%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % File : MGT019+2 : TPTP v5.5.0. Released v2.0.0. % Domain : Management (Organisation Theory) % Problem : Growth rate of EPs exceeds that of FMs in stable environments % Version : [PM93] axioms. % English : The growth rate of efficent producers exceeds the growth rate % of first movers past a certain time in stable environments. % Refs : [PM93] Peli & Masuch (1993), The Logic of Propogation Strateg % : [PM94] Peli & Masuch (1994), The Logic of Propogation Strateg % : [PB+94] Peli et al. (1994), A Logical Approach to Formalizing % Source : [PM93] % Names : LEMMA 1 [PM93] % : L1 [PB+94] % Status : CounterSatisfiable % Rating : 0.00 v4.1.0, 0.20 v4.0.1, 0.00 v3.5.0, 0.33 v3.4.0, 0.00 v2.1.0 % Syntax : Number of formulae : 5 ( 0 unit) % Number of atoms : 21 ( 1 equality) % Maximal formula depth : 8 ( 6 average) % Number of connectives : 17 ( 1 ~ ; 1 |; 8 &) % ( 0 <=>; 7 =>; 0 <=) % ( 0 <~>; 0 ~|; 0 ~&) % Number of predicates : 7 ( 0 propositional; 1-4 arity) % Number of functors : 5 ( 2 constant; 0-2 arity) % Number of variables : 11 ( 0 singleton; 9 !; 2 ?) % Maximal term depth : 2 ( 1 average) % SPC : FOF_CSA_RFO_SEQ % Comments : There is no MGT019+1 as Kamps did not send it to me. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %----Subsitution axioms %----Problem axioms %----L2. The disbanding rate of first movers exceeds the disbanding %----rate of efficient producers. fof(l2,axiom, ( ~ ( ! [E,T] : ( ( environment(E) & subpopulations(first_movers,efficient_producers,E,T) ) => greater(disbanding_rate(first_movers,T),disbanding_rate(efficient_producers,T)) ) ) )). %----If EP have lower disbanding rate and not lower founding rate than %----FM, then EP have higher growth rate. fof(mp_EP_lower_disbanding_rate,axiom, ( ! [T] : ( ( greater(disbanding_rate(first_movers,T),disbanding_rate(efficient_producers,T)) & greater_or_equal(founding_rate(efficient_producers,T),founding_rate(first_movers,T)) ) => greater(growth_rate(efficient_producers,T),growth_rate(first_movers,T)) ) )). %----MP. on "greater or equal to" fof(mp_greater_or_equal,axiom, ( ! [X,Y] : ( greater_or_equal(X,Y) => ( greater(X,Y) | X = Y ) ) )). %----A8. The founding rate of first movers does not exceed the founding %----rate of efficient producers past a certain point in a stable %----environment. fof(a8,hypothesis, ( ! [E] : ( ( environment(E) & stable(E) ) => ? [To] : ( in_environment(E,To) & ! [T] : ( ( subpopulations(first_movers,efficient_producers,E,T) & greater_or_equal(T,To) ) => greater_or_equal(founding_rate(efficient_producers,T),founding_rate(first_movers,T)) ) ) ) )). %----GOAL: L1. The growth rate of efficient producers exceeds the growth %----rate of first movers past a certain time in stable environments. fof(prove_l1,conjecture, ( ! [E] : ( ( environment(E) & stable(E) ) => ? [To] : ( in_environment(E,To) & ! [T] : ( ( subpopulations(first_movers,efficient_producers,E,T) & greater_or_equal(T,To) ) => greater(growth_rate(efficient_producers,T),growth_rate(first_movers,T)) ) ) ) )). %--------------------------------------------------------------------------