%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % File : MGT041-2 : TPTP v5.5.0. Released v2.4.0. % Domain : Management (Organisation Theory) % Problem : There are non-FM and non-EP organisations % Version : [PM93] axioms. % English : There are non-first mover and non-efficient producers % organisations. % Refs : [PM93] Peli & Masuch (1993), The Logic of Propogation Strateg % : [PM94] Peli & Masuch (1994), The Logic of Propogation Strateg % : [Kam95] Kamps (1995), Email to G. Sutcliffe % Source : [TPTP] % Names : % Status : Unsatisfiable % Rating : 0.00 v2.4.0 % Syntax : Number of clauses : 8 ( 1 non-Horn; 4 unit; 8 RR) % Number of atoms : 17 ( 0 equality) % Maximal clause size : 4 ( 2 average) % Number of predicates : 6 ( 0 propositional; 1-3 arity) % Number of functors : 4 ( 4 constant; 0-0 arity) % Number of variables : 8 ( 1 singleton) % Maximal term depth : 1 ( 1 average) % SPC : CNF_UNS_EPR % Comments : Created with tptp2X -f tptp -t clausify:otter MGT041+2.p %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cnf(mp_not_high_and_low_1,axiom, ( ~ number_of_routines(A,B,low) | ~ number_of_routines(A,B,high) )). cnf(a14_2,hypothesis, ( ~ organisation_at_time(A,B) | ~ efficient_producer(A) | ~ founding_time(A,B) | has_elaborated_routines(A,B) )). cnf(a15_3,hypothesis, ( ~ organisation_at_time(A,B) | ~ first_mover(A) | ~ founding_time(A,B) | number_of_routines(A,B,low) )). cnf(a16_4,hypothesis, ( organisation_at_time(sk1,sk2) )). cnf(a16_5,hypothesis, ( founding_time(sk1,sk2) )). cnf(a16_6,hypothesis, ( number_of_routines(sk1,sk2,high) )). cnf(a16_7,hypothesis, ( ~ has_elaborated_routines(sk1,sk2) )). cnf(prove_t10_8,negated_conjecture, ( ~ organisation_at_time(A,B) | first_mover(A) | efficient_producer(A) )). %--------------------------------------------------------------------------