% EXPECT: sat OPTION "logic" "ALL"; IntPair: TYPE = [INT, INT]; x : SET OF IntPair; y : SET OF IntPair; DATATYPE unit = u END; IntUPair: TYPE = [INT, unit]; UIntPair: TYPE = [unit, INT]; w : SET OF IntUPair; z : SET OF UIntPair; ASSERT (x JOIN y) = (w JOIN z) OR (x JOIN y ) = TRANSPOSE(w JOIN z); ASSERT (0,1) IS_IN (x JOIN y); t : INT; ASSERT t >= 0 AND t <=1; s : INT; ASSERT s >= 0 AND s <=1; ASSERT s+t = 1; ASSERT ( s ,u ) IS_IN w; ASSERT NOT ( u, t ) IS_IN z; CHECKSAT;