; COMMAND-LINE: --nl-ext ; EXPECT: sat (set-logic QF_NRA) (set-info :source | These benchmarks used in the paper: Dejan Jovanovic and Leonardo de Moura. Solving Non-Linear Arithmetic. In IJCAR 2012, published as LNCS volume 7364, pp. 339--354. The meti-tarski benchmarks are proof obligations extracted from the Meti-Tarski project, see: B. Akbarpour and L. C. Paulson. MetiTarski: An automatic theorem prover for real-valued special functions. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 44(3):175-205, 2010. Submitted by Dejan Jovanovic for SMT-LIB. |) (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0) (set-info :category "industrial") (set-info :status sat) (declare-fun skoC () Real) (declare-fun skoS () Real) (declare-fun skoCB () Real) (declare-fun skoSB () Real) (declare-fun skoX () Real) (assert (and (<= skoX (/ 177 366500000)) (and (not (<= (/ 177 366500000) skoX)) (and (= (* skoSB skoSB) (+ 1 (* skoCB (* skoCB (- 1))))) (and (= (* skoS skoS) (+ 1 (* skoC (* skoC (- 1))))) (and (<= skoX (/ 1 10000000)) (<= 0 skoX))))))) (check-sat)