; Deps: sat.plf smt.plf th_base.plf th_quant.plf ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; literals : ; L1 : forall x. x != x ; L2 : t = t ; input : ; L1 ; (instantiation) lemma : ; L1 => L2 ; theory conflicts : ; ~L2 ; With the theory lemma, the input is unsatisfiable. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; (0) -------------------- term declarations ----------------------------------- (check (% s sort (% t (term s) ; (1) -------------------- input formula ----------------------------------- (% x (term s) (% A1 (th_holds (forall _ x (not (= _ x x)))) ; (2) ------------------- specify that the following is a proof of the empty clause ----------------- (: (holds cln) ; (3) -------------------- theory lemmas prior to rewriting/preprocess/CNF ----------------- ; --- these should introduce (th_holds ...) ; instantiation lemma (inst _ _ _ t (not (= _ t t)) A1 (\ A2 ; (4) -------------------- map theory literals to boolean variables ; --- maps all theory literals involved in proof to boolean literals (decl_atom (forall _ x (not (= _ x x))) (\ v1 (\ a1 (decl_atom (= _ t t) (\ v2 (\ a2 ; (5) -------------------- theory conflicts --------------------------------------------- ; --- these should introduce (holds ...) (satlem _ _ (asf _ _ _ a2 (\ l2 (clausify_false (contra _ (refl _ t) l2) ))) (\ CT1 ; CT1 is the clause ( v2 ) ; (6) -------------------- clausification ----------------------------------------- ; --- these should introduce (holds ...) (satlem _ _ (ast _ _ _ a2 (\ l2 (clausify_false (contra _ l2 A2) ))) (\ C1 ; C1 is the clause ( ~v2 ) ; (7) -------------------- resolution proof ------------------------------------------------------------ (satlem_simplify _ _ _ (R _ _ CT1 C1 v2) (\ x x)) ))))))))))))))))))