/* ** Python extension exposing the core of upb: definitions, handlers, ** and a message type. **/ #include #include #include "upb/def.h" #include "upb/msg.h" static bool streql(const char *a, const char *b) { return strcmp(a, b) == 0; } PyObject *PyUpb_Error(const char *str) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, str); return NULL; } int PyUpb_ErrorInt(const char *str) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, str); return -1; } #define PyUpb_CheckStatus(status) \ if (!upb_ok(status)) return PyUpb_Error((status)->str); static upb_accessor_vtbl *PyUpb_AccessorForField(upb_fielddef *f); /* Object cache ***************************************************************/ // For objects that are just wrappers around a C object pointer, we keep a // cache mapping C pointer -> wrapper object. This allows us to consistently // vend the same Python object given the same C object. This prevents us from // creating too many Python objects unnecessarily. Just as importantly, it // provides the expected semantics: // // if field.subdef is field.subdef: // print "Sanity prevails." // // If we conjured up a new wrapper object every time, the above would not be // true. // // The cost is having to put all such objects in a table, but since this only // applies to schema-level objects (defs, handlers, etc) this seems acceptable. // We do *not* have to put all message objects in this table. // // We use weak refs so that the cache does not prevent the wrapper objects from // being collected. The table is stored as a static variable; to use // sub-interpreters this would need to change, but I believe that using // sub-interpreters is exceedingly rare in practice. typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD; void *obj; PyObject *weakreflist; } PyUpb_ObjWrapper; static PyObject *obj_cache = NULL; static PyObject *reverse_cache = NULL; static PyObject *weakref_callback = NULL; // Utility functions for manipulating Python dictionaries keyed by pointer. static PyObject *PyUpb_StringForPointer(const void *ptr) { PyObject *o = PyString_FromStringAndSize((const char *)&ptr, sizeof(void*)); assert(o); return o; } static PyObject *PyUpb_ObjCacheDeleteCallback(PyObject *self, PyObject *ref) { // Python very unfortunately clears the weakref before running our callback. // This prevents us from using the weakref to find the C pointer we need to // remove from the cache. As a result we are forced to keep a second map // mapping weakref->C pointer. PyObject *ptr_str = PyDict_GetItem(reverse_cache, ref); assert(ptr_str); int err = PyDict_DelItem(obj_cache, ptr_str); assert(!err); err = PyDict_DelItem(reverse_cache, ref); assert(!err); return Py_None; } static PyObject *PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(const void *obj, PyTypeObject *type) { PyObject *kv = PyUpb_StringForPointer(obj); PyObject *ref = PyDict_GetItem(obj_cache, kv); PyObject *ret; if (ref) { ret = PyWeakref_GetObject(ref); assert(ret != Py_None); Py_INCREF(ret); } else { PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); wrapper->obj = (void*)obj; wrapper->weakreflist = NULL; ret = (PyObject*)wrapper; ref = PyWeakref_NewRef(ret, weakref_callback); assert(PyWeakref_GetObject(ref) == ret); assert(ref); PyDict_SetItem(obj_cache, kv, ref); PyDict_SetItem(reverse_cache, ref, kv); } assert(ret); Py_DECREF(kv); return ret; } /* PyUpb_Def ******************************************************************/ static PyTypeObject *PyUpb_TypeForDef(const upb_def *def); static void PyUpb_Def_dealloc(PyObject *obj) { PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (void*)obj; upb_def_unref((upb_def*)wrapper->obj); obj->ob_type->tp_free(obj); } PyObject *PyUpb_Def_GetOrCreate(const upb_def *def) { return def ? PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(def, PyUpb_TypeForDef(def)) : Py_None; } // Will need to expand once other kinds of defs are supported. #define Check_Def(o, badret) Check_MessageDef(o, badret) /* PyUpb_FieldDef *************************************************************/ static PyTypeObject PyUpb_FieldDefType; static int PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val); #define Check_FieldDef(o, badret) \ (void*)(((PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)o)->obj); do { \ if(!PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PyUpb_FieldDefType)) { \ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be a upb.FieldDef"); \ return badret; \ } \ } while(0) static PyObject *PyUpb_FieldDef_GetOrCreate(const upb_fielddef *f) { return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(f, &PyUpb_FieldDefType); } static PyObject *PyUpb_FieldDef_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(upb_fielddef_new(), subtype); } static int PyUpb_FieldDef_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { if (!kwds) return 0; PyObject *key, *value; Py_ssize_t pos = 0; while (PyDict_Next(kwds, &pos, &key, &value)) PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro(self, key, value); return 0; } static void PyUpb_FieldDef_dealloc(PyObject *obj) { PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (void*)obj; if (wrapper->weakreflist) PyObject_ClearWeakRefs(obj); upb_fielddef_unref((upb_fielddef*)wrapper->obj); obj->ob_type->tp_free(obj); } static PyObject *PyUpb_FieldDef_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *attr_name) { upb_fielddef *f = Check_FieldDef(obj, NULL); if (!upb_fielddef_ismutable(f)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "fielddef is not mutable."); return NULL; } const char *name = PyString_AsString(attr_name); if (streql(name, "name")) { const char *name = upb_fielddef_name(f); return name == NULL ? Py_None : PyString_FromString(name); } else if (streql(name, "number")) { uint32_t num = upb_fielddef_number(f); return num == 0 ? Py_None : PyInt_FromLong(num); } else if (streql(name, "type")) { uint8_t type = upb_fielddef_type(f); return type == 0 ? Py_None : PyInt_FromLong(type); } else if (streql(name, "label")) { return PyInt_FromLong(upb_fielddef_label(f)); } else if (streql(name, "type_name")) { const char *name = upb_fielddef_typename(f); return name == NULL ? Py_None : PyString_FromString(name); } else if (streql(name, "subdef")) { // NYI; return NULL; } else if (streql(name, "msgdef")) { // NYI; return NULL; } else { return PyUpb_Error("Invalid fielddef member."); } } static int PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val) { upb_fielddef *f = Check_FieldDef(o, -1); const char *field = PyString_AsString(key); if (!upb_fielddef_ismutable(f)) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("fielddef is not mutable."); if (streql(field, "name")) { const char *name = PyString_AsString(val); if (!name || !upb_fielddef_setname(f, name)) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid name"); } else if (streql(field, "number")) { // TODO: should check truncation. Non-security issue. // Non-int will return -1, which is already invalid as a field number. if (!upb_fielddef_setnumber(f, PyInt_AsLong(val))) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid number"); } else if (streql(field, "type")) { // TODO: should check truncation. Non-security issue. if (!upb_fielddef_settype(f, PyInt_AsLong(val))) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid type"); } else if (streql(field, "label")) { // TODO: should check truncation. Non-security issue. if (!upb_fielddef_setlabel(f, PyInt_AsLong(val))) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid label"); } else if (streql(field, "type_name")) { const char *name = PyString_AsString(val); if (!name || !upb_fielddef_settypename(f, name)) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid type_name"); } else if (streql(field, "default_value")) { // NYI return -1; } else { return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid fielddef member."); } return 0; } static PyTypeObject PyUpb_FieldDefType = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /* ob_size */ "upb.FieldDef", /* tp_name */ sizeof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ &PyUpb_FieldDef_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_compare */ 0, /* TODO */ /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ &PyUpb_FieldDef_getattro, /* tp_getattro */ &PyUpb_FieldDef_setattro, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ 0, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ offsetof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper, weakreflist),/* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ 0, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ &PyUpb_FieldDef_init, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ &PyUpb_FieldDef_new, /* tp_new */ 0, /* tp_free */ }; /* PyUpb_MessageDef ***********************************************************/ static PyTypeObject PyUpb_MessageDefType; static int PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val); #define Check_MessageDef(o, badret) \ (void*)(((PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)o)->obj); do { \ if(!PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PyUpb_MessageDefType)) { \ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be a upb.MessageDef"); \ return badret; \ } \ } while(0) static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(upb_msgdef_new(), subtype); } static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields(PyObject *o, PyObject *args); static int PyUpb_MessageDef_init( PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { if (!kwds) return 0; PyObject *key, *value; Py_ssize_t pos = 0; while (PyDict_Next(kwds, &pos, &key, &value)) { const char *field = PyString_AsString(key); if (streql(field, "fields")) { PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields(self, value); } else { PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro(self, key, value); } } return 0; } static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *attr_name) { upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(obj, NULL); const char *name = PyString_AsString(attr_name); if (streql(name, "fqname")) { const char *fqname = upb_def_fqname(UPB_UPCAST(m)); return fqname == NULL ? Py_None : PyString_FromString(fqname); } return PyObject_GenericGetAttr(obj, attr_name); } static int PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro( PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *val) { upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(o, -1); if (!upb_def_ismutable(UPB_UPCAST(m))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "MessageDef is not mutable."); return -1; } const char *name = PyString_AsString(key); if (streql(name, "fqname")) { const char *fqname = PyString_AsString(val); if (!fqname || !upb_def_setfqname(UPB_UPCAST(m), fqname)) return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid fqname"); } else { return PyUpb_ErrorInt("Invalid MessageDef member."); } return 0; } static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_fields(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args) { upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(obj, NULL); PyObject *ret = PyList_New(0); upb_msg_field_iter i; for(upb_msg_field_begin(&i, m); !upb_msg_field_done(&i); upb_msg_field_next(&ii)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(&i); PyList_Append(ret, PyUpb_FieldDef_GetOrCreate(f)); } return ret; } static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields(PyObject *o, PyObject *fields) { upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(o, NULL); if (!PySequence_Check(fields)) return PyUpb_Error("Must be a sequence"); Py_ssize_t len = PySequence_Length(fields); if (len > UPB_MAX_FIELDS) return PyUpb_Error("Too many fields."); upb_fielddef *f[len]; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { PyObject *field = PySequence_GetItem(fields, i); f[i] = Check_FieldDef(field, NULL); } upb_msgdef_addfields(m, f, len); return Py_None; } static PyObject *PyUpb_MessageDef_add_field(PyObject *o, PyObject *field) { upb_msgdef *m = Check_MessageDef(o, NULL); upb_fielddef *f = Check_FieldDef(field, NULL); upb_msgdef_addfield(m, f); return Py_None; } static PyMethodDef PyUpb_MessageDef_methods[] = { {"add_field", &PyUpb_MessageDef_add_field, METH_O, "Adds a list of fields."}, {"add_fields", &PyUpb_MessageDef_add_fields, METH_O, "Adds a list of fields."}, {"fields", &PyUpb_MessageDef_fields, METH_NOARGS, "Returns list of fields."}, {NULL, NULL} }; static PyTypeObject PyUpb_MessageDefType = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /* ob_size */ "upb.MessageDef", /* tp_name */ sizeof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ &PyUpb_Def_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_compare */ 0, /* TODO */ /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ &PyUpb_MessageDef_getattro, /* tp_getattro */ &PyUpb_MessageDef_setattro, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ 0, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ offsetof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper, weakreflist),/* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ PyUpb_MessageDef_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ &PyUpb_MessageDef_init, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ &PyUpb_MessageDef_new, /* tp_new */ 0, /* tp_free */ }; static PyTypeObject *PyUpb_TypeForDef(const upb_def *def) { switch(def->type) { case UPB_DEF_MSG: return &PyUpb_MessageDefType; default: return NULL; } } /* PyUpb_SymbolTable **********************************************************/ static PyTypeObject PyUpb_SymbolTableType; #define Check_SymbolTable(o, badret) \ (void*)(((PyUpb_ObjWrapper*)o)->obj); do { \ if(!PyObject_TypeCheck(o, &PyUpb_SymbolTableType)) { \ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "must be a upb.MessageDef"); \ return badret; \ } \ } while(0) static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_new(PyTypeObject *subtype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { return PyUpb_ObjCacheGet(upb_symtab_new(), subtype); } static int PyUpb_SymbolTable_init( PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { return 0; } static void PyUpb_SymbolTable_dealloc(PyObject *obj) { PyUpb_ObjWrapper *wrapper = (void*)obj; upb_symtab_unref((upb_symtab*)wrapper->obj); obj->ob_type->tp_free(obj); } // narg is a lua table containing a list of defs to add. static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_defs(PyObject *o, PyObject *defs) { upb_symtab *s = Check_SymbolTable(o, NULL); if (!PySequence_Check(defs)) return PyUpb_Error("Must be a sequence"); Py_ssize_t n = PySequence_Length(defs); // Prevent stack overflow. if (n > 2048) return PyUpb_Error("Too many defs"); upb_def *cdefs[n]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { PyObject *pydef = PySequence_GetItem(defs, i); upb_def *def = Check_MessageDef(pydef, NULL); cdefs[i++] = def; upb_msgdef *md = upb_dyncast_msgdef(def); if (!md) continue; upb_msg_field_iter j; for(upb_msg_field_begin(&j, md); !upb_msg_field_done(&j); upb_msg_field_next(&j)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(j); upb_fielddef_setaccessor(f, PyUpb_AccessorForField(f)); } upb_msgdef_layout(md); } upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; upb_symtab_add(s, cdefs, n, &status); PyUpb_CheckStatus(&status); return Py_None; } static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_def(PyObject *o, PyObject *def) { PyObject *defs = PyList_New(1); PyList_SetItem(defs, 0, def); return PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_defs(o, defs); } // TODO: update to allow user to choose type of defs. static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_defs(PyObject *o, PyObject *none) { upb_symtab *s = Check_SymbolTable(o, NULL); int count; const upb_def **defs = upb_symtab_getdefs(s, &count, UPB_DEF_ANY); PyObject *ret = PyList_New(count); int i; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) PyList_SetItem(ret, i, PyUpb_Def_GetOrCreate(defs[i])); return ret; } static PyObject *PyUpb_SymbolTable_lookup(PyObject *o, PyObject *arg) { upb_symtab *s = Check_SymbolTable(o, NULL); const char *name = PyString_AsString(arg); const upb_def *def = upb_symtab_lookup(s, name); return PyUpb_Def_GetOrCreate(def); } static PyMethodDef PyUpb_SymbolTable_methods[] = { {"add_def", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_def, METH_O, NULL}, {"add_defs", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_add_defs, METH_O, NULL}, {"defs", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_defs, METH_NOARGS, NULL}, {"lookup", &PyUpb_SymbolTable_lookup, METH_O, NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; static PyTypeObject PyUpb_SymbolTableType = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /* ob_size */ "upb.SymbolTable", /* tp_name */ sizeof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ &PyUpb_SymbolTable_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_compare */ 0, /* TODO */ /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ 0, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ offsetof(PyUpb_ObjWrapper, weakreflist),/* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ PyUpb_SymbolTable_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ &PyUpb_SymbolTable_init, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ &PyUpb_SymbolTable_new, /* tp_new */ 0, /* tp_free */ }; /* Accessor and PyUpb_Message *************************************************/ typedef struct { PyTypeObject type; PyTypeObject *alt_type; } PyUpb_MessageType; typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD; PyObject *msgdef; char data[1]; } PyUpb_Message; PyObject **PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(PyObject *_m, upb_value fval) { PyUpb_Message *m = (PyUpb_Message*)_m; const upb_fielddef *f = upb_value_getfielddef(fval); return (PyObject**)&m->data[f->offset]; } static upb_sflow_t PyUpb_Message_StartSequence(void *m, upb_value fval) { PyObject **seq = PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(m, fval); PyTypeObject *type = ((PyUpb_MessageType*)Py_TYPE(m))->alt_type; if (!*seq) *seq = type->tp_alloc(type, 0); upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval); return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*seq); } static upb_sflow_t PyUpb_Message_StartSubmessage(void *m, upb_value fval) { PyObject **submsg = PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(m, fval); PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(m); if (!*submsg) *submsg = type->tp_alloc(type, 0); upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval); return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*submsg); } static upb_sflow_t PyUpb_Message_StartRepeatedSubmessage( void *a, upb_value fval) { (void)fval; PyObject **elem = upb_stdarray_append(a, sizeof(void*)); PyTypeObject *type = ((PyUpb_MessageType*)Py_TYPE(a))->alt_type; if (!*elem) *elem = type->tp_alloc(type, 0); return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(*elem); } static upb_flow_t PyUpb_Message_StringValue( void *m, upb_value fval, upb_value val) { PyObject **str = PyUpb_Accessor_GetPtr(m, fval); if (*str) { Py_DECREF(*str); } *str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, upb_value_getstrref(val)->len); upb_strref_read(upb_value_getstrref(val), PyString_AsString(*str)); upb_stdmsg_sethas(m, fval); return UPB_CONTINUE; } static upb_flow_t PyUpb_Message_AppendStringValue( void *a, upb_value fval, upb_value val) { (void)fval; PyObject **elem = upb_stdarray_append(a, sizeof(void*)); *elem = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, upb_value_getstrref(val)->len); upb_strref_read(upb_value_getstrref(val), PyString_AsString(*elem)); return UPB_CONTINUE; } #define STDMSG(type, size) static upb_accessor_vtbl vtbl = { \ &PyUpb_Message_StartSubmessage, \ &upb_stdmsg_set ## type, \ &PyUpb_Message_StartSequence, \ &PyUpb_Message_StartRepeatedSubmessage, \ &upb_stdmsg_set ## type ## _r, \ &upb_stdmsg_has, \ &upb_stdmsg_getptr, \ &upb_stdmsg_get ## type, \ &upb_stdmsg_seqbegin, \ &upb_stdmsg_ ## size ## byte_seqnext, \ &upb_stdmsg_seqget ## type}; #define RETURN_STDMSG(type, size) { STDMSG(type, size); return &vtbl; } static upb_accessor_vtbl *PyUpb_AccessorForField(upb_fielddef *f) { switch (f->type) { case UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE): RETURN_STDMSG(double, 8) case UPB_TYPE(FLOAT): RETURN_STDMSG(float, 4) case UPB_TYPE(UINT64): case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): RETURN_STDMSG(uint64, 8) case UPB_TYPE(INT64): case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64): case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): RETURN_STDMSG(int64, 8) case UPB_TYPE(INT32): case UPB_TYPE(SINT32): case UPB_TYPE(ENUM): case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): RETURN_STDMSG(int32, 4) case UPB_TYPE(UINT32): case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): RETURN_STDMSG(uint32, 4) case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): { STDMSG(bool, 1); return &vtbl; } case UPB_TYPE(GROUP): case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): RETURN_STDMSG(ptr, 8) // TODO: 32-bit case UPB_TYPE(STRING): case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): { STDMSG(ptr, 8); vtbl.set = &PyUpb_Message_StringValue; vtbl.append = &PyUpb_Message_AppendStringValue; return &vtbl; } } return NULL; } /* Toplevel *******************************************************************/ static PyMethodDef methods[] = { {NULL, NULL} }; // PyModule_AddObject steals a ref, but our object is statically allocated // and must not be deleted. #define PyUpb_AddType(mod, name, type) \ if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) return; \ Py_INCREF(type); \ PyModule_AddObject(mod, name, (PyObject*)type); PyMODINIT_FUNC initupb(void) { PyObject *mod = Py_InitModule("upb", methods); PyUpb_AddType(mod, "FieldDef", &PyUpb_FieldDefType); PyUpb_AddType(mod, "MessageDef", &PyUpb_MessageDefType); PyUpb_AddType(mod, "SymbolTable", &PyUpb_SymbolTableType); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "LABEL_OPTIONAL", UPB_LABEL(OPTIONAL)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "LABEL_REQUIRED", UPB_LABEL(REQUIRED)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "LABEL_REPEATED", UPB_LABEL(REPEATED)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_DOUBLE", UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_FLOAT", UPB_TYPE(FLOAT)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_INT64", UPB_TYPE(INT64)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_UINT64", UPB_TYPE(UINT64)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_INT32", UPB_TYPE(INT32)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_FIXED64", UPB_TYPE(FIXED64)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_FIXED32", UPB_TYPE(FIXED32)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_BOOL", UPB_TYPE(BOOL)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_STRING", UPB_TYPE(STRING)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_GROUP", UPB_TYPE(GROUP)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_MESSAGE", UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_BYTES", UPB_TYPE(BYTES)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_UINT32", UPB_TYPE(UINT32)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_ENUM", UPB_TYPE(ENUM)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SFIXED32", UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SFIXED64", UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SINT32", UPB_TYPE(SINT32)); PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, "TYPE_SINT64", UPB_TYPE(SINT64)); obj_cache = PyDict_New(); reverse_cache = PyDict_New(); static PyMethodDef method = { "WeakRefCallback", &PyUpb_ObjCacheDeleteCallback, METH_O, NULL}; PyObject *pyname = PyString_FromString(method.ml_name); weakref_callback = PyCFunction_NewEx(&method, NULL, pyname); Py_DECREF(pyname); }