/* * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. * * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. * Author: Josh Haberman */ #include "upb/sink.h" #include #include static void upb_sink_init(upb_sink *s, const upb_handlers *h, upb_pipeline *p); static void upb_sink_resetobj(void *obj); static const upb_frametype upb_sink_frametype; static bool chkstack(upb_sink *s) { if (s->top_ + 1 >= s->limit) { upb_status_seterrliteral(&s->pipeline_->status_, "Nesting too deep."); return false; } else { return true; } } #define alignof(type) offsetof (struct { char c; type member; }, member) typedef union { double u; void *p; long l; } maxalign_t; static const size_t maxalign = alignof(maxalign_t); static void *align_up(void *p) { if (!p) return NULL; uintptr_t val = (uintptr_t)p; uintptr_t aligned = val % maxalign == 0 ? val : val + maxalign - (val % maxalign); return (void*)aligned; } void *upb_realloc(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t size) { UPB_UNUSED(ud); return realloc(ptr, size); } /* upb_pipeline ***************************************************************/ // For the moment we get fixed-size blocks of this size, but we could change // this strategy if necessary. #define BLOCK_SIZE 8192 struct region { struct region *prev; maxalign_t data[1]; // Region data follows. }; size_t regionsize(size_t usable_size) { return sizeof(struct region) - sizeof(maxalign_t) + usable_size; } struct obj { struct obj *prev; const upb_frametype *ft; maxalign_t data; // Region data follows. }; size_t objsize(size_t memsize) { return sizeof(struct obj) - sizeof(maxalign_t) + memsize; } void upb_pipeline_init(upb_pipeline *p, void *initial_mem, size_t initial_size, void *(*realloc)(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t bytes), void *ud) { p->realloc = realloc; p->ud = ud; p->bump_top = initial_mem; p->bump_limit = initial_mem ? initial_mem + initial_size : NULL; p->region_head = NULL; p->obj_head = NULL; p->last_alloc = NULL; upb_status_init(&p->status_); } void upb_pipeline_uninit(upb_pipeline *p) { for (struct obj *o = p->obj_head; o; o = o->prev) { if (o->ft->uninit) o->ft->uninit(&o->data); } for (struct region *r = p->region_head; r; ) { struct region *prev = r->prev; p->realloc(p->ud, r, 0); r = prev; } upb_status_uninit(&p->status_); } void *upb_pipeline_alloc(upb_pipeline *p, size_t bytes) { void *mem = align_up(p->bump_top); if (!mem || mem > p->bump_limit || p->bump_limit - mem < bytes) { size_t size = regionsize(UPB_MAX(BLOCK_SIZE, bytes)); struct region *r; if (!p->realloc || !(r = p->realloc(p->ud, NULL, size))) { return NULL; } r->prev = p->region_head; p->region_head = r; p->bump_limit = (char*)r + size; mem = &r->data[0]; assert(p->bump_limit > mem); assert(p->bump_limit - mem >= bytes); } p->bump_top = mem + bytes; p->last_alloc = mem; return mem; } void *upb_pipeline_realloc(upb_pipeline *p, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t bytes) { if (ptr && ptr == p->last_alloc && p->bump_limit - ptr >= bytes) { p->bump_top = ptr + bytes; return ptr; } else { void *mem = upb_pipeline_alloc(p, bytes); memcpy(mem, ptr, oldsize); return mem; } } void *upb_pipeline_allocobj(upb_pipeline *p, const upb_frametype *ft) { struct obj *obj = upb_pipeline_alloc(p, objsize(ft->size)); if (!obj) return NULL; obj->prev = p->obj_head; obj->ft = ft; p->obj_head = obj; if (ft->init) ft->init(&obj->data); return &obj->data; } void upb_pipeline_reset(upb_pipeline *p) { upb_status_clear(&p->status_); for (struct obj *o = p->obj_head; o; o = o->prev) { if (o->ft->reset) o->ft->reset(&o->data); } } upb_sink *upb_pipeline_newsink(upb_pipeline *p, const upb_handlers *handlers) { upb_sink *s = upb_pipeline_allocobj(p, &upb_sink_frametype); upb_sink_init(s, handlers, p); return s; } const upb_status *upb_pipeline_status(const upb_pipeline *p) { return &p->status_; } typedef struct { const upb_handlers *h; } handlersref_t; static void freehandlersref(void *r) { handlersref_t *ref = r; upb_handlers_unref(ref->h, &ref->h); } static const upb_frametype handlersref_frametype = { sizeof(handlersref_t), NULL, freehandlersref, NULL, }; void upb_pipeline_donateref( upb_pipeline *p, const upb_handlers *h, const void *owner) { handlersref_t *ref = upb_pipeline_allocobj(p, &handlersref_frametype); upb_handlers_donateref(h, owner, &ref->h); ref->h = h; } /* upb_sinkframe **************************************************************/ int upb_sinkframe_depth(const upb_sinkframe* frame) { return frame - frame->sink_->stack; } const upb_handlers* upb_sinkframe_handlers(const upb_sinkframe* frame) { return frame->h; } upb_pipeline *upb_sinkframe_pipeline(const upb_sinkframe* frame) { return frame->sink_->pipeline_; } /* upb_sink *******************************************************************/ static const upb_frametype upb_sink_frametype = { sizeof(upb_sink), NULL, NULL, upb_sink_resetobj, }; void upb_sink_reset(upb_sink *s, void *closure) { s->top_ = s->stack; s->top_->closure = closure; } static void upb_sink_resetobj(void *obj) { upb_sink *s = obj; s->top_ = s->stack; } static void upb_sink_init(upb_sink *s, const upb_handlers *h, upb_pipeline *p) { s->pipeline_ = p; s->limit = &s->stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING]; s->stack[0].h = h; s->top_ = s->stack; if (h->ft) { s->stack[0].closure = upb_pipeline_allocobj(p, h->ft); } } const upb_sinkframe *upb_sink_top(const upb_sink *s) { return s->top_; } const upb_sinkframe *upb_sink_base(const upb_sink *s) { return s->stack; } upb_pipeline *upb_sink_pipeline(const upb_sink *s) { return s->pipeline_; } bool upb_sink_startmsg(upb_sink *s) { const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_startmsg_handler *startmsg = upb_handlers_getstartmsg(h); return startmsg ? startmsg(s->top_) : true; } void upb_sink_endmsg(upb_sink *s) { assert(s->top_ == s->stack); upb_endmsg_handler *endmsg = upb_handlers_getendmsg(s->top_->h); if (endmsg) { endmsg(s->top_, &s->pipeline_->status_); } } #define PUTVAL(type, ctype, htype) \ bool upb_sink_put ## type(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel, ctype val) { \ const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; \ upb_ ## type ## _handler *handler = (upb_ ## type ## _handler*) \ upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); \ if (handler) { \ s->top_->u.handler_data = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, sel); \ bool ok = handler(s->top_, val); \ if (!ok) return false; \ } \ return true; \ } PUTVAL(int32, int32_t, INT32); PUTVAL(int64, int64_t, INT64); PUTVAL(uint32, uint32_t, UINT32); PUTVAL(uint64, uint64_t, UINT64); PUTVAL(float, float, FLOAT); PUTVAL(double, double, DOUBLE); PUTVAL(bool, bool, BOOL); #undef PUTVAL size_t upb_sink_putstring(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel, const char *buf, size_t n) { const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_string_handler *handler = (upb_string_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (handler) { s->top_->u.handler_data = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, sel);; n = handler(s->top_, buf, n); } return n; } bool upb_sink_startseq(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel) { if (!chkstack(s)) return false; void *subc = s->top_->closure; const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_startfield_handler *startseq = (upb_startfield_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (startseq) { s->top_->u.handler_data = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, sel); subc = startseq(s->top_); if (subc == UPB_BREAK) { return false; } } s->top_->u.selector = upb_getendselector(sel); ++s->top_; s->top_->h = h; s->top_->closure = subc; s->top_->sink_ = s; return true; } bool upb_sink_endseq(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel) { --s->top_; assert(sel == s->top_->u.selector); const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_endfield_handler *endseq = (upb_endfield_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (endseq) { bool ok = endseq(s->top_); if (!ok) { ++s->top_; return false; } } return true; } bool upb_sink_startstr(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel, size_t size_hint) { if (!chkstack(s)) return false; void *subc = s->top_->closure; const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_startstr_handler *startstr = (upb_startstr_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (startstr) { s->top_->u.handler_data = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, sel); subc = startstr(s->top_, size_hint); if (subc == UPB_BREAK) { return false; } } s->top_->u.selector = upb_getendselector(sel); ++s->top_; s->top_->h = h; s->top_->closure = subc; s->top_->sink_ = s; return true; } bool upb_sink_endstr(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel) { --s->top_; assert(sel == s->top_->u.selector); const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_endfield_handler *endstr = (upb_endfield_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (endstr) { bool ok = endstr(s->top_); if (!ok) { ++s->top_; return false; } } return true; } bool upb_sink_startsubmsg(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel) { if (!chkstack(s)) return false; void *subc = s->top_->closure; const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_startfield_handler *startsubmsg = (upb_startfield_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (startsubmsg) { s->top_->u.handler_data = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(h, sel); subc = startsubmsg(s->top_); if (subc == UPB_BREAK) { return false; } } s->top_->u.selector= upb_getendselector(sel); ++s->top_; s->top_->h = upb_handlers_getsubhandlers_sel(h, sel); // TODO: should add support for submessages without any handlers assert(s->top_->h); s->top_->closure = subc; s->top_->sink_ = s; upb_sink_startmsg(s); return true; } bool upb_sink_endsubmsg(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel) { upb_endmsg_handler *endmsg = upb_handlers_getendmsg(s->top_->h); if (endmsg) endmsg(s->top_, &s->pipeline_->status_); --s->top_; assert(sel == s->top_->u.selector); const upb_handlers *h = s->top_->h; upb_endfield_handler *endsubmsg = (upb_endfield_handler*)upb_handlers_gethandler(h, sel); if (endsubmsg) { bool ok = endsubmsg(s->top_); if (!ok) { ++s->top_; return false; } } return true; } const upb_handlers *upb_sink_tophandlers(upb_sink *s) { return s->top_->h; }