path: root/tools/make_c_api.lua
diff options
authorJoshua Haberman <>2018-12-12 15:27:59 -0800
committerGitHub <>2018-12-12 15:27:59 -0800
commit2c0e0054a85651ff20067ec504844a4611097041 (patch)
tree35df1b4335d82e5dc2be6858be55784484eacf5f /tools/make_c_api.lua
parentaad4f403a6fc28306f08a4842f0bc65540b7888e (diff)
parent32ef122e380a0d76b2cef5dae439f0b9b3aa35ee (diff)
Merge pull request #144 from haberman/rmupbc
Deleted old Lua-based C API compiler.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/make_c_api.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 574 deletions
diff --git a/tools/make_c_api.lua b/tools/make_c_api.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c11b2..0000000
--- a/tools/make_c_api.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
- Code to generate a C API in:
- foo.proto -> foo.upb.h
- foo.upb.c
- This code is evolving very quickly and so there are lots of little things
- that aren't perfect right now. As it settles a little more, the code
- quality should improve.
-local upb = require "upb"
-local dump_cinit = require "dump_cinit"
-local export = {}
-local typemap = {
- [upb.TYPE_BOOL] = "bool",
- [upb.TYPE_FLOAT] = "float",
- [upb.TYPE_INT32] = "int32_t",
- [upb.TYPE_UINT32] = "uint32_t",
- [upb.TYPE_DOUBLE] = "double",
- [upb.TYPE_INT64] = "int64_t",
- [upb.TYPE_UINT64] = "uint64_t",
- [upb.TYPE_STRING] = "upb_stringview",
- [upb.TYPE_BYTES] = "upb_stringview",
-function strip_proto(filename)
- return string.gsub(filename, '%.proto$','')
-local function join(...)
- return table.concat({...}, ".")
-local function to_cident(...)
- return string.gsub(join(...), "[%./]", "_")
-local function to_preproc(...)
- return string.upper(to_cident(...))
--- Strips away last path element, ie:
--- foo.Bar.Baz -> foo.Bar
-local function remove_name(name)
- local package_end = 0
- for i=1,string.len(name) do
- if string.byte(name, i) == string.byte(".", 1) then
- package_end = i - 1
- end
- end
- return string.sub(name, 1, package_end)
-local function enum_value_symbol(enumdef, name)
- return to_cident(remove_name(enumdef:full_name())) .. "_" .. name
-local function dump_enum_vals(enumdef, append)
- local enum_vals = {}
- for k, v in enumdef:values() do
- enum_vals[#enum_vals + 1] = {k, v}
- end
- table.sort(enum_vals, function(a, b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
- -- protobuf convention is that enum values are scoped at the level of the
- -- enum itself, to follow C++. Ie, if you have the enum:
- -- message Foo {
- -- enum E {
- -- VAL1 = 1;
- -- VAL2 = 2;
- -- }
- -- }
- --
- -- The name of VAL1 is Foo.VAL1, not Foo.E.VAL1.
- --
- -- This seems a bit sketchy, but people often name their enum values
- -- accordingly, ie:
- --
- -- enum Foo {
- -- FOO_VAL1 = 1;
- -- FOO_VAL2 = 2;
- -- }
- --
- -- So if we don't respect this also, we end up with constants that look like:
- --
- --
- -- (notice the duplicated "TYPE").
- local cident = to_cident(remove_name(enumdef:full_name()))
- for i, pair in ipairs(enum_vals) do
- k, v = pair[1], pair[2]
- append(' %s = %d', enum_value_symbol(enumdef, k), v)
- if i == #enum_vals then
- append('\n')
- else
- append(',\n')
- end
- end
-local function field_default(field)
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- return "NULL"
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_STRING or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_BYTES then
- local default = field:default() or ""
- return string.format('upb_stringview_make("%s", strlen("%s"))', field:default(), field:default())
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_ENUM then
- return enum_value_symbol(field:subdef(), field:default())
- else
- return field:default();
- end
-local function ctype(field, const)
- if const then
- const = "const "
- else
- const = ""
- end
- if field:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED then
- return const .. "upb_array*"
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- if field:containing_type():file() == field:subdef():file() then
- return const .. to_cident(field:subdef():full_name()) .. "*"
- else
- return const .. "struct " .. to_cident(field:subdef():full_name()) .. "*"
- end
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_ENUM then
- return to_cident(field:subdef():full_name())
- else
- return typemap[field:type()] or "void*"
- end
-local function emit_file_warning(filedef, append)
- append('/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler) from the input\n')
- append(' * file:\n')
- append(' *\n')
- append(' * %s\n', filedef:name())
- append(' *\n')
- append(' * Do not edit -- your changes will be discarded when the file is\n')
- append(' * regenerated. */\n\n')
-local function field_layout_rank(field)
- -- Order:
- -- 1, 2, 3. primitive fields (8, 4, 1 byte)
- -- 4. string fields
- -- 5. submessage fields
- -- 6. repeated fields
- --
- -- This has the following nice properties:
- --
- -- 1. padding alignment is (nearly) minimized.
- -- 2. fields that might have defaults (1-4) are segregated
- -- from fields that are always zero-initialized (5-7).
- --
- -- We skip oneof fields, because they are emitted in a separate pass.
- local rank
- if field:containing_oneof() then
- rank = 100 -- These go last (actually we skip them).
- elseif field:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED then
- rank = 6
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- rank = 5
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_STRING or field:type() == upb.TYPE_BYTES then
- rank = 4
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_BOOL then
- rank = 3
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_FLOAT or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_INT32 or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_UINT32 then
- rank = 2
- else
- rank = 1
- end
- -- Break ties with field number.
- return (rank * 2^29) + field:number()
-local function sizeof(field)
- if field:label() == upb.LABEL_REPEATED or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- return {4, 8}
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_STRING or field:type() == upb.TYPE_BYTES then
- -- upb_stringview
- return {8, 16}
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_BOOL then
- return {1, 1}
- elseif field:type() == upb.TYPE_FLOAT or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_INT32 or
- field:type() == upb.TYPE_UINT32 then
- return {4, 4}
- else
- return {8, 8}
- end
-local function sizemax(size, max)
- max[1] = math.max(max[1], size[1])
- max[2] = math.max(max[2], size[2])
-local function alignup(val, align)
- val[1] = math.ceil(val[1] / align[1]) * align[1]
- val[2] = math.ceil(val[2] / align[2]) * align[2]
-local function copysize(size)
- return {size[1], size[2]}
-local function place(offset, size, max)
- alignup(offset, size)
- local ret = copysize(offset)
- -- add size
- offset[1] = offset[1] + size[1]
- offset[2] = offset[2] + size[2]
- -- track max size
- sizemax(size, max)
- return ret
-local function get_field_layout_order(msg)
- local field_order = {}
- -- Sort fields by rank.
- for field in msg:fields() do
- table.insert(field_order, field)
- end
- table.sort(field_order, function(a, b)
- return field_layout_rank(a) < field_layout_rank(b)
- end)
- return field_order
-local function get_oneof_layout_order(msg)
- local oneof_order = {}
- -- Sort oneofs by name.
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- table.insert(oneof_order, oneof)
- end
- table.sort(oneof_order, function(a, b)
- return a:name() < b:name()
- end)
- return oneof_order
-local function has_hasbit(field)
- if field:containing_type():file():syntax() == upb.SYNTAX_PROTO2 then
- return field:label() ~= upb.LABEL_REPEATED and not field:containing_oneof()
- else
- return false
- end
-local function get_message_layout(msg)
- local hasbit_count = 0
- local hasbit_indexes = {}
- local field_order = get_field_layout_order(msg)
- local maxsize = {0, 0}
- -- Count hasbits.
- for _, field in ipairs(field_order) do
- if has_hasbit(field) then
- hasbit_indexes[field] = hasbit_count
- hasbit_count = hasbit_count + 1
- end
- end
- -- Place hasbits at the beginning.
- local offset = math.ceil(hasbit_count / 8)
- offset = {offset, offset} -- 32, 64 bit
- local offsets = {}
- -- Place non-oneof fields.
- for _, field in ipairs(field_order) do
- if not field:containing_oneof() then
- offsets[field] = place(offset, sizeof(field), maxsize)
- end
- end
- -- Place oneof fields.
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- local oneof_maxsize = {0, 0}
- -- Calculate max size.
- for field in oneof:fields() do
- local size = sizeof(field)
- sizemax(size, oneof_maxsize)
- end
- -- Place discriminator enum and data.
- local data = place(offset, oneof_maxsize, maxsize)
- local case = place(offset, {4, 4}, maxsize)
- offsets[oneof] = case
- -- Place oneof fields.
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- for field in oneof:fields() do
- offsets[field] = data
- end
- end
- end
- -- Align overall size up to max size.
- alignup(offset, maxsize)
- local size = copysize(offset)
- return hasbit_indexes, offsets, size
-function get_sizeinit(size)
- return string.format("UPB_SIZE(%s, %s)", size[1], size[2])
-local function write_h_file(filedef, append)
- emit_file_warning(filedef, append)
- local basename_preproc = to_preproc(filedef:name())
- append('#ifndef %s_UPB_H_\n', basename_preproc)
- append('#define %s_UPB_H_\n\n', basename_preproc)
- append('#include "upb/msg.h"\n\n')
- append('#include "upb/decode.h"\n')
- append('#include "upb/encode.h"\n')
- append('#include "upb/"\n')
- append('UPB_BEGIN_EXTERN_C\n\n')
- -- Forward-declare types defined in this file.
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- append('struct %s;\n', msgname)
- end
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- append('typedef struct %s %s;\n', msgname, msgname)
- end
- -- Forward-declare types not in this file, but used as submessages.
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- for field in msg:fields() do
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE and
- field:subdef():file() ~= filedef then
- -- Forward declaration for message type declared in another file.
- append('struct %s;\n', to_cident(field:subdef():full_name()))
- end
- end
- end
- append('\n')
- append("/* Enums */\n\n")
- for _, def in ipairs(sorted_defs(filedef:defs(upb.DEF_ENUM))) do
- local cident = to_cident(def:full_name())
- append('typedef enum {\n')
- dump_enum_vals(def, append)
- append('} %s;\n\n', cident)
- end
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local hasbit_indexes, offsets, size = get_message_layout(msg)
- append("/* %s */\n\n", msg:full_name())
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- append('extern const upb_msglayout %s_msginit;\n', msgname)
- append('UPB_INLINE %s *%s_new(upb_arena *arena) {\n', msgname, msgname)
- append(' return (%s *)upb_msg_new(&%s_msginit, arena);\n', msgname, msgname)
- append('}\n')
- append('UPB_INLINE %s *%s_parsenew(upb_stringview buf, upb_arena *arena) {\n',
- msgname, msgname)
- append(' %s *ret = %s_new(arena);\n', msgname, msgname)
- append(' return (ret && upb_decode(buf, ret, &%s_msginit)) ? ret : NULL;\n', msgname)
- append('}\n')
- append('UPB_INLINE char *%s_serialize(const %s *msg, upb_arena *arena, size_t *len) {\n',
- msgname, msgname)
- append(' return upb_encode(msg, &%s_msginit, arena, len);\n', msgname)
- append('}\n')
- append('\n')
- for oneof in msg:oneofs() do
- local fullname = to_cident(oneof:containing_type():full_name() .. "." .. oneof:name())
- local offset = offsets[oneof]
- append('typedef enum {\n')
- for field in oneof:fields() do
- append(' %s = %d,\n', fullname .. "_" .. field:name(), field:number())
- end
- append(' %s_NOT_SET = 0,\n', fullname)
- append('} %s_oneofcases;\n', fullname)
- append('UPB_INLINE %s_oneofcases %s_%s_case(const %s* msg) { ' ..
- 'return UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, int, %s); }\n',
- fullname, msgname, oneof:name(), msgname, get_sizeinit(offset))
- append('\n')
- end
- for field in msg:fields() do
- append('UPB_INLINE %s %s_%s(const %s *msg) {',
- ctype(field, true), msgname, field:name(), msgname)
- if field:containing_oneof() then
- local data_offset = offsets[field]
- local case_offset = offsets[field:containing_oneof()]
- append(' return UPB_READ_ONEOF(msg, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s); }\n',
- ctype(field, true), get_sizeinit(data_offset),
- get_sizeinit(case_offset), field:number(), field_default(field))
- else
- append(' return UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, %s, %s); }\n',
- ctype(field, true), get_sizeinit(offsets[field]))
- end
- end
- append('\n')
- for field in msg:fields() do
- append('UPB_INLINE void %s_set_%s(%s *msg, %s value) { ',
- msgname, field:name(), msgname, ctype(field))
- if field:containing_oneof() then
- local data_offset = offsets[field]
- local case_offset = offsets[field:containing_oneof()]
- append('UPB_WRITE_ONEOF(msg, %s, %s, value, %s, %s); }\n',
- ctype(field), get_sizeinit(data_offset), get_sizeinit(case_offset),
- field:number())
- else
- append('UPB_FIELD_AT(msg, %s, %s) = value; }\n',
- ctype(field), get_sizeinit(offsets[field]))
- end
- end
- append('\n\n')
- end
- append('UPB_END_EXTERN_C\n')
- append('\n')
- append('#include "upb/"\n');
- append('\n')
- append('#endif /* %s_UPB_H_ */\n', basename_preproc)
-local function write_c_file(filedef, hfilename, append)
- emit_file_warning(filedef, append)
- append('#include <stddef.h>\n')
- append('#include "upb/msg.h"\n')
- append('#include "%s"\n', hfilename)
- for dep in filedef:dependencies() do
- local outbase = strip_proto(dep:name())
- append('#include "%s.upb.h"\n', outbase)
- end
- append('\n')
- append('#include "upb/"\n')
- append('\n')
- for msg in filedef:defs(upb.DEF_MSG) do
- local msgname = to_cident(msg:full_name())
- local fields_array_ref = "NULL"
- local submsgs_array_ref = "NULL"
- local oneofs_array_ref = "NULL"
- local field_count = 0
- local submsg_count = 0
- local submsg_set = {}
- local submsg_indexes = {}
- local hasbit_indexes, offsets, size = get_message_layout(msg)
- local oneofs_layout_order = get_oneof_layout_order(msg)
- local oneof_count = 0
- -- Another sorted array in field number order.
- local fields_number_order = {}
- for field in msg:fields() do
- field_count = field_count + 1
- table.insert(fields_number_order, field)
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- submsg_count = submsg_count + 1
- submsg_set[field:subdef()] = true
- end
- end
- table.sort(fields_number_order, function(a, b)
- return a:number() < b:number()
- end)
- if submsg_count > 0 then
- -- TODO(haberman): could save a little bit of space by only generating a
- -- "submsgs" array for every strongly-connected component.
- local submsgs_array_name = msgname .. "_submsgs"
- submsgs_array_ref = "&" .. submsgs_array_name .. "[0]"
- append('static const upb_msglayout *const %s[%s] = {\n',
- submsgs_array_name, submsg_count)
- -- Create a deterministically-sorted array of submessage entries.
- local submsg_array = {}
- for k, v in pairs(submsg_set) do
- table.insert(submsg_array, k)
- end
- table.sort(submsg_array, function(a, b)
- return a:full_name() < b:full_name()
- end)
- for i, submsg in ipairs(submsg_array) do
- append(' &%s_msginit,\n', to_cident(submsg:full_name()))
- submsg_indexes[submsg] = i - 1
- end
- append('};\n\n')
- end
- if field_count > 0 then
- local fields_array_name = msgname .. "__fields"
- fields_array_ref = "&" .. fields_array_name .. "[0]"
- append('static const upb_msglayout_field %s[%s] = {\n',
- fields_array_name, field_count)
- for _, field in ipairs(fields_number_order) do
- local submsg_index = "0"
- if field:type() == upb.TYPE_MESSAGE then
- submsg_index = submsg_indexes[field:subdef()]
- end
- local presence = 0
- if has_hasbit(field) then
- presence = hasbit_indexes[field] + 1
- elseif field:containing_oneof() then
- local case_ofs = offsets[field:containing_oneof()]
- presence = get_sizeinit({(-case_ofs[1]) - 1, (-case_ofs[2]) - 1})
- end
- append(' {%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s},\n',
- field:number(),
- get_sizeinit(offsets[field]),
- presence,
- submsg_index,
- field:descriptor_type(),
- field:label())
- end
- append('};\n\n')
- end
- append('const upb_msglayout %s_msginit = {\n', msgname)
- append(' %s,\n', submsgs_array_ref)
- append(' %s,\n', fields_array_ref)
- append(' %s, %s, %s,\n',
- get_sizeinit(size), field_count,
- 'false' -- TODO: extendable
- )
- append('};\n\n')
- end
- append('#include "upb/"\n')
- append('\n')
-function export.write_gencode(filedef, hfilename, append_h, append_c)
- write_h_file(filedef, append_h)
- write_c_file(filedef, hfilename, append_c)
-return export
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contact with questions or feedback