# Regression ## Regression Levels and Running Regression Tests CVC4's regression tests are divided into 5 levels (level 0 to 4). Higher regression levels are reserved for longer running regressions. To run regressions up to a certain level use `make regressX` where `X` designates the level. `make regress` by default runs levels 0 and 1. On Travis, we only run regression level 0 to keep the time short. During our nightly builds, we run regression level 2. To only run some benchmarks, you can use the `TEST_REGEX` environment variable. For example: ``` TEST_REGEX=quantifiers make regress0 ``` This runs regression tests from level 0 that have "quantifiers" in their name. By default, each invocation of CVC4 is done with a 10 minute timeout. To use a different timeout, set the `TEST_TIMEOUT` environment variable: ``` TEST_TIMEOUT=0.5s make regress0 ``` This runs regression tests from level 0 with a 0,5 second timeout. ## Adding New Regressions To add a new regression file, add the file to git, for example: ``` git add regress/regress0/testMyFunctionality.cvc ``` Also add it to [Makefile.tests](Makefile.tests) in this directory. A number of regressions exist under test/regress that are not listed in [Makefile.tests](Makefile.tests). These are regressions that may someday be included in the standard suite of tests, but are not yet included (perhaps they test functionality not yet supported). The following types of regression files are supported: - `*.smt`: An [SMT1.x](http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/format-v1.2-r06.08.30.pdf) benchmark - `*.smt2`: An [SMT 2.x](http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2017-07-18.pdf) benchmark - `*.cvc`: A benchmark that uses [CVC4's native input language](https://github.com/CVC4/CVC4/wiki/CVC4-Native-Input-Language) - `*.sy`: A [SyGuS](http://sygus.seas.upenn.edu/files/SyGuS-IF.pdf) benchmark - `*.p`: A [TPTP](http://www.cs.miami.edu/~tptp/TPTP/SyntaxBNF.html) benchmark ## Expected Output, Error, and Exit Codes In the regression file, you can specify expected stdout, stderr, and exit codes with the following directives: ``` % EXPECT: stdout % EXPECT-ERROR: stderr % EXIT: 0 ``` This example expects an exit status of 0 from CVC4, the single line "stderr" on stderr, and the single line "stdout" on stdout. You can repeat `EXPECT` and `EXPECT-ERROR` lines as many times as you like, and at different points of the file. This is useful for multiple queries: ``` % EXPECT: INVALID QUERY FALSE; % EXPECT: VALID QUERY TRUE; % EXPECT-ERROR: CVC4 Error: % EXPECT-ERROR: Parse Error: regress.cvc:7.13: Unexpected token: 'error'. syntax error; % EXIT: 1 ``` Note that the directives are in comments, so if the benchmark file is an smt2 file for example, the first character would be `;` instead of `%`. Benchmark files can also specify the command line options to be used when executing CVC4, for example: ``` % COMMAND-LINE: --incremental ``` Sometimes, the expected output or error output may need some processing. This is done with the `SCRUBBER` and `ERROR-SCRUBBER` directives. The command specified by the `SCRUBBER`/`ERROR-SCRUBBER` directive is applied to the output before the the output is matched against the `EXPECT`/`EXPECT-ERROR` directives respectively. For example: ``` ; SCRUBBER: sed -e 's/The fact in question: .*$/The fact in question: TERM/' -e 's/in a linear logic: .*$/in a linear logic: TERM/' ; EXPECT: (error "A non-linear fact was asserted to arithmetic in a linear logic. ; EXPECT: The fact in question: TERM ; EXPECT: ") ``` The `SCRUBBER` directive in this example replaces the actual term by a fixed string `TERM` to make the regression test robust to the actual term printed (e.g. there could be multiple non-linear facts and it is ok if any of them is printed). Sometimes it is useful to keep the directives separate. You can separate the benchmark from the output expectations by putting the benchmark in `.smt` and the directives in `.smt.expect`, which is looked for by the regression script. Note that `*.expect` files should be added to the `EXTRA_DIST` variable in [Makefile.am](Makefile.am).