/* * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. * * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details. * Author: Josh Haberman */ #include #include "upb_handlers.h" upb_flow_t upb_startmsg_nop(void *closure) { (void)closure; return UPB_CONTINUE; } void upb_endmsg_nop(void *closure, upb_status *status) { (void)closure; (void)status; } upb_flow_t upb_value_nop(void *closure, upb_value fval, upb_value val) { (void)closure; (void)fval; (void)val; return UPB_CONTINUE; } upb_sflow_t upb_startsubmsg_nop(void *closure, upb_value fval) { (void)fval; return UPB_CONTINUE_WITH(closure); } upb_flow_t upb_endsubmsg_nop(void *closure, upb_value fval) { (void)closure; (void)fval; return UPB_CONTINUE; } /* upb_mhandlers **************************************************************/ static upb_mhandlers *upb_mhandlers_new() { upb_mhandlers *m = malloc(sizeof(*m)); upb_inttable_init(&m->fieldtab, 8, sizeof(upb_fhandlers)); m->startmsg = &upb_startmsg_nop; m->endmsg = &upb_endmsg_nop; m->tablearray = NULL; m->is_group = false; return m; } static upb_fhandlers *_upb_mhandlers_newfield(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n, upb_fieldtype_t type, bool repeated) { uint32_t tag = n << 3 | upb_types[type].native_wire_type; upb_fhandlers *f = upb_inttable_lookup(&m->fieldtab, tag); if (f) abort(); upb_fhandlers new_f = {false, type, repeated, repeated && upb_isprimitivetype(type), n, NULL, UPB_NO_VALUE, &upb_value_nop, &upb_startsubmsg_nop, &upb_endsubmsg_nop, 0, 0, 0, NULL}; if (upb_issubmsgtype(type)) new_f.startsubmsg = &upb_startsubmsg_nop; upb_inttable_insert(&m->fieldtab, tag, &new_f); f = upb_inttable_lookup(&m->fieldtab, tag); assert(f); assert(f->type == type); return f; } upb_fhandlers *upb_mhandlers_newfield(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n, upb_fieldtype_t type, bool repeated) { assert(type != UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE)); assert(type != UPB_TYPE(GROUP)); return _upb_mhandlers_newfield(m, n, type, repeated); } upb_fhandlers *upb_mhandlers_newsubmsgfield(upb_mhandlers *m, uint32_t n, upb_fieldtype_t type, bool repeated, upb_mhandlers *subm) { assert(type == UPB_TYPE(MESSAGE) || type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)); assert(subm); upb_fhandlers *f = _upb_mhandlers_newfield(m, n, type, repeated); f->submsg = subm; if (type == UPB_TYPE(GROUP)) _upb_mhandlers_newfield(subm, n, UPB_TYPE_ENDGROUP, false); return f; } typedef struct { upb_strtable_entry e; upb_mhandlers *mh; } upb_mtab_ent; static upb_mhandlers *upb_regmsg_dfs(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m, upb_onmsgreg *msgreg_cb, upb_onfieldreg *fieldreg_cb, void *closure, upb_strtable *mtab) { upb_mhandlers *mh = upb_handlers_newmsg(h); upb_mtab_ent e = {{m->base.fqname, 0}, mh}; upb_strtable_insert(mtab, &e.e); if (msgreg_cb) msgreg_cb(closure, mh, m); upb_msg_iter i; for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i); upb_fhandlers *fh; if (upb_issubmsg(f)) { upb_mhandlers *sub_mh; upb_mtab_ent *subm_ent; // The table lookup is necessary to break the DFS for type cycles. if ((subm_ent = upb_strtable_lookup(mtab, f->def->fqname)) != NULL) { sub_mh = subm_ent->mh; } else { sub_mh = upb_regmsg_dfs(h, upb_downcast_msgdef(f->def), msgreg_cb, fieldreg_cb, closure, mtab); } fh = upb_mhandlers_newsubmsgfield( mh, f->number, f->type, upb_isarray(f), sub_mh); } else { fh = upb_mhandlers_newfield(mh, f->number, f->type, upb_isarray(f)); } if (fieldreg_cb) fieldreg_cb(closure, fh, f); } return mh; } upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_regmsgdef(upb_handlers *h, upb_msgdef *m, upb_onmsgreg *msgreg_cb, upb_onfieldreg *fieldreg_cb, void *closure) { upb_strtable mtab; upb_strtable_init(&mtab, 8, sizeof(upb_mtab_ent)); upb_mhandlers *ret = upb_regmsg_dfs(h, m, msgreg_cb, fieldreg_cb, closure, &mtab); upb_strtable_free(&mtab); return ret; } /* upb_handlers ***************************************************************/ void upb_handlers_init(upb_handlers *h) { h->msgs_len = 0; h->msgs_size = 4; h->msgs = malloc(h->msgs_size * sizeof(*h->msgs)); h->should_jit = true; } void upb_handlers_uninit(upb_handlers *h) { for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++) { upb_mhandlers *mh = h->msgs[i]; upb_inttable_free(&mh->fieldtab); free(mh->tablearray); free(mh); } free(h->msgs); } upb_mhandlers *upb_handlers_newmsg(upb_handlers *h) { if (h->msgs_len == h->msgs_size) { h->msgs_size *= 2; h->msgs = realloc(h->msgs, h->msgs_size * sizeof(*h->msgs)); } upb_mhandlers *mh = upb_mhandlers_new(); h->msgs[h->msgs_len++] = mh; return mh; } /* upb_dispatcher *************************************************************/ static upb_fhandlers toplevel_f = { false, UPB_TYPE(GROUP), false, false, 0, NULL, // submsg #ifdef NDEBUG {{0}}, #else {{0}, UPB_VALUETYPE_RAW}, #endif NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL}; void upb_dispatcher_init(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_handlers *h) { d->handlers = h; for (int i = 0; i < h->msgs_len; i++) { upb_mhandlers *m = h->msgs[i]; upb_inttable_compact(&m->fieldtab); } d->stack[0].f = &toplevel_f; d->limit = &d->stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING]; upb_status_init(&d->status); } void upb_dispatcher_reset(upb_dispatcher *d, void *top_closure, uint32_t top_end_offset) { d->msgent = d->handlers->msgs[0]; d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab; d->current_depth = 0; d->skip_depth = INT_MAX; d->noframe_depth = INT_MAX; d->delegated_depth = 0; d->top = d->stack; d->top->closure = top_closure; d->top->end_offset = top_end_offset; d->top->is_packed = false; } void upb_dispatcher_uninit(upb_dispatcher *d) { upb_handlers_uninit(d->handlers); upb_status_uninit(&d->status); } void upb_dispatcher_break(upb_dispatcher *d) { assert(d->skip_depth == INT_MAX); assert(d->noframe_depth == INT_MAX); d->noframe_depth = d->current_depth; } upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_startmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) { upb_flow_t flow = d->msgent->startmsg(d->top->closure); if (flow != UPB_CONTINUE) { d->noframe_depth = d->current_depth + 1; d->skip_depth = (flow == UPB_BREAK) ? d->delegated_depth : d->current_depth; return UPB_SKIPSUBMSG; } return UPB_CONTINUE; } void upb_dispatch_endmsg(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_status *status) { assert(d->top == d->stack); d->msgent->endmsg(d->top->closure, &d->status); // TODO: should we avoid this copy by passing client's status obj to cbs? upb_copyerr(status, &d->status); } upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_startsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d, upb_fhandlers *f, size_t userval) { ++d->current_depth; if (upb_dispatcher_skipping(d)) return UPB_SKIPSUBMSG; upb_sflow_t sflow = f->startsubmsg(d->top->closure, f->fval); if (sflow.flow != UPB_CONTINUE) { d->noframe_depth = d->current_depth; d->skip_depth = (sflow.flow == UPB_BREAK) ? d->delegated_depth : d->current_depth; return UPB_SKIPSUBMSG; } ++d->top; if(d->top >= d->limit) { upb_seterr(&d->status, UPB_ERROR, "Nesting too deep."); d->noframe_depth = d->current_depth; d->skip_depth = d->delegated_depth; return UPB_SKIPSUBMSG; } d->top->f = f; d->top->end_offset = userval; d->top->closure = sflow.closure; d->top->is_packed = false; d->msgent = f->submsg; d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab; return upb_dispatch_startmsg(d); } upb_flow_t upb_dispatch_endsubmsg(upb_dispatcher *d) { upb_flow_t flow; if (upb_dispatcher_noframe(d)) { flow = UPB_SKIPSUBMSG; } else { assert(d->top > d->stack); upb_fhandlers *old_f = d->top->f; d->msgent->endmsg(d->top->closure, &d->status); --d->top; d->msgent = d->top->f->submsg; if (!d->msgent) d->msgent = d->handlers->msgs[0]; d->dispatch_table = &d->msgent->fieldtab; d->noframe_depth = INT_MAX; if (!upb_dispatcher_skipping(d)) d->skip_depth = INT_MAX; // Deliver like a regular value. flow = old_f->endsubmsg(d->top->closure, old_f->fval); } --d->current_depth; return flow; }