path: root/src/bindings/compat/c/c_interface.h
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authorAndrew Reynolds <>2018-09-05 09:14:34 -0500
committerGitHub <>2018-09-05 09:14:34 -0500
commitfe0d7e851599fae3d7b2f96b9eabe62345e5d8b8 (patch)
tree55745db9c5dc2fb4ea0077cdfd222e4abcead0a8 /src/bindings/compat/c/c_interface.h
parentff15eabbe7e2efbc87336aee4406cfe419d319bc (diff)
parentcc653cb01f824313d22ffc569ba46bc14b447364 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into regexRRVerifyregexRRVerify
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bindings/compat/c/c_interface.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/src/bindings/compat/c/c_interface.h b/src/bindings/compat/c/c_interface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 379097c27..000000000
--- a/src/bindings/compat/c/c_interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
- * \file c_interface.h
- *
- * Authors: Clark Barrett
- * Cristian Cadar
- *
- * Created: Thu Jun 5 10:34:02 2003
- *
- * <hr>
- *
- * License to use, copy, modify, sell and/or distribute this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without
- * royalty, subject to the terms and conditions defined in the \ref
- * COPYING file provided with this distribution.
- *
- * <hr>
- *
- */
-#include "cvc4_public.h"
-#ifndef _cvc3__include__c_interface_h_
-#define _cvc3__include__c_interface_h_
-#include "bindings/compat/c/c_interface_defs.h"
-//! Flags can be NULL
-VC vc_createValidityChecker(Flags flags);
-//! Create validity checker's flags
-Flags vc_createFlags();
-//! Destroy the validity checker.
-/*! Must be called after all other objects are deleted, except the flags */
-void vc_destroyValidityChecker(VC vc);
-//! Delete the flags
-void vc_deleteFlags(Flags flags);
-//! Delete type
-void vc_deleteType(Type t);
-//! Delete expression
-void vc_deleteExpr(Expr e);
-//! Delete operator
-void vc_deleteOp(Op op);
-//! Delete vector of expressions
-void vc_deleteVector(Expr* e);
-//! Delete vector of types
-void vc_deleteTypeVector(Type* e);
-// Setting the flags
-//! Set a boolean flag to true or false
-void vc_setBoolFlag(Flags flags, char* name, int val);
-//! Set an integer flag to the given value
-void vc_setIntFlag(Flags flags, char* name, int val);
-//! Set a string flag to the given value
-void vc_setStringFlag(Flags flags, char* name, char* val);
-//! Add a (string, bool) pair to the multy-string flag
-void vc_setStrSeqFlag(Flags flags, char* name, char* str, int val);
-// Basic types
-Type vc_boolType(VC vc);
-Type vc_realType(VC vc);
-Type vc_intType(VC vc);
-//! Create a subrange type
-Type vc_subRangeType(VC vc, int lowerEnd, int upperEnd);
-//! Creates a subtype defined by the given predicate
- * \param vc the validity checker
- *
- * \param pred is a predicate taking one argument of type T and returning
- * Boolean. The resulting type is a subtype of T whose elements x are those
- * satisfying the predicate pred(x).
- *
- * \param witness is an expression of type T for which pred holds (if a Null
- * expression is passed as a witness, cvc will try to prove \f$\exists x. pred(x))\f$.
- * if the witness check fails, a TypecheckException is thrown.
- */
-Type vc_subtypeType(VC vc, Expr pred, Expr witness);
-// Tuple types
-Type vc_tupleType2(VC vc, Type type0, Type type1);
-Type vc_tupleType3(VC vc, Type type0, Type type1, Type type2);
-//! Create a tuple type. 'types' is an array of types of length numTypes.
-Type vc_tupleTypeN(VC vc, Type* types, int numTypes);
-// Record types
-Type vc_recordType1(VC vc, char* field, Type type);
-Type vc_recordType2(VC vc, char* field0, Type type0,
- char* field1, Type type1);
-Type vc_recordType3(VC vc, char* field0, Type type0,
- char* field1, Type type1,
- char* field2, Type type2);
-//! Create a record type.
-/*! 'fields' and 'types' are arrays of length numFields. */
-Type vc_recordTypeN(VC vc, char** fields, Type* types, int numFields);
-// Datatypes
-//! Single datatype, single constructor
-/*! The types are either type exressions (obtained from a type with
- * getExpr()) or string expressions containing the name of (one of) the
- * dataType(s) being defined. */
-Type vc_dataType1(VC vc, char* name, char* constructor, int arity,
- char** selectors, Expr* types);
-//! Single datatype, multiple constructors
-/*! The types are either type exressions (obtained from a type with
- * getExpr()) or string expressions containing the name of (one of) the
- * dataType(s) being defined. */
-Type vc_dataTypeN(VC vc, char* name, int numCons, char** constructors,
- int* arities, char*** selectors, Expr** types);
-//! Multiple datatypes
-/*! The types are either type exressions (obtained from a type with
- * getExpr()) or string expressions containing the name of (one of) the
- * dataType(s) being defined.
- * Returns an array of size numTypes which must be freed by calling
- * vc_deleteTypeVector.
- */
-Type* vc_dataTypeMN(VC vc, int numTypes, char** names,
- int* numCons, char*** constructors,
- int** arities, char**** selectors,
- Expr*** types);
-//! Create an array type
-Type vc_arrayType(VC vc, Type typeIndex, Type typeData);
-//! Create a bitvector type of length n
-Type vc_bvType(VC vc, int n);
-//! Create a function type with 1 argument
-Type vc_funType1(VC vc, Type a1, Type typeRan);
-//! Create a function type with 2 arguments
-Type vc_funType2(VC vc, Type a1, Type a2, Type typeRan);
-//! Create a function type with 3 arguments
-Type vc_funType3(VC vc, Type a1, Type a2, Type a3, Type typeRan);
-//! Create a function type with N arguments
-Type vc_funTypeN(VC vc, Type* args, Type typeRan, int numArgs);
-// User-defined types
-//! Create an uninterpreted named type
-Type vc_createType(VC vc, char* typeName);
-//! Lookup a user-defined (uninterpreted) type by name
-Type vc_lookupType(VC vc, char* typeName);
-// Expr manipulation methods //
-//! Return the ExprManager
-ExprManager* vc_getEM(VC vc);
-//! Create a variable with a given name and type
-/*! The type cannot be a function type. */
-Expr vc_varExpr(VC vc, char* name, Type type);
-//! Create a variable with a given name, type, and value
-Expr vc_varExprDef(VC vc, char* name, Type type,
- Expr def);
-//! Get the expression and type associated with a name.
-/*! If there is no such Expr, a NULL Expr is returned. */
-Expr vc_lookupVar(VC vc, char* name, Type* type);
-//! Get the type of the Expr.
-Type vc_getType(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Get the largest supertype of the Expr.
-Type vc_getBaseType(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Get the largest supertype of the Type.
-Type vc_getBaseTypeOfType(VC vc, Type t);
-//! Get the subtype predicate
-Expr vc_getTypePred(VC vc, Type t, Expr e);
-//! Create a string Expr
-Expr vc_stringExpr(VC vc, char* str);
-//! Create an ID Expr
-Expr vc_idExpr(VC vc, char* name);
-//! Create a list Expr
-/*! Intermediate representation for DP-specific expressions.
- * Normally, the first element of the list is a string Expr
- * representing an operator, and the rest of the list are the
- * arguments. For example,
- *
- * kids.push_back(vc->stringExpr("PLUS"));
- * kids.push_back(x); // x and y are previously created Exprs
- * kids.push_back(y);
- * Expr lst = vc->listExpr(kids);
- *
- * Or, alternatively (using its overloaded version):
- *
- * Expr lst = vc->listExpr("PLUS", x, y);
- *
- * or
- *
- * vector<Expr> summands;
- * summands.push_back(x); summands.push_back(y); ...
- * Expr lst = vc->listExpr("PLUS", summands);
- */
-Expr vc_listExpr(VC vc, int numKids, Expr* kids);
-// Expr I/O
-//! Expr vc_parseExpr(VC vc, char* s);
-void vc_printExpr(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Print e into a char*
-/*! Note that the ownership of the char* is given to the caller
- which should free the memory when it is done with it. This
- can be done by calling vc_deleteString. */
-char* vc_printExprString(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Delete char* returned by previous function
-void vc_deleteString(char* str);
-//! Print 'e' into an open file descriptor
-void vc_printExprFile(VC vc, Expr e, int fd);
-//! Import the Expr from another instance of VC
-/*! When expressions need to be passed among several instances of
- * VC, they need to be explicitly imported into the
- * corresponding instance using this method. The return result is
- * an identical expression that belongs to the current instance of
- * VC, and can be safely used as part of more complex
- * expressions from the same instance.
- \param vc is the instance to be imported into
- \param e is the expression created using a different (not vc) instance
- */
-Expr vc_importExpr(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Import the Type from another instance of VC
-/*! \sa vc_importExpr() */
-Type vc_importType(Type t);
-//! Create an equality expression. The two children must have the same type.
-Expr vc_eqExpr(VC vc, Expr child0, Expr child1);
-//! Create an all distinct expression. All children must ahve the same type.
-Expr vc_distinctExpr(VC vc, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-// Boolean expressions
-// The following functions create Boolean expressions. The children provided
-// as arguments must be of type Boolean.
-Expr vc_trueExpr(VC vc);
-Expr vc_falseExpr(VC vc);
-Expr vc_notExpr(VC vc, Expr child);
-Expr vc_andExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_andExprN(VC vc, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-Expr vc_orExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_orExprN(VC vc, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-Expr vc_impliesExpr(VC vc, Expr hyp, Expr conc);
-Expr vc_iffExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_iteExpr(VC vc, Expr ifpart, Expr thenpart, Expr elsepart);
-// Substitution
-// Substitutes oldTerms for newTerms in e.
-// This function doesn't actually exist in ValidityChecker interface,
-// but it does in Expr, and its functionality is needed in the C interface.
-// For consistency, it is represented here as if it were in ValidityChecker.
-Expr vc_substExpr(VC vc, Expr e,
- Expr* oldTerms, int numOldTerms,
- Expr* newTerms, int numNewTerms);
-// User-defined (uninterpreted) functions.
-//! Create an operator from a function with a given name and type.
-/*! Name is given as an ID Expr, and the type must be a function type. */
-Op vc_createOp(VC vc, char* name, Type type);
-//! Create a named user-defined function with a given type
-Op vc_createOpDef(VC vc, char* name, Type type, Expr def);
-//! Lookup an operator by name.
-/*! Returns the operator and the type if the operator exists.
- * Returns NULL otherwise
- */
-Op vc_lookupOp(VC vc, char* name, Type* type);
-//! Create expressions with a user-defined operator.
-/*! op must have a function type. */
-Expr vc_funExpr1(VC vc, Op op, Expr child);
-Expr vc_funExpr2(VC vc, Op op, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_funExpr3(VC vc, Op op, Expr child0, Expr child1, Expr child2);
-Expr vc_funExprN(VC vc, Op op, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-// Arithmetic
-//! Create a rational number with numerator n and denominator d.
-/*! d cannot be 0. */
-Expr vc_ratExpr(VC vc, int n, int d);
-//! Create a rational number n/d; n and d are given as strings
-/*! n and d are converted to arbitrary-precision integers according to
- * the given base. d cannot be 0. */
-Expr vc_ratExprFromStr(VC vc, char* n, char* d, int base);
-//! Create a rational from a single string.
- \param vc the validity checker
- \param n can be a string containing an integer, a pair of integers
- "nnn/ddd", or a number in the fixed or floating point format.
- \param base is the base in which to interpret the string.
-Expr vc_ratExprFromStr1(VC vc, char* n, int base);
-//! Unary minus. Child must have a numeric type.
-Expr vc_uminusExpr(VC vc, Expr child);
-// plus, minus, mult. Children must have numeric types.
-Expr vc_plusExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_plusExprN(VC vc, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-Expr vc_minusExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_multExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_powExpr(VC vc, Expr pow, Expr base);
-Expr vc_divideExpr(VC vc, Expr numerator, Expr denominator);
-// The following functions create less-than, less-than or equal,
-// greater-than, and greater-than or equal expressions of type Boolean.
-// Their arguments must be of numeric types.
-Expr vc_ltExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_leExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_gtExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_geExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-// Records
-// Create record literals;
-Expr vc_recordExpr1(VC vc, char* field, Expr expr);
-Expr vc_recordExpr2(VC vc, char* field0, Expr expr0,
- char* field1, Expr expr1);
-Expr vc_recordExpr3(VC vc, char* field0, Expr expr0,
- char* field1, Expr expr1,
- char* field2, Expr expr2);
-Expr vc_recordExprN(VC vc, char** fields, Expr* exprs, int numFields);
-//! Create an expression representing the selection of a field from a record.
-Expr vc_recSelectExpr(VC vc, Expr record, char* field);
-//! Record update; equivalent to "record WITH .field := newValue"
-Expr vc_recUpdateExpr(VC vc, Expr record, char* field, Expr newValue);
-// Arrays
-//! Create an expression for the value of array at the given index
-Expr vc_readExpr(VC vc, Expr array, Expr index);
-//! Array update; equivalent to "array WITH [index] := newValue"
-Expr vc_writeExpr(VC vc, Expr array, Expr index, Expr newValue);
-// Bitvectors
-// Additional type constructor
-Type vc_bv32Type(VC vc);
-// Bitvector constants
-Expr vc_bvConstExprFromStr(VC vc, char* binary_repr);
-Expr vc_bvConstExprFromInt(VC vc, int n_bits, unsigned int value);
-Expr vc_bv32ConstExprFromInt(VC vc, unsigned int value);
-Expr vc_bvConstExprFromLL(VC vc, int n_bits, unsigned long value);
-// Concat and extract
-Expr vc_bvConcatExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvConcatExprN(VC vc, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-Expr vc_bvExtract(VC vc, Expr child, int high_bit_no, int low_bit_no);
-Expr vc_bvBoolExtract(VC vc, Expr child, int bit_no);
-// Bitwise Boolean operators: Negation, And, Or, Xor
-Expr vc_bvNotExpr(VC vc, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bvAndExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvOrExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvXorExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-// Unsigned bitvector inequalities
-Expr vc_bvLtExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvLeExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvGtExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvGeExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-// Signed bitvector inequalities
-Expr vc_bvSLtExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvSLeExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvSGtExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvSGeExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-// Sign-extend child to a total of nbits bits
-Expr vc_bvSignExtend(VC vc, Expr child, int nbits);
-// Bitvector arithmetic: unary minus, plus, subtract, multiply
-Expr vc_bvUMinusExpr(VC vc, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bvPlusExpr(VC vc, int n_bits, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bv32PlusExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvMinusExpr(VC vc, int n_bits, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bv32MinusExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvMultExpr(VC vc, int n_bits, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bv32MultExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvUDivExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvURemExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvSDivExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvSRemExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-Expr vc_bvSModExpr(VC vc, Expr left, Expr right);
-// Shift operators
-Expr vc_bvLeftShiftExpr(VC vc, int sh_amt, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bvRightShiftExpr(VC vc, int sh_amt, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bv32LeftShiftExpr(VC vc, int sh_amt, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bv32RightShiftExpr(VC vc, int sh_amt, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bvVar32LeftShiftExpr(VC vc, Expr sh_amt, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bvVar32RightShiftExpr(VC vc, Expr sh_amt, Expr child);
-Expr vc_bvVar32DivByPowOfTwoExpr(VC vc, Expr child, Expr rhs);
-/*C pointer support: C interface to support C memory arrays in CVC3 */
-Expr vc_bvCreateMemoryArray(VC vc, char * arrayName);
-Expr vc_bvReadMemoryArray(VC vc,
- Expr array, Expr byteIndex, int numOfBytes);
-Expr vc_bvWriteToMemoryArray(VC vc,
- Expr array, Expr byteIndex,
- Expr element, int numOfBytes);
-// Tuples
-//! Create a tuple expression
-/*! 'children' is an array of elements of length numChildren */
-Expr vc_tupleExprN(VC vc, Expr* children, int numChildren);
-//! Tuple select; equivalent to "tuple.n", where n is an numeral (e.g. tup.5)
-Expr vc_tupleSelectExpr(VC vc, Expr tuple, int index);
-//! Tuple update; equivalent to "tuple WITH index := newValue"
-Expr vc_tupleUpdateExpr(VC vc, Expr tuple, int index, Expr newValue);
-// Datatypes
-//! Datatype constructor expression
-Expr vc_datatypeConsExpr(VC vc, char* constructor, int numArgs, Expr* args);
-//! Datatype selector expression
-Expr vc_datatypeSelExpr(VC vc, char* selector, Expr arg);
-//! Datatype tester expression
-Expr vc_datatypeTestExpr(VC vc, char* constructor, Expr arg);
-// Quantifiers
-//! Create a bound variable.
-/*! \param vc the validity checker
- * \param name
- * \param uid is a fresh unique string to distinguish this variable
- * from other bound variables with the same name
- * \param type
- */
-Expr vc_boundVarExpr(VC vc, char* name, char *uid, Type type);
-//! Create a FORALL quantifier.
-/*! Bvars is an array of bound variables of length numBvars. */
-Type vc_forallExpr(VC vc, Expr* Bvars, int numBvars, Expr f);
-//! Set triggers for a forallExpr
-void vc_setTriggers(VC vc, Expr e, int numTrigs, Expr* triggers);
-//! Create an EXISTS quantifier.
-/*! Bvars is an array of bound variables of length numBvars. */
-Expr vc_existsExpr(VC vc, Expr* Bvars, int numBvars, Expr f);
-//! Lambda-expression
-Op vc_lambdaExpr(VC vc, int numVars, Expr* vars, Expr body);
-// Context-related methods //
-//! Set the resource limit (0==unlimited, 1==exhausted).
-/*! Currently, the limit is the total number of processed facts. */
-void vc_setResourceLimit(VC vc, unsigned limit);
-//! Assert a new formula in the current context.
-/*! The formula must have Boolean type. */
-void vc_assertFormula(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Register an atomic formula of interest.
-/*! Registered atoms are tracked by the decision procedures. If one of them
- is deduced to be true or false, it is added to a list of implied literals.
- Implied literals can be retrieved with the getImpliedLiteral function */
-void vc_registerAtom(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Return next literal implied by last assertion. Null if none.
-/*! Returned literals are either registered atomic formulas or their negation
- */
-Expr vc_getImpliedLiteral(VC vc);
-//! Simplify e with respect to the current context
-Expr vc_simplify(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Check validity of e in the current context.
-/*! Possible results are: 0 = invalid, 1 = valid, 2 = abort, 3 = unknown,
- * -100 = exception (type error, internal error, etc).
- * If the result is 1, then the resulting context is the same as
- * the starting context. If the result is 0 or 3, then the resulting
- * context is a context in which e is false (though the context may be
- * inconsistent in the case of an unknown result). e must have Boolean
- * type. In the case of a result of -100, refer to vc_get_error_string()
- * to see what went wrong. */
-int vc_query(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Get the next model
-/*! This method should only be called after a query which returns
- 0. Its return values are as for vc_query(). */
-int vc_checkContinue(VC vc);
-//! Restart the most recent query with e as an additional assertion.
-/*! This method should only be called after a query which returns
- 0. Its return values are as for vc_query(). */
-int vc_restart(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Returns to context immediately before last invalid query.
-/*! This method should only be called after a query which returns 0.
- */
-void vc_returnFromCheck(VC vc);
-//! Get assumptions made by the user in this and all previous contexts.
-/*! User assumptions are created either by calls to assertFormula or by a
- * call to query. In the latter case, the negated query is added as an
- * assumption. The caller is responsible for freeing the array when
- * finished with it.
- */
-Expr* vc_getUserAssumptions(VC vc, int* size);
-//! Get assumptions made internally in this and all previous contexts.
-/*! Internal assumptions are literals assumed by the sat solver.
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished with it by
- * calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-Expr* vc_getInternalAssumptions(VC vc, int* size);
-//! Get all assumptions made in this and all previous contexts.
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished with it by
- * calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-Expr* vc_getAssumptions(VC vc, int* size);
-//yeting, for proof translation, get the assumptions used.
-//the assumptions used are different from the user assumptions.
-//the assumptions used are preprocessed if 'preprocess' is ena
-Expr vc_getProofAssumptions(VC vc);
-//yeting, for proof translation,
-Expr vc_getProofQuery(VC vc);
-//! Returns the set of assumptions used in the proof of queried formula.
-/*! It returns a subset of getAssumptions(). If the last query was false
- * or there has not yet been a query, it does nothing.
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished with it by
- * calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-Expr* vc_getAssumptionsUsed(VC vc, int* size);
-//! Return the counterexample after a failed query.
-/*! This method should only be called after a query which returns
- * false. It will try to return the simplest possible set of
- * assertions which are sufficient to make the queried expression
- * false. The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished with
- * it by calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-Expr* vc_getCounterExample(VC vc, int* size);
-//! Will assign concrete values to all user created variables
-/*! This function should only be called after a query which return false.
- * Returns an array of Exprs with size *size.
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished with it by
- * calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-Expr* vc_getConcreteModel(VC vc, int* size);
-// Returns true if the current context is inconsistent.
-/*! Also returns a minimal set of assertions used to determine the
- * inconsistency. The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished
- * with it by calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-int vc_inconsistent(VC vc, Expr** assumptions, int* size);
-//! Returns non-NULL if the invalid result from last query() is imprecise
- * The return value is filled with the reasons for incompleteness (it
- * is intended to be shown to the end user). The caller is responsible for
- * freeing the string returned by calling vc_deleteString.
- */
-char* vc_incomplete(VC vc);
-//! Returns the proof for the last proven query
-Expr vc_getProof(VC vc);
-//! Returns the proof of a .cvc file, if it is valid.
-Expr vc_getProofOfFile(VC vc, char * filename);
-//! Returns the TCC of the last assumption or query
-/*! Returns Null Expr if no assumptions or queries were performed. */
-Expr vc_getTCC(VC vc);
-//! Return the set of assumptions used in the proof of the last TCC
-/*! The caller is responsible for freeing the array when finished with it by
- * calling vc_deleteVector.
- */
-Expr* vc_getAssumptionsTCC(VC vc, int* size);
-//! Returns the proof of TCC of the last assumption or query
-/*! Returns Null Expr if no assumptions or queries were performed. */
-Expr vc_getProofTCC(VC vc);
-//! After successful query, return its closure |- Gamma => phi
-/*! Turn a valid query Gamma |- phi into an implication
- * |- Gamma => phi.
- *
- * Returns Null Expr if last query was invalid.
- */
-Expr vc_getClosure(VC vc);
-//! Construct a proof of the query closure |- Gamma => phi
-/*! Returns Null if last query was Invalid. */
-Expr vc_getProofClosure(VC vc);
-//! Returns the current stack level. Initial level is 0.
-int vc_stackLevel(VC vc);
-//! Checkpoint the current context and increase the scope level
-void vc_push(VC vc);
-//! Restore the current context to its state at the last checkpoint
-void vc_pop(VC vc);
-//! Restore the current context to the given stackLevel.
-/*! stackLevel must be less than or equal to the current stack level.
- */
-void vc_popto(VC vc, int stackLevel);
-//! Get the current context
-Context* vc_getCurrentContext(VC vc);
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Util */
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-// Order
-//! Compares two expressions
-/*! If e1 < e2, e1==e2, and e1 > e2, it returns -1, 0, 1
- * respectively. A return value of -100 signals an error (refer to
- * vc_get_error_string() for details).
- *
- * Can't be 'compare' because already defined in ocaml */
-int vc_compare_exprs(Expr e1,Expr e2);
-// Printing
-//! Convert Expr to string
-char* vc_exprString(Expr e);
-//! Convert Type to string
-char* vc_typeString(Type t);
-// What kind of Expr?
-int vc_isClosure(Expr e);
-int vc_isQuantifier(Expr e);
-int vc_isLambda(Expr e);
-Expr vc_isVar(Expr e);
-int vc_arity(Expr e);
-int vc_getKind(Expr e);
-Expr vc_getChild(Expr e, int i);
-int vc_getNumVars(Expr e);
-Expr vc_getVar(Expr e, int i);
-Expr vc_getBody(Expr e);
-Expr vc_getExistential(Expr e);
-Expr vc_getFun(VC vc, Expr e);
-Expr vc_toExpr(Type t);
-//! Translate a kind int to a string
-const char* vc_getKindString(VC vc,int kind);
-//! Translate a kind string to an int
-int vc_getKindInt(VC vc,char* kind_name);
-//! Return an int from a rational expression
-int vc_getInt(Expr e);
-//! Return an int from a constant bitvector expression
-int vc_getBVInt(VC vc, Expr e);
-//! Return an unsigned int from a constant bitvector expression
-unsigned int vc_getBVUnsigned(VC vc, Expr e);
-// Debug
-int vc_get_error_status();
-void vc_reset_error_status();
-char* vc_get_error_string();
-//! Print statistics
-void vc_print_statistics(VC vc);
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