/* * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. * * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. * Author: Josh Haberman * * Data structure for storing a message of protobuf data. */ #include "upb_msg.h" static uint32_t upb_round_up_pow2(uint32_t v) { // http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#RoundUpPowerOf2 v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; } static void upb_elem_free(upb_value v, upb_fielddef *f) { switch(f->type) { case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): case UPB_TYPE(GROUP): _upb_msg_free(upb_value_getmsg(v), upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def)); break; case UPB_TYPE(STRING): case UPB_TYPE(BYTES): _upb_string_free(upb_value_getstr(v)); break; default: abort(); } } static void upb_elem_unref(upb_value v, upb_fielddef *f) { assert(upb_elem_ismm(f)); upb_atomic_refcount_t *refcount = upb_value_getrefcount(v); if (refcount && upb_atomic_unref(refcount)) upb_elem_free(v, f); } static void upb_field_free(upb_value v, upb_fielddef *f) { if (upb_isarray(f)) { _upb_array_free(upb_value_getarr(v), f); } else { upb_elem_free(v, f); } } static void upb_field_unref(upb_value v, upb_fielddef *f) { assert(upb_field_ismm(f)); upb_atomic_refcount_t *refcount = upb_value_getrefcount(v); if (refcount && upb_atomic_unref(refcount)) upb_field_free(v, f); } /* upb_array ******************************************************************/ upb_array *upb_array_new(void) { upb_array *arr = malloc(sizeof(*arr)); upb_atomic_refcount_init(&arr->refcount, 1); arr->size = 0; arr->len = 0; arr->ptr = NULL; return arr; } void __attribute__((noinline)) upb_array_dorecycle(upb_array **_arr) { upb_array *arr = *_arr; if(arr && upb_atomic_only(&arr->refcount)) { arr->len = 0; } else { if (arr) { bool was_lastref = upb_atomic_unref(&arr->refcount); (void)was_lastref; assert(!was_lastref); // If it was, we would have just recycled. } *_arr = upb_array_new(); } } void upb_array_recycle(upb_array **_arr) { upb_array *arr = *_arr; if(arr && upb_atomic_only(&arr->refcount)) { arr->len = 0; } else { upb_array_dorecycle(_arr); } } void _upb_array_free(upb_array *arr, upb_fielddef *f) { if (upb_elem_ismm(f)) { // Need to release refs on sub-objects. upb_valuetype_t type = upb_elem_valuetype(f); for (upb_arraylen_t i = 0; i < arr->size; i++) { upb_valueptr p = _upb_array_getptr(arr, f, i); upb_elem_unref(upb_value_read(p, type), f); } } free(arr->ptr); free(arr); } void __attribute__((noinline)) upb_array_doresize( upb_array *arr, size_t type_size, upb_arraylen_t len) { upb_arraylen_t old_size = arr->size; size_t new_size = upb_round_up_pow2(len); arr->ptr = realloc(arr->ptr, new_size * type_size); arr->size = new_size; memset(arr->ptr + (old_size * type_size), 0, (new_size - old_size) * type_size); } void upb_array_resizefortypesize(upb_array *arr, size_t type_size, upb_arraylen_t len) { if (arr->size < len) upb_array_doresize(arr, type_size, len); arr->len = len; } void upb_array_resize(upb_array *arr, upb_fielddef *f, upb_arraylen_t len) { upb_array_resizefortypesize(arr, upb_types[f->type].size, len); } /* upb_msg ********************************************************************/ upb_msg *upb_msg_new(upb_msgdef *md) { upb_msg *msg = malloc(md->size); // Clear all set bits and cached pointers. memset(msg, 0, md->size); upb_atomic_refcount_init(&msg->refcount, 1); return msg; } void _upb_msg_free(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md) { // Need to release refs on all sub-objects. upb_msg_iter i; for(i = upb_msg_begin(md); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(md, i)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i); upb_valueptr p = _upb_msg_getptr(msg, f); upb_valuetype_t type = upb_field_valuetype(f); if (upb_field_ismm(f)) upb_field_unref(upb_value_read(p, type), f); } free(msg); } void upb_msg_recycle(upb_msg **_msg, upb_msgdef *msgdef) { upb_msg *msg = *_msg; if(msg && upb_atomic_only(&msg->refcount)) { upb_msg_clear(msg, msgdef); } else { upb_msg_unref(msg, msgdef); if (msg) { bool was_lastref = upb_atomic_unref(&msg->refcount); (void)was_lastref; assert(!was_lastref); } *_msg = upb_msg_new(msgdef); } } INLINE void upb_msg_sethas(upb_msg *msg, upb_fielddef *f) { msg->data[f->set_bit_offset] |= f->set_bit_mask; } void upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg, upb_fielddef *f, upb_value val) { assert(val.type == upb_types[upb_field_valuetype(f)].inmemory_type); upb_valueptr ptr = _upb_msg_getptr(msg, f); if (upb_field_ismm(f)) { // Unref any previous value we may have had there. upb_value oldval = upb_value_read(ptr, upb_field_valuetype(f)); upb_field_unref(oldval, f); // Ref the new value. upb_atomic_refcount_t *refcount = upb_value_getrefcount(val); if (refcount) upb_atomic_ref(refcount); } upb_msg_sethas(msg, f); return upb_value_write(ptr, val, upb_field_valuetype(f)); } upb_value upb_msg_get(upb_msg *msg, upb_fielddef *f) { if (!upb_msg_has(msg, f)) { upb_value val = f->default_value; if (upb_issubmsg(f)) { // TODO: handle arrays also, which must be treated similarly. upb_msgdef *md = upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def); upb_msg *m = upb_msg_new(md); // Copy all set bits and values, except the refcount. memcpy(m , upb_value_getmsg(val), md->size); upb_atomic_refcount_init(&m->refcount, 0); // The msg will take a ref. upb_value_setmsg(&val, m); } upb_msg_set(msg, f, val); return val; } else { return upb_value_read(_upb_msg_getptr(msg, f), upb_field_valuetype(f)); } } static upb_flow_t upb_msg_dispatch(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md, upb_dispatcher *d); static upb_flow_t upb_msg_pushval(upb_value val, upb_fielddef *f, upb_dispatcher *d, upb_fhandlers *hf) { if (upb_issubmsg(f)) { upb_msg *msg = upb_value_getmsg(val); upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(d, hf); upb_msg_dispatch(msg, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def), d); upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(d); } else { upb_dispatch_value(d, hf, val); } return UPB_CONTINUE; } static upb_flow_t upb_msg_dispatch(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md, upb_dispatcher *d) { upb_msg_iter i; for(i = upb_msg_begin(md); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(md, i)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i); if (!upb_msg_has(msg, f)) continue; upb_fhandlers *hf = upb_dispatcher_lookup(d, f->number); if (!hf) continue; upb_value val = upb_msg_get(msg, f); if (upb_isarray(f)) { upb_array *arr = upb_value_getarr(val); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < upb_array_len(arr); ++j) { upb_msg_pushval(upb_array_get(arr, f, j), f, d, hf); } } else { upb_msg_pushval(val, f, d, hf); } } return UPB_CONTINUE; } void upb_msg_runhandlers(upb_msg *msg, upb_msgdef *md, upb_handlers *h, void *closure, upb_status *status) { upb_dispatcher d; upb_dispatcher_init(&d, h, NULL, NULL, NULL); upb_dispatcher_reset(&d, closure); upb_dispatch_startmsg(&d); upb_msg_dispatch(msg, md, &d); upb_dispatch_endmsg(&d, status); upb_dispatcher_uninit(&d); } static upb_valueptr upb_msg_getappendptr(upb_msg *msg, upb_fielddef *f) { upb_valueptr p = _upb_msg_getptr(msg, f); if (upb_isarray(f)) { // Create/recycle/resize the array if necessary, and find a pointer to // a newly-appended element. if (!upb_msg_has(msg, f)) { upb_array_recycle(p.arr); upb_msg_sethas(msg, f); } assert(*p.arr != NULL); upb_arraylen_t oldlen = upb_array_len(*p.arr); upb_array_resize(*p.arr, f, oldlen + 1); p = _upb_array_getptr(*p.arr, f, oldlen); } return p; } upb_msg *upb_msg_appendmsg(upb_msg *msg, upb_fielddef *f, upb_msgdef *msgdef) { upb_valueptr p = upb_msg_getappendptr(msg, f); if (upb_isarray(f) || !upb_msg_has(msg, f)) { upb_msg_recycle(p.msg, msgdef); upb_msg_sethas(msg, f); } return *p.msg; } /* upb_msg handlers ***********************************************************/ #if UPB_MAX_FIELDS > 2048 #error "We're using an 8-bit integer to store a has_offset." #endif typedef struct { uint8_t has_offset; uint8_t has_mask; uint16_t val_offset; uint16_t msg_size; uint8_t set_flags_bytes; uint8_t padding; } upb_msgsink_fval; static upb_msgsink_fval upb_msgsink_unpackfval(upb_value fval) { assert(sizeof(upb_msgsink_fval) == 8); upb_msgsink_fval ret; uint64_t fval_u64 = upb_value_getuint64(fval); memcpy(&ret, &fval_u64, 8); return ret; } static uint64_t upb_msgsink_packfval(uint8_t has_offset, uint8_t has_mask, uint16_t val_offset, uint16_t msg_size, uint8_t set_flags_bytes) { upb_msgsink_fval fval = { has_offset, has_mask, val_offset, msg_size, set_flags_bytes, 0}; uint64_t ret = 0; memcpy(&ret, &fval, sizeof(fval)); return ret; } upb_valueptr __attribute__((noinline)) upb_array_recycleorresize( upb_msg *m, upb_msgsink_fval fval, size_t type_size) { upb_array **arr = (void*)&m->data[fval.val_offset]; if (!(m->data[fval.has_offset] & fval.has_mask)) { upb_array_recycle(arr); m->data[fval.has_offset] |= fval.has_mask; } upb_arraylen_t len = upb_array_len(*arr); upb_array_resizefortypesize(*arr, type_size, len+1); return _upb_array_getptrforsize(*arr, type_size, len); } #define SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(type, ctype) \ upb_flow_t upb_msgsink_ ## type ## value(void *_m, upb_value _fval, \ upb_value val) { \ upb_msg *m = _m; \ upb_msgsink_fval fval = upb_msgsink_unpackfval(_fval); \ m->data[fval.has_offset] |= fval.has_mask; \ *(ctype*)&m->data[fval.val_offset] = upb_value_get ## type(val); \ return UPB_CONTINUE; \ } \ \ upb_flow_t upb_msgsink_ ## type ## value_r(void *_m, upb_value _fval, \ upb_value val) { \ upb_msg *m = _m; \ upb_msgsink_fval fval = upb_msgsink_unpackfval(_fval); \ upb_array *arr = *(upb_array**)&m->data[fval.val_offset]; \ if (!(m->data[fval.has_offset] & fval.has_mask)) { \ if(arr && upb_atomic_only(&arr->refcount)) { \ m->data[fval.has_offset] |= fval.has_mask; \ arr->len = 0; \ } else { \ goto slow; \ } \ } else if (arr->len == arr->size) goto slow; \ upb_valueptr p = _upb_array_getptrforsize(arr, sizeof(ctype), \ arr->len++); \ *(ctype*)p._void = upb_value_get ## type(val); \ return UPB_CONTINUE; \ slow: \ p = upb_array_recycleorresize(m, fval, sizeof(ctype)); \ *(ctype*)p._void = upb_value_get ## type(val); \ return UPB_CONTINUE; \ } \ SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(double, double) SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(float, float) SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(int32, int32_t) SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(int64, int64_t) SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(uint32, uint32_t) SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(uint64, uint64_t) SCALAR_VALUE_CB_PAIR(bool, bool) upb_flow_t upb_msgsink_strvalue(void *_m, upb_value _fval, upb_value val) { upb_msg *m = _m; upb_msgsink_fval fval = upb_msgsink_unpackfval(_fval); m->data[fval.has_offset] |= fval.has_mask; // We do: // - upb_string_recycle(), upb_string_substr() instead of // - upb_string_unref(), upb_string_getref() // because we can conveniently cache these upb_string objects in the // upb_msg, whereas the upb_src who is sending us these strings may not // have a good way of caching them. This saves the upb_src from allocating // new upb_strings all the time to give us. // // If you were using this to copy one upb_msg to another this would // allocate string objects whereas a upb_string_getref could have avoided // those allocations completely; if this is an issue, we could make it an // option of the upb_msgsink which behavior is desired. upb_string *src = upb_value_getstr(val); upb_string **dst = (void*)&m->data[fval.val_offset]; upb_string_recycle(dst); upb_string_substr(*dst, src, 0, upb_string_len(src)); return UPB_CONTINUE; } upb_flow_t upb_msgsink_strvalue_r(void *_m, upb_value _fval, upb_value val) { upb_msg *m = _m; upb_msgsink_fval fval = upb_msgsink_unpackfval(_fval); upb_array *arr = *(upb_array**)&m->data[fval.val_offset]; if (!(m->data[fval.has_offset] & fval.has_mask)) { if(arr && upb_atomic_only(&arr->refcount)) { m->data[fval.has_offset] |= fval.has_mask; arr->len = 0; } else { goto slow; } } else if (arr->len == arr->size) goto slow; ++arr->len; upb_valueptr p = _upb_array_getptrforsize(arr, sizeof(void*), upb_array_len(arr)); upb_string *src = upb_value_getstr(val); upb_string_recycle(p.str); upb_string_substr(*p.str, src, 0, upb_string_len(src)); return UPB_CONTINUE; slow: p = upb_array_recycleorresize(m, fval, sizeof(void*)); src = upb_value_getstr(val); upb_string_recycle(p.str); upb_string_substr(*p.str, src, 0, upb_string_len(src)); return UPB_CONTINUE; } upb_sflow_t upb_msgsink_startsubmsg(void *_m, upb_value _fval) { upb_msg *m = _m; upb_msgsink_fval fval = upb_msgsink_unpackfval(_fval); upb_msgdef md; md.size = fval.msg_size; md.set_flags_bytes = fval.set_flags_bytes; upb_fielddef f; f.set_bit_mask = fval.has_mask; f.set_bit_offset = fval.has_offset; f.label = UPB_LABEL(OPTIONAL); // Just not repeated. f.type = UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE); f.byte_offset = fval.val_offset; return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(upb_msg_appendmsg(m, &f, &md)); } upb_sflow_t upb_msgsink_startsubmsg_r(void *_m, upb_value _fval) { upb_msg *m = _m; upb_msgsink_fval fval = upb_msgsink_unpackfval(_fval); upb_msgdef md; md.size = fval.msg_size; md.set_flags_bytes = fval.set_flags_bytes; upb_fielddef f; f.set_bit_mask = fval.has_mask; f.set_bit_offset = fval.has_offset; f.label = UPB_LABEL(REPEATED); f.type = UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE); f.byte_offset = fval.val_offset; return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(upb_msg_appendmsg(m, &f, &md)); } INLINE void upb_msg_onfreg(void *c, upb_fhandlers *fh, upb_fielddef *f) { (void)c; uint16_t msg_size = 0; uint8_t set_flags_bytes = 0; if (upb_issubmsg(f)) { upb_msgdef *md = upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def); msg_size = md->size; set_flags_bytes = md->set_flags_bytes; } upb_value_setuint64(&fh->fval, upb_msgsink_packfval(f->set_bit_offset, f->set_bit_mask, f->byte_offset, msg_size, set_flags_bytes)); #define CASE(upb_type, type) \ case UPB_TYPE(upb_type): \ fh->value = upb_isarray(f) ? \ upb_msgsink_ ## type ## value_r : upb_msgsink_ ## type ## value; \ break; switch (f->type) { CASE(DOUBLE, double) CASE(FLOAT, float) CASE(INT32, int32) CASE(INT64, int64) CASE(UINT32, uint32) CASE(UINT64, uint64) CASE(SINT32, int32) CASE(SINT64, int64) CASE(FIXED32, uint32) CASE(FIXED64, uint64) CASE(SFIXED32, int32) CASE(SFIXED64, int64) CASE(BOOL, bool) CASE(ENUM, int32) CASE(STRING, str) CASE(BYTES, str) #undef CASE case UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE): case UPB_TYPE(GROUP): fh->startsubmsg = upb_isarray(f) ? upb_msgsink_startsubmsg_r : upb_msgsink_startsubmsg; break; } } upb_mhandlers *upb_msg_reghandlers(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m) { return upb_handlers_regmsgdef(h, m, NULL, &upb_msg_onfreg, NULL); }