/********************* */ /*! \file parser_black.h ** \verbatim ** Top contributors (to current version): ** Christopher L. Conway, Morgan Deters, Aina Niemetz ** This file is part of the CVC4 project. ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations. ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim ** ** \brief Black box testing of CVC4::parser::Parser, including CVC, SMT and ** SMT v2 inputs. ** ** Black box testing of CVC4::parser::Parser, including CVC, SMT, and ** SMT v2 inputs. **/ #include #include #include "api/cvc4cpp.h" #include "base/output.h" #include "expr/expr.h" #include "expr/expr_manager.h" #include "options/base_options.h" #include "options/language.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "parser/parser.h" #include "parser/parser_builder.h" #include "parser/smt2/smt2.h" #include "smt/command.h" using namespace CVC4; using namespace CVC4::parser; using namespace CVC4::language::input; using namespace std; class ParserBlack { protected: Options d_options; /* Set up declaration context for expr inputs */ virtual void setupContext(Parser& parser) { /* a, b, c: BOOLEAN */ parser.bindVar("a", d_solver->getBooleanSort()); parser.bindVar("b", d_solver->getBooleanSort()); parser.bindVar("c", d_solver->getBooleanSort()); /* t, u, v: TYPE */ api::Sort t = parser.mkSort("t"); api::Sort u = parser.mkSort("u"); api::Sort v = parser.mkSort("v"); /* f : t->u; g: u->v; h: v->t; */ parser.bindVar("f", d_solver->mkFunctionSort(t, u)); parser.bindVar("g", d_solver->mkFunctionSort(u, v)); parser.bindVar("h", d_solver->mkFunctionSort(v, t)); /* x:t; y:u; z:v; */ parser.bindVar("x", t); parser.bindVar("y", u); parser.bindVar("z", v); } void tryGoodInput(const string goodInput) { try { // Debug.on("parser"); // Debug.on("parser-extra"); // cerr << "Testing good input: <<" << goodInput << ">>" << endl; // istringstream stream(goodInputs[i]); Parser* parser = ParserBuilder(d_solver.get(), "test") .withStringInput(goodInput) .withOptions(d_options) .withInputLanguage(d_lang) .build(); TS_ASSERT(!parser->done()); Command* cmd; while ((cmd = parser->nextCommand()) != NULL) { Debug("parser") << "Parsed command: " << (*cmd) << endl; delete cmd; } TS_ASSERT(parser->done()); delete parser; // Debug.off("parser"); // Debug.off("parser-extra"); } catch (Exception& e) { cout << "\nGood input failed:\n" << goodInput << endl << e << endl; // Debug.off("parser"); throw; } } void tryBadInput(const string badInput, bool strictMode = false) { // cerr << "Testing bad input: '" << badInput << "'\n"; // Debug.on("parser"); Parser* parser = ParserBuilder(d_solver.get(), "test") .withStringInput(badInput) .withOptions(d_options) .withInputLanguage(d_lang) .withStrictMode(strictMode) .build(); TS_ASSERT_THROWS( { Command* cmd; while ((cmd = parser->nextCommand()) != NULL) { Debug("parser") << "Parsed command: " << (*cmd) << endl; delete cmd; } cout << "\nBad input succeeded:\n" << badInput << endl; }, const ParserException&); // Debug.off("parser"); delete parser; } void tryGoodExpr(const string goodExpr) { // Debug.on("parser"); // Debug.on("parser-extra"); try { // cerr << "Testing good expr: '" << goodExpr << "'\n"; // Debug.on("parser"); // istringstream stream(context + goodBooleanExprs[i]); Parser* parser = ParserBuilder(d_solver.get(), "test") .withStringInput(goodExpr) .withOptions(d_options) .withInputLanguage(d_lang) .build(); if (d_lang == LANG_SMTLIB_V2) { // Use QF_LIA to make multiplication ("*") available std::unique_ptr cmd( static_cast(parser)->setLogic("QF_LIA")); } TS_ASSERT(!parser->done()); setupContext(*parser); TS_ASSERT(!parser->done()); api::Term e = parser->nextExpression(); TS_ASSERT(!e.isNull()); e = parser->nextExpression(); TS_ASSERT(parser->done()); TS_ASSERT(e.isNull()); delete parser; } catch (Exception& e) { cout << endl << "Good expr failed." << endl << "Input: <<" << goodExpr << ">>" << endl << "Output: <<" << e << ">>" << endl; throw; } } /* NOTE: The check implemented here may fail if a bad expression * expression string has a prefix that is parseable as a good * expression. E.g., the bad SMT v2 expression "#b10@@@@@@" will * actually return the bit-vector 10 and ignore the tail of the * input. It's more trouble than it's worth to check that the whole * input was consumed here, so just be careful to avoid valid * prefixes in tests. */ void tryBadExpr(const string badExpr, bool strictMode = false) { // Debug.on("parser"); // Debug.on("parser-extra"); // cout << "Testing bad expr: '" << badExpr << "'\n"; Parser* parser = ParserBuilder(d_solver.get(), "test") .withStringInput(badExpr) .withOptions(d_options) .withInputLanguage(d_lang) .withStrictMode(strictMode) .build(); setupContext(*parser); TS_ASSERT(!parser->done()); TS_ASSERT_THROWS(api::Term e = parser->nextExpression(); cout << endl << "Bad expr succeeded." << endl << "Input: <<" << badExpr << ">>" << endl << "Output: <<" << e << ">>" << endl; , const ParserException&); delete parser; // Debug.off("parser"); } ParserBlack(InputLanguage lang) : d_lang(lang) { } virtual ~ParserBlack() {} void setUp() { d_options.set(options::parseOnly, true); d_solver.reset(new api::Solver(&d_options)); } void tearDown() { } private: InputLanguage d_lang; std::unique_ptr d_solver; }; /* class ParserBlack */ class Cvc4ParserTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite, public ParserBlack { typedef ParserBlack super; public: Cvc4ParserTest() : ParserBlack(LANG_CVC4) { } void setUp() override { super::setUp(); } void tearDown() override { super::tearDown(); } void testGoodCvc4Inputs() { tryGoodInput(""); // empty string is OK tryGoodInput(";"); // no command is OK tryGoodInput("ASSERT TRUE;"); tryGoodInput("QUERY TRUE;"); tryGoodInput("CHECKSAT FALSE;"); tryGoodInput("a, b : BOOLEAN;"); tryGoodInput("a, b : BOOLEAN; QUERY (a => b) AND a => b;"); tryGoodInput("T, U : TYPE; f : T -> U; x : T; y : U; CHECKSAT f(x) = y;"); tryGoodInput("T : TYPE = BOOLEAN; x : T; CHECKSAT x;"); tryGoodInput("a : ARRAY INT OF REAL; ASSERT (a WITH [1] := 0.0)[1] = a[0];"); tryGoodInput("b : BITVECTOR(3); ASSERT b = 0bin101;"); tryGoodInput("T : TYPE = BOOLEAN; x : T; CHECKSAT x;"); tryGoodInput("T : TYPE; x, y : T; a : BOOLEAN; QUERY (IF a THEN x ELSE y ENDIF) = x;"); tryGoodInput("CHECKSAT 0bin0000 /= 0hex7;"); tryGoodInput("%% nothing but a comment"); tryGoodInput("% a comment\nASSERT TRUE; %a command\n% another comment"); tryGoodInput("a : BOOLEAN; a: BOOLEAN;"); // double decl, but compatible tryGoodInput("a : INT = 5; a: INT;"); // decl after define, compatible tryGoodInput("a : TYPE; a : INT;"); // ok, sort and variable symbol spaces distinct tryGoodInput("a : TYPE; a : INT; b : a;"); // ok except a is both INT and sort `a' //tryGoodInput("a : [0..0]; b : [-5..5]; c : [-1..1]; d : [ _ .._];"); // subranges tryGoodInput("a : [ _..1]; b : [_.. 0]; c :[_..-1];"); tryGoodInput("DATATYPE list = nil | cons(car:INT,cdr:list) END; DATATYPE cons = null END;"); tryGoodInput("DATATYPE tree = node(data:list), list = cons(car:tree,cdr:list) | nil END;"); //tryGoodInput("DATATYPE tree = node(data:[list,list,ARRAY tree OF list]), list = cons(car:ARRAY list OF tree,cdr:BITVECTOR(32)) END;"); tryGoodInput( "DATATYPE trex = Foo | Bar END; DATATYPE tree = " "node(data:[list,list,ARRAY trex OF list]), list = cons(car:ARRAY list " "OF tree,cdr:BITVECTOR(32)) END;"); } void testBadCvc4Inputs() { // competition builds don't do any checking #ifndef CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE tryBadInput("ASSERT;"); // no args tryBadInput("QUERY"); tryBadInput("CHECKSAT"); tryBadInput("a, b : boolean;"); // lowercase boolean isn't a type tryBadInput("0x : INT;"); // 0x isn't an identifier tryBadInput("a, b : BOOLEAN\nQUERY (a => b) AND a => b;"); // no semicolon after decl tryBadInput("ASSERT 0bin012 /= 0hex0;"); // bad binary literal tryBadInput("a, b: BOOLEAN; QUERY a(b);"); // non-function used as function tryBadInput("a : BOOLEAN; a: INT;"); // double decl, incompatible tryBadInput("A : TYPE; A: TYPE;"); // types can't be double-declared tryBadInput("a : INT; a: INT = 5;"); // can't define after decl tryBadInput("a : INT = 5; a: BOOLEAN;"); // decl w/ incompatible type tryBadInput("a : TYPE; a : INT; a : a;"); // ok except a is both INT and sort `a' //tryBadInput("a : [1..-1];"); // bad subrange //tryBadInput("a : [0. .0];"); // bad subrange //tryBadInput("a : [..0];"); // bad subrange //tryBadInput("a : [0.0];"); // bad subrange tryBadInput("DATATYPE list = nil | cons(car:INT,cdr:list) END; DATATYPE list = nil | cons(car:INT,cdr:list) END;"); tryBadInput("DATATYPE list = nil | cons(car:INT,cdr:list) END; DATATYPE list2 = nil END;"); tryBadInput("DATATYPE tree = node(data:(list,list,ARRAY trex OF list)), list = cons(car:ARRAY list OF tree,cdr:BITVECTOR(32)) END;"); #endif /* ! CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE */ } void testGoodCvc4Exprs() { tryGoodExpr("a AND b"); tryGoodExpr("a AND b OR c"); tryGoodExpr("(a => b) AND a => b"); tryGoodExpr("(a <=> b) AND (NOT a)"); tryGoodExpr("(a XOR b) <=> (a OR b) AND (NOT (a AND b))"); } void testBadCvc4Exprs() { // competition builds don't do any checking #ifndef CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE tryBadInput("a AND"); // wrong arity tryBadInput("AND(a,b)"); // not infix tryBadInput("(OR (AND a b) c)"); // not infix tryBadInput("a IMPLIES b"); // should be => tryBadInput("a NOT b"); // wrong arity, not infix tryBadInput("a and b"); // wrong case #endif /* ! CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE */ } };/* class Cvc4ParserTest */ class Smt2ParserTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite, public ParserBlack { typedef ParserBlack super; public: Smt2ParserTest() : ParserBlack(LANG_SMTLIB_V2) { } void setUp() override { super::setUp(); } void tearDown() override { super::tearDown(); } void setupContext(Parser& parser) override { super::setupContext(parser); } void testGoodSmt2Inputs() { tryGoodInput(""); // empty string is OK tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF)"); tryGoodInput("(set-info :notes |This is a note, take note!|)"); tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (assert true)"); tryGoodInput("(check-sat)"); tryGoodInput("(exit)"); tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (assert false) (check-sat)"); tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (declare-fun a () Bool) " "(declare-fun b () Bool)"); tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (declare-fun a () Bool) " "(declare-fun b () Bool) (assert (=> (and (=> a b) a) b))"); tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (declare-sort a 0) " "(declare-fun f (a) a) (declare-fun x () a) " "(assert (= (f x) x))"); tryGoodInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (declare-sort a 0) " "(declare-fun x () a) (declare-fun y () a) " "(assert (= (ite true x y) x))"); tryGoodInput(";; nothing but a comment"); tryGoodInput("; a comment\n(check-sat ; goodbye\n)"); } void testBadSmt2Inputs() { // competition builds don't do any checking #ifndef CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE tryBadInput("(assert)"); // no args tryBadInput("(set-info :notes |Symbols can't contain the | character|)"); tryBadInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (check-sat true)", true); // check-sat shouldn't have an arg tryBadInput("(declare-sort a)"); // no arg tryBadInput("(declare-sort a 0) (declare-sort a 0)"); // double decl tryBadInput("(set-logic QF_UF) (declare-fun p Bool)"); // should be "p () Bool" // strict mode tryBadInput("(assert true)", true); // no set-logic, core theory symbol "true" undefined tryBadInput("(declare-fun p Bool)", true); // core theory symbol "Bool" undefined #endif /* ! CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE */ } void testGoodSmt2Exprs() { tryGoodExpr("(and a b)"); tryGoodExpr("(or (and a b) c)"); tryGoodExpr("(=> (and (=> a b) a) b)"); tryGoodExpr("(and (= a b) (not a))"); tryGoodExpr("(= (xor a b) (and (or a b) (not (and a b))))"); tryGoodExpr("(ite a (f x) y)"); tryGoodExpr("1"); tryGoodExpr("0"); tryGoodExpr("1.5"); tryGoodExpr("#xfab09c7"); tryGoodExpr("#b0001011"); tryGoodExpr("(* 5 01)"); // '01' is OK in non-strict mode } void testBadSmt2Exprs() { // competition builds don't do any checking #ifndef CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE tryBadExpr("(and)"); // wrong arity tryBadExpr("(and a b"); // no closing paren tryBadExpr("(a and b)"); // infix tryBadExpr("(implies a b)"); // no implies in v2 tryBadExpr("(iff a b)"); // no iff in v2 tryBadExpr("(OR (AND a b) c)"); // wrong case tryBadExpr("(a IMPLIES b)"); // infix AND wrong case tryBadExpr("(not a b)"); // wrong arity tryBadExpr("not a"); // needs parens tryBadExpr("(ite a x)"); // wrong arity tryBadExpr("(if_then_else a (f x) y)"); // no if_then_else in v2 tryBadExpr("(a b)"); // using non-function as function tryBadExpr(".5"); // rational constants must have integer prefix tryBadExpr("1."); // rational constants must have fractional suffix tryBadExpr("#x"); // hex constants must have at least one digit tryBadExpr("#b"); // ditto binary constants tryBadExpr("#xg0f"); tryBadExpr("#b9"); // Bad strict exprs tryBadExpr("(and a)", true); // no unary and's tryBadExpr("(or a)", true); // no unary or's tryBadExpr("(* 5 01)", true); // '01' is not a valid integer constant #endif /* ! CVC4_COMPETITION_MODE */ } };/* class Smt2ParserTest */