path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 542 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dump_cinit.lua b/tools/dump_cinit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1447d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dump_cinit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
+ Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
+ Author: Josh Haberman <>
+ Routines for dumping internal data structures into C initializers
+ that can be compiled into a .o file.
+local upbtable = require "upbtable"
+local upb = require "upb"
+local export = {}
+-- A tiny little abstraction that decouples the dump_* functions from
+-- what they're writing to (appending to a string, writing to file I/O, etc).
+-- This could possibly matter since naive string building is O(n^2) in the
+-- number of appends.
+function export.str_appender()
+ local str = ""
+ local function append(fmt, ...)
+ str = str .. string.format(fmt, ...)
+ end
+ local function get()
+ return str
+ end
+ return append, get
+function export.file_appender(file)
+ local f = file
+ local function append(fmt, ...)
+ f:write(string.format(fmt, ...))
+ end
+ return append
+-- const(f, label) -> UPB_LABEL_REPEATED, where f:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED
+function const(obj, name)
+ local val = obj[name](obj)
+ for k, v in pairs(upb) do
+ if v == val and string.find(k, "^" .. string.upper(name)) then
+ return "UPB_" .. k
+ end
+ end
+ assert(false, "Couldn't find constant")
+ LinkTable: an object that tracks all linkable objects and their offsets to
+ facilitate linking.
+local LinkTable = {}
+function LinkTable:new(basename, types)
+ local linktab = {
+ basename = basename,
+ types = types,
+ table = {}, -- ptr -> {type, 0-based offset}
+ obj_arrays = {} -- Establishes the ordering for each object type
+ }
+ for type, _ in pairs(types) do
+ linktab.obj_arrays[type] = {}
+ end
+ setmetatable(linktab, {__index = LinkTable}) -- Inheritance
+ return linktab
+-- Adds a new object to the sequence of objects of this type.
+function LinkTable:add(objtype, ptr, obj)
+ obj = obj or ptr
+ assert(self.table[obj] == nil)
+ assert(self.types[objtype])
+ local arr = self.obj_arrays[objtype]
+ self.table[ptr] = {objtype, #arr}
+ arr[#arr + 1] = obj
+-- Returns a C symbol name for the given objtype and offset.
+function LinkTable:csym(objtype, offset)
+ local typestr = assert(self.types[objtype])
+ return string.format("%s_%s[%d]", self.basename, typestr, offset)
+-- Returns the address of the given C object.
+function LinkTable:addr(obj)
+ if obj == upbtable.NULL then
+ return "NULL"
+ else
+ local tabent = assert(self.table[obj], "unknown object")
+ return "&" .. self:csym(tabent[1], tabent[2])
+ end
+-- Returns an array declarator indicating how many objects have been added.
+function LinkTable:cdecl(objtype)
+ return self:csym(objtype, #self.obj_arrays[objtype])
+function LinkTable:objs(objtype)
+ -- Return iterator function, allowing use as:
+ -- for obj in linktable:objs(type) do
+ -- -- ...
+ -- done
+ local array = self.obj_arrays[objtype]
+ local i = 0
+ return function()
+ i = i + 1
+ if array[i] then return array[i] end
+ end
+ Dumper: an object that can dump C initializers for several constructs.
+ Uses a LinkTable to resolve references when necessary.
+local Dumper = {}
+function Dumper:new(linktab)
+ local obj = {linktab = linktab}
+ setmetatable(obj, {__index = Dumper}) -- Inheritance
+ return obj
+-- Dumps a upb_value, eg:
+function Dumper:value(val, upbtype)
+ if type(val) == "nil" then
+ elseif type(val) == "number" then
+ -- Use upbtype to disambiguate what kind of number it is.
+ if upbtype == upbtable.CTYPE_INT32 then
+ return string.format("UPB_VALUE_INIT_INT32(%d)", val)
+ else
+ -- TODO(haberman): add support for these so we can properly support
+ -- default values.
+ error("Unsupported number type " .. upbtype)
+ end
+ elseif type(val) == "string" then
+ return string.format('UPB_VALUE_INIT_CONSTPTR("%s")', val)
+ else
+ -- We take this as an object reference that has an entry in the link table.
+ return string.format("UPB_VALUE_INIT_CONSTPTR(%s)", self.linktab:addr(val))
+ end
+-- Dumps a table key.
+function Dumper:tabkey(key)
+ if type(key) == "nil" then
+ return "UPB_TABKEY_NONE"
+ elseif type(key) == "string" then
+ return string.format('UPB_TABKEY_STR("%s")', key)
+ else
+ return string.format("UPB_TABKEY_NUM(%d)", key)
+ end
+-- Dumps a table entry.
+function Dumper:tabent(ent)
+ local key = self:tabkey(ent.key)
+ local val = self:value(ent.value, ent.valtype)
+ local next = self.linktab:addr(
+ return string.format(' {%s, %s, %s},\n', key, val, next)
+-- Dumps an inttable array entry. This is almost the same as value() above,
+-- except that nil values have a special value to indicate "empty".
+function Dumper:arrayval(val)
+ if val.val then
+ return string.format(" %s,\n", self:value(val.val, val.valtype))
+ else
+ return " UPB_ARRAY_EMPTYENT,\n"
+ end
+-- Dumps an initializer for the given strtable/inttable (respectively). Its
+-- entries must have previously been added to the linktable.
+function Dumper:strtable(t)
+ -- UPB_STRTABLE_INIT(count, mask, type, size_lg2, entries)
+ return string.format(
+ "UPB_STRTABLE_INIT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s)",
+ t.count, t.mask, t.type, t.size_lg2, self.linktab:addr(t.entries[1].ptr))
+function Dumper:inttable(t)
+ local lt = assert(self.linktab)
+ -- UPB_INTTABLE_INIT(count, mask, type, size_lg2, ent, a, asize, acount)
+ local entries = "NULL"
+ if #t.entries > 0 then
+ entries = lt:addr(t.entries[1].ptr)
+ end
+ return string.format(
+ "UPB_INTTABLE_INIT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %d, %d)",
+ t.count, t.mask, t.type, t.size_lg2, entries,
+ lt:addr(t.array[1].ptr), t.array_size, t.array_count)
+-- A visitor for visiting all tables of a def. Used first to count entries
+-- and later to dump them.
+local function gettables(def)
+ if def:def_type() == upb.DEF_MSG then
+ return {int = upbtable.msgdef_itof(def), str = upbtable.msgdef_ntof(def)}
+ elseif def:def_type() == upb.DEF_ENUM then
+ return {int = upbtable.enumdef_iton(def), str = upbtable.enumdef_ntoi(def)}
+ end
+local function emit_file_warning(append)
+ append('// This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler).\n')
+ append('// Do not edit -- your changes will be discarded when the file is\n')
+ append('// regenerated.\n\n')
+ Top-level, exported dumper functions
+local function dump_defs_c(symtab, basename, append)
+ -- Add fielddefs for any msgdefs passed in.
+ local fielddefs = {}
+ for _, def in ipairs(symtab:getdefs(upb.DEF_MSG)) do
+ for field in def:fields() do
+ fielddefs[#fielddefs + 1] = field
+ end
+ end
+ -- Get a list of all defs and add fielddefs to it.
+ local defs = symtab:getdefs(upb.DEF_ANY)
+ for _, fielddef in ipairs(fielddefs) do
+ defs[#defs + 1] = fielddef
+ end
+ -- Sort all defs by (type, name).
+ -- This gives us a linear ordering that we can use to create offsets into
+ -- shared arrays like REFTABLES, hash table entries, and arrays.
+ table.sort(defs, function(a, b)
+ if a:def_type() ~= b:def_type() then
+ return a:def_type() < b:def_type()
+ else
+ return a:full_name() < b:full_name() end
+ end
+ )
+ -- Perform pre-pass to build the link table.
+ local linktab = LinkTable:new(basename, {
+ [upb.DEF_MSG] = "msgs",
+ [upb.DEF_FIELD] = "fields",
+ [upb.DEF_ENUM] = "enums",
+ intentries = "intentries",
+ strentries = "strentries",
+ arrays = "arrays",
+ })
+ for _, def in ipairs(defs) do
+ assert(def:is_frozen(), "can only dump frozen defs.")
+ linktab:add(def:def_type(), def)
+ local tables = gettables(def)
+ if tables then
+ for _, e in ipairs(tables.str.entries) do
+ linktab:add("strentries", e.ptr, e)
+ end
+ for _, e in ipairs( do
+ linktab:add("intentries", e.ptr, e)
+ end
+ for _, e in ipairs( do
+ linktab:add("arrays", e.ptr, e)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Emit forward declarations.
+ emit_file_warning(append)
+ append('#include "upb/def.h"\n\n')
+ append("const upb_msgdef %s;\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_MSG))
+ append("const upb_fielddef %s;\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_FIELD))
+ append("const upb_enumdef %s;\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_ENUM))
+ append("const upb_tabent %s;\n", linktab:cdecl("strentries"))
+ append("const upb_tabent %s;\n", linktab:cdecl("intentries"))
+ append("const upb_value %s;\n", linktab:cdecl("arrays"))
+ append("\n")
+ -- Emit defs.
+ local dumper = Dumper:new(linktab)
+ append("const upb_msgdef %s = {\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_MSG))
+ for m in linktab:objs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
+ local tables = gettables(m)
+ -- UPB_MSGDEF_INIT(name, itof, ntof)
+ append(' UPB_MSGDEF_INIT("%s", %s, %s, %s),\n',
+ m:full_name(),
+ dumper:inttable(,
+ dumper:strtable(tables.str),
+ m:_selector_count())
+ end
+ append("};\n\n")
+ append("const upb_fielddef %s = {\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_FIELD))
+ for f in linktab:objs(upb.DEF_FIELD) do
+ local subdef = "NULL"
+ if f:has_subdef() then
+ subdef = string.format("upb_upcast(%s)", linktab:addr(f:subdef()))
+ end
+ -- UPB_FIELDDEF_INIT(label, type, name, num, msgdef, subdef,
+ -- selector_base, default_value)
+ append(' UPB_FIELDDEF_INIT(%s, %s, "%s", %d, %s, %s, %d, %s),\n',
+ const(f, "label"), const(f, "type"), f:name(),
+ f:number(), linktab:addr(f:msgdef()), subdef,
+ f:_selector_base(),
+ dumper:value(nil) -- TODO
+ )
+ end
+ append("};\n\n")
+ append("const upb_enumdef %s = {\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_ENUM))
+ for e in linktab:objs(upb.DEF_ENUM) do
+ local tables = gettables(e)
+ -- UPB_ENUMDEF_INIT(name, ntoi, iton, defaultval)
+ append(' UPB_ENUMDEF_INIT("%s", %s, %s, %d),\n',
+ e:full_name(),
+ dumper:strtable(tables.str),
+ dumper:inttable(,
+ --e:default())
+ 0)
+ end
+ append("};\n\n")
+ append("const upb_tabent %s = {\n", linktab:cdecl("strentries"))
+ for ent in linktab:objs("strentries") do
+ append(dumper:tabent(ent))
+ end
+ append("};\n\n");
+ append("const upb_tabent %s = {\n", linktab:cdecl("intentries"))
+ for ent in linktab:objs("intentries") do
+ append(dumper:tabent(ent))
+ end
+ append("};\n\n");
+ append("const upb_value %s = {\n", linktab:cdecl("arrays"))
+ for ent in linktab:objs("arrays") do
+ append(dumper:arrayval(ent))
+ end
+ append("};\n\n");
+ return linktab
+local function join(...)
+ return table.concat({...}, ".")
+local function to_cident(...)
+ return string.gsub(join(...), "%.", "_")
+local function to_preproc(...)
+ return string.upper(to_cident(...))
+local function dump_defs_h(symtab, basename, append, linktab)
+ local ucase_basename = string.upper(basename)
+ emit_file_warning(append)
+ append('#ifndef %s_UPB_H_\n', ucase_basename)
+ append('#define %s_UPB_H_\n\n', ucase_basename)
+ append('#include "upb/def.h"\n\n')
+ append('#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
+ append('extern "C" {\n')
+ append('#endif\n\n')
+ -- Dump C enums for proto enums.
+ append("// Enums\n\n")
+ for _, def in ipairs(symtab:getdefs(upb.DEF_ENUM)) do
+ local cident = to_cident(def:full_name())
+ append('typedef enum {\n')
+ for k, v in def:values() do
+ append(' %s = %d,\n', to_preproc(cident, k), v)
+ end
+ append('} %s;\n\n', cident)
+ end
+ -- Dump macros for referring to specific defs.
+ append("// Do not refer to these forward declarations; use the constants\n")
+ append("// below.\n")
+ append("extern const upb_msgdef %s;\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_MSG))
+ append("extern const upb_fielddef %s;\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_FIELD))
+ append("extern const upb_enumdef %s;\n\n", linktab:cdecl(upb.DEF_ENUM))
+ append("// Constants for references to defs.\n")
+ append("// We hide these behind macros to decouple users from the\n")
+ append("// details of how we have statically defined them (ie. whether\n")
+ append("// each def has its own symbol or lives in an array of defs).\n")
+ for def in linktab:objs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
+ append("#define %s %s\n", to_preproc(def:full_name()), linktab:addr(def))
+ end
+ append("\n")
+ append('#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
+ append('}; // extern "C"\n')
+ append('#endif\n\n')
+ append('#endif // %s_UPB_H_\n', ucase_basename)
+function export.dump_defs(symtab, basename, append_h, append_c)
+ local linktab = dump_defs_c(symtab, basename, append_c)
+ dump_defs_h(symtab, basename, append_h, linktab)
+return export
diff --git a/tools/test_cinit.lua b/tools/test_cinit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb7977f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test_cinit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
+ Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
+ Author: Josh Haberman <>
+ Tests for dump_cinit.lua. Runs first in a mode that generates
+ some C code for an extension. The C code is compiled and then
+ loaded by a second invocation of the test which checks that the
+ generated defs are as expected.
+local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
+local upb = require "upb"
+-- Once APIs for loading descriptors are fleshed out, we should replace this
+-- with a descriptor for a meaty protobuf like descriptor.proto.
+local symtab = upb.SymbolTable{
+ upb.EnumDef{full_name = "MyEnum",
+ values = {
+ {"FOO", 1},
+ {"BAR", 77}
+ }
+ },
+ upb.MessageDef{full_name = "MyMessage",
+ fields = {
+ upb.FieldDef{label = upb.LABEL_REQUIRED, name = "field1", number = 1,
+ type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
+ upb.FieldDef{label = upb.LABEL_REPEATED, name = "field2", number = 2,
+ type = upb.TYPE_ENUM, subdef_name = ".MyEnum"},
+ upb.FieldDef{name = "field3", number = 3, type = upb.TYPE_MESSAGE,
+ subdef_name = ".MyMessage"}
+ }
+ }
+if arg[1] == "generate" then
+ local f = assert([2], "w"))
+ local f_h = assert([2] .. ".h", "w"))
+ local appendc = dump_cinit.file_appender(f)
+ local appendh = dump_cinit.file_appender(f_h)
+ f:write('#include "lua.h"\n')
+ f:write('#define ELEMENTS(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array))\n')
+ f:write('#include "bindings/lua/upb.h"\n')
+ dump_cinit.dump_defs(symtab, "test", appendh, appendc)
+ f:write([[int luaopen_staticdefs(lua_State *L) {
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(test_msgs); i++) {
+ lupb_def_pushnewrapper(L, upb_upcast(&test_msgs[i]), NULL);
+ lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(test_enums); i++) {
+ lupb_def_pushnewrapper(L, upb_upcast(&test_enums[i]), NULL);
+ lua_rawseti(L, -2, ELEMENTS(test_msgs) + i + 1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }]])
+ f_h:close()
+ f:close()
+elseif arg[1] == "test" then
+ local staticdefs = require "staticdefs"
+ local msg = assert(staticdefs[1])
+ local enum = assert(staticdefs[2])
+ local f2 = assert(msg:field("field2"))
+ assert(msg:def_type() == upb.DEF_MSG)
+ assert(msg:full_name() == "MyMessage")
+ assert(enum:def_type() == upb.DEF_ENUM)
+ assert(enum:full_name() == "MyEnum")
+ assert(enum:value("FOO") == 1)
+ assert(f2:name() == "field2")
+ assert(f2:msgdef() == msg)
+ assert(f2:subdef() == enum)
+ error("Unknown operation " .. arg[1])
diff --git a/tools/upbc.c b/tools/upbc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b25f3e..0000000
--- a/tools/upbc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
- * Author: Josh Haberman <>
- *
- * upbc is the upb compiler, which at the moment simply takes a
- * protocol descriptor and outputs a header file containing the
- * names and types of the fields.
- */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "upb/bytestream.h"
-#include "upb/def.h"
-#include "upb/msg.h"
-#include "upb/pb/glue.h"
-/* These are in-place string transformations that do not change the length of
- * the string (and thus never need to re-allocate). */
-// Convert to C identifier: -> foo_bar_Baz.
-static void to_cident(char *str) {
- for (; *str; ++str) {
- if(*str == '.' || *str == '/') *str = '_';
- }
-// Convert to C proprocessor identifier: -> FOO_BAR_BAZ.
-static void to_preproc(char *str) {
- to_cident(str);
- for (; *str; ++str) *str = toupper(*str);
-/* The _const.h file defines the constants (enums) defined in the .proto
- * file. */
-static void write_const_h(const upb_def *defs[], int num_entries,
- char *outfile_name, FILE *stream) {
- /* Header file prologue. */
- char *include_guard_name = strdup(outfile_name);
- to_preproc(include_guard_name);
- fputs("/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler). "
- "Do not edit. */\n\n", stream),
- fprintf(stream, "#ifndef %s\n", include_guard_name);
- fprintf(stream, "#define %s\n\n", include_guard_name);
- fputs("#ifdef __cplusplus\n", stream);
- fputs("extern \"C\" {\n", stream);
- fputs("#endif\n\n", stream);
- /* Enums. */
- fprintf(stream, "/* Enums. */\n\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach enum */
- if(defs[i]->type != UPB_DEF_ENUM) continue;
- const upb_enumdef *enumdef = upb_downcast_enumdef_const(defs[i]);
- char *enum_name = strdup(upb_def_fullname(UPB_UPCAST(enumdef)));
- char *enum_val_prefix = strdup(enum_name);
- to_cident(enum_name);
- to_preproc(enum_val_prefix);
- fprintf(stream, "typedef enum %s {\n", enum_name);
- bool first = true;
- /* Foreach enum value. */
- upb_enum_iter iter;
- for (upb_enum_begin(&iter, enumdef);
- !upb_enum_done(&iter);
- upb_enum_next(&iter)) {
- char *value_name = strdup(upb_enum_iter_name(&iter));
- uint32_t value = upb_enum_iter_number(&iter);
- to_preproc(value_name);
- if (!first) fputs(",\n", stream);
- first = false;
- fprintf(stream, " %s_%s = %" PRIu32, enum_val_prefix, value_name, value);
- free(value_name);
- }
- fprintf(stream, "\n} %s;\n\n", enum_name);
- free(enum_name);
- free(enum_val_prefix);
- }
- /* Constants for field names and numbers. */
- fprintf(stream, "/* Constants for field names and numbers. */\n\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { /* Foreach enum */
- const upb_msgdef *m = upb_dyncast_msgdef_const(defs[i]);
- if(!m) continue;
- char *msg_name = strdup(upb_def_fullname(UPB_UPCAST(m)));
- char *msg_val_prefix = strdup(msg_name);
- to_preproc(msg_val_prefix);
- upb_msg_iter i;
- for(upb_msg_begin(&i, m); !upb_msg_done(&i); upb_msg_next(&i)) {
- upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(&i);
- char *preproc_field_name = strdup(upb_fielddef_name(f));
- to_preproc(preproc_field_name);
- fprintf(stream, "#define %s_%s__FIELDNUM %d\n",
- msg_val_prefix, preproc_field_name, upb_fielddef_number(f));
- fprintf(stream, "#define %s_%s__FIELDNAME \"%s\"\n",
- msg_val_prefix, preproc_field_name, upb_fielddef_name(f));
- fprintf(stream, "#define %s_%s__FIELDTYPE %d\n\n",
- msg_val_prefix, preproc_field_name, upb_fielddef_type(f));
- free(preproc_field_name);
- }
- free(msg_val_prefix);
- free(msg_name);
- }
- /* Epilogue. */
- fputs("#ifdef __cplusplus\n", stream);
- fputs("} /* extern \"C\" */\n", stream);
- fputs("#endif\n\n", stream);
- fprintf(stream, "#endif /* %s */\n", include_guard_name);
- free(include_guard_name);
-const char usage[] =
- "upbc -- upb compiler.\n"
- "upb v0.1\n"
- "\n"
- "Usage: upbc [options] descriptor-file\n"
- "\n"
- " -o OUTFILE-BASE Write to OUTFILE-BASE.h and OUTFILE-BASE.c instead\n"
- " of using the input file as a basename.\n"
-void usage_err(const char *err) {
- fprintf(stderr, "upbc: %s\n\n", err);
- fputs(usage, stderr);
- exit(1);
-void error(const char *err, ...) {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, err);
- fprintf(stderr, "upbc: ");
- vfprintf(stderr, err, args);
- va_end(args);
- exit(1);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- /* Parse arguments. */
- char *outfile_base = NULL, *input_file = NULL;
- for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if(strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
- if(++i == argc)
- usage_err("-o must be followed by a FILE-BASE.");
- else if(outfile_base)
- usage_err("-o was specified multiple times.");
- outfile_base = argv[i];
- } else {
- if(input_file)
- usage_err("You can only specify one input file.");
- input_file = argv[i];
- }
- }
- if(!input_file) usage_err("You must specify an input file.");
- if(!outfile_base) outfile_base = input_file;
- // Read and parse input file.
- size_t len;
- char *descriptor = upb_readfile(input_file, &len);
- if(!descriptor)
- error("Couldn't read input file.");
- // TODO: make upb_parsedesc use a separate symtab, so we can use it here when
- // importing descriptor.proto.
- upb_symtab *s = upb_symtab_new();
- upb_status status = UPB_STATUS_INIT;
- upb_load_descriptor_into_symtab(s, descriptor, len, &status);
- if(!upb_ok(&status)) {
- error("Failed to parse input file descriptor: %s\n",
- upb_status_getstr(&status));
- }
- upb_status_uninit(&status);
- /* Emit output files. */
- char h_const_filename[256];
- const int maxsize = sizeof(h_const_filename);
- if(snprintf(h_const_filename, maxsize, "%s_const.h", outfile_base) >= maxsize)
- error("File base too long.\n");
- FILE *h_const_file = fopen(h_const_filename, "w");
- if(!h_const_file) error("Failed to open _const.h output file\n");
- int symcount;
- const upb_def **defs = upb_symtab_getdefs(s, &symcount, UPB_DEF_ANY, &defs);
- write_const_h(defs, symcount, h_const_filename, h_const_file);
- for (int i = 0; i < symcount; i++) upb_def_unref(defs[i], &defs);
- free(defs);
- free(descriptor);
- upb_symtab_unref(s);
- fclose(h_const_file);
- return 0;
diff --git a/tools/upbc.lua b/tools/upbc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68d25f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/upbc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ upb - a minimalist implementation of protocol buffers.
+ Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. See LICENSE for details.
+ Author: Josh Haberman <>
+ The upb compiler. Unlike the proto2 compiler, this does
+ not output any parsing code or generated classes or anything
+ specific to the protobuf binary format at all. At the moment
+ it only dumps C initializers for upb_defs, so that a .proto
+ file can be represented in a .o file.
+local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
+local upb = require "upb"
+local src = arg[1]
+local outbase = arg[2]
+local basename = arg[3]
+local hfilename = outbase .. ".upb.h"
+local cfilename = outbase .. ".upb.c"
+if os.getenv("UPBC_VERBOSE") then
+ print("upbc:")
+ print(string.format(" source file=%s", src))
+ print(string.format(" output file base=%s", outbase))
+ print(string.format(" hfilename=%s", hfilename))
+ print(string.format(" cfilename=%s", cfilename))
+-- Open input/output files.
+local f = assert(, "r"), "couldn't open input file " .. src)
+local descriptor = f:read("*all")
+local symtab = upb.SymbolTable()
+os.execute(string.format("mkdir -p `dirname %s`", outbase))
+local hfile = assert(, "w"), "couldn't open " .. hfilename)
+local cfile = assert(, "w"), "couldn't open " .. cfilename)
+local happend = dump_cinit.file_appender(hfile)
+local cappend = dump_cinit.file_appender(cfile)
+-- Dump defs
+dump_cinit.dump_defs(symtab, basename, happend, cappend)
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback