res))))))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/boolean_programs.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/boolean_programs.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eecc71a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/boolean_programs.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+; depends: nary_programs.plf theory_def.plf
+; This side condition takes two terms c1 and c2. Via nary_intro,
+; we consider theses terms to be either non-unit clauses if they are
+; or-applications, or otherwise consider them to be unit clauses if they are
+; not. For example, if c1 is (= x y), then (nary_intro f_or c1 false) returns
+; (or (= x y) false)
+; which we use to compute the concatenation described in following. After
+; converting to n-ary form for both c1 and c2, we then concatenate the result
+; of removing the first occurrence of l from c1, and the first occurrence of the negation of l from v2
+; when pol is tt, or vice versa when pol is ff. Since the resolution may result
+; in a singleton list, we run nary_elim as a last step, which ensures that
+; we conclude e.g. L and not (or L false), as done in PfRule::RESOLUTION.
+; This side condition may fail if c1 or c2 does not contain l with the required
+; polarity.
+(program sc_resolution ((c1 term) (c2 term) (pol flag) (l term)) term
+ (nary_elim f_or
+ (nary_concat f_or
+ (nary_rm_first_or_self f_or (nary_intro f_or c1 false) (ifequal pol tt l (apply f_not l)) false)
+ (nary_rm_first_or_self f_or (nary_intro f_or c2 false) (ifequal pol tt (apply f_not l) l) false)
+ false)
+ false)
+; Helper for sc_not_and below, which pushes a not below an application of and.
+; In terms of SMT-LIB, this side condition converts:
+; (and F1 ... Fn) to (or (not F1) ... (not Fn))
+; This side condition may fail if t is not an and-application in n-ary form.
+(program sc_not_and_rec ((t term)) term
+ (match t
+ ((apply t1 t2)
+ (let t12 (getarg f_and t1)
+ (apply (apply f_or (apply f_not t12)) (sc_not_and_rec t2)))) ; otherwise not in n-ary form
+ (true false)) ; note we must flip true to false
+; Pushes a not below an application of and. In terms of SMT-LIB syntax, this
+; side condition converts:
+; (not (and F1 ... Fn)) to (or (not F1) ... (not Fn))
+(program sc_not_and ((t term)) term
+ (nary_elim f_or (sc_not_and_rec t) false)
+; Helper for sc_not_and_rev, which is the inverse of sc_not_and.
+; (or (not F1) ... (not Fn)) to (and F1 ... Fn)
+; This side condition may fail if t is not an or-application in n-ary form.
+(program sc_not_and_rev_rec ((t term)) term
+ (match t
+ ((apply t1 t2)
+ (let t12 (getarg f_or t1)
+ (let t122 (getarg f_not t12)
+ (apply (apply f_and t122) (sc_not_and_rev_rec t2))))) ; otherwise not in n-ary form
+ (false true)) ; note we must flip true to false
+; Pulls not from a list of children of an or-application. In terms of SMT-LIB
+; syntax, this side condition converts:
+; (or (not F1) ... (not Fn)) to (and F1 ... Fn)
+(program sc_not_and_rev ((t term)) term
+ (nary_elim f_and (sc_not_and_rev_rec t) true)
+; Process scope side condition. This side condition is used for constructing the
+; proven formula for the two cases of PfRule::SCOPE. In particular, it takes:
+; - a term t which is expected to be an or-application
+; - a term c which is expected to be a suffix of t.
+; It may conclude an implication, or the negation of t, based on whether c
+; is false, according to the definition of PfRule::SCOPE.
+; This side condition may fail if t and c do not have the above properties.
+(program sc_process_scope ((t term) (c term)) term
+ (let premise (sc_not_and_rev (nary_truncate f_or t c false))
+ (match c
+ (false (not premise))
+ (default (=> premise c)))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/boolean_rules.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/boolean_rules.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af16af1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/boolean_rules.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+; depends: boolean_programs.plf theory_def.plf
+(declare resolution (! c1 term (! c2 term (! c term (! p1 (holds c1) (! p2 (holds c2) (! pol flag (! l term (! r (^ (sc_resolution c1 c2 pol l) c) (holds c))))))))))
+(declare reordering (! c1 term (! c2 term (! p1 (holds c1) (! r (^ (nary_is_subset f_or c1 c2) tt) (holds c2))))))
+(declare factoring (! c1 term (! c2 term (! p1 (holds c1) (! r (^ (nary_drop_dups f_or c1 false) c2) (holds c2))))))
+(declare split (! f term (holds (or f (or (not f) false)))))
+(declare eq_resolve (! f term (! g term (! p1 (holds f) (! p2 (holds (= f g)) (holds g))))))
+(declare modus_ponens (! f term (! g term (! p1 (holds f) (! p2 (holds (=> f g)) (holds g))))))
+(declare not_not_elim (! f term (! p (holds (not (not f))) (holds f))))
+(declare contra (! f term (! p1 (holds f) (! p2 (holds (not f)) (holds false)))))
+(declare and_elim (! f1 term (! f2 term (! n mpz (! p (holds f1) (! r (^ (nary_extract f_and f1 n) f2) (holds f2)))))))
+; And introduction. Since PfRule::AND_INTRO is n-ary, we require n applications
+; of the following two rules. The proof (AND_INTRO P1 ... Pn) is translated to
+; the LFSC proof: (and_intro2* _ _ P{n-1} (and_intro1 _ Pn)).
+(declare and_intro1 (! f term (! p (holds f) (holds (and f true)))))
+(declare and_intro2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds f1) (! p2 (holds f2) (holds (and f1 f2)))))))
+(declare not_or_elim (! f1 term (! f2 term (! n mpz (! p (holds (not f1)) (! r (^ (nary_extract f_or f1 n) f2) (holds (not f2))))))))
+(declare implies_elim (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (=> f1 f2)) (holds (or (not f1) (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare not_implies_elim1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (=> f1 f2))) (holds f1)))))
+(declare not_implies_elim2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (=> f1 f2))) (holds (not f2))))))
+(declare equiv_elim1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (= f1 f2)) (holds (or (not f1) (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare equiv_elim2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (= f1 f2)) (holds (or f1 (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare not_equiv_elim1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (= f1 f2))) (holds (or f1 (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare not_equiv_elim2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (= f1 f2))) (holds (or (not f1) (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare xor_elim1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (xor f1 f2)) (holds (or f1 (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare xor_elim2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (xor f1 f2)) (holds (or (not f1) (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare not_xor_elim1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (xor f1 f2))) (holds (or f1 (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare not_xor_elim2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (xor f1 f2))) (holds (or (not f1) (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare ite_elim1 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (ite c f1 f2)) (holds (or (not c) (or f1 false))))))))
+(declare ite_elim2 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (ite c f1 f2)) (holds (or c (or f2 false))))))))
+(declare not_ite_elim1 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (ite c f1 f2))) (holds (or (not c) (or (not f1) false))))))))
+(declare not_ite_elim2 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (! p1 (holds (not (ite c f1 f2))) (holds (or c (or (not f2) false))))))))
+(declare not_and (! c1 term (! c2 term (! p1 (holds (not c1)) (! r (^ (sc_not_and c1) c2) (holds c2))))))
+(declare not_and_rev (! c1 term (! c2 term (! p1 (holds c1) (! r (^ (sc_not_and_rev c1) c2) (holds (not c2)))))))
+; Process scope, which is used to translate PfRule::SCOPE. It runs the side
+; condition sc_process_scope on f to generate an equivalent formula g.
+(declare process_scope (! f term (! g term (! c term (! p1 (holds f) (! r (^ (sc_process_scope f c) g) (holds g))))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/cnf_rules.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/cnf_rules.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c593a0a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/cnf_rules.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+; depends: boolean_programs.plf theory_def.plf
+(declare cnf_and_pos (! f1 term (! f2 term (! n mpz (! r (^ (nary_extract f_and f2 n) f1) (holds (or (not f2) (or f1 false))))))))
+; Note that we do not add a null terminator, since f1 is null terminated.
+(declare cnf_and_neg (! f1 term (! f2 term (! r (^ (sc_not_and_rec f2) f1) (holds (or f2 f1))))))
+(declare cnf_or_pos (! f term (holds (or (not f) f))))
+(declare cnf_or_neg (! f1 term (! f2 term (! n mpz (! r (^ (nary_extract f_or f2 n) f1) (holds (or f2 (or (not f1) false))))))))
+(declare cnf_implies_pos (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (=> f1 f2)) (or (not f1) (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_implies_neg1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (=> f1 f2) (or f1 false))))))
+(declare cnf_implies_neg2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (=> f1 f2) (or (not f2) false))))))
+(declare cnf_equiv_pos1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (= f1 f2)) (or (not f1) (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_equiv_pos2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (= f1 f2)) (or f1 (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare cnf_equiv_neg1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (= f1 f2) (or f1 (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_equiv_neg2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (= f1 f2) (or (not f1) (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare cnf_xor_pos1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (xor f1 f2)) (or f1 (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_xor_pos2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (xor f1 f2)) (or (not f1) (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare cnf_xor_neg1 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (xor f1 f2) (or (not f1) (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_xor_neg2 (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (xor f1 f2) (or f1 (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare cnf_ite_pos1 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (ite c f1 f2)) (or (not c) (or f1 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_ite_pos2 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (ite c f1 f2)) (or c (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_ite_pos3 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (not (ite c f1 f2)) (or f1 (or f2 false)))))))
+(declare cnf_ite_neg1 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (ite c f1 f2) (or (not c) (or (not f1) false)))))))
+(declare cnf_ite_neg2 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (ite c f1 f2) (or c (or (not f2) false)))))))
+(declare cnf_ite_neg3 (! c term (! f1 term (! f2 term (holds (or (ite c f1 f2) (or (not f1) (or (not f2) false)))))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/equality_rules.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/equality_rules.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3144294d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/equality_rules.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+; depends: theory_def.plf
+; The following encodes the proof rules for the theory of equality in the
+; internal proof calculus of cvc5 (see src/proof/proof_rule.h). Rules from
+; that calculus are referenced by PfRule::NAME, where NAME is the name of the
+; identifier in the PfRule enumeration (see src/proof/proof_rule.h). For this
+; and other theory signature definitions, unless otherwise stated, we use a
+; naming convention in which the corresponding LFSC rule is the same as the
+; PfRule, but converted to lower case. For example, `refl` corresponds to the
+; LFSC encoding of PfRule::REFL. We provide documentation when the proof rule
+; differs from the original PfRule.
+(declare refl (! t term (holds (= t t))))
+; symm is a special case of PfRule::SYMM that is applied only to equalties.
+(declare symm (! s term
+ (! t term
+ (! u (holds (= s t))
+ (holds (= t s))))))
+; neg_symm is a special case of PfRule::SYMM that is applied only to disequalties,
+; i.e. negated equalities.
+(declare neg_symm (! s term
+ (! t term
+ (! u (holds (not (= s t)))
+ (holds (not (= t s)))))))
+(declare trans (! t1 term
+ (! t2 term
+ (! t3 term
+ (! u1 (holds (= t1 t2))
+ (! u2 (holds (= t2 t3))
+ (holds (= t1 t3))))))))
+; In LFSC, congruence is applied to higher-order apply only. Thus, when
+; applying congruence to n-ary symbols, we curry the applications of congruence
+; e.g. consider (cong _ _ _ _ (cong _ _ _ _ P1 P2) P3)
+; where P1 proves (= f g), P2 proves (= a b), P3 proves (= c d). The above
+; proof proves (= (apply (apply f a) c) (apply (apply f b) d)), where assuming
+; f is binary, is the LFSC encoding of the SMT-LIB equality (= (f a c) (f b d)).
+(declare cong (! a1 term
+ (! b1 term
+ (! a2 term
+ (! b2 term
+ (! u1 (holds (= a1 b1))
+ (! u2 (holds (= a2 b2))
+ (holds (= (apply a1 a2) (apply b1 b2))))))))))
+(declare true_intro (! f term
+ (! u (holds f)
+ (holds (= f true)))))
+(declare true_elim (! f term
+ (! u (holds (= f true))
+ (holds f))))
+(declare false_intro (! f term
+ (! u (holds (not f))
+ (holds (= f false)))))
+(declare false_elim (! f term
+ (! u (holds (= f false))
+ (holds (not f)))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/quantifiers_rules.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/quantifiers_rules.plf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bdd6539c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/quantifiers_rules.plf
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+; depends: theory_def.plf util_defs.plf
+; Substitute, which returns the result of replacing all occurrences of the
+; bound variable whose identifier is v with the term s. It is the responsibility
+; of the caller to ensure that all occurrences of (bvar v u) in t are such that
+; u is the sort of s. Otherwise, this will return a term that is not well
+; sorted.
+(program sc_substitute ((t term) (v mpz) (s term)) term
+ (match t
+ ((bvar v1 u1) (mpz_ifequal v v1 s t))
+ ((apply t1 t2) (apply (sc_substitute t1 v s) (sc_substitute t2 v s)))
+ (default t)
+ ))
+; Concludes the instantiation for the term of the outermost quantifier in the
+; rule PfRule::INSTANTIATE. We do not enforce type checking of term s
+; currently, which should be of sort u.
+(declare instantiate (! body term
+ (! v mpz
+ (! u sort
+ (! s term
+ (! bodyi term
+ (! p (holds (forall v u body))
+ (! r (^ (sc_substitute body v s) bodyi)
+ (holds bodyi)))))))))
+; Concludes the skolemization for the term of the outermost quantifier in the
+; rule PfRule::SKOLEMIZE.
+(declare skolemize (! body term
+ (! v mpz
+ (! s sort
+ (! bodyi term
+ (! p (holds (exists v s body))
+ (! r (^ (sc_substitute body v (skolem (witness v s body))) bodyi)
+ (holds bodyi))))))))
+; We do not enforce type checking of s currently, which should be of
+; sort u.
+(declare exists_intro (! bodyi term
+ (! v mpz
+ (! u sort
+ (! s term
+ (! body term
+ (! p (holds bodyi)
+ (! r (^ (sc_substitute body v s) bodyi)
+ (holds (exists v u body)))))))))
+(declare skolem_intro (! u term
+ (! t term
+ (! r (^ (sc_mk_skolem t) u)
+ (holds (= u t))))))
diff --git a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/util_defs.plf b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/util_defs.plf
index 5639cc54e..8d1793666 100644
--- a/proofs/lfsc/signatures/util_defs.plf
+++ b/proofs/lfsc/signatures/util_defs.plf
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
(declare bvn bitvec)
(declare bvc (! b bit (! v bitvec bitvec)))
+; Returns term t if v1 = v2, and term s otherwise.
+(program mpz_ifequal ((v1 mpz) (v2 mpz) (t term) (s term)) term
+ (mp_ifzero (mp_add (mp_neg v1) v2) t s)
;; ---- Side conditions
; Get the argument from an f-application t, fail if t is not an f-application.
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