tag namev2.0.0rc1 (22fff748f52d6428c5de4506baa626e05ebc93ab)
tag date2016-12-04 23:01:50 -0500
tagged byThomas A Caswell <>
tagged objectcommit e283a712f4...
REL: v2.0.0rc1
This is the first release candidate for mpl v2.0 This release includes: - A re-implementation of the way margins are handled during auto scaling to allow artists to 'stick' to an edge of the Axes - Improvements to the ticking with log and symlog scales - Deprecation of the finance module. This will be spun off into a stand-alone package - Deprecation of the 'hold' machinery - Bumped the minimum numpy version to 1.7 - Standardization of hatch width and appearance across backends - Made threshold for triggering 'offset' in `ScalarFormatter` configurable and default to 4 (plotting against years should just work now) - Default encoding for mp4 is now h264 - `fill_between` and `fill_betweenx` now use the color cycle - Default alignment of bars changed from 'edge' to 'center' - Bug and documentation fixes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEwBAABCAAaBQJYROa6Exx0Y2Fzd2VsbEBnbWFpbC5jb20ACgkQV/pFQN1O/Pez 0Af/SMaaZoKBeo5G5tqTAtPAK8r2ERfrpmU22YQsoalh6v5fZmdS6p6vuOhIusbM UixyvCBswlguY46i0pEpNmP2NEvp+sM2dsP1MnMZ9V6tmajrpxrsmhSFf0F2rwsb fTtswMfk24r461Jl8W9BS8n+07orE2Z9TJi5GLIX+lvLkdnDTh5gAHaU0GxFLEWE azoE5cUhsVz3RkWEWMOVQiKHOY5NpU/ErVYXBM+2kY1FflYoHWyLDatQJzRcX3wI R3mD1NC2vApP9RtcNNm4dUGYskZzaE/0C+6JG+GN0ihYTDlqTAXYBgnfKxO7zemZ AbIPf+ebb2WjrP0+clXS8YpfNA== =63JG -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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