% COMMAND-LINE: --finite-model-find %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % File : SYN000+2 : TPTP v5.5.0. Bugfixed v4.1.1. % Domain : Syntactic % Problem : Advanced TPTP FOF syntax % Version : Biased. % English : Advanced TPTP FOF syntax that you will encounter some time. % Refs : % Source : [TPTP] % Names : % Status : Satisfiable % Rating : 0.50 v5.5.0, 0.67 v5.2.0, 1.00 v5.0.0 % Syntax : Number of formulae : 20 ( 16 unit) % Number of atoms : 31 ( 2 equality) % Maximal formula depth : 7 ( 2 average) % Number of connectives : 13 ( 2 ~; 9 |; 0 &) % ( 0 <=>; 0 =>; 0 <=; 0 <~>) % ( 1 ~|; 1 ~&) % Number of predicates : 8 ( 3 propositional; 0-3 arity) % Number of functors : 22 ( 20 constant; 0-3 arity) % Number of variables : 8 ( 0 sgn; 8 !; 0 ?) % Maximal term depth : 2 ( 1 average) % Arithmetic symbols : 12 ( 0 pred; 0 func; 12 numbers) % SPC : FOF_SAT_RFO_SEQ % Comments : % Bugfixes : v4.0.1 - Added more numbers, particularly rationals. % : v4.1.1 - Removed rationals with negative denominators. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %----Quoted symbols fof(distinct_object,axiom,( "An Apple" != "A \"Microsoft \\ escape\"" )). %----Numbers fof(integers,axiom, ( p(12) | p(-12) )). fof(rationals,axiom, ( p(123/456) | p(-123/456) | p(+123/456) )). fof(reals,axiom, ( p(123.456 ) | p(-123.456 ) | p(123.456E789 ) | p(123.456e789 ) | p(-123.456E789 ) | p(123.456E-789 ) | p(-123.456E-789 ) )). %----Connectives - seen |, &, =>, ~ already fof(never_used_connectives,axiom,( ! [X] : ( ( p(X) ~| ~ q(X,a) ) ~& p(X) ) )). %----Roles fof(role_definition,definition,( ! [X] : f(d) = f(X) )). fof(role_assumption,assumption,( p(a) )). fof(role_lemma,lemma,( p(l) )). fof(role_theorem,theorem,( p(t) )). fof(role_unknown,unknown,( p(u) )). %----Selective include directive include('Axioms/SYN000+0.ax',[ia1,ia3]). %----Source fof(source_unknown,axiom,( ! [X] : p(X) ), unknown). fof(source,axiom,( ! [X] : p(X) ), file('SYN000-1.p')). fof(source_name,axiom,( ! [X] : p(X) ), file('SYN000-1.p',source_unknown)). fof(source_copy,axiom,( ! [X] : p(X) ), source_unknown). fof(source_introduced_assumption,axiom,( ! [X] : p(X) ), introduced(assumption,[from,the,world])). fof(source_inference,plain,( p(a) ), inference(magic, [status(thm),assumptions([source_introduced_assumption])], [theory(equality),source_unknown])). fof(source_inference_with_bind,plain,( p(a) ), inference(magic, [status(thm)], [theory(equality),source_unknown:[bind(X,$fot(a))]])). %----Useful info fof(useful_info,axiom,( ! [X] : p(X) ), unknown, [simple, prolog(like,Data,[nested,12.2]), AVariable, 12.2, "A distinct object", $fof(p(X) | ~ q(X,a) | r(X,f(Y),g(X,f(Y),Z)) | ~ s(f(f(f(b))))), data(name):[colon,list,2], [simple,prolog(like,Data,[nested,12.2]),AVariable,12.2] ]). %------------------------------------------------------------------------------