tag namev2.0.0 (66b5a0dcacbd7351979dbc1aead7bdfe9fff4b18)
tag date2017-01-16 21:57:01 -0500
tagged byThomas A Caswell <>
tagged objectcommit 1bfc7551f3...
REL: v2.0.0
Major release of Matplotlib This release completely overhauls the default style of the plots. Highlights include: - 'viridis' is default color map instead of jet. - Modernized the default color cycle. - Many more functions respect the color cycle. - Line dash patterns scale with linewidth. - Change default font to DejaVu, now supports most western. alphabets (including Greek, Cyrillic and latin with diacritcs), math symbols and emoji out of the box. - Faster text rendering. - Improved auto-limits. - Ticks out and only on the right and bottom spines by default. - Improved auto-ticking, particularly for log scales and dates. - Improved image support (`imshow` respects scales and eliminated a class of artifacts). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQFHBAABCAAxFiEErEf3HbJ17NCz2kboV/pFQN1O/PcFAlh9h/8THHRjYXN3ZWxs QGdtYWlsLmNvbQAKCRBX+kVA3U7891bQB/9o6t75hp82jo2Ggj5GXJ524mIDNRlF gc/wmDb807B6qF/UyEmpob/F42/UGLHNIYHt0tJ7RRMPH4yIKP5xxVrwSZMWjLxx 8o+QwR0HooqMHceN4clx3XTNrnOmpi76cly7J5sZrBeySmIvcL/0TFIAaI2Hfw+l eGS3mtxfiD+K298cifRgPsL0l8uBss/x0iBHY3tV2iGsctVBAAge1mNyUCc/3H3I +vIR3dedVN1sgAcHRA9or3P+ij6cQ3GfNg1RCz2vSO1UqMdHOapBuHFTAuqgahZF YEPPxa3FFYOu6kPKssDDC2fxTVaXQQiauboWhjwp2gIdJqgprfVHDYXY =QXIC -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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