#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Usage: run_regression.py [--enable-proof] [--with-lfsc] [--dump] [--use-skip-return-code] [wrapper] cvc4-binary [benchmark.cvc | benchmark.smt | benchmark.smt2 | benchmark.p] Runs benchmark and checks for correct exit status and output. """ import argparse import difflib import os import re import shlex import subprocess import sys import threading SCRUBBER = 'SCRUBBER: ' ERROR_SCRUBBER = 'ERROR-SCRUBBER: ' EXPECT = 'EXPECT: ' EXPECT_ERROR = 'EXPECT-ERROR: ' EXIT = 'EXIT: ' COMMAND_LINE = 'COMMAND-LINE: ' REQUIRES = 'REQUIRES: ' EXIT_OK = 0 EXIT_FAILURE = 1 EXIT_SKIP = 77 def run_process(args, cwd, timeout, s_input=None): """Runs a process with a timeout `timeout` in seconds. `args` are the arguments to execute, `cwd` is the working directory and `s_input` is the input to be sent to the process over stdin. Returns the output, the error output and the exit code of the process. If the process times out, the output and the error output are empty and the exit code is 124.""" proc = subprocess.Popen( args, cwd=cwd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = '' err = '' exit_status = 124 try: if timeout: timer = threading.Timer(timeout, lambda p: p.kill(), [proc]) timer.start() out, err = proc.communicate(input=s_input) exit_status = proc.returncode finally: if timeout: timer.cancel() return out, err, exit_status def get_cvc4_features(cvc4_binary): """Returns a list of features supported by the CVC4 binary `cvc4_binary`.""" output, _, _ = run_process([cvc4_binary, '--show-config'], None, None) if isinstance(output, bytes): output = output.decode() features = [] for line in output.split('\n'): tokens = [t.strip() for t in line.split(':')] if len(tokens) == 2: key, value = tokens if value == 'yes': features.append(key) return features def run_benchmark(dump, wrapper, scrubber, error_scrubber, cvc4_binary, command_line, benchmark_dir, benchmark_filename, timeout): """Runs CVC4 on the file `benchmark_filename` in the directory `benchmark_dir` using the binary `cvc4_binary` with the command line options `command_line`. The output is scrubbed using `scrubber` and `error_scrubber` for stdout and stderr, respectively. If dump is true, the function first uses CVC4 to read in and dump the benchmark file and then uses that as input.""" bin_args = wrapper[:] bin_args.append(cvc4_binary) output = None error = None exit_status = None if dump: dump_args = [ '--preprocess-only', '--dump', 'raw-benchmark', '--output-lang=smt2', '-qq' ] dump_output, _, _ = run_process( bin_args + command_line + dump_args + [benchmark_filename], benchmark_dir, timeout) output, error, exit_status = run_process( bin_args + command_line + ['--lang=smt2', '-'], benchmark_dir, timeout, dump_output) else: output, error, exit_status = run_process( bin_args + command_line + [benchmark_filename], benchmark_dir, timeout) # If a scrubber command has been specified then apply it to the output. if scrubber: output, _, _ = run_process( shlex.split(scrubber), benchmark_dir, timeout, output) if error_scrubber: error, _, _ = run_process( shlex.split(error_scrubber), benchmark_dir, timeout, error) # Popen in Python 3 returns a bytes object instead of a string for # stdout/stderr. if isinstance(output, bytes): output = output.decode() if isinstance(error, bytes): error = error.decode() return (output.strip(), error.strip(), exit_status) def run_regression(unsat_cores, proofs, dump, use_skip_return_code, wrapper, cvc4_binary, benchmark_path, timeout): """Determines the expected output for a benchmark, runs CVC4 on it and then checks whether the output corresponds to the expected output. Optionally uses a wrapper `wrapper`, tests unsat cores (if unsat_cores is true), checks proofs (if proofs is true), or dumps a benchmark and uses that as the input (if dump is true). `use_skip_return_code` enables/disables returning 77 when a test is skipped.""" if not os.access(cvc4_binary, os.X_OK): sys.exit( '"{}" does not exist or is not executable'.format(cvc4_binary)) if not os.path.isfile(benchmark_path): sys.exit('"{}" does not exist or is not a file'.format(benchmark_path)) cvc4_features = get_cvc4_features(cvc4_binary) basic_command_line_args = [] benchmark_basename = os.path.basename(benchmark_path) benchmark_filename, benchmark_ext = os.path.splitext(benchmark_basename) benchmark_dir = os.path.dirname(benchmark_path) comment_char = '%' status_regex = None status_to_output = lambda s: s if benchmark_ext == '.smt': status_regex = r':status\s*(sat|unsat)' comment_char = ';' elif benchmark_ext == '.smt2': status_regex = r'set-info\s*:status\s*(sat|unsat)' comment_char = ';' elif benchmark_ext == '.cvc': pass elif benchmark_ext == '.p': status_regex = r'% Status\s*:\s*(Theorem|Unsatisfiable|CounterSatisfiable|Satisfiable)' status_to_output = lambda s: '% SZS status {} for {}'.format(s, benchmark_filename) elif benchmark_ext == '.sy': comment_char = ';' # Do not use proofs/unsat-cores with .sy files unsat_cores = False proofs = False else: sys.exit('"{}" must be *.cvc or *.smt or *.smt2 or *.p or *.sy'.format( benchmark_basename)) benchmark_lines = None with open(benchmark_path, 'r') as benchmark_file: benchmark_lines = benchmark_file.readlines() benchmark_content = ''.join(benchmark_lines) # Extract the metadata for the benchmark. scrubber = None error_scrubber = None expected_output = '' expected_error = '' expected_exit_status = None command_lines = [] requires = [] for line in benchmark_lines: # Skip lines that do not start with a comment character. if line[0] != comment_char: continue line = line[1:].lstrip() if line.startswith(SCRUBBER): scrubber = line[len(SCRUBBER):] elif line.startswith(ERROR_SCRUBBER): error_scrubber = line[len(ERROR_SCRUBBER):] elif line.startswith(EXPECT): expected_output += line[len(EXPECT):] elif line.startswith(EXPECT_ERROR): expected_error += line[len(EXPECT_ERROR):] elif line.startswith(EXIT): expected_exit_status = int(line[len(EXIT):]) elif line.startswith(COMMAND_LINE): command_lines.append(line[len(COMMAND_LINE):]) elif line.startswith(REQUIRES): requires.append(line[len(REQUIRES):].strip()) expected_output = expected_output.strip() expected_error = expected_error.strip() # Expected output/expected error has not been defined in the metadata for # the benchmark. Try to extract the information from the benchmark itself. if expected_output == '' and expected_error == '': match = None if status_regex: match = re.findall(status_regex, benchmark_content) if match: expected_output = status_to_output('\n'.join(match)) elif expected_exit_status is None: # If there is no expected output/error and the exit status has not # been set explicitly, the benchmark is invalid. sys.exit('Cannot determine status of "{}"'.format(benchmark_path)) if expected_exit_status is None: expected_exit_status = 0 if 'CVC4_REGRESSION_ARGS' in os.environ: basic_command_line_args += shlex.split( os.environ['CVC4_REGRESSION_ARGS']) if not unsat_cores and ('(get-unsat-core)' in benchmark_content or '(get-unsat-assumptions)' in benchmark_content): print( '1..0 # Skipped regression: unsat cores not supported without proof support' ) return (EXIT_SKIP if use_skip_return_code else EXIT_OK) for req_feature in requires: if req_feature.startswith("no-"): inv_feature = req_feature[len("no-"):] if inv_feature in cvc4_features: print('1..0 # Skipped regression: not valid with {}'.format( inv_feature)) return (EXIT_SKIP if use_skip_return_code else EXIT_OK) elif req_feature not in cvc4_features: print('1..0 # Skipped regression: {} not supported'.format( req_feature)) return (EXIT_SKIP if use_skip_return_code else EXIT_OK) if not command_lines: command_lines.append('') command_line_args_configs = [] for command_line in command_lines: args = shlex.split(command_line) all_args = basic_command_line_args + args if not unsat_cores and ('--check-unsat-cores' in all_args): print( '# Skipped command line options ({}): unsat cores not supported without proof support' .format(all_args)) continue if not proofs and ('--check-proofs' in all_args or '--dump-proofs' in all_args): print( '# Skipped command line options ({}): checking proofs not supported without LFSC support' .format(all_args)) continue command_line_args_configs.append(all_args) extra_command_line_args = [] if benchmark_ext == '.sy' and \ '--no-check-synth-sol' not in all_args and \ '--sygus-rr' not in all_args and \ '--check-synth-sol' not in all_args: extra_command_line_args = ['--check-synth-sol'] if re.search(r'^(sat|invalid|unknown)$', expected_output) and \ '--no-check-models' not in all_args and \ '--check-models' not in all_args: extra_command_line_args = ['--check-models'] if proofs and re.search(r'^(unsat|valid)$', expected_output): if '--no-check-proofs' not in all_args and \ '--check-proofs' not in all_args and \ '--incremental' not in all_args and \ '--unconstrained-simp' not in all_args and \ not cvc4_binary.endswith('pcvc4'): extra_command_line_args = ['--check-proofs'] if unsat_cores and re.search(r'^(unsat|valid)$', expected_output): if '--no-check-unsat-cores' not in all_args and \ '--check-unsat-cores' not in all_args and \ '--incremental' not in all_args and \ '--unconstrained-simp' not in all_args and \ not cvc4_binary.endswith('pcvc4'): extra_command_line_args += ['--check-unsat-cores'] if extra_command_line_args: command_line_args_configs.append(all_args + extra_command_line_args) # Run CVC4 on the benchmark with the different option sets and check # whether the exit status, stdout output, stderr output are as expected. print('1..{}'.format(len(command_line_args_configs))) print('# Starting') exit_code = EXIT_OK for command_line_args in command_line_args_configs: output, error, exit_status = run_benchmark( dump, wrapper, scrubber, error_scrubber, cvc4_binary, command_line_args, benchmark_dir, benchmark_basename, timeout) if output != expected_output: exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE print( 'not ok - Differences between expected and actual output on stdout - Flags: {}' .format(command_line_args)) for line in difflib.context_diff(output.splitlines(), expected_output.splitlines()): print(line) print() print('Error output:') print(error) elif error != expected_error: exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE print( 'not ok - Differences between expected and actual output on stderr - Flags: {}' .format(command_line_args)) for line in difflib.context_diff(error.splitlines(), expected_error.splitlines()): print(line) elif expected_exit_status != exit_status: exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE print( 'not ok - Expected exit status "{}" but got "{}" - Flags: {}'. format(expected_exit_status, exit_status, command_line_args)) print() print('Output:') print(output) print() print('Error output:') print(error) else: print('ok - Flags: {}'.format(command_line_args)) return exit_code def main(): """Parses the command line arguments and then calls the core of the script.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Runs benchmark and checks for correct exit status and output.') parser.add_argument('--enable-proof', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--with-lfsc', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--use-skip-return-code', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('wrapper', nargs='*') parser.add_argument('cvc4_binary') parser.add_argument('benchmark') args = parser.parse_args() cvc4_binary = os.path.abspath(args.cvc4_binary) wrapper = args.wrapper if os.environ.get('VALGRIND') == '1' and not wrapper: wrapper = ['libtool', '--mode=execute', 'valgrind'] timeout = float(os.getenv('TEST_TIMEOUT', 600.0)) return run_regression(args.enable_proof, args.with_lfsc, args.dump, args.use_skip_return_code, wrapper, cvc4_binary, args.benchmark, timeout) if __name__ == "__main__": exit_code = main() sys.exit(exit_code)