/* * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. * * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. * * An exhaustive set of tests for parsing both valid and invalid protobuf * input, with buffer breaks in arbitrary places. * * Tests to add: * - string/bytes * - unknown field handler called appropriately * - unknown fields can be inserted in random places * - fuzzing of valid input * - resource limits (max stack depth, max string len) * - testing of groups * - more throrough testing of sequences * - test skipping of submessages * - test suspending the decoder * - buffers that are close enough to the end of the address space that * pointers overflow (this might be difficult). * - a few "kitchen sink" examples (one proto that uses all types, lots * of submsg/sequences, etc. */ #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS // For PRIuS, etc. #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "upb/handlers.h" #include "upb/pb/decoder.h" #include "upb/pb/varint.h" #include "upb/upb.h" #include "upb_test.h" #include "third_party/upb/tests/test_decoder_schema.upb.h" uint32_t filter_hash = 0; // Copied from decoder.c, since this is not a public interface. typedef struct { uint8_t native_wire_type; bool is_numeric; } upb_decoder_typeinfo; static const upb_decoder_typeinfo upb_decoder_types[] = { {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP, false}, // ENDGROUP {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT, true}, // DOUBLE {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT, true}, // FLOAT {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // INT64 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // UINT64 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // INT32 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT, true}, // FIXED64 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT, true}, // FIXED32 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // BOOL {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED, false}, // STRING {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_START_GROUP, false}, // GROUP {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED, false}, // MESSAGE {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED, false}, // BYTES {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // UINT32 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // ENUM {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT, true}, // SFIXED32 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT, true}, // SFIXED64 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // SINT32 {UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT, true}, // SINT64 }; class buffer { public: buffer(const void *data, size_t len) : len_(0) { append(data, len); } explicit buffer(const char *data) : len_(0) { append(data); } explicit buffer(size_t len) : len_(len) { memset(buf_, 0, len); } buffer(const buffer& buf) : len_(0) { append(buf); } buffer() : len_(0) {} void append(const void *data, size_t len) { ASSERT_NOCOUNT(len + len_ < sizeof(buf_)); memcpy(buf_ + len_, data, len); len_ += len; buf_[len_] = NULL; } void append(const buffer& buf) { append(buf.buf_, buf.len_); } void append(const char *str) { append(str, strlen(str)); } void vappendf(const char *fmt, va_list args) { size_t avail = sizeof(buf_) - len_; size_t size = vsnprintf(buf_ + len_, avail, fmt, args); ASSERT_NOCOUNT(avail > size); len_ += size; } void appendf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vappendf(fmt, args); va_end(args); } void assign(const buffer& buf) { clear(); append(buf); } bool eql(const buffer& other) const { return len_ == other.len_ && memcmp(buf_, other.buf_, len_) == 0; } void clear() { len_ = 0; } size_t len() const { return len_; } const char *buf() const { return buf_; } private: // Has to be big enough for the largest string used in the test. char buf_[32768]; size_t len_; }; /* Routines for building arbitrary protos *************************************/ const buffer empty; buffer cat(const buffer& a, const buffer& b, const buffer& c = empty, const buffer& d = empty, const buffer& e = empty) { buffer ret; ret.append(a); ret.append(b); ret.append(c); ret.append(d); ret.append(e); return ret; } buffer varint(uint64_t x) { char buf[UPB_PB_VARINT_MAX_LEN]; size_t len = upb_vencode64(x, buf); return buffer(buf, len); } // TODO: proper byte-swapping for big-endian machines. buffer fixed32(void *data) { return buffer(data, 4); } buffer fixed64(void *data) { return buffer(data, 8); } buffer delim(const buffer& buf) { return cat(varint(buf.len()), buf); } buffer uint32(uint32_t u32) { return fixed32(&u32); } buffer uint64(uint64_t u64) { return fixed64(&u64); } buffer flt(float f) { return fixed32(&f); } buffer dbl(double d) { return fixed64(&d); } buffer zz32(int32_t x) { return varint(upb_zzenc_32(x)); } buffer zz64(int64_t x) { return varint(upb_zzenc_64(x)); } buffer tag(uint32_t fieldnum, char wire_type) { return varint((fieldnum << 3) | wire_type); } buffer submsg(uint32_t fn, const buffer& buf) { return cat( tag(fn, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), delim(buf) ); } /* A set of handlers that covers all .proto types *****************************/ // The handlers simply append to a string indicating what handlers were called. // This string is similar to protobuf text format but fields are referred to by // number instead of name and sequences are explicitly delimited. We indent // using the closure depth to test that the stack of closures is properly // handled. int closures[UPB_MAX_NESTING]; buffer output; void indentbuf(buffer *buf, int depth) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) buf->append(" ", 2); } void indent(void *depth) { indentbuf(&output, *(int*)depth); } #define NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(member, ctype, fmt) \ bool value_ ## member(void *closure, void *fval, ctype val) { \ indent(closure); \ uint32_t *num = static_cast(fval); \ output.appendf("%" PRIu32 ":%" fmt "\n", *num, val); \ return true; \ } NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(uint32, uint32_t, PRIu32) NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(uint64, uint64_t, PRIu64) NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(int32, int32_t, PRId32) NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(int64, int64_t, PRId64) NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(float, float, "g") NUMERIC_VALUE_HANDLER(double, double, "g") bool value_bool(void *closure, void *fval, bool val) { indent(closure); uint32_t *num = static_cast(fval); output.appendf("%" PRIu32 ":%s\n", *num, val ? "true" : "false"); return true; } void* startstr(void *closure, void *fval, size_t size_hint) { indent(closure); uint32_t *num = static_cast(fval); output.appendf("%" PRIu32 ":(%zu)\"", *num, size_hint); return ((int*)closure) + 1; } size_t value_string(void *closure, void *fval, const char *buf, size_t n) { output.append(buf, n); return n; } bool endstr(void *closure, void *fval) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); output.append("\"\n"); return true; } void* startsubmsg(void *closure, void *fval) { indent(closure); uint32_t *num = static_cast(fval); output.appendf("%" PRIu32 ":{\n", *num); return ((int*)closure) + 1; } bool endsubmsg(void *closure, void *fval) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); indent(closure); output.append("}\n"); return true; } void* startseq(void *closure, void *fval) { indent(closure); uint32_t *num = static_cast(fval); output.appendf("%" PRIu32 ":[\n", *num); return ((int*)closure) + 1; } bool endseq(void *closure, void *fval) { UPB_UNUSED(fval); indent(closure); output.append("]\n"); return true; } bool startmsg(void *closure) { indent(closure); output.append("<\n"); return true; } void endmsg(void *closure, upb_status *status) { (void)status; indent(closure); output.append(">\n"); } void free_uint32(void *val) { uint32_t *u32 = static_cast(val); delete u32; } template void doreg(upb_handlers *h, uint32_t num, typename upb::Handlers::Value::Handler *handler) { const upb_fielddef *f = upb_msgdef_itof(upb_handlers_msgdef(h), num); ASSERT(f); ASSERT(h->SetValueHandler(f, handler, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); if (f->IsSequence()) { ASSERT(h->SetStartSequenceHandler( f, &startseq, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(h->SetEndSequenceHandler( f, &endseq, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); } } // The repeated field number to correspond to the given non-repeated field // number. uint32_t rep_fn(uint32_t fn) { return (UPB_MAX_FIELDNUMBER - 1000) + fn; } #define NOP_FIELD 40 #define UNKNOWN_FIELD 666 template void reg(upb_handlers *h, upb_fieldtype_t type, typename upb::Handlers::Value::Handler *handler) { // We register both a repeated and a non-repeated field for every type. // For the non-repeated field we make the field number the same as the // type. For the repeated field we make it a function of the type. doreg(h, type, handler); doreg(h, rep_fn(type), handler); } void reg_subm(upb_handlers *h, uint32_t num) { const upb_fielddef *f = upb_msgdef_itof(upb_handlers_msgdef(h), num); ASSERT(f); if (f->IsSequence()) { ASSERT(h->SetStartSequenceHandler( f, &startseq, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(h->SetEndSequenceHandler( f, &endseq, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); } ASSERT(h->SetStartSubMessageHandler( f, &startsubmsg, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(h->SetEndSubMessageHandler( f, &endsubmsg, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(upb_handlers_setsubhandlers(h, f, h)); } void reg_str(upb_handlers *h, uint32_t num) { const upb_fielddef *f = upb_msgdef_itof(upb_handlers_msgdef(h), num); ASSERT(f); if (f->IsSequence()) { ASSERT(h->SetStartSequenceHandler( f, &startseq, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(h->SetEndSequenceHandler( f, &endseq, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); } ASSERT(h->SetStartStringHandler( f, &startstr, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(h->SetEndStringHandler( f, &endstr, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); ASSERT(h->SetStringHandler( f, &value_string, new uint32_t(num), free_uint32)); } void reghandlers(upb_handlers *h) { upb_handlers_setstartmsg(h, &startmsg); upb_handlers_setendmsg(h, &endmsg); // Register handlers for each type. reg (h, UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE), &value_double); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(FLOAT), &value_float); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(INT64), &value_int64); reg(h, UPB_TYPE(UINT64), &value_uint64); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(INT32) , &value_int32); reg(h, UPB_TYPE(FIXED64), &value_uint64); reg(h, UPB_TYPE(FIXED32), &value_uint32); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(BOOL), &value_bool); reg(h, UPB_TYPE(UINT32), &value_uint32); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(ENUM), &value_int32); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32), &value_int32); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64), &value_int64); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(SINT32), &value_int32); reg (h, UPB_TYPE(SINT64), &value_int64); reg_str(h, UPB_TYPE(STRING)); reg_str(h, UPB_TYPE(BYTES)); reg_str(h, rep_fn(UPB_TYPE(STRING))); reg_str(h, rep_fn(UPB_TYPE(BYTES))); // Register submessage/group handlers that are self-recursive // to this type, eg: message M { optional M m = 1; } reg_subm(h, UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)); reg_subm(h, rep_fn(UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE))); // For NOP_FIELD we register no handlers, so we can pad a proto freely without // changing the output. } /* Custom bytesrc that can insert buffer seams in arbitrary places ************/ typedef struct { upb_bytesrc bytesrc; const char *str; size_t len, seam1, seam2; upb_byteregion byteregion; } upb_seamsrc; size_t upb_seamsrc_avail(const upb_seamsrc *src, size_t ofs) { if (ofs < src->seam1) return src->seam1 - ofs; if (ofs < src->seam2) return src->seam2 - ofs; return src->len - ofs; } upb_bytesuccess_t upb_seamsrc_fetch(void *_src, uint64_t ofs, size_t *read) { upb_seamsrc *src = (upb_seamsrc*)_src; assert(ofs < src->len); if (ofs == src->len) { upb_status_seteof(&src->bytesrc.status); return UPB_BYTE_EOF; } *read = upb_seamsrc_avail(src, ofs); return UPB_BYTE_OK; } void upb_seamsrc_copy(const void *_src, uint64_t ofs, size_t len, char *dst) { const upb_seamsrc *src = (const upb_seamsrc*)_src; assert(ofs + len <= src->len); memcpy(dst, src->str + ofs, len); } void upb_seamsrc_discard(void *src, uint64_t ofs) { (void)src; (void)ofs; } const char *upb_seamsrc_getptr(const void *_s, uint64_t ofs, size_t *len) { const upb_seamsrc *src = (const upb_seamsrc*)_s; *len = upb_seamsrc_avail(src, ofs); return src->str + ofs; } void upb_seamsrc_init(upb_seamsrc *s, const char *str, size_t len) { static upb_bytesrc_vtbl vtbl = { &upb_seamsrc_fetch, &upb_seamsrc_discard, &upb_seamsrc_copy, &upb_seamsrc_getptr, }; upb_bytesrc_init(&s->bytesrc, &vtbl); s->seam1 = 0; s->seam2 = 0; s->str = str; s->len = len; s->byteregion.bytesrc = &s->bytesrc; s->byteregion.toplevel = true; s->byteregion.start = 0; s->byteregion.end = len; } void upb_seamsrc_resetseams(upb_seamsrc *s, size_t seam1, size_t seam2) { assert(seam1 <= seam2); s->seam1 = seam1; s->seam2 = seam2; s->byteregion.discard = 0; s->byteregion.fetch = 0; } void upb_seamsrc_uninit(upb_seamsrc *s) { (void)s; } upb_bytesrc *upb_seamsrc_bytesrc(upb_seamsrc *s) { return &s->bytesrc; } // Returns the top-level upb_byteregion* for this seamsrc. Invalidated when // the seamsrc is reset. upb_byteregion *upb_seamsrc_allbytes(upb_seamsrc *s) { return &s->byteregion; } /* Running of test cases ******************************************************/ upb_decoderplan *plan; uint32_t Hash(const buffer& proto, const buffer* expected_output) { uint32_t hash = MurmurHash2(proto.buf(), proto.len(), 0); if (expected_output) hash = MurmurHash2(expected_output->buf(), expected_output->len(), hash); bool hasjit = upb_decoderplan_hasjitcode(plan); hash = MurmurHash2(&hasjit, 1, hash); return hash; } #define LINE(x) x "\n" void run_decoder(const buffer& proto, const buffer* expected_output) { testhash = Hash(proto, expected_output); if (filter_hash && testhash != filter_hash) return; upb_seamsrc src; upb_seamsrc_init(&src, proto.buf(), proto.len()); upb_decoder d; upb_decoder_init(&d); upb_decoder_resetplan(&d, plan); for (size_t i = 0; i < proto.len(); i++) { for (size_t j = i; j < UPB_MIN(proto.len(), i + 5); j++) { upb_seamsrc_resetseams(&src, i, j); upb_byteregion *input = upb_seamsrc_allbytes(&src); output.clear(); upb_decoder_resetinput(&d, input, &closures[0]); upb_success_t success = upb_decoder_decode(&d); ASSERT(upb_ok(upb_decoder_status(&d)) == (success == UPB_OK)); if (expected_output) { ASSERT_STATUS(success == UPB_OK, upb_decoder_status(&d)); // The input should be fully consumed. ASSERT(upb_byteregion_fetchofs(input) == upb_byteregion_endofs(input)); ASSERT(upb_byteregion_discardofs(input) == upb_byteregion_endofs(input)); if (!output.eql(*expected_output)) { fprintf(stderr, "Text mismatch: '%s' vs '%s'\n", output.buf(), expected_output->buf()); } ASSERT(output.eql(*expected_output)); } else { ASSERT(success == UPB_ERROR); } } } upb_decoder_uninit(&d); upb_seamsrc_uninit(&src); testhash = 0; } const static buffer thirty_byte_nop = buffer(cat( tag(NOP_FIELD, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), delim(buffer(30)) )); void assert_successful_parse(const buffer& proto, const char *expected_fmt, ...) { buffer expected_text; va_list args; va_start(args, expected_fmt); expected_text.vappendf(expected_fmt, args); va_end(args); // The JIT is only used for data >=20 bytes from end-of-buffer, so // repeat once with no-op padding data at the end of buffer. run_decoder(proto, &expected_text); run_decoder(cat( proto, thirty_byte_nop ), &expected_text); } void assert_does_not_parse_at_eof(const buffer& proto) { run_decoder(proto, NULL); } void assert_does_not_parse(const buffer& proto) { // The JIT is only used for data >=20 bytes from end-of-buffer, so // repeat once with no-op padding data at the end of buffer. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof(proto); assert_does_not_parse_at_eof(cat( proto, thirty_byte_nop )); } /* The actual tests ***********************************************************/ void test_premature_eof_for_type(upb_fieldtype_t type) { // Incomplete values for each wire type. static const buffer incompletes[6] = { buffer("\x80"), // UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT buffer("abcdefg"), // UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT buffer("\x80"), // UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED (partial length) buffer(), // UPB_WIRE_TYPE_START_GROUP (no value required) buffer(), // UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP (no value required) buffer("abc") // UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT }; uint32_t fieldnum = type; uint32_t rep_fieldnum = rep_fn(type); int wire_type = upb_decoder_types[type].native_wire_type; const buffer& incomplete = incompletes[wire_type]; // EOF before a known non-repeated value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof(tag(fieldnum, wire_type)); // EOF before a known repeated value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof(tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type)); // EOF before an unknown value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof(tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type)); // EOF inside a known non-repeated value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), incomplete )); // EOF inside a known repeated value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), incomplete )); // EOF inside an unknown value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), incomplete )); if (wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) { // EOF in the middle of delimited data for known non-repeated value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), varint(1) )); // EOF in the middle of delimited data for known repeated value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), varint(1) )); // EOF in the middle of delimited data for unknown value. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), varint(1) )); if (type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)) { // Submessage ends in the middle of a value. buffer incomplete_submsg = cat ( tag(UPB_TYPE(INT32), UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT), incompletes[UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT] ); assert_does_not_parse( cat( tag(fieldnum, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), varint(incomplete_submsg.len()), incomplete_submsg )); } } else { // Packed region ends in the middle of a value. assert_does_not_parse( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), varint(incomplete.len()), incomplete )); // EOF in the middle of packed region. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), varint(1) )); } } // "33" and "66" are just two random values that all numeric types can // represent. void test_valid_data_for_type(upb_fieldtype_t type, const buffer& enc33, const buffer& enc66) { uint32_t fieldnum = type; uint32_t rep_fieldnum = rep_fn(type); int wire_type = upb_decoder_types[type].native_wire_type; // Non-repeated assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), enc33, tag(fieldnum, wire_type), enc66 ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:33") LINE("%u:66") LINE(">"), fieldnum, fieldnum); // Non-packed repeated. assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), enc33, tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), enc66 ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:33") LINE(" %u:66") LINE("]") LINE(">"), rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum); // Packed repeated. assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), delim(cat( enc33, enc66 )) ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:33") LINE(" %u:66") LINE("]") LINE(">"), rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum); } void test_valid_data_for_signed_type(upb_fieldtype_t type, const buffer& enc33, const buffer& enc66) { uint32_t fieldnum = type; uint32_t rep_fieldnum = rep_fn(type); int wire_type = upb_decoder_types[type].native_wire_type; // Non-repeated assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), enc33, tag(fieldnum, wire_type), enc66 ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:33") LINE("%u:-66") LINE(">"), fieldnum, fieldnum); // Non-packed repeated. assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), enc33, tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), enc66 ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:33") LINE(" %u:-66") LINE("]") LINE(">"), rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum); // Packed repeated. assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), delim(cat( enc33, enc66 )) ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:33") LINE(" %u:-66") LINE("]") LINE(">"), rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum, rep_fieldnum); } // Test that invalid protobufs are properly detected (without crashing) and // have an error reported. Field numbers match registered handlers above. void test_invalid() { test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(FLOAT)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(INT64)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(UINT64)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(INT32)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(FIXED64)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(FIXED32)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(BOOL)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(STRING)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(BYTES)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(UINT32)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(ENUM)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(SINT32)); test_premature_eof_for_type(UPB_TYPE(SINT64)); // EOF inside a tag's varint. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( buffer("\x80") ); // EOF inside a known group. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( tag(4, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_START_GROUP) ); // EOF inside an unknown group. assert_does_not_parse_at_eof( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_START_GROUP) ); // End group that we are not currently in. assert_does_not_parse( tag(4, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_END_GROUP) ); // Field number is 0. assert_does_not_parse( cat( tag(0, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), varint(0) )); // Field number is too large. assert_does_not_parse( cat( tag(UPB_MAX_FIELDNUMBER + 1, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED), varint(0) )); // Test exceeding the resource limit of stack depth. buffer buf; for (int i = 0; i < UPB_MAX_NESTING; i++) { buf.assign(submsg(UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE), buf)); } assert_does_not_parse(buf); } void test_valid() { test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE), dbl(33), dbl(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(FLOAT), flt(33), flt(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(INT64), varint(33), varint(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(INT32), varint(33), varint(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(ENUM), varint(33), varint(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(SFIXED32), uint32(33), uint32(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(SFIXED64), uint64(33), uint64(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(SINT32), zz32(33), zz32(-66)); test_valid_data_for_signed_type(UPB_TYPE(SINT64), zz64(33), zz64(-66)); test_valid_data_for_type(UPB_TYPE(UINT64), varint(33), varint(66)); test_valid_data_for_type(UPB_TYPE(UINT32), varint(33), varint(66)); test_valid_data_for_type(UPB_TYPE(FIXED64), uint64(33), uint64(66)); test_valid_data_for_type(UPB_TYPE(FIXED32), uint32(33), uint32(66)); // Test implicit startseq/endseq. uint32_t repfl_fn = rep_fn(UPB_TYPE(FLOAT)); uint32_t repdb_fn = rep_fn(UPB_TYPE(DOUBLE)); assert_successful_parse( cat( tag(repfl_fn, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT), flt(33), tag(repdb_fn, UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT), dbl(66) ), LINE("<") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:33") LINE("]") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:66") LINE("]") LINE(">"), repfl_fn, repfl_fn, repdb_fn, repdb_fn); // Submessage tests. uint32_t msg_fn = UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE); assert_successful_parse( submsg(msg_fn, submsg(msg_fn, submsg(msg_fn, buffer()))), LINE("<") LINE("%u:{") LINE(" <") LINE(" %u:{") LINE(" <") LINE(" %u:{") LINE(" <") LINE(" >") LINE(" }") LINE(" >") LINE(" }") LINE(" >") LINE("}") LINE(">"), msg_fn, msg_fn, msg_fn); uint32_t repm_fn = rep_fn(UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)); assert_successful_parse( submsg(repm_fn, submsg(repm_fn, buffer())), LINE("<") LINE("%u:[") LINE(" %u:{") LINE(" <") LINE(" %u:[") LINE(" %u:{") LINE(" <") LINE(" >") LINE(" }") LINE(" ]") LINE(" >") LINE(" }") LINE("]") LINE(">"), repm_fn, repm_fn, repm_fn, repm_fn); // Staying within the stack limit should work properly. buffer buf; buffer textbuf; int total = UPB_MAX_NESTING - 1; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { buf.assign(submsg(UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE), buf)); indentbuf(&textbuf, i); textbuf.append("<\n"); indentbuf(&textbuf, i); textbuf.appendf("%u:{\n", UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)); } indentbuf(&textbuf, total); textbuf.append("<\n"); indentbuf(&textbuf, total); textbuf.append(">\n"); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { indentbuf(&textbuf, total - i - 1); textbuf.append("}\n"); indentbuf(&textbuf, total - i - 1); textbuf.append(">\n"); } assert_successful_parse(buf, "%s", textbuf.buf()); } void run_tests() { test_invalid(); test_valid(); } extern "C" { int run_tests(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc > 1) filter_hash = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 16); for (int i = 0; i < UPB_MAX_NESTING; i++) { closures[i] = i; } // Create an empty handlers to make sure that the decoder can handle empty // messages. upb_handlers *h = upb_handlers_new(UPB_TEST_DECODER_EMPTYMESSAGE, &h); bool ok = upb_handlers_freeze(&h, 1, NULL); ASSERT(ok); plan = upb_decoderplan_new(h, true); upb_handlers_unref(h, &h); upb_decoderplan_unref(plan); // Construct decoder plan. h = upb_handlers_new(UPB_TEST_DECODER_DECODERTEST, &h); reghandlers(h); ok = upb_handlers_freeze(&h, 1, NULL); // Test without JIT. plan = upb_decoderplan_new(h, false); ASSERT(!upb_decoderplan_hasjitcode(plan)); run_tests(); upb_decoderplan_unref(plan); #ifdef UPB_USE_JIT_X64 // Test JIT. plan = upb_decoderplan_new(h, true); ASSERT(upb_decoderplan_hasjitcode(plan)); run_tests(); upb_decoderplan_unref(plan); #endif plan = NULL; printf("All tests passed, %d assertions.\n", num_assertions); upb_handlers_unref(h, &h); return 0; } }