%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % File : KRS063+1 : TPTP v5.5.0. Released v3.1.0. % Domain : Knowledge Representation (Semantic Web) % Problem : An example combining owl:oneOf and owl:inverseOf % Version : Especial. % English : % Refs : [Bec03] Bechhofer (2003), Email to G. Sutcliffe % : [TR+04] Tsarkov et al. (2004), Using Vampire to Reason with OW % Source : [Bec03] % Names : inconsistent_I4.5-Manifest002 [Bec03] % Status : Unsatisfiable % Rating : 0.00 v3.1.0 % Syntax : Number of formulae : 27 ( 9 unit) % Number of atoms : 63 ( 18 equality) % Maximal formula depth : 8 ( 4 average) % Number of connectives : 39 ( 3 ~ ; 5 |; 14 &) % ( 4 <=>; 13 =>; 0 <=) % ( 0 <~>; 0 ~|; 0 ~&) % Number of predicates : 11 ( 0 propositional; 1-2 arity) % Number of functors : 7 ( 7 constant; 0-0 arity) % Number of variables : 37 ( 0 singleton; 36 !; 1 ?) % Maximal term depth : 1 ( 1 average) % SPC : FOF_UNS_RFO_SEQ % Comments : Sean Bechhofer says there are some errors in the encoding of % datatypes, so this problem may not be perfect. At least it's % still representative of the type of reasoning required for OWL. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fof(cEUCountry_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & cEUCountry(A) ) => cEUCountry(B) ) )). fof(cEuroMP_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & cEuroMP(A) ) => cEuroMP(B) ) )). fof(cEuropeanCountry_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & cEuropeanCountry(A) ) => cEuropeanCountry(B) ) )). fof(cPerson_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & cPerson(A) ) => cPerson(B) ) )). fof(cowlNothing_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & cowlNothing(A) ) => cowlNothing(B) ) )). fof(cowlThing_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & cowlThing(A) ) => cowlThing(B) ) )). fof(rhasEuroMP_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B,C] : ( ( A = B & rhasEuroMP(A,C) ) => rhasEuroMP(B,C) ) )). fof(rhasEuroMP_substitution_2,axiom, ( ! [A,B,C] : ( ( A = B & rhasEuroMP(C,A) ) => rhasEuroMP(C,B) ) )). fof(risEuroMPFrom_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B,C] : ( ( A = B & risEuroMPFrom(A,C) ) => risEuroMPFrom(B,C) ) )). fof(risEuroMPFrom_substitution_2,axiom, ( ! [A,B,C] : ( ( A = B & risEuroMPFrom(C,A) ) => risEuroMPFrom(C,B) ) )). fof(xsd_integer_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & xsd_integer(A) ) => xsd_integer(B) ) )). fof(xsd_string_substitution_1,axiom, ( ! [A,B] : ( ( A = B & xsd_string(A) ) => xsd_string(B) ) )). %----Thing and Nothing fof(axiom_0,axiom, ( ! [X] : ( cowlThing(X) & ~ cowlNothing(X) ) )). %----String and Integer disjoint fof(axiom_1,axiom, ( ! [X] : ( xsd_string(X) <=> ~ xsd_integer(X) ) )). %----Enumeration cEUCountry fof(axiom_2,axiom, ( ! [X] : ( cEUCountry(X) <=> ( X = iPT | X = iBE | X = iNL | X = iES | X = iFR | X = iUK ) ) )). %----Equality cEuroMP fof(axiom_3,axiom, ( ! [X] : ( cEuroMP(X) <=> ? [Y] : ( risEuroMPFrom(X,Y) & cowlThing(Y) ) ) )). %----Domain: rhasEuroMP fof(axiom_4,axiom, ( ! [X,Y] : ( rhasEuroMP(X,Y) => cEUCountry(X) ) )). %----Inverse: risEuroMPFrom fof(axiom_5,axiom, ( ! [X,Y] : ( risEuroMPFrom(X,Y) <=> rhasEuroMP(Y,X) ) )). %----iBE fof(axiom_6,axiom, ( cEuropeanCountry(iBE) )). %----iES fof(axiom_7,axiom, ( cEuropeanCountry(iES) )). %----iFR fof(axiom_8,axiom, ( cEuropeanCountry(iFR) )). %----iKinnock fof(axiom_9,axiom, ( cPerson(iKinnock) )). %----iKinnock fof(axiom_10,axiom, ( ~ cEuroMP(iKinnock) )). %----iNL fof(axiom_11,axiom, ( cEuropeanCountry(iNL) )). %----iPT fof(axiom_12,axiom, ( cEuropeanCountry(iPT) )). %----iUK fof(axiom_13,axiom, ( cEuropeanCountry(iUK) )). fof(axiom_14,axiom, ( rhasEuroMP(iUK,iKinnock) )). %------------------------------------------------------------------------------