/* * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers. * * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details. */ #include #include "descriptor_const.h" #include "descriptor.h" #include "upb_def.h" #define CHECKSRC(x) if(!(x)) goto src_err #define CHECK(x) if(!(x)) goto err // A little dynamic array for storing a growing list of upb_defs. typedef struct { upb_def **defs; uint32_t len; uint32_t size; } upb_deflist; static void upb_deflist_init(upb_deflist *l) { l->size = 8; l->defs = malloc(l->size * sizeof(void*)); l->len = 0; } static void upb_deflist_uninit(upb_deflist *l) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < l->len; i++) if(l->defs[i]) upb_def_unref(l->defs[i]); free(l->defs); } static void upb_deflist_push(upb_deflist *l, upb_def *d) { if(l->len == l->size) { l->size *= 2; l->defs = realloc(l->defs, l->size * sizeof(void*)); } l->defs[l->len++] = d; } /* Joins strings together, for example: * join("Foo.Bar", "Baz") -> "Foo.Bar.Baz" * join("", "Baz") -> "Baz" * Caller owns a ref on the returned string. */ static upb_string *upb_join(upb_string *base, upb_string *name) { if (upb_string_len(base) == 0) { return upb_string_getref(name); } else { return upb_string_asprintf(UPB_STRFMT "." UPB_STRFMT, UPB_STRARG(base), UPB_STRARG(name)); } } // Qualify the defname for all defs starting with offset "start" with "str". static void upb_deflist_qualify(upb_deflist *l, upb_string *str, int32_t start) { for(uint32_t i = start; i < l->len; i++) { upb_def *def = l->defs[i]; upb_string *name = def->fqname; def->fqname = upb_join(str, name); upb_string_unref(name); } } /* upb_def ********************************************************************/ // Defs are reference counted, but can have cycles when types are // self-recursive or mutually recursive, so we need to be capable of collecting // the cycles. In our situation defs are immutable (so cycles cannot be // created or destroyed post-initialization). We need to be thread-safe but // want to avoid locks if at all possible and rely only on atomic operations. // // Our scheme is as follows. First we give each def a flag indicating whether // it is part of a cycle or not. Because defs are immutable, this flag will // never change. For acyclic defs, we can use a naive algorithm and avoid the // overhead of dealing with cycles. Most defs will be acyclic, and most cycles // will be very short. // // For defs that participate in cycles we keep two reference counts. One // tracks references that come from outside the cycle (we call these external // references), and is incremented and decremented like a regular refcount. // The other is a cycle refcount, and works as follows. Every cycle is // considered distinct, even if two cycles share members. For example, this // graph has two distinct cycles: // // A-->B-->C // ^ | | // +---+---+ // // The cycles in this graph are AB and ABC. When A's external refcount // transitions from 0->1, we say that A takes "cycle references" on both // cycles. Taking a cycle reference means incrementing the cycle refcount of // all defs in the cycle. Since A and B are common to both cycles, A and B's // cycle refcounts will be incremented by two, and C's will be incremented by // one. Likewise, when A's external refcount transitions from 1->0, we // decrement A and B's cycle refcounts by two and C's by one. We collect a // cyclic type when its cycle refcount drops to zero. A precondition for this // is that the external refcount has dropped to zero also. // // This algorithm is relatively cheap, since it only requires extra work when // the external refcount on a cyclic type transitions from 0->1 or 1->0. static void upb_msgdef_free(upb_msgdef *m); static void upb_enumdef_free(upb_enumdef *e); static void upb_unresolveddef_free(struct _upb_unresolveddef *u); static void upb_def_free(upb_def *def) { switch(def->type) { case UPB_DEF_MSG: upb_msgdef_free(upb_downcast_msgdef(def)); break; case UPB_DEF_ENUM: upb_enumdef_free(upb_downcast_enumdef(def)); break; case UPB_DEF_SVC: assert(false); /* Unimplemented. */ break; case UPB_DEF_UNRESOLVED: upb_unresolveddef_free(upb_downcast_unresolveddef(def)); break; default: assert(false); } } // Depth-first search for all cycles that include cycle_base. Returns the // number of paths from def that lead to cycle_base, which is equivalent to the // number of cycles def is in that include cycle_base. // // open_defs tracks the set of nodes that are currently being visited in the // search so we can stop the search if we detect a cycles that do not involve // cycle_base. We can't color the nodes as we go by writing to a member of the // def, because another thread could be performing the search concurrently. static int upb_cycle_ref_or_unref(upb_msgdef *m, upb_msgdef *cycle_base, upb_msgdef **open_defs, int num_open_defs, bool ref) { bool found = false; for(int i = 0; i < num_open_defs; i++) { if(open_defs[i] == m) { // We encountered a cycle that did not involve cycle_base. found = true; break; } } if(found || num_open_defs == UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN) { return 0; } else if(m == cycle_base) { return 1; } else { int path_count = 0; if(cycle_base == NULL) { cycle_base = m; } else { open_defs[num_open_defs++] = m; } upb_msg_iter iter = upb_msg_begin(m); for(; !upb_msg_done(iter); iter = upb_msg_next(m, iter)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(iter); upb_def *def = f->def; if(upb_issubmsg(f) && def->is_cyclic) { upb_msgdef *sub_m = upb_downcast_msgdef(def); path_count += upb_cycle_ref_or_unref(sub_m, cycle_base, open_defs, num_open_defs, ref); } } if(ref) { upb_atomic_add(&m->cycle_refcount, path_count); } else { if(upb_atomic_add(&m->cycle_refcount, -path_count)) upb_def_free(UPB_UPCAST(m)); } return path_count; } } void _upb_def_reftozero(upb_def *def) { if(def->is_cyclic) { upb_msgdef *m = upb_downcast_msgdef(def); upb_msgdef *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; upb_cycle_ref_or_unref(m, NULL, open_defs, 0, false); } else { upb_def_free(def); } } void _upb_def_cyclic_ref(upb_def *def) { upb_msgdef *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; upb_cycle_ref_or_unref(upb_downcast_msgdef(def), NULL, open_defs, 0, true); } static void upb_def_init(upb_def *def, upb_deftype type) { def->type = type; def->is_cyclic = 0; // We detect this later, after resolving refs. def->search_depth = 0; def->fqname = NULL; upb_atomic_refcount_init(&def->refcount, 1); } static void upb_def_uninit(upb_def *def) { upb_string_unref(def->fqname); } /* upb_unresolveddef **********************************************************/ // Unresolved defs are used as temporary placeholders for a def whose name has // not been resolved yet. During the name resolution step, all unresolved defs // are replaced with pointers to the actual def being referenced. typedef struct _upb_unresolveddef { upb_def base; // The target type name. This may or may not be fully qualified. It is // tempting to want to use base.fqname for this, but that will be qualified // which is inappropriate for a name we still have to resolve. upb_string *name; } upb_unresolveddef; // Is passed a ref on the string. static upb_unresolveddef *upb_unresolveddef_new(upb_string *str) { upb_unresolveddef *def = malloc(sizeof(*def)); upb_def_init(&def->base, UPB_DEF_UNRESOLVED); def->name = str; return def; } static void upb_unresolveddef_free(struct _upb_unresolveddef *def) { upb_string_unref(def->name); upb_def_uninit(&def->base); free(def); } /* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/ static void upb_enumdef_free(upb_enumdef *e) { upb_enum_iter i; for(i = upb_enum_begin(e); !upb_enum_done(i); i = upb_enum_next(e, i)) { upb_string_unref(upb_enum_iter_name(i)); } upb_strtable_free(&e->ntoi); upb_inttable_free(&e->iton); upb_def_uninit(&e->base); free(e); } // google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto. static bool upb_addenum_val(upb_src *src, upb_enumdef *e, upb_status *status) { int32_t number = -1; upb_string *name = NULL; upb_fielddef *f; while((f = upb_src_getdef(src)) != NULL) { switch(f->number) { case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO_NAME_FIELDNUM: name = upb_string_tryrecycle(name); CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, name)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_ENUMVALUEDESCRIPTORPROTO_NUMBER_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_getint32(src, &number)); break; default: CHECKSRC(upb_src_skipval(src)); break; } } if(name == NULL || number == -1) { upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Enum value missing name or number."); goto err; } upb_ntoi_ent ntoi_ent = {{name, 0}, number}; upb_iton_ent iton_ent = {{number, 0}, name}; upb_strtable_insert(&e->ntoi, &ntoi_ent.e); upb_inttable_insert(&e->iton, &iton_ent.e); // We don't unref "name" because we pass our ref to the iton entry of the // table. strtables can ref their keys, but the inttable doesn't know that // the value is a string. return true; src_err: upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src)); err: upb_string_unref(name); return false; } // google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto. static bool upb_addenum(upb_src *src, upb_deflist *defs, upb_status *status) { upb_enumdef *e = malloc(sizeof(*e)); upb_def_init(&e->base, UPB_DEF_ENUM); upb_strtable_init(&e->ntoi, 0, sizeof(upb_ntoi_ent)); upb_inttable_init(&e->iton, 0, sizeof(upb_iton_ent)); upb_fielddef *f; while((f = upb_src_getdef(src)) != NULL) { switch(f->number) { case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO_NAME_FIELDNUM: e->base.fqname = upb_string_tryrecycle(e->base.fqname); CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, e->base.fqname)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_ENUMDESCRIPTORPROTO_VALUE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addenum_val(src, e, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; default: upb_src_skipval(src); break; } } assert(e->base.fqname); upb_deflist_push(defs, UPB_UPCAST(e)); return true; src_err: upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src)); err: upb_enumdef_free(e); return false; } upb_enum_iter upb_enum_begin(upb_enumdef *e) { // We could iterate over either table here; the choice is arbitrary. return upb_inttable_begin(&e->iton); } upb_enum_iter upb_enum_next(upb_enumdef *e, upb_enum_iter iter) { assert(iter); return upb_inttable_next(&e->iton, &iter->e); } upb_string *upb_enumdef_iton(upb_enumdef *def, upb_enumval_t num) { upb_iton_ent *e = (upb_iton_ent*)upb_inttable_fastlookup(&def->iton, num, sizeof(*e)); return e ? e->string : NULL; } /* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/ static void upb_fielddef_free(upb_fielddef *f) { upb_string_unref(f->name); if(f->owned) { upb_def_unref(f->def); } free(f); } static bool upb_addfield(upb_src *src, upb_msgdef *m, upb_status *status) { upb_fielddef *f = malloc(sizeof(*f)); f->number = -1; f->name = NULL; f->def = NULL; f->owned = false; f->msgdef = m; upb_fielddef *parsed_f; int32_t tmp; while((parsed_f = upb_src_getdef(src))) { switch(parsed_f->number) { case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_TYPE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_getint32(src, &tmp)); f->type = tmp; break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_LABEL_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_getint32(src, &tmp)); f->label = tmp; break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_NUMBER_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_getint32(src, &tmp)); f->number = tmp; break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_NAME_FIELDNUM: f->name = upb_string_tryrecycle(f->name); CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, f->name)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FIELDDESCRIPTORPROTO_TYPE_NAME_FIELDNUM: { upb_string *str = upb_string_new(); CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, str)); if(f->def) upb_def_unref(f->def); f->def = UPB_UPCAST(upb_unresolveddef_new(str)); f->owned = true; break; } default: upb_src_skipval(src); } } CHECKSRC(upb_src_eof(src)); // TODO: verify that all required fields were present. assert(f->number != -1 && f->name != NULL); assert((f->def != NULL) == upb_hasdef(f)); // Field was successfully read, add it as a field of the msgdef. upb_itof_ent itof_ent = {{f->number, 0}, f}; upb_ntof_ent ntof_ent = {{f->name, 0}, f}; upb_inttable_insert(&m->itof, &itof_ent.e); upb_strtable_insert(&m->ntof, &ntof_ent.e); return true; src_err: upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src)); upb_fielddef_free(f); return false; } /* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/ // Processes a google.protobuf.DescriptorProto, adding defs to "defs." static bool upb_addmsg(upb_src *src, upb_deflist *defs, upb_status *status) { upb_msgdef *m = malloc(sizeof(*m)); upb_def_init(&m->base, UPB_DEF_MSG); upb_atomic_refcount_init(&m->cycle_refcount, 0); upb_inttable_init(&m->itof, 4, sizeof(upb_itof_ent)); upb_strtable_init(&m->ntof, 4, sizeof(upb_ntof_ent)); int32_t start_count = defs->len; upb_fielddef *f; while((f = upb_src_getdef(src)) != NULL) { switch(f->number) { case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DESCRIPTORPROTO_NAME_FIELDNUM: m->base.fqname = upb_string_tryrecycle(m->base.fqname); CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, m->base.fqname)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DESCRIPTORPROTO_FIELD_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addfield(src, m, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DESCRIPTORPROTO_NESTED_TYPE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addmsg(src, defs, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DESCRIPTORPROTO_ENUM_TYPE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addenum(src, defs, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; default: // TODO: extensions. CHECKSRC(upb_src_skipval(src)); } } CHECK(upb_src_eof(src)); if(!m->base.fqname) { upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Encountered message with no name."); goto err; } upb_deflist_qualify(defs, m->base.fqname, start_count); upb_deflist_push(defs, UPB_UPCAST(m)); return true; src_err: upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src)); err: upb_msgdef_free(m); return false; } static void upb_msgdef_free(upb_msgdef *m) { upb_msg_iter i; for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) upb_fielddef_free(upb_msg_iter_field(i)); upb_strtable_free(&m->ntof); upb_inttable_free(&m->itof); upb_def_uninit(&m->base); free(m); } static void upb_msgdef_resolve(upb_msgdef *m, upb_fielddef *f, upb_def *def) { (void)m; if(f->owned) upb_def_unref(f->def); f->def = def; // We will later make the ref unowned if it is a part of a cycle. f->owned = true; upb_def_ref(def); } upb_msg_iter upb_msg_begin(upb_msgdef *m) { return upb_inttable_begin(&m->itof); } upb_msg_iter upb_msg_next(upb_msgdef *m, upb_msg_iter iter) { return upb_inttable_next(&m->itof, &iter->e); } /* symtab internal ***********************************************************/ // Processes a google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto, adding the defs to "defs". static bool upb_addfd(upb_src *src, upb_deflist *defs, upb_status *status) { upb_string *package = NULL; int32_t start_count = defs->len; upb_fielddef *f; while((f = upb_src_getdef(src)) != NULL) { switch(f->number) { case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO_PACKAGE_FIELDNUM: package = upb_string_tryrecycle(package); CHECKSRC(upb_src_getstr(src, package)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO_MESSAGE_TYPE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addmsg(src, defs, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FILEDESCRIPTORPROTO_ENUM_TYPE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addenum(src, defs, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; default: // TODO: services and extensions. CHECKSRC(upb_src_skipval(src)); } } CHECK(upb_src_eof(src)); upb_deflist_qualify(defs, package, start_count); upb_string_unref(package); return true; src_err: upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src)); err: upb_string_unref(package); return false; } /* Search for a character in a string, in reverse. */ static int my_memrchr(char *data, char c, size_t len) { int off = len-1; while(off > 0 && data[off] != c) --off; return off; } typedef struct { upb_strtable_entry e; upb_def *def; } upb_symtab_ent; // Given a symbol and the base symbol inside which it is defined, find the // symbol's definition in t. static upb_symtab_ent *upb_resolve(upb_strtable *t, upb_string *base, upb_string *sym) { if(upb_string_len(base) + upb_string_len(sym) + 1 >= UPB_SYMBOL_MAXLEN || upb_string_len(sym) == 0) return NULL; if(upb_string_getrobuf(sym)[0] == UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR) { // Symbols starting with '.' are absolute, so we do a single lookup. // Slice to omit the leading '.' upb_string *sym_str = upb_strslice(sym, 1, upb_string_len(sym) - 1); upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_lookup(t, sym_str); upb_string_unref(sym_str); return e; } else { // Remove components from base until we find an entry or run out. upb_string *sym_str = upb_string_new(); int baselen = upb_string_len(base); while(1) { // sym_str = base[0...base_len] + UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR + sym upb_strlen_t len = baselen + upb_string_len(sym) + 1; char *buf = upb_string_getrwbuf(sym_str, len); memcpy(buf, upb_string_getrobuf(base), baselen); buf[baselen] = UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR; memcpy(buf + baselen + 1, upb_string_getrobuf(sym), upb_string_len(sym)); upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_lookup(t, sym_str); if (e) return e; else if(baselen == 0) return NULL; // No more scopes to try. baselen = my_memrchr(buf, UPB_SYMBOL_SEPARATOR, baselen); } } } // Performs a pass over the type graph to find all cycles that include m. static bool upb_symtab_findcycles(upb_msgdef *m, int depth, upb_status *status) { if(depth > UPB_MAX_TYPE_DEPTH) { // We have found a non-cyclic path from the base of the type tree that // exceeds the maximum allowed depth. There are many situations in upb // where we recurse over the type tree (like for example, right now) and an // absurdly deep tree could cause us to stack overflow on systems with very // limited stacks. upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Type " UPB_STRFMT " was found at " "depth %d in the type graph, which exceeds the maximum type " "depth of %d.", UPB_UPCAST(m)->fqname, depth, UPB_MAX_TYPE_DEPTH); return false; } else if(UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth == 1) { // Cycle! int cycle_len = depth - 1; if(cycle_len > UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN) { upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Type " UPB_STRFMT " was involved " "in a cycle of length %d, which exceeds the maximum type " "cycle length of %d.", UPB_UPCAST(m)->fqname, cycle_len, UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN); return false; } return true; } else if(UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth > 0) { // This was a cycle, but did not originate from the base of our search tree. // We'll find it when we call find_cycles() on this node directly. return false; } else { UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth = ++depth; bool cycle_found = false; upb_msg_iter i; for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i); if(!upb_issubmsg(f)) continue; upb_def *sub_def = f->def; upb_msgdef *sub_m = upb_downcast_msgdef(sub_def); if(upb_symtab_findcycles(sub_m, depth, status)) { cycle_found = true; UPB_UPCAST(m)->is_cyclic = true; if(f->owned) { upb_atomic_unref(&sub_def->refcount); f->owned = false; } } } UPB_UPCAST(m)->search_depth = 0; return cycle_found; } } // Given a table of pending defs "tmptab" and a table of existing defs "symtab", // resolves all of the unresolved refs for the defs in tmptab. bool upb_resolverefs(upb_strtable *tmptab, upb_strtable *symtab, upb_status *status) { upb_symtab_ent *e; for(e = upb_strtable_begin(tmptab); e; e = upb_strtable_next(tmptab, &e->e)) { upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(e->def); if(!m) continue; // Type names are resolved relative to the message in which they appear. upb_string *base = e->e.key; upb_msg_iter i; for(i = upb_msg_begin(m); !upb_msg_done(i); i = upb_msg_next(m, i)) { upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(i); if(!upb_hasdef(f)) continue; // No resolving necessary. upb_string *name = upb_downcast_unresolveddef(f->def)->name; // Resolve from either the tmptab (pending adds) or symtab (existing // defs). If both exist, prefer the pending add, because it will be // overwriting the existing def. upb_symtab_ent *found; if(!(found = upb_resolve(tmptab, base, name)) && !(found = upb_resolve(symtab, base, name))) { upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "could not resolve symbol '" UPB_STRFMT "'" " in context '" UPB_STRFMT "'", UPB_STRARG(name), UPB_STRARG(base)); return false; } // Check the type of the found def. upb_field_type_t expected = upb_issubmsg(f) ? UPB_DEF_MSG : UPB_DEF_ENUM; if(found->def->type != expected) { upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Unexpected type"); return false; } upb_msgdef_resolve(m, f, found->def); } } // Deal with type cycles. for(e = upb_strtable_begin(tmptab); e; e = upb_strtable_next(tmptab, &e->e)) { upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(e->def); if(!m) continue; // The findcycles() call will decrement the external refcount of the upb_symtab_findcycles(m, 0, status); upb_msgdef *open_defs[UPB_MAX_TYPE_CYCLE_LEN]; upb_cycle_ref_or_unref(m, NULL, open_defs, 0, true); } return true; } // Given a list of defs, a list of extensions (in the future), and a flag // indicating whether the new defs can overwrite existing defs in the symtab, // attempts to add the given defs to the symtab. The whole operation either // succeeds or fails. Ownership of "defs" and "exts" is taken. bool upb_symtab_add_defs(upb_symtab *s, upb_deflist *defs, bool allow_redef, upb_status *status) { upb_rwlock_wrlock(&s->lock); // Build a table of the defs we mean to add, for duplicate detection and name // resolution. upb_strtable tmptab; upb_strtable_init(&tmptab, defs->len, sizeof(upb_symtab_ent)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < defs->len; i++) { upb_def *def = defs->defs[i]; upb_symtab_ent e = {{def->fqname, 0}, def}; // Redefinition is never allowed within a single FileDescriptorSet. // Additionally, we only allow overwriting of an existing definition if // allow_redef is set. if (upb_strtable_lookup(&tmptab, def->fqname) || (!allow_redef && upb_strtable_lookup(&s->symtab, def->fqname))) { upb_seterr(status, UPB_STATUS_ERROR, "Redefinition of symbol " UPB_STRFMT, UPB_STRARG(def->fqname)); goto err; } // Pass ownership from the deflist to the strtable. upb_strtable_insert(&tmptab, &e.e); defs->defs[i] = NULL; } // TODO: process the list of extensions by modifying entries from // tmptab in-place (copying them from the symtab first if necessary). CHECK(upb_resolverefs(&tmptab, &s->symtab, status)); // The defs in tmptab have been vetted, and can be added to the symtab // without causing errors. Now add all tmptab defs to the symtab, // overwriting (and releasing a ref on) any existing defs with the same // names. Ownership for tmptab defs passes from the tmptab to the symtab. upb_symtab_ent *tmptab_e; for(tmptab_e = upb_strtable_begin(&tmptab); tmptab_e; tmptab_e = upb_strtable_next(&tmptab, &tmptab_e->e)) { upb_symtab_ent *symtab_e = upb_strtable_lookup(&s->symtab, tmptab_e->def->fqname); if(symtab_e) { upb_def_unref(symtab_e->def); symtab_e->def = tmptab_e->def; } else { upb_strtable_insert(&s->symtab, &tmptab_e->e); } } upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock); upb_strtable_free(&tmptab); return true; err: // We need to free all defs from "tmptab." upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock); for(upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_begin(&tmptab); e; e = upb_strtable_next(&tmptab, &e->e)) { upb_def_unref(e->def); } upb_strtable_free(&tmptab); return false; } /* upb_symtab *****************************************************************/ upb_symtab *upb_symtab_new() { upb_symtab *s = malloc(sizeof(*s)); upb_atomic_refcount_init(&s->refcount, 1); upb_rwlock_init(&s->lock); upb_strtable_init(&s->symtab, 16, sizeof(upb_symtab_ent)); return s; } static void upb_free_symtab(upb_strtable *t) { upb_symtab_ent *e; for(e = upb_strtable_begin(t); e; e = upb_strtable_next(t, &e->e)) upb_def_unref(e->def); upb_strtable_free(t); } void _upb_symtab_free(upb_symtab *s) { upb_free_symtab(&s->symtab); upb_rwlock_destroy(&s->lock); free(s); } upb_def **upb_symtab_getdefs(upb_symtab *s, int *count, upb_deftype_t type) { upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock); int total = upb_strtable_count(&s->symtab); // We may only use part of this, depending on how many symbols are of the // correct type. upb_def **defs = malloc(sizeof(*defs) * total); upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_begin(&s->symtab); int i = 0; for(; e; e = upb_strtable_next(&s->symtab, &e->e)) { upb_def *def = e->def; assert(def); if(type == UPB_DEF_ANY || def->type == type) defs[i++] = def; } upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock); *count = i; for(i = 0; i < *count; i++) upb_def_ref(defs[i]); return defs; } upb_def *upb_symtab_lookup(upb_symtab *s, upb_string *sym) { upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock); upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_strtable_lookup(&s->symtab, sym); upb_def *ret = NULL; if(e) { ret = e->def; upb_def_ref(ret); } upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock); return ret; } upb_def *upb_symtab_resolve(upb_symtab *s, upb_string *base, upb_string *symbol) { upb_rwlock_rdlock(&s->lock); upb_symtab_ent *e = upb_resolve(&s->symtab, base, symbol); upb_def *ret = NULL; if(e) { ret = e->def; upb_def_ref(ret); } upb_rwlock_unlock(&s->lock); return ret; } void upb_symtab_addfds(upb_symtab *s, upb_src *src, upb_status *status) { upb_deflist defs; upb_deflist_init(&defs); upb_fielddef *f; while((f = upb_src_getdef(src)) != NULL) { switch(f->number) { case GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_FILEDESCRIPTORSET_FILE_FIELDNUM: CHECKSRC(upb_src_startmsg(src)); CHECK(upb_addfd(src, &defs, status)); CHECKSRC(upb_src_endmsg(src)); break; default: CHECKSRC(upb_src_skipval(src)); } } CHECKSRC(upb_src_eof(src)); CHECK(upb_symtab_add_defs(s, &defs, false, status)); upb_deflist_uninit(&defs); return; src_err: upb_copyerr(status, upb_src_status(src)); err: upb_deflist_uninit(&defs); } /* upb_baredecoder ************************************************************/ // upb_baredecoder is a upb_src that can parse a subset of the protocol buffer // binary format. It is only used for bootstrapping. It can parse without // having a upb_msgdef, which is why it is useful for bootstrapping the first // msgdef. On the downside, it does not support: // // * having its input span multiple upb_strings. // * reading any field of the returned upb_fielddef's except f->number. // * keeping a pointer to the upb_fielddef* and reading it later (the same // upb_fielddef is reused over and over). // * detecting errors in the input (we trust that our input is known-good). // // It also does not support any of the follow protobuf features: // * packed fields. // * groups. // * zig-zag-encoded types like sint32 and sint64. // // If descriptor.proto ever changed to use any of these features, this decoder // would need to be extended to support them. typedef struct { upb_src src; upb_string *input; upb_strlen_t offset; upb_fielddef field; upb_wire_type_t wire_type; upb_strlen_t delimited_len; upb_strlen_t stack[UPB_MAX_NESTING], *top; } upb_baredecoder; static uint64_t upb_baredecoder_readv64(upb_baredecoder *d) { const uint8_t *start = (uint8_t*)upb_string_getrobuf(d->input) + d->offset; const uint8_t *buf = start; uint8_t last = 0x80; uint64_t val = 0; for(int bitpos = 0; (last & 0x80); buf++, bitpos += 7) val |= ((uint64_t)((last = *buf) & 0x7F)) << bitpos; d->offset += buf - start; return val; } static uint32_t upb_baredecoder_readv32(upb_baredecoder *d) { return (uint32_t)upb_baredecoder_readv64(d); // Truncate. } static uint64_t upb_baredecoder_readf64(upb_baredecoder *d) { uint64_t val; memcpy(&val, upb_string_getrobuf(d->input) + d->offset, 8); d->offset += 8; return val; } static uint32_t upb_baredecoder_readf32(upb_baredecoder *d) { uint32_t val; memcpy(&val, upb_string_getrobuf(d->input) + d->offset, 4); d->offset += 4; return val; } static upb_fielddef *upb_baredecoder_getdef(upb_baredecoder *d) { // Detect end-of-submessage. if(d->offset >= *d->top) { d->src.eof = true; return NULL; } uint32_t key; key = upb_baredecoder_readv32(d); d->wire_type = key & 0x7; d->field.number = key >> 3; if(d->wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) { // For delimited wire values we parse the length now, since we need it in // all cases. d->delimited_len = upb_baredecoder_readv32(d); } return &d->field; } static bool upb_baredecoder_getstr(upb_baredecoder *d, upb_string *str) { upb_string_substr(str, d->input, d->offset, d->delimited_len); d->offset += d->delimited_len; return true; } static bool upb_baredecoder_getval(upb_baredecoder *d, upb_valueptr val) { switch(d->wire_type) { case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_VARINT: *val.uint64 = upb_baredecoder_readv64(d); break; case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT_VARINT: *val.uint32 = upb_baredecoder_readv32(d); break; case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_64BIT: *val.uint64 = upb_baredecoder_readf64(d); break; case UPB_WIRE_TYPE_32BIT: *val.uint32 = upb_baredecoder_readf32(d); break; default: *(char*)0 = 0; assert(false); } return true; } static bool upb_baredecoder_skipval(upb_baredecoder *d) { if(d->wire_type == UPB_WIRE_TYPE_DELIMITED) { d->offset += d->delimited_len; return true; } else { upb_value val; return upb_baredecoder_getval(d, upb_value_addrof(&val)); } } static bool upb_baredecoder_startmsg(upb_baredecoder *d) { *(++d->top) = d->offset + d->delimited_len; return true; } static bool upb_baredecoder_endmsg(upb_baredecoder *d) { d->offset = *(d->top--); return true; } static upb_src_vtable upb_baredecoder_src_vtbl = { (upb_src_getdef_fptr)&upb_baredecoder_getdef, (upb_src_getval_fptr)&upb_baredecoder_getval, (upb_src_getstr_fptr)&upb_baredecoder_getstr, (upb_src_skipval_fptr)&upb_baredecoder_skipval, (upb_src_startmsg_fptr)&upb_baredecoder_startmsg, (upb_src_endmsg_fptr)&upb_baredecoder_endmsg, }; static upb_baredecoder *upb_baredecoder_new(upb_string *str) { upb_baredecoder *d = malloc(sizeof(*d)); d->input = upb_string_getref(str); d->offset = 0; d->top = &d->stack[0]; *(d->top) = upb_string_len(d->input); upb_src_init(&d->src, &upb_baredecoder_src_vtbl); return d; } static void upb_baredecoder_free(upb_baredecoder *d) { upb_string_unref(d->input); free(d); } static upb_src *upb_baredecoder_src(upb_baredecoder *d) { return &d->src; } void upb_symtab_add_descriptorproto(upb_symtab *symtab) { // For the moment we silently decline to perform the operation if the symbols // already exist in the symtab. Revisit this when we have a better story // about whether syms in a table can be replaced. upb_def *def = upb_symtab_lookup( symtab, UPB_STRLIT("google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet")); if(def) { upb_def_unref(def); return; } upb_baredecoder *decoder = upb_baredecoder_new(&descriptor_str); upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT; upb_symtab_addfds(symtab, upb_baredecoder_src(decoder), &status); upb_baredecoder_free(decoder); if(!upb_ok(&status)) { // upb itself is corrupt. upb_printerr(&status); upb_clearerr(&status); upb_symtab_unref(symtab); abort(); } }