#undef NDEBUG /* ensure tests always assert. */ #include #include #include #include #include "upb_data.h" #include "upb_def.h" #include "upb_parse.h" int num_assertions = 0; #define ASSERT(expr) do { \ ++num_assertions; \ assert(expr); \ } while(0) #include MESSAGE_HFILE void compare(const google::protobuf::Message& proto2_msg, upb_msg *upb_msg, struct upb_msgdef *upb_md); void compare_arrays(const google::protobuf::Reflection *r, const google::protobuf::Message& proto2_msg, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *proto2_f, upb_msg *upb_msg, struct upb_fielddef *upb_f) { ASSERT(upb_msg_has(upb_msg, upb_f)); upb_arrayptr arr = upb_msg_get(upb_msg, upb_f).arr; ASSERT(upb_array_len(arr) == (upb_arraylen_t)r->FieldSize(proto2_msg, proto2_f)); for(upb_arraylen_t i = 0; i < upb_array_len(arr); i++) { union upb_value v = upb_array_get(arr, upb_f, i); switch(upb_f->type) { default: ASSERT(false); case UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedDouble(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v._double); break; case UPB_TYPE(FLOAT): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedFloat(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v._float); break; case UPB_TYPE(INT64): case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedInt64(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v.int64); break; case UPB_TYPE(UINT64): case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedUInt64(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v.uint64); break; case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): case UPB_TYPE(SINT32): case UPB_TYPE(INT32): case UPB_TYPE(ENUM): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedInt32(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v.int32); break; case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): case UPB_TYPE(UINT32): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedUInt32(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v.uint32); break; case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): ASSERT(r->GetRepeatedBool(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i) == v._bool); break; case UPB_TYPE(STRING): case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): { std::string str = r->GetRepeatedString(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i); std::string str2(upb_string_getrobuf(v.str), upb_strlen(v.str)); ASSERT(str == str2); break; } case UPB_TYPE(GROUP): case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): ASSERT(upb_dyncast_msgdef(upb_f->def) != NULL); compare(r->GetRepeatedMessage(proto2_msg, proto2_f, i), v.msg, upb_downcast_msgdef(upb_f->def)); } } } void compare_values(const google::protobuf::Reflection *r, const google::protobuf::Message& proto2_msg, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *proto2_f, upb_msg *upb_msg, struct upb_fielddef *upb_f) { union upb_value v = upb_msg_get(upb_msg, upb_f); switch(upb_f->type) { default: ASSERT(false); case UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE): ASSERT(r->GetDouble(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v._double); break; case UPB_TYPE(FLOAT): ASSERT(r->GetFloat(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v._float); break; case UPB_TYPE(INT64): case UPB_TYPE(SINT64): case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64): ASSERT(r->GetInt64(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v.int64); break; case UPB_TYPE(UINT64): case UPB_TYPE(FIXED64): ASSERT(r->GetUInt64(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v.uint64); break; case UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32): case UPB_TYPE(SINT32): case UPB_TYPE(INT32): case UPB_TYPE(ENUM): ASSERT(r->GetInt32(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v.int32); break; case UPB_TYPE(FIXED32): case UPB_TYPE(UINT32): ASSERT(r->GetUInt32(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v.uint32); break; case UPB_TYPE(BOOL): ASSERT(r->GetBool(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == v._bool); break; case UPB_TYPE(STRING): case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): { std::string str = r->GetString(proto2_msg, proto2_f); std::string str2(upb_string_getrobuf(v.str), upb_strlen(v.str)); ASSERT(str == str2); break; } case UPB_TYPE(GROUP): case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): compare(r->GetMessage(proto2_msg, proto2_f), v.msg, upb_downcast_msgdef(upb_f->def)); } } void compare(const google::protobuf::Message& proto2_msg, upb_msg *upb_msg, struct upb_msgdef *upb_md) { const google::protobuf::Reflection *r = proto2_msg.GetReflection(); const google::protobuf::Descriptor *d = proto2_msg.GetDescriptor(); ASSERT((upb_field_count_t)d->field_count() == upb_md->num_fields); for(upb_field_count_t i = 0; i < upb_md->num_fields; i++) { struct upb_fielddef *upb_f = &upb_md->fields[i]; const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *proto2_f = d->FindFieldByNumber(upb_f->number); // Make sure the definitions are equal. ASSERT(upb_f); ASSERT(proto2_f); ASSERT(upb_f->number == proto2_f->number()); ASSERT(std::string(upb_string_getrobuf(upb_f->name), upb_strlen(upb_f->name)) == proto2_f->name()); ASSERT(upb_f->type == proto2_f->type()); ASSERT(upb_isarray(upb_f) == proto2_f->is_repeated()); if(!upb_msg_has(upb_msg, upb_f)) { if(upb_isarray(upb_f)) ASSERT(r->FieldSize(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == 0); else ASSERT(r->HasField(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == false); } else { if(upb_isarray(upb_f)) { compare_arrays(r, proto2_msg, proto2_f, upb_msg, upb_f); } else { ASSERT(r->HasField(proto2_msg, proto2_f) == true); compare_values(r, proto2_msg, proto2_f, upb_msg, upb_f); } } } } void parse_and_compare(MESSAGE_CIDENT *proto2_msg, upb_msg *upb_msg, struct upb_msgdef *upb_md, upb_strptr str) { // Parse to both proto2 and upb. ASSERT(proto2_msg->ParseFromArray(upb_string_getrobuf(str), upb_strlen(str))); struct upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; upb_msg_parsestr(upb_msg, upb_md, str, &status); ASSERT(upb_ok(&status)); compare(*proto2_msg, upb_msg, upb_md); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Change cwd to where the binary is. (void)argc; char *lastslash = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); char *progname = argv[0]; if(lastslash) { *lastslash = '\0'; if(chdir(argv[0]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error changing directory to %s.\n", argv[0]); return 1; } *lastslash = '/'; progname = lastslash + 3; /* "/b_" */ } // Initialize upb state, parse descriptor. struct upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; struct upb_symtab *c = upb_symtab_new(); upb_strptr fds = upb_strreadfile(MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE); if(upb_string_isnull(fds)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read " MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE ".\n"); return 1; } upb_symtab_add_desc(c, fds, &status); if(!upb_ok(&status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error importing " MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE ": %s.\n", status.msg); return 1; } upb_string_unref(fds); upb_strptr proto_name = upb_strdupc(MESSAGE_NAME); struct upb_msgdef *def = upb_downcast_msgdef(upb_symtab_lookup(c, proto_name)); if(!def) { fprintf(stderr, "Error finding symbol '" UPB_STRFMT "'.\n", UPB_STRARG(proto_name)); return 1; } upb_string_unref(proto_name); // Read the message data itself. upb_strptr str = upb_strreadfile(MESSAGE_FILE); if(upb_string_isnull(str)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading " MESSAGE_FILE "\n"); return 1; } // Run twice to test proper object reuse. MESSAGE_CIDENT proto2_msg; upb_msg *upb_msg = upb_msg_new(def); parse_and_compare(&proto2_msg, upb_msg, def, str); parse_and_compare(&proto2_msg, upb_msg, def, str); printf("All tests passed, %d assertions.\n", num_assertions); upb_msg_unref(upb_msg, def); upb_def_unref(UPB_UPCAST(def)); upb_string_unref(str); upb_symtab_unref(c); return 0; }