%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % File : SYN000_1 : TPTP v5.5.0. Released v5.0.0. % Domain : Syntactic % Problem : Basic TPTP TFF syntax without arithmetic % Version : Biased. % English : Basic TPTP TFF syntax that you can't survive without parsing. % Refs : % Source : [TPTP] % Names : % Status : Theorem % Rating : 0.40 v5.5.0, 0.25 v5.4.0, 0.33 v5.2.0, 0.67 v5.0.0 % Syntax : Number of formulae : 38 ( 21 unit; 25 type) % Number of atoms : 74 ( 3 equality) % Maximal formula depth : 7 ( 3 average) % Number of connectives : 28 ( 9 ~; 10 |; 3 &) % ( 1 <=>; 3 =>; 1 <=; 1 <~>) % ( 0 ~|; 0 ~&) % Number of type conns : 17 ( 10 >; 7 *; 0 +; 0 <<) % Number of predicates : 37 ( 30 propositional; 0-3 arity) % Number of functors : 10 ( 6 constant; 0-3 arity) % Number of variables : 14 ( 1 sgn; 6 !; 8 ?) % Maximal term depth : 4 ( 2 average) % SPC : TFF_THM_EQU_NAR % Comments : %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %----Propositional tff(p0_type,type,( p0: $o )). tff(q0_type,type,( q0: $o )). tff(r0_type,type,( r0: $o )). tff(s0_type,type,( s0: $o )). tff(propositional,axiom, ( ( p0 & ~ q0 ) => ( r0 | ~ s0 ) )). %----First-order tff(a_type,type,( a: $i )). tff(b_type,type,( b: $i )). tff(h_type,type,( h: $i )). tff(f_type,type,( f: $i > $i )). tff(g_type,type,( g: ( $i * $i * $i ) > $i )). tff(p_type,type,( p: $i > $o )). tff(q_type,type,( q: ( $i * $i ) > $o )). tff(r_type,type,( r: ( $i * $i * $i ) > $o )). tff(s_type,type,( s: $i > $o )). tff(first_order,axiom,( ! [X: $i] : ( ( p(X) | ~ q(X,a) ) => ? [Y: $i,Z: $i] : ( r(X,f(Y),g(X,f(Y),Z)) & ~ s(f(f(f(b)))) ) ) )). %----Equality tff(equality,axiom,( ? [Y: $i] : ! [X: $i,Z: $i] : ( f(Y) = g(X,f(Y),Z) | f(f(f(b))) != a | X = f(Y) ) )). %----True and false tff(true_false,axiom, ( $true | $false )). tff(quoted_proposition_type,type,( 'A proposition': $o )). tff(quoted_predicate_type,type,( 'A predicate': $i > $o )). tff(quoted_constant_type,type,( 'A constant': $i )). tff(quoted_function_type,type,( 'A function': $i > $i )). tff(quoted_escape_type,type,( 'A \'quoted \\ escape\'': $i )). %----Quoted symbols tff(single_quoted,axiom, ( 'A proposition' | 'A predicate'(a) | p('A constant') | p('A function'(a)) | p('A \'quoted \\ escape\'') )). %----Connectives - seen |, &, =>, ~ already tff(useful_connectives,axiom,( ! [X: $i] : ( ( p(X) <= ~ q(X,a) ) <=> ? [Y: $i,Z: $i] : ( r(X,f(Y),g(X,f(Y),Z)) <~> ~ s(f(f(f(b)))) ) ) )). %----New types tff(new_type,type,( new: $tType )). tff(newc_type,type,( newc: new )). tff(newf_type,type,( newf: ( new * $i ) > new )). tff(newp_type,type,( newp: ( new * $i ) > $o )). tff(new_axiom,axiom,( ! [X: new] : newp(newf(newc,a),a) )). %----Annotated formula names tff(123,axiom,( ! [X: $i] : ( ( p(X) | ~ q(X,a) ) => ? [Y: $i,Z: $i] : ( r(X,f(Y),g(X,f(Y),Z)) & ~ s(f(f(f(b)))) ) ) )). %----Roles tff(role_hypothesis,hypothesis,( p(h) )). tff(role_conjecture,conjecture,( ? [X: $i] : p(X) )). %----Include directive include('Axioms/SYN000_0.ax'). %----Comments /* This is a block comment. */ %------------------------------------------------------------------------------