# # This Makefile builds the upb library as well as associated tests, tools, and # language extensions. # # It does not use autoconf/automake/libtool in order to stay lightweight and # avoid the need for running ./configure. # # Summary of compiler flags you may want to use: # # * -UNDEBUG: enables assertions() (makes binary larger and slower) # * -O0: disable optimizations # * -g: enable debug symbols # * -fomit-frame-pointer: makes code smaller and faster by freeing up a reg. # # Threading: # * -DUPB_THREAD_UNSAFE: remove all thread-safety. .PHONY: all lib clean tests test benchmarks benchmark descriptorgen .PHONY: clean_leave_profile # Prevents the deletion of intermediate files. .SECONDARY: UPB_MODULES = upb upb.pb upb.descriptor UPB_LIBS = $(patsubst %,lib/lib%.a,$(UPB_MODULES)) UPB_PICLIBS = $(patsubst %,lib/lib%_pic.a,$(UPB_MODULES)) # Default rule: build all upb libraries (but no bindings) default: $(UPB_LIBS) # All: build absolutely everything all: lib tests benchmarks tools/upbc lua python testall: test pythontest # Set this to have user-specific flags (especially things like -O0 and -g). USER_CPPFLAGS= # Build with "make WITH_JIT=yes" (or anything besides "no") to enable the JIT. WITH_JIT=no # Basic compiler/flag setup. CC=cc CXX=c++ CFLAGS=-std=c99 CXXFLAGS=-Wno-unused-private-field $(USER_CXXFLAGS) INCLUDE=-I. CPPFLAGS=$(INCLUDE) -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare $(USER_CPPFLAGS) LDLIBS=-lpthread upb/libupb.a LUA=lua # 5.1 and 5.2 should both be supported ifneq ($(WITH_JIT), no) USE_JIT=true CPPFLAGS += -DUPB_USE_JIT_X64 endif # Build with "make Q=" to see all commands that are being executed. Q=@ # Function to expand a wildcard pattern recursively. rwildcard=$(strip $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2)$(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d))) ifeq ($(Q), @) E=@echo else E=@: endif install: test -f upb/bindings/ruby/upb.so && cd upb/bindings/ruby && make install # Dependency generating. ####################################################### -include deps # Unfortuantely we can't easily generate deps for benchmarks or tests because # of the scheme we use that compiles the same source file multiple times with # different -D options, which can include different header files. dep: $(E) Regenerating dependencies for upb/... @set -e @rm -f deps @for file in $$(find . -name '*.c'); do \ gcc -MM $$file -MT $${file%.*}.o $(CPPFLAGS) -I. >> deps 2> /dev/null; \ done clean_leave_profile: rm -rf obj lib rm -f benchmark/google_messages.proto.pb benchmark/google_messages.pb.* benchmarks/b.* benchmarks/*.pb* rm -f $(TESTS) tests/testmain.o tests/t.* rm -f tests/test.proto.pb rm -f upb/descriptor.pb rm -rf tools/upbc deps rm -rf upb/bindings/python/build rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/Makefile rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/upb.so rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/mkmf.log find . | grep dSYM | xargs rm -rf clean: clean_leave_profile rm -rf $(call rwildcard,,*.gcno) $(call rwildcard,,*.gcda) # A little bit of Make voodoo: you can call this from the deps of a patterned # rule like so: # # all: lib/libfoo.bar.a # # foo_bar_SRCS = a.c b.c # # # This will expand into a.o b.o # lib/lib%.a: $(call make_objs,o) # gcc -c -o $@ $^ # # SECONDEXPANSION: flips on a bit essentially that allows this "seconary # expansion": it must appear before anything that uses make_objs. .SECONDEXPANSION: to_srcs = $(subst .,_,$(1)_SRCS) pc = % make_objs = $$(patsubst upb/$$(pc).c,obj/$$(pc).$(1),$$($$(call to_srcs,$$*))) make_objs_cc = $$(patsubst upb/$$(pc).cc,obj/$$(pc).$(1),$$($$(call to_srcs,$$*))) # Core libraries (ie. not bindings). ############################################################### upb_SRCS = \ upb/def.c \ upb/handlers.c \ upb/refcounted.c \ upb/shim/shim.c \ upb/symtab.c \ upb/table.c \ upb/upb.c \ upb_descriptor_SRCS = \ upb/descriptor/reader.c \ upb/descriptor/descriptor.upb.c \ upb_pb_SRCS = \ upb/pb/decoder.c \ upb/pb/compile_decoder.c \ upb/pb/glue.c \ upb/pb/varint.c \ upb/pb/textprinter.c \ # If the JIT is enabled we include its source. # If Lua is present we can use DynASM to regenerate the .h file. ifdef USE_JIT upb_pb_SRCS += upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.c obj/pb/compile_decoder_x64.o obj/pb/compile_decoder_x64.lo: upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h: upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc $(E) DYNASM $< $(Q) $(LUA) dynasm/dynasm.lua upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc > upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h || (rm upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h ; false) endif upb_json_SRCS = \ upb/json/typed_printer.c # If the user doesn't specify an -O setting, we use -O3 for critical-path # code and -Os for the rest. ifeq (, $(findstring -O, $(USER_CFLAGS))) OPT = -O3 lib/libupb.a : OPT = -Os lib/libupb.descriptor.a : OPT = -Os endif $(UPB_PICLIBS): lib/lib%_pic.a: $(call make_objs,lo) $(E) AR $@ $(Q) mkdir -p lib && ar rcs $@ $^ $(UPB_LIBS): lib/lib%.a: $(call make_objs,o) $(E) AR $@ $(Q) mkdir -p lib && ar rcs $@ $^ obj/%.o: upb/%.c | $$(@D)/. $(E) CC $< $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< obj/%.o: upb/%.cc | $$(@D)/. $(E) CXX $< $(Q) $(CXX) $(OPT) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< obj/%.lo: upb/%.c | $$(@D)/. $(E) 'CC -fPIC' $< $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< -fPIC obj/%.lo: upb/%.cc | $$(@D)/. $(E) CXX $< $(Q) $(CXX) $(OPT) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< -fPIC # Note: mkdir -p is technically susceptible to races when used with make -j. %/.: $(Q) mkdir -p $@ # Regenerating the auto-generated files in upb/. upb/descriptor.pb: upb/descriptor.proto @# TODO: replace with upbc protoc upb/descriptor.proto -oupb/descriptor.pb descriptorgen: upb/descriptor.pb tools/upbc @# Regenerate descriptor_const.h ./tools/upbc -o upb/descriptor upb/descriptor.pb tools/upbc: tools/upbc.c $(LIBUPB) $(E) CC $< $(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBUPB) examples/msg: examples/msg.c $(LIBUPB) $(E) CC $< $(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBUPB) # Tests. ####################################################################### # This section contains only the tests that don't depend on any external # libraries. C_TESTS = \ tests/pb/test_varint \ tests/test_def \ tests/test_handlers \ CC_TESTS = \ tests/pb/test_decoder \ tests/test_cpp \ tests/test_table \ TESTS=$(C_TESTS) $(CC_TESTS) tests: $(TESTS) tests/testmain.o: tests/testmain.cc $(E) CXX $< $(Q) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(C_TESTS): % : %.c tests/testmain.o $$(LIBS) $(E) CC $< $(Q) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ tests/testmain.o $< $(LIBS) $(CC_TESTS): % : %.cc tests/testmain.o $$(LIBS) $(E) CXX $< $(Q) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Wno-deprecated -o $@ tests/testmain.o $< $(LIBS) # Several of these tests don't actually test these libs, but use them # incidentally to load a descriptor LOAD_DESCRIPTOR_LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.descriptor.a # Specify which libs each test depends on. tests/pb/test_varint: LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.a tests/test_def: LIBS = $(LOAD_DESCRIPTOR_LIBS) lib/libupb.a tests/test_handlers: LIBS = lib/libupb.descriptor.a lib/libupb.a tests/pb/test_decoder: LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.a tests/test_cpp: LIBS = $(LOAD_DESCRIPTOR_LIBS) lib/libupb.a tests/test_table: LIBS = lib/libupb.a tests/test_def: tests/test.proto.pb tests/test.proto.pb: tests/test.proto @# TODO: add .proto file parser to upb so this isn't necessary. protoc tests/test.proto -otests/test.proto.pb VARIADIC_TESTS= \ tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \ tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 \ ifeq ($(RUN_UNDER), valgrind) RUN_UNDER=valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1 --track-origins=yes endif test: tests @set -e # Abort on error. @find tests -perm -u+x -type f | while read test; do \ if [ -x ./$$test ] ; then \ echo "RUN $$test"; \ $(RUN_UNDER) ./$$test tests/test.proto.pb || exit 1; \ fi \ done; @echo "All tests passed!" # Google protobuf binding ###################################################### upb_bindings_googlepb_SRCS = \ upb/bindings/googlepb/bridge.cc \ upb/bindings/googlepb/proto2.cc \ GOOGLEPB_TESTS = \ tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \ tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 \ GOOGLEPB_LIB=lib/libupb.bindings.googlepb.a .PHONY: googlepb clean_googlepb googlepbtest clean: clean_googlepb clean_googlepb: rm -f tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.googlemessage* rm -f $(GOOGLEPB_LIB) googlepb: default $(GOOGLEPB_LIB) googlepbtest: $(GOOGLEPB_TESTS) lib/libupb.bindings.googlepb.a: $(upb_bindings_googlepb_SRCS:upb/%.cc=obj/%.o) $(E) AR $@ $(Q) mkdir -p lib && ar rcs $@ $^ # These generated files live in benchmarks/ but are used by both tests and # benchmarks. benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb: benchmarks/google_messages.proto @# TODO: replace with upbc. protoc benchmarks/google_messages.proto -obenchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb benchmarks/google_messages.pb.cc: benchmarks/google_messages.proto protoc benchmarks/google_messages.proto --cpp_out=. tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1: \ tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.cc $(LIBUPB) benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb \ benchmarks/google_messages.pb.cc $(E) CXX $< '(benchmarks::SpeedMessage1)' $(Q) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $< \ -DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage1\" \ -DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb\" \ -DMESSAGE_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_message1.dat\" \ -DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage1" \ -DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.pb.h\" \ benchmarks/google_messages.pb.cc tests/testmain.o -lprotobuf -lpthread \ lib/libupb.bindings.googlepb.a lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.descriptor.a lib/libupb.a tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2: \ tests/bindings/googlepb/test_vs_proto2.cc $(LIBUPB) benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb \ benchmarks/google_messages.pb.cc $(E) CXX $< '(benchmarks::SpeedMessage2)' $(Q) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $< \ -DMESSAGE_NAME=\"benchmarks.SpeedMessage2\" \ -DMESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.proto.pb\" \ -DMESSAGE_FILE=\"../benchmarks/google_message2.dat\" \ -DMESSAGE_CIDENT="benchmarks::SpeedMessage2" \ -DMESSAGE_HFILE=\"../benchmarks/google_messages.pb.h\" \ benchmarks/google_messages.pb.cc tests/testmain.o -lprotobuf -lpthread \ lib/libupb.bindings.googlepb.a lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.descriptor.a lib/libupb.a # Lua extension ################################################################## ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin) LUA_LDFLAGS = -undefined dynamic_lookup else LUA_LDFLAGS = endif LUAEXTS = \ upb/bindings/lua/upb.so \ upb/bindings/lua/upb.pb.so \ .PHONY: clean_lua testlua lua clean: clean_lua testlua: LUA_PATH=tests/bindings/lua/?.lua LUA_CPATH=upb/bindings/lua/?.so lua tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua clean_lua: rm -f upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua.h rm -f upb/bindings/lua/upb.so rm -f upb/bindings/lua/upb.pb.so lua: $(LUAEXTS) upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua.h: $(E) XXD upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua $(Q) xxd -i < upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua > upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua.h upb/bindings/lua/upb.so: upb/bindings/lua/upb.c upb/bindings/lua/upb.lua.h lib/libupb.descriptor_pic.a lib/libupb_pic.a lib/libupb.pb_pic.a $(E) CC upb/bindings/lua/upb.c $(Q) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -shared -o $@ $< lib/libupb.pb_pic.a lib/libupb.descriptor_pic.a lib/libupb_pic.a $(LUA_LDFLAGS) upb/bindings/lua/upb.pb.so: upb/bindings/lua/upb.pb.c lib/libupb_pic.a lib/libupb.pb_pic.a $(E) CC upb/bindings/lua/upb.pb.c $(Q) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -shared -o $@ $< $(LUA_LDFLAGS) # Python extension ############################################################# PYTHON=python PYTHONEXT=bindings/python/build/install/lib/python/upb/__init__.so python: $(PYTHONEXT) $(PYTHONEXT): $(LIBUPB_PIC) bindings/python/upb.c $(E) PYTHON bindings/python/upb.c $(Q) cd bindings/python && $(PYTHON) setup.py build --debug install --home=build/install pythontest: $(PYTHONEXT) cd bindings/python && cp test.py build/install/lib/python && valgrind $(PYTHON) ./build/install/lib/python/test.py # Ruby extension ############################################################### RUBY=ruby RUBYEXT=upb/bindings/ruby/upb.so ruby: $(RUBYEXT) upb/bindings/ruby/Makefile: upb/bindings/ruby/extconf.rb lib/libupb_pic.a lib/libupb.pb_pic.a lib/libupb.descriptor_pic.a $(E) RUBY upb/bindings/ruby/extconf.rb $(Q) cd upb/bindings/ruby && ruby extconf.rb $(RUBYEXT): upb/bindings/ruby/upb.c upb/bindings/ruby/Makefile $(E) CC upb/bindings/ruby/upb.c $(Q) cd upb/bindings/ruby && make