AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-07Add a w3m actionHEADmasterMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-02-07Rudimentary support for CDATA in the RSS parserMatthew Sotoudeh
2022-02-05Remove mcfly dependencyMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-12-31Small fixes, better ascii filteringMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-02-08Support printing PDFs from arXivMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-02-08Support arXiv RSS feedsMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-16Add back other accidentally gitignore'd fileMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-16Add back important file accidentally gitignore'dMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-12Fix the order of unquotingMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-05Allow for re-filtering the current feed instead of entirely re-fetchingMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-04Add a 'today' time filterMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-01Allow forced re-layout of the UI to handle resizingMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-01Have a catch-all URL downloader printer to handle PDFs, etc.Matthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-01Also parse the URL out of RSS feedsMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-01Stay at same selected index when refreshing the feedMatthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-01New syntax for sources, better RSS parsingMatthew Sotoudeh
2020-12-31Keep track of when labels were inserted insteadMatthew Sotoudeh
2020-12-30Ability to list the read-later labels.Matthew Sotoudeh
2020-12-29Uploading current stateMatthew Sotoudeh
2020-12-29Initial commitMatthew Sotoudeh
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback