// // upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. // // Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. // Author: Josh Haberman // // Note that we have received an exception from c-style-artiters regarding // dynamic_cast<> in this file: // https://groups.google.com/a/google.com/d/msg/c-style/7Zp_XCX0e7s/I6dpzno4l-MJ // // IMPORTANT NOTE! This file is compiled TWICE, once with UPB_GOOGLE3 defined // and once without! This allows us to provide functionality against proto2 // and protobuf opensource both in a single binary without the two conflicting. // However we must be careful not to violate the ODR. #include "upb/google/proto2.h" #include "upb/google/proto1.h" #include "upb/bytestream.h" #include "upb/def.h" #include "upb/handlers.h" namespace upb { namespace proto2_bridge_google3 { class FieldAccessor; } namespace proto2_bridge_opensource { class FieldAccessor; } } // namespace upb // BEGIN DOUBLE COMPILATION TRICKERY. ////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 // TODO(haberman): friend upb so that this isn't required. #define protected public #include "net/proto2/public/repeated_field.h" #undef protected #define private public #include "net/proto2/public/generated_message_reflection.h" #undef private #include "net/proto2/proto/descriptor.pb.h" #include "net/proto2/public/descriptor.h" #include "net/proto2/public/lazy_field.h" #include "net/proto2/public/message.h" #include "net/proto2/public/string_piece_field_support.h" #include "upb/google/cord.h" namespace goog = ::proto2; namespace me = ::upb::proto2_bridge_google3; #else // TODO(haberman): friend upb so that this isn't required. #define protected public #include "google/protobuf/repeated_field.h" #undef protected #define private public #include "google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h" #undef private #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h" #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h" #include "google/protobuf/message.h" namespace goog = ::google::protobuf; namespace me = ::upb::proto2_bridge_opensource; #endif // ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 // END DOUBLE COMPILATION TRICKERY. //////////////////////////////////////////// // Have to define this manually since older versions of proto2 didn't define // an enum value for STRING. #define UPB_CTYPE_STRING 0 template static T* GetPointer(void *message, size_t offset) { return reinterpret_cast(static_cast(message) + offset); } // This class contains handlers that can write into a proto2 class whose // reflection class is GeneratedMessageReflection. (Despite the name, even // DynamicMessage uses GeneratedMessageReflection, so this covers all proto2 // messages generated by the compiler.) To do this it must break the // encapsulation of GeneratedMessageReflection and therefore depends on // internal interfaces that are not guaranteed to be stable. This class will // need to be updated if any non-backward-compatible changes are made to // GeneratedMessageReflection. // // TODO(haberman): change class name? In retrospect, "FieldAccessor" isn't the // best (something more specific like GeneratedMessageReflectionHandlers or // GMR_Handlers would be better) but we're depending on a "friend" declaration // in proto2 that already specifies "FieldAccessor." No versions of proto2 have // been released that include the "friend FieldAccessor" declaration, so there's // still time to change this. On the other hand, perhaps it's simpler to just // rely on "#define private public" since it may be a long time before new // versions of proto2 open source are pervasive enough that we can remove this // anyway. class me::FieldAccessor { public: // Returns true if we were able to set an accessor and any other properties // of the FieldDef that are necessary to read/write this field to a // proto2::Message. static bool TrySet(const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::Message& m, const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h) { const goog::Reflection* base_r = m.GetReflection(); // See file comment re: dynamic_cast. const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r = dynamic_cast(base_r); if (!r) return false; // Extensions not supported yet. if (proto2_f->is_extension()) return false; switch (proto2_f->cpp_type()) { #define PRIMITIVE_TYPE(cpptype, cident) \ case goog::FieldDescriptor::cpptype: \ SetPrimitiveHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); return true; PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_INT32, int32_t); PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_INT64, int64_t); PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_UINT32, uint32_t); PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_UINT64, uint64_t); PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_DOUBLE, double); PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_FLOAT, float); PRIMITIVE_TYPE(CPPTYPE_BOOL, bool); #undef PRIMITIVE_TYPE case goog::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: SetEnumHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); return true; case goog::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: { // Old versions of the open-source protobuf release erroneously default // to Cord even though that has never been supported in the open-source // release. int32_t ctype = proto2_f->options().has_ctype() ? proto2_f->options().ctype() : UPB_CTYPE_STRING; switch (ctype) { #ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 case goog::FieldOptions::STRING: SetStringHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); return true; case goog::FieldOptions::CORD: SetCordHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); return true; case goog::FieldOptions::STRING_PIECE: SetStringPieceHandlers(proto2_f, r, upb_f, h); return true; #else case UPB_CTYPE_STRING: SetStringHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); return true; #endif default: return false; } } case goog::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: #ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 if (proto2_f->options().lazy()) { return false; // Not yet implemented. } else { SetSubMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); return true; } #else SetSubMessageHandlers(proto2_f, m, r, upb_f, h); return true; #endif default: return false; } } static const goog::Message* GetFieldPrototype( const goog::Message& m, const goog::FieldDescriptor* f) { // We assume that all submessages (and extensions) will be constructed // using the same MessageFactory as this message. This doesn't cover the // case of CodedInputStream::SetExtensionRegistry(). // See file comment re: dynamic_cast. const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r = dynamic_cast( m.GetReflection()); if (!r) return NULL; return r->message_factory_->GetPrototype(f->message_type()); } private: static upb_selector_t GetSelector(const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers::Type type) { upb::Handlers::Selector selector; bool ok = upb::Handlers::GetSelector(f, type, &selector); UPB_ASSERT_VAR(ok, ok); return selector; } static int64_t GetHasbit( const goog::FieldDescriptor* f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r) { // proto2 does not store hasbits for repeated fields. assert(!f->is_repeated()); return (r->has_bits_offset_ * 8) + f->index(); } static uint16_t GetOffset( const goog::FieldDescriptor* f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r) { return r->offsets_[f->index()]; } class FieldOffset { public: FieldOffset( const goog::FieldDescriptor* f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r) : offset_(GetOffset(f, r)), is_repeated_(f->is_repeated()) { if (!is_repeated_) { int64_t hasbit = GetHasbit(f, r); hasbyte_ = hasbit / 8; mask_ = 1 << (hasbit % 8); } } template T* GetFieldPointer(void *message) const { return GetPointer(message, offset_); } void SetHasbit(void* m) const { assert(!is_repeated_); uint8_t* byte = GetPointer(m, hasbyte_); *byte |= mask_; } private: const size_t offset_; bool is_repeated_; // Only for non-repeated fields. int32_t hasbyte_; int8_t mask_; }; // StartSequence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void SetStartSequenceHandler( const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { assert(f->IsSequence()); h->SetStartSequenceHandler( f, &PushOffset, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r), &upb::DeletePointer); } static void* PushOffset(void *m, void *fval) { const FieldOffset* offset = static_cast(fval); return offset->GetFieldPointer(m); } // Primitive Value (numeric, bool) /////////////////////////////////////////// template static void SetPrimitiveHandlers( const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { if (f->IsSequence()) { SetStartSequenceHandler(proto2_f, r, f, h); h->SetValueHandler(f, &AppendPrimitive, NULL, NULL); } else { upb::SetStoreValueHandler( f, GetOffset(proto2_f, r), GetHasbit(proto2_f, r), h); } } template static bool AppendPrimitive(void *_r, void *fval, T val) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); goog::RepeatedField* r = static_cast*>(_r); r->Add(val); return true; } // Enum ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class EnumHandlerData : public FieldOffset { public: EnumHandlerData( const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f) : FieldOffset(proto2_f, r), field_number_(f->number()), unknown_fields_offset_(r->unknown_fields_offset_), enum_(upb_downcast_enumdef(f->subdef())) { } bool IsValidValue(int32_t val) const { return enum_->FindValueByNumber(val) != NULL; } int32_t field_number() const { return field_number_; } goog::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields(goog::Message* m) const { return GetPointer(m, unknown_fields_offset_); } private: int32_t field_number_; size_t unknown_fields_offset_; const upb::EnumDef* enum_; }; static void SetEnumHandlers( const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { EnumHandlerData* data = new EnumHandlerData(proto2_f, r, f); if (f->IsSequence()) { h->SetInt32Handler( f, &AppendEnum, data, &upb::DeletePointer); } else { h->SetInt32Handler( f, &SetEnum, data, &upb::DeletePointer); } } static bool SetEnum(void *_m, void *fval, int32_t val) { goog::Message* m = static_cast(_m); const EnumHandlerData* data = static_cast(fval); if (data->IsValidValue(val)) { int32_t* message_val = data->GetFieldPointer(m); *message_val = val; data->SetHasbit(m); } else { data->mutable_unknown_fields(m)->AddVarint(data->field_number(), val); } return true; } static bool AppendEnum(void *_m, void *fval, int32_t val) { // Closure is the enclosing message. We can't use the RepeatedField<> as // the closure because we need to go back to the message for unrecognized // enum values, which go into the unknown field set. goog::Message* m = static_cast(_m); const EnumHandlerData* data = static_cast(fval); if (data->IsValidValue(val)) { goog::RepeatedField* r = data->GetFieldPointer >(m); r->Add(val); } else { data->mutable_unknown_fields(m)->AddVarint(data->field_number(), val); } return true; } // String //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For scalar (non-repeated) string fields. template class StringHandlerData : public FieldOffset { public: StringHandlerData(const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const goog::Message& prototype) : FieldOffset(proto2_f, r) { // "prototype" isn't guaranteed to be empty, so we create a copy to get // the default string instance. goog::Message* empty = prototype.New(); prototype_ = &r->GetStringReference(*empty, proto2_f, NULL); delete empty; } const T* prototype() const { return prototype_; } T** GetStringPointer(void *message) const { return GetFieldPointer(message); } private: const T* prototype_; }; template static void SetStringHandlers( const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::Message& m, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { h->SetStringHandler(f, &OnStringBuf, NULL, NULL); if (f->IsSequence()) { SetStartSequenceHandler(proto2_f, r, f, h); h->SetStartStringHandler(f, &StartRepeatedString, NULL, NULL); } else { StringHandlerData* data = new StringHandlerData(proto2_f, r, m); h->SetStartStringHandler( f, &StartString, data, &upb::DeletePointer >); } } // This needs to be templated because google3 string is not std::string. template static void* StartString( void *m, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); const StringHandlerData* data = static_cast*>(fval); T** str = data->GetStringPointer(m); data->SetHasbit(m); // If it points to the default instance, we must create a new instance. if (*str == data->prototype()) *str = new T(); (*str)->clear(); // reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help. return *str; } template static size_t OnStringBuf( void *_str, void *fval, const char *buf, size_t n) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); T* str = static_cast(_str); str->append(buf, n); return n; } template static void* StartRepeatedString(void *_r, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); UPB_UNUSED(fval); goog::RepeatedPtrField* r = static_cast*>(_r); T* str = r->Add(); str->clear(); // reserve() here appears to hurt performance rather than help. return str; } // SubMessage //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SubMessageHandlerData : public FieldOffset { public: SubMessageHandlerData( const goog::FieldDescriptor* f, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const goog::Message* prototype) : FieldOffset(f, r), prototype_(prototype) { } const goog::Message* prototype() const { return prototype_; } private: const goog::Message* const prototype_; }; static void SetSubMessageHandlers( const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::Message& m, const goog::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { SubMessageHandlerData* data = new SubMessageHandlerData(proto2_f, r, GetFieldPrototype(m, proto2_f)); upb::Handlers::Free* free = &upb::DeletePointer; if (f->IsSequence()) { SetStartSequenceHandler(proto2_f, r, f, h); h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(f, &StartRepeatedSubMessage, data, free); } else { h->SetStartSubMessageHandler(f, &StartSubMessage, data, free); } } static void* StartSubMessage(void *m, void *fval) { const SubMessageHandlerData* data = static_cast(fval); data->SetHasbit(m); goog::Message **subm = data->GetFieldPointer(m); if (*subm == NULL || *subm == data->prototype()) { *subm = data->prototype()->New(); } return *subm; } class RepeatedMessageTypeHandler { public: typedef void Type; // AddAllocated() calls this, but only if other objects are sitting // around waiting for reuse, which we will not do. static void Delete(Type* t) { (void)t; assert(false); } }; // Closure is a RepeatedPtrField*, but we access it through // its base class RepeatedPtrFieldBase*. static void* StartRepeatedSubMessage(void* _r, void *fval) { const SubMessageHandlerData* data = static_cast(fval); goog::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase *r = static_cast(_r); void *submsg = r->AddFromCleared(); if (!submsg) { submsg = data->prototype()->New(); r->AddAllocated(submsg); } return submsg; } // TODO(haberman): handle Extensions, Unknown Fields. #ifdef UPB_GOOGLE3 // Handlers for types/features only included in internal proto2 release: // Cord, StringPiece, LazyField, and MessageSet. // TODO(haberman): LazyField, MessageSet. // Cord ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void SetCordHandlers( const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const proto2::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { h->SetStringHandler(f, &OnCordBuf, NULL, NULL); if (f->IsSequence()) { SetStartSequenceHandler(proto2_f, r, f, h); h->SetStartStringHandler(f, &StartRepeatedCord, NULL, NULL); } else { h->SetStartStringHandler( f, &StartCord, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r), &upb::DeletePointer); } } static void* StartCord(void *m, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); const FieldOffset* offset = static_cast(fval); offset->SetHasbit(m); Cord* field = offset->GetFieldPointer(m); field->Clear(); return field; } static size_t OnCordBuf(void *_c, void *fval, const char *buf, size_t n) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); Cord* c = static_cast(_c); c->Append(StringPiece(buf, n)); return n; } static void* StartRepeatedCord(void *_r, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); UPB_UNUSED(fval); proto2::RepeatedField* r = static_cast*>(_r); return r->Add(); } // StringPiece /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void SetStringPieceHandlers( const proto2::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const proto2::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection* r, const upb::FieldDef* f, upb::Handlers* h) { h->SetStringHandler(f, &OnStringPieceBuf, NULL, NULL); if (f->IsSequence()) { SetStartSequenceHandler(proto2_f, r, f, h); h->SetStartStringHandler(f, &StartRepeatedStringPiece, NULL, NULL); } else { h->SetStartStringHandler( f, &StartStringPiece, new FieldOffset(proto2_f, r), &upb::DeletePointer); } } static size_t OnStringPieceBuf(void *_f, void *fval, const char *buf, size_t len) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); // TODO(haberman): alias if possible and enabled on the input stream. // TODO(haberman): add a method to StringPieceField that lets us avoid // this copy/malloc/free. proto2::internal::StringPieceField* field = static_cast(_f); size_t new_len = field->size() + len; char *data = new char[new_len]; memcpy(data, field->data(), field->size()); memcpy(data + field->size(), buf, len); field->CopyFrom(StringPiece(data, new_len)); delete[] data; return len; } static void* StartStringPiece(void *m, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); const FieldOffset* offset = static_cast(fval); offset->SetHasbit(m); proto2::internal::StringPieceField* field = offset->GetFieldPointer(m); field->Clear(); return field; } static void* StartRepeatedStringPiece(void* _r, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { UPB_UNUSED(size_hint); UPB_UNUSED(fval); typedef proto2::RepeatedPtrField RepeatedStringPiece; RepeatedStringPiece* r = static_cast(_r); proto2::internal::StringPieceField* field = r->Add(); field->Clear(); return field; } #endif // UPB_GOOGLE3 }; namespace upb { namespace google { bool TrySetWriteHandlers(const goog::FieldDescriptor* proto2_f, const goog::Message& prototype, const upb::FieldDef* upb_f, upb::Handlers* h) { return me::FieldAccessor::TrySet(proto2_f, prototype, upb_f, h); } const goog::Message* GetFieldPrototype( const goog::Message& m, const goog::FieldDescriptor* f) { return me::FieldAccessor::GetFieldPrototype(m, f); } } // namespace google } // namespace upb