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2 files changed, 92 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.cpp b/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.cpp
index 6c9a2f7e5..60285a609 100644
--- a/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.cpp
+++ b/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.cpp
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ IdlExtension::IdlExtension(Env& env, TheoryArith& parent)
- d_matrix(context()),
- d_facts(context()),
+ d_edges(context()),
d_dirty(context(), false),
@@ -57,11 +56,33 @@ IdlExtension::~IdlExtension() {
// }
+ // TODO: Rest if necessary
void IdlExtension::preRegisterTerm(TNode node)
Assert(d_numVars == 0);
+ if (node.getKind() == kind::MINUS && node[0].isVar() && node[1].isVar()) {
+ size_t idx_src = d_varMap[node[0]],
+ idx_dst = d_varMap[node[1]];
+ // Extend the relevant matrices.
+ d_matrix[idx_src].resize(d_varMap.size(), nullptr);
+ d_matrix[idx_dst].resize(d_varMap.size(), nullptr);
+ d_facts[idx_src].resize(d_varMap.size(), nullptr);
+ d_facts[idx_dst].resize(d_varMap.size(), nullptr);
+ d_adj[idx_src].resize(d_varMap.size(), nullptr);
+ d_adj[idx_dst].resize(d_varMap.size(), nullptr);
+ // src->dst
+ d_overapprox_adj_set[idx_src].emplace(idx_dst);
+ d_matrix[idx_src][idx_dst] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO<Integer>(context());
+ d_facts[idx_src][idx_dst] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO<TNode>(context());
+ d_adj[idx_src][idx_dst] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO<bool>(context());
+ // dst->src
+ d_overapprox_adj_set[idx_dst].emplace(idx_src);
+ d_matrix[idx_dst][idx_src] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO<Integer>(context());
+ d_facts[idx_dst][idx_src] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO<TNode>(context());
+ d_adj[idx_dst][idx_src] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO<bool>(context());
+ }
if (node.isVar())
@@ -71,6 +92,10 @@ void IdlExtension::preRegisterTerm(TNode node)
d_varMap[node] = size;
+ d_matrix.emplace_back();
+ d_facts.emplace_back();
+ d_overapprox_adj_set.emplace_back();
+ d_adj.emplace_back();
@@ -82,8 +107,11 @@ void IdlExtension::presolve()
for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars; i++) {
- d_dist[i] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO(context(), Integer());
- d_pred[i] = new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO(context(), i);
+ d_dist.push_back(new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO(context(), Integer()));
+ d_pred.push_back(new(context()->getCMM()) context::CDO(context(), i));
+ d_matrix[i].resize(d_numVars, nullptr);
+ d_facts[i].resize(d_numVars, nullptr);
+ d_adj[i].resize(d_numVars, nullptr);
@@ -121,7 +149,8 @@ void IdlExtension::notifyFact(
size_t src = d_varMap[var1];
size_t dst = d_varMap[var2];
- if (d_matrix.count(_P(src, dst)) && d_matrix[_P(src, dst)].get() <= value) {
+ Assert(d_adj[src][dst] && d_matrix[src][dst] && d_facts[src][dst]);
+ if (d_adj[src][dst]->get() && d_matrix[src][dst]->get() <= value) {
// This does not tighten it at all.
@@ -136,8 +165,12 @@ void IdlExtension::notifyFact(
// Otherwise, update that cell.
- d_matrix.insert(_P(src, dst), value);
- d_facts.insert(_P(src, dst), fact);
+ d_matrix[src][dst]->set(value);
+ d_facts[src][dst]->set(fact);
+ if (!d_adj[src][dst]->get()) {
+ d_adj[src][dst]->set(true);
+ d_edges.push_back(std::make_pair(src, dst));
+ }
d_node_dirty[src] = true;
d_dirty = true;
@@ -153,7 +186,7 @@ void IdlExtension::traceCycle(size_t dst, context::CDList<TNode> *into) {
cycle.erase(cycle.begin(), cycle.begin() + node_to_cycle_idx[cycle.back()]);
Assert(cycle.size() >= 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cycle.size() - 1; i++) {
- into->push_back(d_facts[_P(cycle[i+1], cycle[i])].get());
+ into->push_back(d_facts[cycle[i+1]][cycle[i]]->get());
@@ -180,14 +213,12 @@ void IdlExtension::postCheck(Theory::Effort level)
for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars; i++) { // TODO: d_diameter
std::fill(std::begin(next_node_dirty), std::end(next_node_dirty), false);
bool any_modified = false;
- // TODO: The order of these edges does seem to make a difference, but I
- // haven't yet found a better ordering than this (I guess, insertion
- // order?).
- for (const auto &edge : d_matrix) {
- if (!node_dirty[edge.first.first]) continue;
- size_t edge_src = edge.first.first,
- edge_dst = edge.first.second;
- Integer edge_weight = edge.second;
+ for (auto it = d_edges.end(); it != d_edges.begin();) {
+ it--;
+ if (!node_dirty[it->first]) continue;
+ size_t edge_src = it->first,
+ edge_dst = it->second;
+ Integer edge_weight = d_matrix[edge_src][edge_dst]->get();
Integer alt_distance = d_dist[edge_src]->get() + edge_weight;
if (d_dist[edge_dst]->get() <= alt_distance) continue;
any_modified = true;
@@ -226,44 +257,46 @@ void IdlExtension::postCheck(Theory::Effort level)
bool IdlExtension::collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m,
const std::set<Node>& termSet)
- Integer zero = Integer(); // 0 constructor
- std::vector<Integer> distance(d_numVars, zero);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars - 1; i++) {
- bool any_modified = false;
- for (const auto &edge : d_matrix) {
- size_t edge_dst = edge.first.first,
- edge_src = edge.first.second;
- Integer edge_weight = edge.second;
- if (distance[edge_dst] <= distance[edge_src] + edge_weight) continue;
- any_modified = true;
- distance[edge_dst] = distance[edge_src] + edge_weight;
- }
- if (!any_modified) break;
- }
+ return true;
+ // TODO: Update me to use the new data structures
+ // Integer zero = Integer(); // 0 constructor
+ // std::vector<Integer> distance(d_numVars, zero);
+ // for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars - 1; i++) {
+ // bool any_modified = false;
+ // for (const auto &edge : d_matrix) {
+ // size_t edge_dst = edge.first.first,
+ // edge_src = edge.first.second;
+ // Integer edge_weight = edge.second;
+ // if (distance[edge_dst] <= distance[edge_src] + edge_weight) continue;
+ // any_modified = true;
+ // distance[edge_dst] = distance[edge_src] + edge_weight;
+ // }
+ // if (!any_modified) break;
+ // }
- if (d_varMap.count(zero_node)) {
- Integer offset = distance[d_varMap[zero_node]];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars; i++) {
- distance[i] = distance[i] - offset;
- }
- }
+ // if (d_varMap.count(zero_node)) {
+ // Integer offset = distance[d_varMap[zero_node]];
+ // for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars; i++) {
+ // distance[i] = distance[i] - offset;
+ // }
+ // }
- // Validate all the edges are respected
- for (const auto &edge : d_matrix) {
- size_t edge_src = edge.first.first,
- edge_dst = edge.first.second;
- Integer edge_weight = edge.second;
- Assert((distance[edge_src] - distance[edge_dst]) <= edge_weight);
- }
+ // // Validate all the edges are respected
+ // for (const auto &edge : d_matrix) {
+ // size_t edge_src = edge.first.first,
+ // edge_dst = edge.first.second;
+ // Integer edge_weight = edge.second;
+ // Assert((distance[edge_src] - distance[edge_dst]) <= edge_weight);
+ // }
- NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars; i++)
- {
- // Assert that the variable's value is equal to its distance in the model
- m->assertEquality(d_varList[i], nm->mkConstInt(distance[i]), true);
- }
+ // NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ // for (size_t i = 0; i < d_numVars; i++)
+ // {
+ // // Assert that the variable's value is equal to its distance in the model
+ // m->assertEquality(d_varList[i], nm->mkConstInt(distance[i]), true);
+ // }
- return true;
+ // return true;
void IdlExtension::printMatrix(const std::vector<std::vector<Integer>>& matrix,
diff --git a/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.h b/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.h
index 62729f5d5..9350664cf 100644
--- a/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.h
+++ b/src/theory/arith/idl/idl_extension.h
@@ -100,9 +100,16 @@ class IdlExtension : protected EnvObj
* is updated and they are 'frozen' until a pop happens to clear
* conflict_cycle. */
/** d_matrix[i][j] = tightest edge weight from i to j (if exists). */
- context::CDHashMap<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, Integer, hash_pair> d_matrix;
+ std::vector<std::vector<context::CDO<Integer> *>> d_matrix;
/** d_facts[i][j] stores the literal that is responsible for edge i->j. */
- context::CDHashMap<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, TNode, hash_pair> d_facts;
+ std::vector<std::vector<context::CDO<TNode> *>> d_facts;
+ /** d_overapprox_adj[i] stores an overapproximation of the nodes adjacent to
+ * i (any direction) */
+ std::vector<std::set<size_t>> d_overapprox_adj_set;
+ std::vector<std::vector<bool>> d_overapprox_adj_vector;
+ /** Stores the actual adjacency */
+ std::vector<std::vector<context::CDO<bool> *>> d_adj;
+ context::CDList<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> d_edges;
/** d_dist[i] = weight of the tightest path to i (Bellman-Ford). */
std::vector<context::CDO<Integer> *> d_dist;
/** d_pred[i] = predecessor along tightest path to i (Bellman-Ford) */
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