#include "chibicc.h" Type *ty_void = &(Type){TY_VOID, 1, 1}; Type *ty_bool = &(Type){TY_BOOL, 1, 1}; Type *ty_char = &(Type){TY_CHAR, 1, 1}; Type *ty_short = &(Type){TY_SHORT, 2, 2}; Type *ty_int = &(Type){TY_INT, 4, 4}; Type *ty_long = &(Type){TY_LONG, 8, 8}; Type *ty_uchar = &(Type){TY_CHAR, 1, 1, true}; Type *ty_ushort = &(Type){TY_SHORT, 2, 2, true}; Type *ty_uint = &(Type){TY_INT, 4, 4, true}; Type *ty_ulong = &(Type){TY_LONG, 8, 8, true}; Type *ty_float = &(Type){TY_FLOAT, 4, 4}; Type *ty_double = &(Type){TY_DOUBLE, 8, 8}; Type *ty_ldouble = &(Type){TY_LDOUBLE, 16, 16}; static Type *new_type(TypeKind kind, int size, int align) { Type *ty = calloc(1, sizeof(Type)); ty->kind = kind; ty->size = size; ty->align = align; return ty; } bool is_integer(Type *ty) { TypeKind k = ty->kind; return k == TY_BOOL || k == TY_CHAR || k == TY_SHORT || k == TY_INT || k == TY_LONG || k == TY_ENUM; } bool is_flonum(Type *ty) { return ty->kind == TY_FLOAT || ty->kind == TY_DOUBLE || ty->kind == TY_LDOUBLE; } bool is_numeric(Type *ty) { return is_integer(ty) || is_flonum(ty); } bool is_compatible(Type *t1, Type *t2) { if (t1 == t2) return true; if (t1->origin) return is_compatible(t1->origin, t2); if (t2->origin) return is_compatible(t1, t2->origin); if (t1->kind != t2->kind) return false; switch (t1->kind) { case TY_CHAR: case TY_SHORT: case TY_INT: case TY_LONG: return t1->is_unsigned == t2->is_unsigned; case TY_FLOAT: case TY_DOUBLE: case TY_LDOUBLE: return true; case TY_PTR: return is_compatible(t1->base, t2->base); case TY_FUNC: { if (!is_compatible(t1->return_ty, t2->return_ty)) return false; if (t1->is_variadic != t2->is_variadic) return false; Type *p1 = t1->params; Type *p2 = t2->params; for (; p1 && p2; p1 = p1->next, p2 = p2->next) if (!is_compatible(p1, p2)) return false; return p1 == NULL && p2 == NULL; } case TY_ARRAY: if (!is_compatible(t1->base, t2->base)) return false; return t1->array_len < 0 && t2->array_len < 0 && t1->array_len == t2->array_len; } return false; } Type *copy_type(Type *ty) { Type *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(Type)); *ret = *ty; ret->origin = ty; return ret; } Type *pointer_to(Type *base) { Type *ty = new_type(TY_PTR, 8, 8); ty->base = base; ty->is_unsigned = true; return ty; } Type *func_type(Type *return_ty) { // The C spec disallows sizeof(), but // GCC allows that and the expression is evaluated to 1. Type *ty = new_type(TY_FUNC, 1, 1); ty->return_ty = return_ty; return ty; } Type *array_of(Type *base, int len) { Type *ty = new_type(TY_ARRAY, base->size * len, base->align); ty->base = base; ty->array_len = len; return ty; } Type *vla_of(Type *base, Node *len) { Type *ty = new_type(TY_VLA, 8, 8); ty->base = base; ty->vla_len = len; return ty; } Type *enum_type(void) { return new_type(TY_ENUM, 4, 4); } Type *struct_type(void) { return new_type(TY_STRUCT, 0, 1); } static Type *get_common_type(Type *ty1, Type *ty2) { if (ty1->base) return pointer_to(ty1->base); if (ty1->kind == TY_FUNC) return pointer_to(ty1); if (ty2->kind == TY_FUNC) return pointer_to(ty2); if (ty1->kind == TY_LDOUBLE || ty2->kind == TY_LDOUBLE) return ty_ldouble; if (ty1->kind == TY_DOUBLE || ty2->kind == TY_DOUBLE) return ty_double; if (ty1->kind == TY_FLOAT || ty2->kind == TY_FLOAT) return ty_float; if (ty1->size < 4) ty1 = ty_int; if (ty2->size < 4) ty2 = ty_int; if (ty1->size != ty2->size) return (ty1->size < ty2->size) ? ty2 : ty1; if (ty2->is_unsigned) return ty2; return ty1; } // For many binary operators, we implicitly promote operands so that // both operands have the same type. Any integral type smaller than // int is always promoted to int. If the type of one operand is larger // than the other's (e.g. "long" vs. "int"), the smaller operand will // be promoted to match with the other. // // This operation is called the "usual arithmetic conversion". static void usual_arith_conv(Node **lhs, Node **rhs) { Type *ty = get_common_type((*lhs)->ty, (*rhs)->ty); if (ty == (*lhs)->ty && ty == (*rhs)->ty) return; if (ty->base && is_numeric((*rhs)->ty)) { if ((*rhs)->ty != ty_ulong) *rhs = new_cast(*rhs, ty_ulong); return; } *lhs = new_cast(*lhs, ty); *rhs = new_cast(*rhs, ty); } void add_type(Node *node) { if (node && node->kind == ND_VAR && node->ty && node->ty->base && node->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) node->ty = pointer_to(node->ty->base); if (!node || node->ty) return; add_type(node->lhs); add_type(node->rhs); add_type(node->cond); add_type(node->then); add_type(node->els); add_type(node->init); add_type(node->inc); for (Node *n = node->body; n; n = n->next) add_type(n); for (Node *n = node->args; n; n = n->next) add_type(n); switch (node->kind) { case ND_NUM: node->ty = ty_int; return; case ND_ADD: case ND_SUB: case ND_MUL: case ND_DIV: case ND_MOD: case ND_BITAND: case ND_BITOR: case ND_BITXOR: usual_arith_conv(&node->lhs, &node->rhs); if (node->lhs->ty->kind != TY_ARRAY) node->ty = node->lhs->ty; else node->ty = pointer_to(node->lhs->ty->base); return; case ND_NEG: { Type *ty = get_common_type(ty_int, node->lhs->ty); node->lhs = new_cast(node->lhs, ty); node->ty = ty; return; } case ND_ASSIGN: if (node->lhs->ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) error_tok(node->lhs->tok, "not an lvalue"); if (node->lhs->ty->kind != TY_STRUCT) node->rhs = new_cast(node->rhs, node->lhs->ty); node->ty = node->lhs->ty; return; case ND_EQ: case ND_NE: case ND_LT: case ND_LE: usual_arith_conv(&node->lhs, &node->rhs); node->ty = ty_int; return; case ND_FUNCALL: node->ty = node->func_ty->return_ty; return; case ND_NOT: case ND_LOGOR: case ND_LOGAND: node->ty = ty_int; return; case ND_BITNOT: case ND_SHL: case ND_SHR: node->ty = node->lhs->ty; return; case ND_VAR: case ND_VLA_PTR: node->ty = node->var->ty; return; case ND_COND: if (node->then->ty->kind == TY_VOID || node->els->ty->kind == TY_VOID) { node->ty = ty_void; } else { usual_arith_conv(&node->then, &node->els); node->ty = node->then->ty; } return; case ND_COMMA: node->ty = node->rhs->ty; return; case ND_MEMBER: node->ty = node->member->ty; return; case ND_ADDR: { Type *ty = node->lhs->ty; if (ty->kind == TY_ARRAY) node->ty = pointer_to(ty->base); else node->ty = pointer_to(ty); return; } case ND_DEREF: if (!node->lhs->ty->base) error_tok(node->tok, "invalid pointer dereference"); if (node->lhs->ty->base->kind == TY_VOID) error_tok(node->tok, "dereferencing a void pointer"); node->ty = node->lhs->ty->base; return; case ND_STMT_EXPR: if (node->body) { Node *stmt = node->body; while (stmt->next) stmt = stmt->next; if (stmt->kind == ND_EXPR_STMT) { node->ty = stmt->lhs->ty; return; } } /* MASOT error_tok(node->tok, "statement expression returning void is not supported"); */ node->ty = ty_void; return; case ND_LABEL_VAL: node->ty = pointer_to(ty_void); return; case ND_CAS: add_type(node->cas_addr); add_type(node->cas_old); add_type(node->cas_new); node->ty = ty_bool; if (node->cas_addr->ty->kind != TY_PTR) error_tok(node->cas_addr->tok, "pointer expected"); if (node->cas_old->ty->kind != TY_PTR) error_tok(node->cas_old->tok, "pointer expected"); return; case ND_EXCH: if (node->lhs->ty->kind != TY_PTR) error_tok(node->cas_addr->tok, "pointer expected"); node->ty = node->lhs->ty->base; return; } }