AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-09-10Merge pull request #14 from 95616ARG/dependabot/pip/pillow-8.3.2HEADmasterAditya Thakur
2021-09-08Bump pillow from 8.2.0 to 8.3.2dependabot[bot]
2021-06-29Update pillow dependency to 8.2 (#13)Matthew Sotoudeh
2021-06-03Merge pull request #11 from 95616ARG/zhetao-update-dep-bazel-pythonZhe Tao
2021-06-03Update the Bazel dependency on `bazel_python`.Zhe Tao
2021-05-08Update the Bazel rules to support Bazel 4.0.0 (#10)Matthew Sotoudeh
2021-05-06Variety of changes, preparing for separate repair code release (#9)Matthew Sotoudeh
2021-01-06Bump cairosvg from 2.4.2 to 2.5.1 (#6)v1.0dependabot[bot]
2020-08-24Switch to External Bazel-Python (#5)Matthew Sotoudeh
2020-06-11Add KerasToSyrenn script, update pip installer (#4)Matthew Sotoudeh
2020-04-09Update README and URLs for dependencies (#3)Matthew Sotoudeh
2020-04-01Update Pillow dependency to 7.1.0 and fix TBB reference (#2)Matthew Sotoudeh
2019-10-28Support for Bazel 1.1.0 and assorted updatesMatthew Sotoudeh
2019-09-12Added GitHub CI (#1)Matthew S
2019-08-22Updated the workspace nameMatthew Sotoudeh
2019-08-19Linked to arXiv preprints in the READMEMatthew Sotoudeh
2019-08-19Initial code releaseMatthew Sotoudeh
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contact with questions or feedback