diff options
9 files changed, 38 insertions, 1107 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ab91c..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-language: cpp
- - gcc
- - clang
- - ./ install
- - export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/protoc # used by genfiles_install()
-script: ./ script
-after_success: ./ after_success
-after_failure: ./ after_failure
- global:
- - secure: "Rk5UxBrSGzyuJsOc7DO3ZTSMj0LbKTpBKS7PlvYIPgcU8+DYd3ZbkvWuJb1qD3CDp0J/9X8XWK2c51taiNlSsiqwS6/ympj7VX/k5VbtG0NauWwMoNZnpB0JHaIW1Qn5O/rI4B0zLCraObD/ythXeFOzevpMbfZcB5DIbNsgD8c="
- - secure: "E9G9109pmBVh085+f3ZDFCUqObCjHJymZW/knx0/ABJ3xK9O91RXEEkQTIaKDDasHcx9eujU9yK8F6gFgFulEZLxLvS5if5RFXeK5G1YX/MxWjA6Jh2j0dnSbGdd5Q+Lj8/tBqo50ry59qGYqaUPZ9aCXanal3ymbl2lA96n5qE="
- matrix:
- - UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD=barejit
- - UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD=coverage
- - UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD=genfiles
- - UPB_TRAVIS_BUILD=amalgamated
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index 6233b6b..594665b 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -352,7 +352,6 @@ lua_library(
name = "lua/upbc_lib",
srcs = [
- "tools/make_c_api.lua",
luadeps = [
@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ cc_binary(
name = "gen_run_cmake_build",
out = "",
- contents = "mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8"
+ contents = "mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8 && make test"
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 5c78ee0..30822ce 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -118,11 +118,9 @@ add_library(upb_json
- upb/bindings/stdc++/string.h)
+add_library(upb_cc_bindings INTERFACE)
+target_link_libraries(upb_cc_bindings INTERFACE
-set_target_properties(upb_cc_bindings PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a17e48..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-# This Makefile builds the upb library as well as associated tests, tools, and
-# language extensions.
-# It does not use autoconf/automake/libtool in order to stay lightweight and
-# avoid the need for running ./configure.
-# Summary of compiler flags you may want to use:
-# * -UNDEBUG: enables assertions() (makes binary larger and slower)
-# * -O0: disable optimizations
-# * -g: enable debug symbols
-# * -fomit-frame-pointer: makes code smaller and faster by freeing up a reg.
-# Threading:
-# * -DUPB_THREAD_UNSAFE: remove all thread-safety.
-.PHONY: all lib clean tests test descriptorgen amalgamate
-.PHONY: clean_leave_profile genfiles
-# Prevents the deletion of intermediate files.
-UPB_MODULES = upb upb.pb upb.json upb.descriptor
-UPB_LIBS = $(patsubst %,lib/lib%.a,$(UPB_MODULES))
-UPB_PICLIBS = $(patsubst %,lib/lib%_pic.a,$(UPB_MODULES))
-# Default rule: build all upb libraries (but no bindings)
-default: $(UPB_LIBS)
-# All: build absolutely everything
-all: lib tests tools/upbc lua python
-testall: test pythontest
-# Set this to have user-specific flags (especially things like -O0 and -g).
-# Build with "make WITH_JIT=yes" (or anything besides "no") to enable the JIT.
-# Build with "make UPB_FAIL_WARNINGS=yes" (or anything besides "no") to turn
-# warnings into errors.
-# Basic compiler/flag setup.
-# We are C89/C++98, with the one exception that we need stdint and "long long."
-CSTD=-std=c89 -pedantic -Wno-long-long
-CXXSTD=-std=c++98 -pedantic -Wno-long-long
-WARNFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Wpointer-arith
-WARNFLAGS_CXX=$(WARNFLAGS) -Wno-unused-private-field
-LUA=lua # 5.1 and 5.2 should both be supported
-ifneq ($(WITH_JIT), no)
- USE_JIT=true
- EXTRA_LIBS += -ldl
-ifeq ($(CC), clang)
- WARNFLAGS += -Wconditional-uninitialized
-ifeq ($(CXX), clang++)
- WARNFLAGS_CXX += -Wconditional-uninitialized
-ifneq ($(UPB_FAIL_WARNINGS), no)
- WARNFLAGS += -Werror -Wno-keyword-macro
- WARNFLAGS_CXX += -Werror -Wno-keyword-macro
-# Build with "make Q=" to see all commands that are being executed.
-# Function to expand a wildcard pattern recursively.
-rwildcard=$(strip $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2)$(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)))
-ifeq ($(Q), @)
- E=@echo
- E=@:
- test -f upb/bindings/ruby/ && cd upb/bindings/ruby && make install
-# Dependency generating. #######################################################
--include deps
-# Unfortuantely we can't easily generate deps for benchmarks or tests because
-# of the scheme we use that compiles the same source file multiple times with
-# different -D options, which can include different header files.
- $(E) Regenerating dependencies for upb/...
- @set -e
- @rm -f deps
- @for file in $$(find . -name '*.c'); do \
- gcc -MM $$file -MT $${file%.*}.o $(CPPFLAGS) -I. >> deps 2> /dev/null; \
- done
- @rm -rf obj lib
- @rm -f tests/google_message?.h
- @rm -f tests/json/test.upbdefs.o
- @rm -f $(TESTS) tests/testmain.o tests/t.* tests/conformance_upb
- @rm -rf tools/upbc deps
- @rm -rf upb/bindings/python/build
- @rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/Makefile
- @rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/upb.o
- @rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/
- @rm -f upb/bindings/ruby/mkmf.log
- @rm -f tests/google_messages.pb.*
- @rm -f tests/google_messages.proto.pb
- @rm -f upb.c upb.h
- @find . | grep dSYM | xargs rm -rf
-clean: clean_leave_profile clean_lua
- @rm -rf $(call rwildcard,,*.gcno) $(call rwildcard,,*.gcda)
-# A little bit of Make voodoo: you can call this from the deps of a patterned
-# rule like so:
-# all: lib/
-# foo_bar_SRCS = a.c b.c
-# # This will expand into a.o b.o
-# lib/lib%.a: $(call make_objs,o)
-# gcc -c -o $@ $^
-# SECONDEXPANSION: flips on a bit essentially that allows this "secondary
-# expansion": it must appear before anything that uses make_objs.
-to_srcs = $(subst .,_,$(1)_SRCS)
-pc = %
-make_objs = $$(patsubst $$(pc).c,obj/$$(pc).$(1),$$($$(call to_srcs,$$*)))
-make_objs_cc = $$(patsubst $$(pc).cc,obj/$$(pc).$(1),$$($$(call to_srcs,$$*)))
-# Core libraries (ie. not bindings). ###############################################################
-upb_SRCS = \
- google/protobuf/descriptor.upb.c \
- upb/decode.c \
- upb/def.c \
- upb/encode.c \
- upb/handlers.c \
- upb/msg.c \
- upb/msgfactory.c \
- upb/refcounted.c \
- upb/sink.c \
- upb/table.c \
- upb/upb.c \
-upb_descriptor_SRCS = \
- upb/descriptor/descriptor.upbdefs.c \
- upb/descriptor/reader.c \
-upb_pb_SRCS = \
- upb/pb/compile_decoder.c \
- upb/pb/decoder.c \
- upb/pb/encoder.c \
- upb/pb/glue.c \
- upb/pb/textprinter.c \
- upb/pb/varint.c \
-# If the JIT is enabled we include its source.
-# If Lua is present we can use DynASM to regenerate the .h file.
-ifdef USE_JIT
-upb_pb_SRCS += upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.c
-# The JIT can't compile with -Wpedantic, since it does some inherently
-# platform-specific things like casting between data pointers and function
-# pointers. Also DynASM emits some GNU extensions.
-obj/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.o : CSTD = -std=gnu89
-obj/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.lo : CSTD = -std=gnu89
-upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h: upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc
- $(E) DYNASM $<
- $(Q) $(LUA) third_party/dynasm/dynasm.lua -c upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc > upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h || (rm upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h ; false)
-upb_json_SRCS = \
- upb/json/parser.c \
- upb/json/printer.c \
- upb/pb/encoder.c \
- upb/pb/varint.c \
- upb/sink.c \
-# Ideally we could keep this uncommented, but Git apparently sometimes skews
-# timestamps slightly at "clone" time, which makes "Make" think that it needs
-# to rebuild upb/json/parser.c when it actually doesn't. This would be harmless
-# except that the user might not have Ragel installed.
-# So instead we require an excplicit "make ragel" to rebuild this (for now).
-# More pain for people developing upb/json/parser.rl, but less pain for everyone
-# else.
-# upb/json/parser.c: upb/json/parser.rl
-# $(E) RAGEL $<
-# $(Q) ragel -C -o upb/json/parser.c upb/json/parser.rl
- $(E) RAGEL upb/json/parser.rl
- $(Q) ragel -C -o upb/json/parser.c upb/json/parser.rl
-# If the user doesn't specify an -O setting, we use -O3 for critical-path
-# code and -Os for the rest.
-ifeq (, $(findstring -O, $(USER_CPPFLAGS)))
-OPT = -O3
-lib/libupb.a : OPT = -Os
-lib/libupb.descriptor.a : OPT = -Os
-obj/upb/pb/compile_decoder.o : OPT = -Os
-obj/upb/pb/compile_decoder_64.o : OPT = -Os
-ifdef USE_JIT
-obj/upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.o: OPT=-Os
-$(UPB_PICLIBS): lib/lib%_pic.a: $(call make_objs,lo)
- $(E) AR $@
- $(Q) mkdir -p lib && $(AR) rcs $@ $^
-$(UPB_LIBS): lib/lib%.a: $(call make_objs,o)
- $(E) AR $@
- $(Q) mkdir -p lib && $(AR) rcs $@ $^
-obj/%.o: %.c | $$(@D)/.
- $(E) CC $<
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-obj/%.o: | $$(@D)/.
- $(E) CXX $<
- $(Q) $(CXX) $(OPT) $(CXXSTD) $(WARNFLAGS_CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-obj/%.lo: %.c | $$(@D)/.
- $(E) 'CC -fPIC' $<
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< -fPIC
-obj/%.lo: | $$(@D)/.
- $(E) CXX -fPIC $<
- $(Q) $(CXX) $(OPT) $(CXXSTD) $(WARNFLAGS_CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< -fPIC
-# Note: mkdir -p is technically susceptible to races when used with make -j.
- $(Q) mkdir -p $@
-# Regenerating the auto-generated files in upb/.
-upb/descriptor/descriptor.pb: upb/descriptor/descriptor.proto
- $(E) PROTOC upb/descriptor/descriptor.proto
- $(Q) protoc upb/descriptor/descriptor.proto -oupb/descriptor/descriptor.pb
-# "genfiles" includes Proto schemas we need for tests
-# For the moment we check in the *.upbdefs.* generated files so that people
-# can build and run the tests without Lua as a build dependency.
-genfiles: tools/upbc
- @# TODO: replace protoc with upbc when upb can parse .proto files
- $(E) PROTOC upb/descriptor/descriptor.proto
- $(Q) protoc upb/descriptor/descriptor.proto -oupb/descriptor/descriptor.pb
- $(E) PROTOC google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
- $(Q) protoc google/protobuf/descriptor.proto -ogoogle/protobuf/descriptor.pb
- $(E) UPBC upb/descriptor/descriptor.pb
- $(Q) ./tools/upbc --generate-upbdefs upb/descriptor/descriptor.pb
- $(E) UPBC google/protobuf/descriptor.pb
- $(Q) ./tools/upbc google/protobuf/descriptor.pb
- $(E) PROTOC tests/json/test.proto
- $(Q) protoc tests/json/test.proto -otests/json/test.proto.pb
- $(E) UPBC tests/json/test.proto.pb
- $(Q) ./tools/upbc --generate-upbdefs tests/json/test.proto.pb
- $(E) DYNASM upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc
- $(Q) $(LUA) third_party/dynasm/dynasm.lua -c upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.dasc > upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h || (rm upb/pb/compile_decoder_x64.h ; false)
-# upbc depends on these Lua extensions.
- upb/bindings/lua/ \
- upb/bindings/lua/upb/ \
- upb/bindings/lua/upb/ \
-tools/upbc: $(UPBC_LUA_EXTS) Makefile
- $(E) ECHO tools/upbc
- $(Q) echo "#!/bin/sh" > tools/upbc
- $(Q) echo 'BASE=`dirname "$$0"`' >> tools/upbc
- $(Q) echo 'export LUA_CPATH="$$BASE/../upb/bindings/lua/?.so"' >> tools/upbc
- $(Q) echo 'export LUA_PATH="$$BASE/?.lua;$$BASE/../upb/bindings/lua/?.lua"' >> tools/upbc
- $(Q) echo 'lua $$BASE/upbc.lua "$$@"' >> tools/upbc
- $(Q) chmod a+x tools/upbc
-examples/msg: examples/msg.c $(LIBUPB)
- $(E) CC $<
- $(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBUPB)
-# Tests. #######################################################################
-# This section contains only the tests that don't depend on any external
-# libraries.
-C_TESTS = \
- tests/pb/test_varint \
- tests/test_def \
- tests/test_handlers \
- tests/pb/test_decoder \
- tests/pb/test_encoder \
- tests/json/test_json \
- tests/test_cpp \
- tests/test_table \
-tests: $(TESTS)
-tests/json/test.upbdefs.o: tests/json/test.upbdefs.c
- $(E) CC $<
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-tests/testmain.o: tests/
- $(E) CXX $<
- $(Q) $(CXX) $(OPT) $(CXXSTD) $(WARNFLAGS_CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-$(C_TESTS): % : %.c tests/testmain.o $$(LIBS)
- $(E) CC $<
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ tests/testmain.o $< $(LIBS)
-$(CC_TESTS): % : tests/testmain.o $$(LIBS)
- $(E) CXX $<
- $(Q) $(CXX) $(OPT) $(CXXSTD) $(WARNFLAGS_CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Wno-deprecated -o $@ tests/testmain.o $< $(LIBS)
-# Several of these tests don't actually test these libs, but use them
-# incidentally to load a descriptor
-LOAD_DESCRIPTOR_LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.descriptor.a
-# Specify which libs each test depends on.
-tests/pb/test_varint: LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/test_def: LIBS = $(LOAD_DESCRIPTOR_LIBS) lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/test_handlers: LIBS = lib/libupb.descriptor.a lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/pb/test_decoder: LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/pb/test_encoder: LIBS = lib/libupb.pb.a lib/libupb.descriptor.a lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/test_cpp: LIBS = $(LOAD_DESCRIPTOR_LIBS) lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/test_table: LIBS = lib/libupb.a $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/json/test_json: LIBS = lib/libupb.a lib/libupb.json.a tests/json/test.upbdefs.o $(EXTRA_LIBS)
-tests/test.proto.pb: tests/test.proto
- @# TODO: add .proto file parser to upb so this isn't necessary.
- protoc tests/test.proto -otests/test.proto.pb
- tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage1 \
- tests/t.test_vs_proto2.googlemessage2 \
-ifeq ($(RUN_UNDER), valgrind)
-RUN_UNDER=valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1 --track-origins=yes
- @set -e # Abort on error.
- @find tests -perm -u+x -type f | while read test; do \
- if [ -x ./$$test ] ; then \
- echo "RUN $$test"; \
- $(RUN_UNDER) ./$$test tests/test.proto.pb || exit 1; \
- fi \
- done;
- @echo "All tests passed!"
-obj/conformance_protos: obj/conformance_protos.pb tools/upbc
- cd obj && ../tools/upbc conformance_protos.pb && touch conformance_protos
-obj/conformance_protos.pb: third_party/protobuf/
- protoc -Ithird_party/protobuf/conformance -Ithird_party/protobuf/src --include_imports \
- third_party/protobuf/conformance/conformance.proto \
- third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/test_messages_proto3.proto \
- -o obj/conformance_protos.pb
-third_party/protouf/ .gitmodules
- git submodule init && git submodule update
-tests/conformance_upb: tests/conformance_upb.c lib/libupb.a obj/conformance_protos
- $(CC) -o tests/conformance_upb tests/conformance_upb.c -Iobj -I. $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) obj/conformance.upb.c obj/google/protobuf/*.upb.c lib/libupb.a
-# Lua extension ##################################################################
-ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin)
- LUA_LDFLAGS = -undefined dynamic_lookup -flat_namespace
- upb/bindings/lua/ \
- upb/bindings/lua/upb/ \
- tests/bindings/lua/test_upb.lua \
- tests/bindings/lua/test_upb.pb.lua \
-.PHONY: clean_lua testlua lua
-testlua: lua
- @set -e; \
- for test in $(LUATESTS) ; do \
- echo LUA $$test; \
- LUA_PATH="third_party/lunit/?.lua;upb/bindings/lua/?.lua" \
- LUA_CPATH=upb/bindings/lua/?.so \
- $(RUN_UNDER) lua $$test; \
- done
-clean: clean_lua
- @rm -f upb/bindings/lua/
- @rm -f upb/bindings/lua/upb/
- @rm -f upb/bindings/lua/upb/
-lua: $(LUAEXTS)
-# Right now the core upb module depends on all of these.
-# It's a TODO to factor this more cleanly in the code.
- lib/libupb.pb_pic.a \
- lib/libupb.descriptor_pic.a \
- lib/libupb_pic.a \
-upb/bindings/lua/ upb/bindings/lua/upb.c upb/bindings/lua/def.c upb/bindings/lua/msg.c $(LUA_LIB_DEPS)
- $(E) 'CC upb/bindings/lua/{upb,def,msg}.c'
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -shared -o $@ $^ $(LUA_LDFLAGS)
-upb/bindings/lua/upb/ upb/bindings/lua/upb/table.c lib/libupb_pic.a
- $(E) CC upb/bindings/lua/upb/table.c
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -shared -o $@ $^ $(LUA_LDFLAGS)
-upb/bindings/lua/upb/ upb/bindings/lua/upb/pb.c $(LUA_LIB_DEPS)
- $(E) CC upb/bindings/lua/upb/pb.c
- $(Q) $(CC) $(OPT) $(CSTD) $(WARNFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fpic -shared -o $@ $^ $(LUA_LDFLAGS)
-# Amalgamated source (upb.c/upb.h) ############################################
-AMALGAMATE_SRCS=$(upb_SRCS) $(upb_descriptor_SRCS) $(upb_pb_SRCS) $(upb_json_SRCS)
-amalgamate: upb.c upb.h
-upb.c upb.h: $(AMALGAMATE_SRCS)
- $(Q) ./tools/ "" "" $^
-amalgamated: upb.c upb.h
- $(E) CC upb.c
- $(Q) $(CC) -o upb.o -c upb.c $(WARNFLAGS)
diff --git a/build_defs.bzl b/build_defs.bzl
index 5bbbc4f..8251014 100644
--- a/build_defs.bzl
+++ b/build_defs.bzl
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def generated_file_staleness_test(name, outs, generated_pattern):
srcs = [script_src],
testonly = 1,
cmd = "cat $(location " + script_src + ") > $@; " +
- "sed -i 's|INSERT_FILE_LIST_HERE|" + "\\n ".join(file_list) + "|' $@",
+ "sed -i.bak -e 's|INSERT_FILE_LIST_HERE|" + "\\\n ".join(file_list) + "|' $@",
diff --git a/kokoro/ubuntu/ b/kokoro/ubuntu/
index bbf8841..70a8159 100644
--- a/kokoro/ubuntu/
+++ b/kokoro/ubuntu/
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+# Install the latest version of Bazel. latest
+# Log the bazel path and version.
+which bazel
+bazel version
cd $(dirname $0)/../..
bazel test :all
diff --git a/tools/make_c_api.lua b/tools/make_c_api.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c11b2..0000000
--- a/tools/make_c_api.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
- Code to generate a C API in:
- foo.proto -> foo.upb.h
- foo.upb.c
- This code is evolving very quickly and so there are lots of little things
- that aren't perfect right now. As it settles a little more, the code
- quality should improve.
-local upb = require "upb"
-local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
-local export = {}
-local typemap = {
- [upb.TYPE_BOOL] = "bool",
- [upb.TYPE_FLOAT] = "float",
- [upb.TYPE_INT32] = "int32_t",
- [upb.TYPE_UINT32] = "uint32_t",
- [upb.TYPE_DOUBLE] = "double",
- [upb.TYPE_INT64] = "int64_t",
- [upb.TYPE_UINT64] = "uint64_t",
- [upb.TYPE_STRING] = "upb_stringview",
- [upb.TYPE_BYTES] = "upb_stringview",
-function strip_proto(filename)
- return string.gsub(filename, '%.proto$','')
-local function join(...)
- return table.concat({...}, ".")
-local function to_cident(...)
- return string.gsub(join(...), "[%./]", "_")
-local function to_preproc(...)
- return string.upper(to_cident(...))
--- Strips away last path element, ie:
--- foo.Bar.Baz -> foo.Bar
-local function remove_name(name)
- local package_end = 0
- for i=1,string.len(name) do
- if string.byte(name, i) == string.byte(".", 1) then
- package_end = i - 1
- end
- end
- return string.sub(name, 1, package_end)
-local function enum_value_symbol(enumdef, name)
- return to_cident(remove_name(enumdef:full_name())) .. "_" .. name
-local function dump_enum_vals(enumdef, append)
- local enum_vals = {}
- for k, v in enumdef:values() do
- enum_vals[#enum_vals + 1] = {k, v}
- end
- table.sort(enum_vals, function(a, b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
- -- protobuf convention is that enum values are scoped at the level of the
- -- enum itself, to follow C++. Ie, if you have the enum:
- -- message Foo {
- -- enum E {
- -- VAL1 = 1;
- -- VAL2 = 2;
- -- }
- -- }
- --
- -- The name of VAL1 is Foo.VAL1, not Foo.E.VAL1.
- --
- -- This seems a bit sketchy, but people often name their enum values
- -- accordingly, ie:
- --
- -- enum Foo {
- -- FOO_VAL1 = 1;
- -- FOO_VAL2 = 2;
- -- }
- --
- -- So if we don't respect this also, we end up with constants that look like:
- --
- --
- -- (notice the duplicated "TYPE").
- local cident = to_cident(remove_name(enumdef:full_name()))
- for i, pair in ipairs(enum_vals) do
- k, v = pair[1], pair[2]
- append(' %s = %d', enum_value_symbol(enumdef, k), v)
- if i == #enum_vals then
- append('\n')
- else
- append(',\n')
- end
- end
-local function field_default(field)
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- return "NULL"
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_STRING or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_BYTES then
- local default = field:default() or ""
- return string.format('upb_stringview_make("%s", strlen("%s"))', field:default(), field:default())
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_ENUM then
- return enum_value_symbol(field:subdef(), field:default())
- else
- return field:default();
- end
-local function ctype(field, const)
- if const then
- const = "const "
- else
- const = ""
- end
- if field:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED then
- return const .. "upb_array*"
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- if field:containing_type():file() == field:subdef():file() then
- return const .. to_cident(field:subdef():full_name()) .. "*"
- else
- return const .. "struct " .. to_cident(field:subdef():full_name()) .. "*"
- end
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_ENUM then
- return to_cident(field:subdef():full_name())
- else
- return typemap[field:type()] or "void*"
- end
-local function emit_file_warning(filedef, append)
- append('/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler) from the input\n')
- append(' * file:\n')
- append(' *\n')
- append(' * %s\n', filedef:name())
- append(' *\n')
- append(' * Do not edit -- your changes will be discarded when the file is\n')
- append(' * regenerated. */\n\n')
-local function field_layout_rank(field)
- -- Order:
- -- 1, 2, 3. primitive fields (8, 4, 1 byte)
- -- 4. string fields
- -- 5. submessage fields
- -- 6. repeated fields
- --
- -- This has the following nice properties:
- --
- -- 1. padding alignment is (nearly) minimized.
- -- 2. fields that might have defaults (1-4) are segregated
- -- from fields that are always zero-initialized (5-7).
- --
- -- We skip oneof fields, because they are emitted in a separate pass.
- local rank
- if field:containing_oneof() then
- rank = 100 -- These go last (actually we skip them).
- elseif field:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED then
- rank = 6
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- rank = 5
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_STRING or field:type() == upb.TYPE_BYTES then
- rank = 4
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_BOOL then
- rank = 3
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_FLOAT or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_INT32 or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_UINT32 then
- rank = 2
- else
- rank = 1
- end
- -- Break ties with field number.
- return (rank * 2^29) + field:number()
-local function sizeof(field)
- if field:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- return {4, 8}
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_STRING or field:type() == upb.TYPE_BYTES then
- -- upb_stringview
- return {8, 16}
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_BOOL then
- return {1, 1}
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_FLOAT or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_INT32 or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_UINT32 then
- return {4, 4}
- else
- return {8, 8}
- end
-local function sizemax(size, max)
- max[1] = math.max(max[1], size[1])
- max[2] = math.max(max[2], size[2])
-local function alignup(val, align)
- val[1] = math.ceil(val[1] / align[1]) * align[1]
- val[2] = math.ceil(val[2] / align[2]) * align[2]
-local function copysize(size)
- return {size[1], size[2]}
-local function place(offset, size, max)
- alignup(offset, size)
- local ret = copysize(offset)
- -- add size
- offset[1] = offset[1] + size[1]
- offset[2] = offset[2] + size[2]
- -- track max size
- sizemax(size, max)
- return ret
-local function get_field_layout_order(msg)
- local field_order = {}
- -- Sort fields by rank.
- for field in msg:fields() do
- table.insert(field_order, field)
- end
- table.sort(field_order, function(a, b)
- return field_layout_rank(a) < field_layout_rank(b)
- end)
- return field_order
-local function get_oneof_layout_order(msg)
- local oneof_order = {}
- -- Sort oneofs by name.
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- table.insert(oneof_order, oneof)
- end
- table.sort(oneof_order, function(a, b)
- return a:name() < b:name()
- end)
- return oneof_order
-local function has_hasbit(field)
- if field:containing_type():file():syntax() == upb.SYNTAX_PROTO2 then
- return field:label() ~= upb.LABEL_REPEATED and not field:containing_oneof()
- else
- return false
- end
-local function get_message_layout(msg)
- local hasbit_count = 0
- local hasbit_indexes = {}
- local field_order = get_field_layout_order(msg)
- local maxsize = {0, 0}
- -- Count hasbits.
- for _, field in ipairs(field_order) do
- if has_hasbit(field) then
- hasbit_indexes[field] = hasbit_count
- hasbit_count = hasbit_count + 1
- end
- end
- -- Place hasbits at the beginning.
- local offset = math.ceil(hasbit_count / 8)
- offset = {offset, offset} -- 32, 64 bit
- local offsets = {}
- -- Place non-oneof fields.
- for _, field in ipairs(field_order) do
- if not field:containing_oneof() then
- offsets[field] = place(offset, sizeof(field), maxsize)
- end
- end
- -- Place oneof fields.
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- local oneof_maxsize = {0, 0}
- -- Calculate max size.
- for field in oneof:fields() do
- local size = sizeof(field)
- sizemax(size, oneof_maxsize)
- end
- -- Place discriminator enum and data.
- local data = place(offset, oneof_maxsize, maxsize)
- local case = place(offset, {4, 4}, maxsize)
- offsets[oneof] = case
- -- Place oneof fields.
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- for field in oneof:fields() do
- offsets[field] = data
- end
- end
- end
- -- Align overall size up to max size.
- alignup(offset, maxsize)
- local size = copysize(offset)
- return hasbit_indexes, offsets, size
-function get_sizeinit(size)
- return string.format("UPB_SIZE(%s, %s)", size[1], size[2])
-local function write_h_file(filedef, append)
- emit_file_warning(filedef, append)
- local basename_preproc = to_preproc(filedef:name())
- append('#ifndef %s_UPB_H_\n', basename_preproc)
- append('#define %s_UPB_H_\n\n', basename_preproc)
- append('#include "upb/msg.h"\n\n')
- append('#include "upb/decode.h"\n')
- append('#include "upb/encode.h"\n')
- append('#include "upb/"\n')
- append('UPB_BEGIN_EXTERN_C\n\n')
- -- Forward-declare types defined in this file.
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- append('struct %s;\n', msgname)
- end
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- append('typedef struct %s %s;\n', msgname, msgname)
- end
- -- Forward-declare types not in this file, but used as submessages.
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- for field in msg:fields() do
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE and
- field:subdef():file() ~= filedef then
- -- Forward declaration for message type declared in another file.
- append('struct %s;\n', to_cident(field:subdef():full_name()))
- end
- end
- end
- append('\n')
- append("/* Enums */\n\n")
- for _, def in ipairs(sorted_defs(filedef:defs(upb.DEF_ENUM))) do
- local cident = to_cident(def:full_name())
- append('typedef enum {\n')
- dump_enum_vals(def, append)
- append('} %s;\n\n', cident)
- end
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local hasbit_indexes, offsets, size = get_message_layout(msg)
- append("/* %s */\n\n", msg:full_name())
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- append('extern const upb_msglayout %s_msginit;\n', msgname)
- append('UPB_INLINE %s *%s_new(upb_arena *arena) {\n', msgname, msgname)
- append(' return (%s *)upb_msg_new(&%s_msginit, arena);\n', msgname, msgname)
- append('}\n')
- append('UPB_INLINE %s *%s_parsenew(upb_stringview buf, upb_arena *arena) {\n',
- msgname, msgname)
- append(' %s *ret = %s_new(arena);\n', msgname, msgname)
- append(' return (ret && upb_decode(buf, ret, &%s_msginit)) ? ret : NULL;\n', msgname)
- append('}\n')
- append('UPB_INLINE char *%s_serialize(const %s *msg, upb_arena *arena, size_t *len) {\n',
- msgname, msgname)
- append(' return upb_encode(msg, &%s_msginit, arena, len);\n', msgname)
- append('}\n')
- append('\n')
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- local fullname = to_cident(oneof:containing_type():full_name() .. "." .. oneof:name())
- local offset = offsets[oneof]
- append('typedef enum {\n')
- for field in oneof:fields() do
- append(' %s = %d,\n', fullname .. "_" .. field:name(), field:number())
- end
- append(' %s_NOT_SET = 0,\n', fullname)
- append('} %s_oneofcases;\n', fullname)
- append('UPB_INLINE %s_oneofcases %s_%s_case(const %s* msg) { ' ..
- 'return UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, int, %s); }\n',
- fullname, msgname, oneof:name(), msgname, get_sizeinit(offset))
- append('\n')
- end
- for field in msg:fields() do
- append('UPB_INLINE %s %s_%s(const %s *msg) {',
- ctype(field, true), msgname, field:name(), msgname)
- if field:containing_oneof() then
- local data_offset = offsets[field]
- local case_offset = offsets[field:containing_oneof()]
- append(' return UPB_READ_ONEOF(msg, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s); }\n',
- ctype(field, true), get_sizeinit(data_offset),
- get_sizeinit(case_offset), field:number(), field_default(field))
- else
- append(' return UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, %s, %s); }\n',
- ctype(field, true), get_sizeinit(offsets[field]))
- end
- end
- append('\n')
- for field in msg:fields() do
- append('UPB_INLINE void %s_set_%s(%s *msg, %s value) { ',
- msgname, field:name(), msgname, ctype(field))
- if field:containing_oneof() then
- local data_offset = offsets[field]
- local case_offset = offsets[field:containing_oneof()]
- append('UPB_WRITE_ONEOF(msg, %s, %s, value, %s, %s); }\n',
- ctype(field), get_sizeinit(data_offset), get_sizeinit(case_offset),
- field:number())
- else
- append('UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, %s, %s) = value; }\n',
- ctype(field), get_sizeinit(offsets[field]))
- end
- end
- append('\n\n')
- end
- append('UPB_END_EXTERN_C\n')
- append('\n')
- append('#include "upb/"\n');
- append('\n')
- append('#endif /* %s_UPB_H_ */\n', basename_preproc)
-local function write_c_file(filedef, hfilename, append)
- emit_file_warning(filedef, append)
- append('#include <stddef.h>\n')
- append('#include "upb/msg.h"\n')
- append('#include "%s"\n', hfilename)
- for dep in filedef:dependencies() do
- local outbase = strip_proto(dep:name())
- append('#include "%s.upb.h"\n', outbase)
- end
- append('\n')
- append('#include "upb/"\n')
- append('\n')
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- local fields_array_ref = "NULL"
- local submsgs_array_ref = "NULL"
- local oneofs_array_ref = "NULL"
- local field_count = 0
- local submsg_count = 0
- local submsg_set = {}
- local submsg_indexes = {}
- local hasbit_indexes, offsets, size = get_message_layout(msg)
- local oneofs_layout_order = get_oneof_layout_order(msg)
- local oneof_count = 0
- -- Another sorted array in field number order.
- local fields_number_order = {}
- for field in msg:fields() do
- field_count = field_count + 1
- table.insert(fields_number_order, field)
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- submsg_count = submsg_count + 1
- submsg_set[field:subdef()] = true
- end
- end
- table.sort(fields_number_order, function(a, b)
- return a:number() < b:number()
- end)
- if submsg_count > 0 then
- -- TODO(haberman): could save a little bit of space by only generating a
- -- "submsgs" array for every strongly-connected component.
- local submsgs_array_name = msgname .. "_submsgs"
- submsgs_array_ref = "&" .. submsgs_array_name .. "[0]"
- append('static const upb_msglayout *const %s[%s] = {\n',
- submsgs_array_name, submsg_count)
- -- Create a deterministically-sorted array of submessage entries.
- local submsg_array = {}
- for k, v in pairs(submsg_set) do
- table.insert(submsg_array, k)
- end
- table.sort(submsg_array, function(a, b)
- return a:full_name() < b:full_name()
- end)
- for i, submsg in ipairs(submsg_array) do
- append(' &%s_msginit,\n', to_cident(submsg:full_name()))
- submsg_indexes[submsg] = i - 1
- end
- append('};\n\n')
- end
- if field_count > 0 then
- local fields_array_name = msgname .. "__fields"
- fields_array_ref = "&" .. fields_array_name .. "[0]"
- append('static const upb_msglayout_field %s[%s] = {\n',
- fields_array_name, field_count)
- for _, field in ipairs(fields_number_order) do
- local submsg_index = "0"
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- submsg_index = submsg_indexes[field:subdef()]
- end
- local presence = 0
- if has_hasbit(field) then
- presence = hasbit_indexes[field] + 1
- elseif field:containing_oneof() then
- local case_ofs = offsets[field:containing_oneof()]
- presence = get_sizeinit({(-case_ofs[1]) - 1, (-case_ofs[2]) - 1})
- end
- append(' {%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s},\n',
- field:number(),
- get_sizeinit(offsets[field]),
- presence,
- submsg_index,
- field:descriptor_type(),
- field:label())
- end
- append('};\n\n')
- end
- append('const upb_msglayout %s_msginit = {\n', msgname)
- append(' %s,\n', submsgs_array_ref)
- append(' %s,\n', fields_array_ref)
- append(' %s, %s, %s,\n',
- get_sizeinit(size), field_count,
- 'false' -- TODO: extendable
- )
- append('};\n\n')
- end
- append('#include "upb/"\n')
- append('\n')
-function export.write_gencode(filedef, hfilename, append_h, append_c)
- write_h_file(filedef, append_h)
- write_c_file(filedef, hfilename, append_c)
-return export
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index d7996d8..b8f46b9 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ class BuildFileFunctions(object):
def __init__(self, converter):
self.converter = converter
- def _add_deps(self, kwargs):
+ def _add_deps(self, kwargs, keyword=""):
if "deps" not in kwargs:
- self.converter.toplevel += "target_link_libraries(%s\n %s)\n" % (
+ self.converter.toplevel += "target_link_libraries(%s%s\n %s)\n" % (
+ keyword,
"\n ".join(StripColons(kwargs["deps"]))
@@ -37,17 +38,22 @@ class BuildFileFunctions(object):
if kwargs["name"] == "amalgamation" or kwargs["name"] == "upbc_generator":
files = kwargs.get("srcs", []) + kwargs.get("hdrs", [])
- self.converter.toplevel += "add_library(%s\n %s)\n" % (
- kwargs["name"],
- "\n ".join(files)
- )
- self._add_deps(kwargs)
- # CMake wants to know if each library is C or C++.
- # If there are only .h files, it can't infer. Assume C++.
- if not filter(IsSourceFile, files):
- line = "set_target_properties(%s PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)\n"
- self.converter.toplevel += line % (kwargs["name"])
+ if filter(IsSourceFile, files):
+ # Has sources, make this a normal library.
+ self.converter.toplevel += "add_library(%s\n %s)\n" % (
+ kwargs["name"],
+ "\n ".join(files)
+ )
+ self._add_deps(kwargs)
+ else:
+ # Header-only library, have to do a couple things differently.
+ # For some info, see:
+ #
+ self.converter.toplevel += "add_library(%s INTERFACE)\n" % (
+ kwargs["name"]
+ )
+ self._add_deps(kwargs, " INTERFACE")
def cc_binary(self, **kwargs):
diff --git a/tools/upbc.lua b/tools/upbc.lua
index adea373..80d2886 100644
--- a/tools/upbc.lua
+++ b/tools/upbc.lua
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
-local make_c_api = require "make_c_api"
local upb = require "upb"
local generate_upbdefs = false
@@ -77,40 +76,16 @@ for _, file in ipairs(files) do
os.execute(string.format("mkdir -p `dirname %s`", outbase))
- if generate_upbdefs then
- -- Legacy generated defs.
- local hfile = open(hfilename)
- local cfile = open(cfilename)
+ assert(generate_upbdefs)
+ -- Legacy generated defs.
+ local hfile = open(hfilename)
+ local cfile = open(cfilename)
- local happend = dump_cinit.file_appender(hfile)
- local cappend = dump_cinit.file_appender(cfile)
+ local happend = dump_cinit.file_appender(hfile)
+ local cappend = dump_cinit.file_appender(cfile)
- dump_cinit.dump_defs(file, happend, cappend)
+ dump_cinit.dump_defs(file, happend, cappend)
- hfile:close()
- cfile:close()
- else
- -- Write C API.
- hfilename = outbase .. ".upb.h"
- cfilename = outbase .. ".upb.c"
- if os.getenv("UPBC_VERBOSE") then
- print("upbc:")
- print(string.format(" source file=%s", src))
- print(string.format(" output file base=%s", outbase))
- print(string.format(" hfilename=%s", hfilename))
- print(string.format(" cfilename=%s", cfilename))
- end
- local hfile = open(hfilename)
- local cfile = open(cfilename)
- local happend = dump_cinit.file_appender(hfile)
- local cappend = dump_cinit.file_appender(cfile)
- make_c_api.write_gencode(file, hfilename, happend, cappend)
- hfile:close()
- cfile:close()
- end
+ hfile:close()
+ cfile:close()
generated by cgit on debian on lair
contact with questions or feedback