path: root/tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua
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authorJosh Haberman <>2014-09-01 15:34:14 -0700
committerJosh Haberman <>2014-09-01 15:34:14 -0700
commit66a74a4fd53710aaf54a01f668d6a895f9266fbd (patch)
tree7f30313d002eeb5f59a16270f99edb87541adaaf /tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua
parent2ccbe04559f8a954f0c0c1a54005e6e26fbf43bf (diff)
Added lua and core32 Travis builds, and rewrote
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 757 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua b/tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f32a690..0000000
--- a/tests/bindings/lua/upb.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-local upb = require "upb"
-local lunit = require "lunit"
-if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then
- _ENV = lunit.module("testupb", "seeall")
- module("testupb", lunit.testcase, package.seeall)
-function iter_to_array(iter)
- local arr = {}
- for v in iter do
- arr[#arr + 1] = v
- end
- return arr
-function test_fielddef()
- local f = upb.FieldDef()
- assert_false(f:is_frozen())
- assert_nil(f:number())
- assert_nil(f:name())
- assert_nil(f:type())
- assert_equal(upb.LABEL_OPTIONAL, f:label())
- f:set_name("foo_field")
- f:set_number(3)
- f:set_label(upb.LABEL_REPEATED)
- f:set_type(upb.TYPE_FLOAT)
- assert_equal("foo_field", f:name())
- assert_equal(3, f:number())
- assert_equal(upb.LABEL_REPEATED, f:label())
- assert_equal(upb.TYPE_FLOAT, f:type())
- local f2 = upb.FieldDef{
- name = "foo", number = 5, type = upb.TYPE_DOUBLE, label = upb.LABEL_REQUIRED
- }
- assert_equal("foo", f2:name())
- assert_equal(5, f2:number())
- assert_equal(upb.TYPE_DOUBLE, f2:type())
- assert_equal(upb.LABEL_REQUIRED, f2:label())
-function test_enumdef()
- local e = upb.EnumDef()
- assert_equal(0, #e)
- assert_nil(e:value(5))
- assert_nil(e:value("NONEXISTENT_NAME"))
- for name, value in e:values() do
- fail()
- end
- e:add("VAL1", 1)
- e:add("VAL2", 2)
- local values = {}
- for name, value in e:values() do
- values[name] = value
- end
- assert_equal(1, values["VAL1"])
- assert_equal(2, values["VAL2"])
- local e2 = upb.EnumDef{
- values = {
- {"FOO", 1},
- {"BAR", 77},
- }
- }
- assert_equal(1, e2:value("FOO"))
- assert_equal(77, e2:value("BAR"))
- assert_equal("FOO", e2:value(1))
- assert_equal("BAR", e2:value(77))
- e2:freeze()
- local f = upb.FieldDef{type = upb.TYPE_ENUM}
- -- No default set and no EnumDef to get a default from.
- assert_equal(f:default(), nil)
- f:set_subdef(upb.EnumDef())
- -- No default to pull in from the EnumDef.
- assert_equal(f:default(), nil)
- f:set_subdef(e2)
- -- First member added to e2.
- assert_equal(f:default(), "FOO")
- f:set_subdef(nil)
- assert_equal(f:default(), nil)
- f:set_default(1)
- assert_equal(f:default(), 1)
- f:set_default("YOYOYO")
- assert_equal(f:default(), "YOYOYO")
- f:set_subdef(e2)
- f:set_default(1)
- -- It prefers to return a string, and could resolve the explicit "1" we set
- -- it to to the string value.
- assert_equal(f:default(), "FOO")
- -- FieldDef can specify default value by name or number, but the value must
- -- exist at freeze time.
- local m1 = upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{
- full_name = "A",
- fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{
- name = "f1",
- number = 1,
- type = upb.TYPE_ENUM,
- subdef = e2,
- default = "BAR"
- },
- upb.FieldDef{
- name = "f2",
- number = 2,
- type = upb.TYPE_ENUM,
- subdef = e2,
- default = 77
- }
- }
- }
- }
- assert_equal(m1:field("f1"):default(), "BAR")
- assert_equal(m1:field("f1"):default(), "BAR")
- assert_error_match(
- "enum default for field A.f1 .DOESNT_EXIST. is not in the enum",
- function()
- local m1 = upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{
- full_name = "A",
- fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{
- name = "f1",
- number = 1,
- type = upb.TYPE_ENUM,
- subdef = e2,
- default = "DOESNT_EXIST"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- )
- assert_error_match(
- "enum default for field A.f1 .142. is not in the enum",
- function()
- local m1 = upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{
- full_name = "A",
- fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{
- name = "f1",
- number = 1,
- type = upb.TYPE_ENUM,
- subdef = e2,
- default = 142
- }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- )
-function test_empty_msgdef()
- local md = upb.MessageDef()
- assert_nil(md:full_name()) -- Def without name is anonymous.
- assert_false(md:is_frozen())
- assert_equal(0, #md)
- assert_nil(md:field("nonexistent_field"))
- assert_nil(md:field(3))
- for field in md:fields() do
- fail()
- end
- upb.freeze(md)
- assert_true(md:is_frozen())
- assert_equal(0, #md)
- assert_nil(md:field("nonexistent_field"))
- assert_nil(md:field(3))
- for field in md:fields() do
- fail()
- end
-function test_msgdef_constructor()
- local f1 = upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 7, type = upb.TYPE_INT32}
- local f2 = upb.FieldDef{name = "field2", number = 8, type = upb.TYPE_INT32}
- local md = upb.MessageDef{
- full_name = "TestMessage",
- fields = {f1, f2}
- }
- assert_equal("TestMessage", md:full_name())
- assert_false(md:is_frozen())
- assert_equal(2, #md)
- assert_equal(f1, md:field("field1"))
- assert_equal(f2, md:field("field2"))
- assert_equal(f1, md:field(7))
- assert_equal(f2, md:field(8))
- local count = 0
- local found = {}
- for field in md:fields() do
- count = count + 1
- found[field] = true
- end
- assert_equal(2, count)
- assert_true(found[f1])
- assert_true(found[f2])
- upb.freeze(md)
-function test_iteration()
- -- Test that we cannot crash the process even if we modify the set of fields
- -- during iteration.
- local md = upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage"}
- for i=1,10 do
- md:add(upb.FieldDef{
- name = "field" .. tostring(i),
- number = 1000 - i,
- type = upb.TYPE_INT32
- })
- end
- local add = #md
- for f in md:fields() do
- if add > 0 then
- add = add - 1
- for i=10000,11000 do
- local field_name = "field" .. tostring(i)
- -- We want to add fields to the table to trigger a table resize,
- -- but we must skip it if the field name or number already exists
- -- otherwise it will raise an error.
- if md:field(field_name) == nil and
- md:field(i) == nil then
- md:add(upb.FieldDef{
- name = field_name,
- number = i,
- type = upb.TYPE_INT32
- })
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Test that iterators don't crash the process even if the MessageDef goes
- -- out of scope.
- --
- -- Note: have previously verified that this can indeed crash the process if
- -- we do not explicitly add a reference from the iterator to the underlying
- -- MessageDef.
- local iter = md:fields()
- md = nil
- collectgarbage()
- while iter() do
- end
- local ed = upb.EnumDef{
- values = {
- {"FOO", 1},
- {"BAR", 77},
- }
- }
- iter = ed:values()
- ed = nil
- collectgarbage()
- while iter() do
- end
-function test_msgdef_setters()
- local md = upb.MessageDef()
- md:set_full_name("Message1")
- assert_equal("Message1", md:full_name())
- local f = upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 3, type = upb.TYPE_DOUBLE}
- md:add(f)
- assert_equal(1, #md)
- assert_equal(f, md:field("field1"))
-function test_msgdef_errors()
- assert_error(function() upb.MessageDef{bad_initializer_key = 5} end)
- local md = upb.MessageDef()
- assert_error(function()
- -- Duplicate field number.
- upb.MessageDef{
- fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field2", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32}
- }
- }
- end)
- assert_error(function()
- -- Duplicate field name.
- upb.MessageDef{
- fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 2, type = upb.TYPE_INT32}
- }
- }
- end)
- -- attempt to set a name with embedded NULLs.
- assert_error_match("names cannot have embedded NULLs", function()
- md:set_full_name("abc\0def")
- end)
- upb.freeze(md)
- -- Attempt to mutate frozen MessageDef.
- assert_error_match("frozen", function()
- md:add(upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32})
- end)
- assert_error_match("frozen", function()
- md:set_full_name("abc")
- end)
- -- Attempt to freeze a msgdef without freezing its subdef.
- assert_error_match("is not frozen or being frozen", function()
- m1 = upb.MessageDef()
- upb.freeze(
- upb.MessageDef{
- fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "f1", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_MESSAGE,
- subdef = m1}
- }
- }
- )
- end)
-function test_symtab()
- local empty = upb.SymbolTable()
- assert_equal(0, #iter_to_array(empty:defs(upb.DEF_ANY)))
- assert_equal(0, #iter_to_array(empty:defs(upb.DEF_MSG)))
- assert_equal(0, #iter_to_array(empty:defs(upb.DEF_ENUM)))
- local symtab = upb.SymbolTable{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage"},
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "ContainingMessage", fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field1", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field2", number = 2, type = upb.TYPE_MESSAGE,
- subdef_name = ".TestMessage"}
- }
- }
- }
- local msgdef1 = symtab:lookup("TestMessage")
- local msgdef2 = symtab:lookup("ContainingMessage")
- assert_not_nil(msgdef1)
- assert_not_nil(msgdef2)
- assert_equal(msgdef1, msgdef2:field("field2"):subdef())
- assert_true(msgdef1:is_frozen())
- assert_true(msgdef2:is_frozen())
- symtab:add{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "ContainingMessage2", fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "field5", number = 5, type = upb.TYPE_MESSAGE,
- subdef = msgdef2}
- }
- }
- }
- local msgdef3 = symtab:lookup("ContainingMessage2")
- assert_not_nil(msgdef3)
- assert_equal(msgdef3:field("field5"):subdef(), msgdef2)
- -- Freeze the symtab and verify that mutating operations are not allowed.
- assert_false(symtab:is_frozen())
- symtab:freeze()
- assert_true(symtab:is_frozen())
- assert_error_match("frozen", function() symtab:freeze() end)
- assert_error_match("frozen", function()
- symtab:add{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "Foo"}
- }
- end)
-function test_symtab_add_extension()
- -- Adding an extension at the same time as the extendee.
- local symtab = upb.SymbolTable{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "M1"},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "extension1", is_extension = true, number = 1,
- type = upb.TYPE_INT32, containing_type_name = "M1"}
- }
- local m1 = symtab:lookup("M1")
- assert_not_nil(m1)
- assert_equal(1, #m1)
- local f1 = m1:field("extension1")
- assert_not_nil(f1)
- assert_true(f1:is_extension())
- assert_true(f1:is_frozen())
- assert_equal(1, f1:number())
- -- Adding an extension to an existing extendee.
- symtab:add{
- upb.FieldDef{name = "extension2", is_extension = true, number = 2,
- type = upb.TYPE_INT32, containing_type_name = "M1"}
- }
- local m1_2 = symtab:lookup("M1")
- assert_not_nil(m1_2)
- assert_true(m1 ~= m1_2)
- assert_equal(2, #m1_2)
- local f2 = m1_2:field("extension2")
- assert_not_nil(f2)
- assert_true(f2:is_extension())
- assert_true(f2:is_frozen())
- assert_equal(2, f2:number())
-function test_numeric_array()
- local function test_for_numeric_type(upb_type, val, too_big, too_small, bad3)
- local array = upb.Array(upb_type)
- assert_equal(0, #array)
- -- 0 is never a valid index in Lua.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[0] end)
- -- Past the end of the array.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[1] end)
- array[1] = val
- assert_equal(val, array[1])
- assert_equal(1, #array)
- -- Past the end of the array.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[2] end)
- array[2] = 10
- assert_equal(val, array[1])
- assert_equal(10, array[2])
- assert_equal(2, #array)
- -- Past the end of the array.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[3] end)
- local n = 1
- for i, val in upb.ipairs(array) do
- assert_equal(n, i)
- n = n + 1
- assert_equal(array[i], val)
- end
- -- Values that are out of range.
- local errmsg = "not an integer or out of range"
- if too_small then
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = too_small end)
- end
- if too_big then
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = too_big end)
- end
- if bad3 then
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = bad3 end)
- end
- -- Can't assign other Lua types.
- errmsg = "bad argument #3"
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = "abc" end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = true end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = false end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = nil end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = {} end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = print end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() array[3] = array end)
- end
- -- in-range of 64-bit types but not exactly representable as double
- local bad64 = 2^68 - 1
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_UINT32, 2^32 - 1, 2^32, -1, 5.1)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_UINT64, 2^63, 2^64, -1, bad64)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_INT32, 2^31 - 1, 2^31, -2^31 - 1, 5.1)
- -- Enums don't exist at a language level in Lua, so we just represent enum
- -- values as int32s.
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_ENUM, 2^31 - 1, 2^31, -2^31 - 1, 5.1)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_INT64, 2^62, 2^63, -2^64, bad64)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_FLOAT, 10^38)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_DOUBLE, 10^101)
-function test_string_array()
- local function test_for_string_type(upb_type)
- local array = upb.Array(upb_type)
- assert_equal(0, #array)
- -- 0 is never a valid index in Lua.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[0] end)
- -- Past the end of the array.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[1] end)
- array[1] = "foo"
- assert_equal("foo", array[1])
- assert_equal(1, #array)
- -- Past the end of the array.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[2] end)
- local array2 = upb.Array(upb_type)
- assert_equal(0, #array2)
- array[2] = "bar"
- assert_equal("foo", array[1])
- assert_equal("bar", array[2])
- assert_equal(2, #array)
- -- Past the end of the array.
- assert_error_match("array index", function() return array[3] end)
- local n = 1
- for i, val in upb.ipairs(array) do
- assert_equal(n, i)
- n = n + 1
- assert_equal(array[i], val)
- end
- assert_equal(3, n)
- -- Can't assign other Lua types.
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = 123 end)
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = true end)
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = false end)
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = nil end)
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = {} end)
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = print end)
- assert_error_match("Expected string", function() array[3] = array end)
- end
- test_for_string_type(upb.TYPE_STRING)
- test_for_string_type(upb.TYPE_BYTES)
-function test_msg_primitives()
- local function test_for_numeric_type(upb_type, val, too_big, too_small, bad3)
- msg = upb.Message(
- upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage", fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "f", number = 1, type = upb_type},
- }
- }
- }
- )
- -- Defaults to nil
- assert_nil(msg.f)
- msg.f = 0
- assert_equal(0, msg.f)
- msg.f = val
- assert_equal(val, msg.f)
- local errmsg = "not an integer or out of range"
- if too_small then
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = too_small end)
- end
- if too_big then
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = too_big end)
- end
- if bad3 then
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = bad3 end)
- end
- -- Can't assign other Lua types.
- errmsg = "bad argument #3"
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = "abc" end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = true end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = false end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = nil end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = {} end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = print end)
- assert_error_match(errmsg, function() msg.f = array end)
- end
- local msgdef = upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage", fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "i32", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "u32", number = 2, type = upb.TYPE_UINT32},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "i64", number = 3, type = upb.TYPE_INT64},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "u64", number = 4, type = upb.TYPE_UINT64},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "dbl", number = 5, type = upb.TYPE_DOUBLE},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "flt", number = 6, type = upb.TYPE_FLOAT},
- upb.FieldDef{name = "bool", number = 7, type = upb.TYPE_BOOL},
- }
- }
- }
- msg = upb.Message(msgdef)
- -- Unset member returns nil. This is unlike C++/Java, but is more
- -- Lua-like behavior.
- assert_equal(nil, msg.i32)
- assert_equal(nil, msg.u32)
- assert_equal(nil, msg.i64)
- assert_equal(nil, msg.u64)
- assert_equal(nil, msg.dbl)
- assert_equal(nil, msg.flt)
- assert_equal(nil, msg.bool)
- -- Attempts to access non-existent fields fail.
- assert_error_match("no such field", function() msg.no_such = 1 end)
- msg.i32 = 10
- msg.u32 = 20
- msg.i64 = 30
- msg.u64 = 40
- msg.dbl = 50
- msg.flt = 60
- msg.bool = true
- assert_equal(10, msg.i32)
- assert_equal(20, msg.u32)
- assert_equal(30, msg.i64)
- assert_equal(40, msg.u64)
- assert_equal(50, msg.dbl)
- assert_equal(60, msg.flt)
- assert_equal(true, msg.bool)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_UINT32, 2^32 - 1, 2^32, -1, 5.1)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_UINT64, 2^62, 2^64, -1, bad64)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_INT32, 2^31 - 1, 2^31, -2^31 - 1, 5.1)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_INT64, 2^61, 2^63, -2^64, bad64)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_FLOAT, 2^20)
- test_for_numeric_type(upb.TYPE_DOUBLE, 10^101)
-function test_msg_array()
- local msgdef = upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage", fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "i32_array", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_INT32,
- label = upb.LABEL_REPEATED},
- }
- }
- }
- msg = upb.Message(msgdef)
- assert_nil(msg.i32_array)
- -- Can't assign a scalar; array is expected.
- assert_error_match("lupb.array expected", function() msg.i32_array = 5 end)
- -- Can't assign array of the wrong type.
- local function assign_int64()
- msg.i32_array = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT64)
- end
- assert_error_match("Array type mismatch", assign_int64)
- local arr = upb.Array(upb.TYPE_INT32)
- msg.i32_array = arr
- assert_equal(arr, msg.i32_array)
- -- Can't assign other Lua types.
- assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.i32_array = "abc" end)
- assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.i32_array = true end)
- assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.i32_array = false end)
- assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.i32_array = nil end)
- assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.i32_array = {} end)
- assert_error_match("array expected", function() msg.i32_array = print end)
-function test_msg_submsg()
- local test_msgdef, submsg_msgdef = upb.build_defs{
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "TestMessage", fields = {
- upb.FieldDef{name = "submsg", number = 1, type = upb.TYPE_MESSAGE,
- subdef_name = ".SubMessage"},
- }
- },
- upb.MessageDef{full_name = "SubMessage"}
- }
- msg = upb.Message(test_msgdef)
- assert_nil(msg.submsg)
- -- Can't assign message of the wrong type.
- local function assign_int64()
- msg.submsg = upb.Message(test_msgdef)
- end
- assert_error_match("Message type mismatch", assign_int64)
- local sub = upb.Message(submsg_msgdef)
- msg.submsg = sub
- assert_equal(sub, msg.submsg)
- -- Can't assign other Lua types.
- assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.submsg = "abc" end)
- assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.submsg = true end)
- assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.submsg = false end)
- assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.submsg = nil end)
- assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.submsg = {} end)
- assert_error_match("msg expected", function() msg.submsg = print end)
--- Lua 5.1 and 5.2 have slightly different semantics for how a finalizer
--- can be defined in Lua.
-if _VERSION >= 'Lua 5.2' then
- function defer(fn)
- setmetatable({}, { __gc = fn })
- end
- function defer(fn)
- getmetatable(newproxy(true)).__gc = fn
- end
-function test_finalizer()
- -- Tests that we correctly handle a call into an already-finalized object.
- -- Collectible objects are finalized in the opposite order of creation.
- do
- local t = {}
- defer(function()
- assert_error_match("called into dead object", function()
- -- Generic def call.
- t[1]:full_name()
- end)
- assert_error_match("called into dead object", function()
- -- Specific msgdef call.
- t[1]:add()
- end)
- assert_error_match("called into dead object", function()
- t[2]:values()
- end)
- assert_error_match("called into dead object", function()
- t[3]:number()
- end)
- assert_error_match("called into dead object",
- function() t[4]:lookup()
- end)
- end)
- t = {
- upb.MessageDef(),
- upb.EnumDef(),
- upb.FieldDef(),
- upb.SymbolTable(),
- }
- end
- collectgarbage()
-local stats = lunit.main()
-if stats.failed > 0 or stats.errors > 0 then
- error("One or more errors in test suite")
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