; COMMAND-LINE: --produce-abducts ; SCRUBBER: grep -v -E '(\(define-fun)' ; EXIT: 0 (set-logic QF_UFLIRA) (set-option :produce-abducts true) (declare-fun n () Int) (declare-fun m () Int) (declare-fun x () Int) (declare-fun y () Int) (assert (>= n 1)) (assert (and (<= n x)(<= x (+ n 5)))) (assert (and (<= 1 y)(<= y m))) ; Generate a predicate A that is consistent with the above axioms (i.e. ; their conjunction is SAT), and is such that the conjunction of the above ; axioms, A and the conjecture below are UNSAT. ; The signature of A is below grammar. (get-abduct A (< x y) ; the grammar for the abduct-to-synthesize ((Start Bool) (StartInt Int)) ( (Start Bool ((< StartInt StartInt))) (StartInt Int (n m (+ StartInt StartInt) 0 1)) ) )