% COMMAND-LINE: --no-finite-model-find %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % File : DAT001=1 : TPTP v5.5.0. Released v5.0.0. % Domain : Data Structures % Problem : Recursive list sort % Version : Especial. % English : % Refs : % Source : [TPTP] % Names : % Status : Theorem % Rating : 0.12 v5.5.0, 0.25 v5.4.0, 0.38 v5.3.0, 0.29 v5.2.0, 0.20 v5.1.0, 0.25 v5.0.0 % Syntax : Number of formulae : 8 ( 5 unit; 4 type) % Number of atoms : 13 ( 0 equality) % Maximal formula depth : 6 ( 3 average) % Number of connectives : 2 ( 0 ~; 0 |; 1 &) % ( 0 <=>; 1 =>; 0 <=; 0 <~>) % ( 0 ~|; 0 ~&) % Number of type conns : 3 ( 2 >; 1 *; 0 +; 0 <<) % Number of predicates : 9 ( 7 propositional; 0-2 arity) % Number of functors : 7 ( 6 constant; 0-2 arity) % Number of variables : 4 ( 0 sgn; 4 !; 0 ?) % Maximal term depth : 6 ( 2 average) % Arithmetic symbols : 7 ( 2 pred; 0 func; 5 numbers) % SPC : TFF_THM_NEQ_ARI % Comments : %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tff(list_type,type,( list: $tType )). tff(nil_type,type,( nil: list )). tff(mycons_type,type,( mycons: ( $int * list ) > list )). tff(sorted_type,type,( sorted: list > $o )). tff(empty_is_sorted,axiom,( sorted(nil) )). tff(single_is_sorted,axiom,( ! [X: $int] : sorted(mycons(X,nil)) )). tff(recursive_sort,axiom,( ! [X: $int,Y: $int,R: list] : ( ( $less(X,Y) & sorted(mycons(Y,R)) ) => sorted(mycons(X,mycons(Y,R))) ) )). tff(check_list,conjecture,( sorted(mycons(1,mycons(2,mycons(4,mycons(7,mycons(100,nil)))))) )). %------------------------------------------------------------------------------