; COMMAND-LINE: --ext-rew-prep --ext-rew-prep-agg ; EXPECT: unsat (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6) (set-logic QF_FP) (set-info :category "crafted") (set-info :source |Alberto Griggio . These benchmarks were used for the evaluation in the following paper: L. Haller, A. Griggio, M. Brain, D. Kroening: Deciding floating-point logic with systematic abstraction. FMCAD 2012. Real-numbered literals have been automatically translated by MathSAT|) (set-info :status unknown) ;; MathSAT API call trace ;; generated on 05/20/15 17:24:51 (declare-fun b13 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b25 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b22 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b82 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b14 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b34 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b43 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b85 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b16 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b131 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (declare-fun b126 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53)) (define-fun _t_3 () RoundingMode RNE) (define-fun _t_9 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b131) (define-fun _t_10 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b43) (define-fun _t_11 () Bool (= _t_9 _t_10)) (define-fun _t_12 () Bool (not _t_11)) (define-fun _t_13 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b126) (define-fun _t_14 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b34) (define-fun _t_15 () Bool (= _t_13 _t_14)) (define-fun _t_16 () Bool (not _t_15)) (define-fun _t_17 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b13) (define-fun _t_18 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b25) (define-fun _t_19 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.mul _t_3 _t_17 _t_18)) (define-fun _t_20 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b16) (define-fun _t_21 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b22) (define-fun _t_22 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.add _t_3 _t_20 _t_21)) (define-fun _t_23 () Bool (fp.lt _t_22 _t_19)) (define-fun _t_24 () Bool (not _t_23)) (define-fun _t_25 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b14) (define-fun _t_26 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.neg _t_25)) (define-fun _t_27 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.add _t_3 _t_17 _t_26)) (define-fun _t_28 () Bool (fp.lt _t_27 _t_21)) (define-fun _t_29 () Bool (not _t_28)) (define-fun _t_30 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.mul _t_3 _t_17 _t_25)) (define-fun _t_31 () Bool (fp.lt _t_30 _t_20)) (define-fun _t_32 () Bool (not _t_31)) (define-fun _t_33 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.add _t_3 _t_17 _t_25)) (define-fun _t_34 () Bool (fp.lt _t_33 _t_20)) (define-fun _t_35 () Bool (not _t_34)) (define-fun _t_36 () Bool (= _t_13 _t_20)) (define-fun _t_37 () Bool (and _t_35 _t_36)) (define-fun _t_38 () Bool (= _t_9 _t_21)) (define-fun _t_39 () Bool (and _t_37 _t_38)) (define-fun _t_40 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b85) (define-fun _t_41 () Bool (fp.leq _t_40 _t_25)) (define-fun _t_42 () Bool (and _t_39 _t_41)) (define-fun _t_43 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) b82) (define-fun _t_44 () Bool (fp.leq _t_25 _t_43)) (define-fun _t_45 () Bool (and _t_42 _t_44)) (define-fun _t_46 () Bool (fp.leq _t_40 _t_17)) (define-fun _t_47 () Bool (and _t_45 _t_46)) (define-fun _t_48 () Bool (fp.leq _t_17 _t_43)) (define-fun _t_49 () Bool (and _t_47 _t_48)) (define-fun _t_50 () Bool (fp.leq _t_40 _t_20)) (define-fun _t_51 () Bool (and _t_49 _t_50)) (define-fun _t_52 () Bool (fp.leq _t_20 _t_43)) (define-fun _t_53 () Bool (and _t_51 _t_52)) (define-fun _t_54 () Bool (fp.leq _t_40 _t_21)) (define-fun _t_55 () Bool (and _t_53 _t_54)) (define-fun _t_56 () Bool (fp.leq _t_21 _t_43)) (define-fun _t_57 () Bool (and _t_55 _t_56)) (define-fun _t_58 () (_ FloatingPoint 11 53) (fp.add _t_3 _t_9 _t_13)) (define-fun _t_59 () Bool (fp.lt _t_58 _t_19)) (define-fun _t_60 () Bool (and _t_57 _t_59)) (define-fun _t_61 () Bool (fp.lt _t_27 _t_9)) (define-fun _t_62 () Bool (and _t_60 _t_61)) (define-fun _t_63 () Bool (fp.lt _t_33 _t_13)) (define-fun _t_64 () Bool (and _t_62 _t_63)) (define-fun _t_65 () Bool (and _t_32 _t_64)) (define-fun _t_66 () Bool (and _t_29 _t_65)) (define-fun _t_67 () Bool (and _t_24 _t_66)) (define-fun _t_68 () Bool (and _t_16 _t_67)) (define-fun _t_69 () Bool (and _t_12 _t_68)) (assert _t_69) (check-sat) (exit)